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Questions tagged [locally-ringed-spaces]

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Closed regular monomorphism and closed subspace

I have read the categorical definition of embedding, which is that of regular monomorphism. In the case of the category of locally ringed space, is it true that closed subspaces are defined by closed ...
Lefevres's user avatar
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Canonicity in split sequence in cotangent spaces

Let $X$ be a locally ringed space. We have for a point $p$ the exact sequence $$0\to \mathfrak{m}_p^2\to \mathfrak{m}_p\to \mathfrak{m}_p/\mathfrak{m}_p^2 \to 0$$ where $\mathfrak{m}_p$ is the maximal ...
Arturo's user avatar
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Cartesian-closed full subcategory of locally ringed spaces containing smooth manifolds

This coming fall, I will be teaching a course on differential topology to a small group of strong students. In preparation for it, I'm trying to find a category $\mathrm{GDiff}$ with the following ...
Arshak Aivazian's user avatar
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Is the category of diffeological spaces a full subcategory of locally ringed spaces?

It is known that the natural functor of smooth functions from the category of smooth manifolds into the category of locally ringed spaces is a full embedding (see, for example, here). Is a similar ...
Arshak Aivazian's user avatar
5 votes
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Sheaf of chain complexs glued by chain homotopy equivalences

Let $(X,\mathcal O_X)$ be a locally ringed space with an open covering $\mathscr U$. Suppose: For any $U\in\mathscr U$, we have a chain complex $(C_U, d_U)$ such that $C_U$ is an $\mathcal O_X(U)$-...
Hang's user avatar
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References on topological ringed spaces

This is a follow up to this question of mine. First of all, let me fix some terminologies, which may or may not be standard: Definition: A topological ringed space is a pair $X := (|X|, \mathcal{O}_X)...
Dat Minh Ha's user avatar
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Does a field extension define an effective descent morphism for locally ringed spaces?

Let $K'/K$ be an extension of fields and set $X=\operatorname{Spec}(K)$ and $X'=\operatorname{Spec}(K')$. As the category of locally ringed spaces has fibre products (see arXiv:1103.2139 or here) we ...
Michael's user avatar
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Hakim's definition of a locally ringed topos

In Hakim's book "Topos annelés et schémas relatifs", Chap. III, Def. 2.3 states that a ringed topos $(X,A)$ is a locally ringed topos when two equivalent conditions are satisfied: (i) For ...
Martin Brandenburg's user avatar
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For which locally ringed spaces is the structure sheaf given by LRS morphisms to the real line?

Let $\mathsf{LRS}_{\mathbb R}$ denote the category of locally $\mathbb R$-ringed spaces. Given a locally ringed space $(X,\mathcal O_X)$, write $C_{(X,\mathcal O_X)}^p$ for the hom-sheaf on $X$ of ...
Arrow's user avatar
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Localification of a ringed space

Call a ringed space local it if it lies in the image of the obvious faithful, non-full functor from locally ringed spaces to ringed spaces. Given a ringed space, is there a map $f$ from it to some ...
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Locally ringed space with noetherian stalks and a non-coherent structural sheaf

I am looking for a locally ringed space the stalks of which are noetherian and such that the structural sheaf is not coherent over itself. Can you provide me an example of this? Notice that one may ...
Gaussian's user avatar
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Immersions of locally ringed spaces and locally closed image

Let $f:X\to Y$ be a morphism of locally ringed spaces. In this MSE answer, the first definition below is suggested. Say $f:X\to Y$ is an $R$-immersion of locally ringed spaces if it's a topological ...
Arrow's user avatar
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Morphisms of locally ringed spaces into affine schemes

In Görtz and Wedhorn's Algebraic Geometry I, there's the following proposition: Proposition 3.4. Let $(X,\mathcal O_X)$ be a locally ringed space. If $Y$ is an affine scheme then the natural map ...
Arrow's user avatar
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About the relation between the categories $\text{Sch}$, $\text{LRS}$ and $\text{RS}$

I've asked this question on math.stackexchange , however I don't think I will ...
user40276's user avatar
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Embedding dimension: local finiteness & intuition for more general spaces

Can every complex analytic space be covered by Stein spaces of finite embedding dimension? I am almost sure that ought to be true. Here the definition of embedding dimension I have in mind is $$ \...
A Rock and a Hard Place's user avatar
13 votes
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Which local ringed spaces are schemes?

(This was originally asked on math.stackexchange, but didn't get any responses. I figured it might be worthwhile to move it here and try again.) This paper gives a proof that the underlying ...
Xander Flood's user avatar
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Are schemes pushouts of neighbourhoods and formal neighbourhoods?

Hello, I have two questions, the first less important. Let $X$ be a scheme, $x \in X$ a schematic point. What is an elegant way of defining/characterizing the map $\operatorname{Spec}(O_{X,x}) \...
Sasha's user avatar
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Riemannian manifolds etc. as locally ringed spaces?

There are, among others, three general ways of equipping a "space" (which for the purposes of this question could be a topological space or a differentiable manifold, according to the case) with ...
Qfwfq's user avatar
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Justification of the term "invertible sheaf"

Let $X$ be a locally ringed space (or a scheme) and $M,N$ two $\mathcal{O}_X$-modules such that $M \otimes N \cong \mathcal{O}_X$. Does it follow that $M$ is invertible in the usual sense, namely that ...
Martin Brandenburg's user avatar
10 votes
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Examples of locally ringed spaces

I want to know more classes of examples of locally ringed spaces. The reason is that when I want to prove/disprove something about locally ringed spaces, my examples are often not eclectic enough. ...
Martin Brandenburg's user avatar
8 votes
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Closed subschemes and pulling back the structure sheaf via the inclusion map

I would just like a clarification related to closed subschemes. If $(X,{\cal O}_X)$ is a locally ringed space and $A\subset X$ is any subset with the subspace topology then $i^{-1}{\cal O}_X$ will be ...
Beren Sanders's user avatar
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Given a morphism from X to Y, when is the morphism from O_Y to the pushforward of O_X injective

I would like to know under what condition the morphism $\mathcal{O}_Y\longrightarrow f_\ast \mathcal{O}_X$ induced by a morphism $f:X\longrightarrow Y$ of schemes is injective. Let me give an example ...
Ariyan Javanpeykar's user avatar
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What is the right version of "partitions of unity implies vanishing sheaf cohomology"

There are several theorems I know of the form "Let $X$ be a locally ringed space obeying some condition like existence of partitions of unity. Let $E$ be a sheaf of $\mathcal{O}_X$ modules obeying ...
David E Speyer's user avatar