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Questions tagged [fibration]

For questions about or involving fibrations which are maps which satisfy the homotopy lifting property for all spaces.

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Madsen-Tillmann spectrum $MTE$ of the group $E$ which is defined in Freed-Hopkins's paper

In Freed-Hopkins's paper, the group $E(d)$ is defined to be the subgroup of $O(d)\times\mathbb{Z}_4$ consisting of the pairs $(A,j)$ such that $\det A=j^2$, where $\mathbb{Z}_4=\{\pm1,\pm\sqrt{-1}\}$ ...
Borromean's user avatar
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Reference Request: Moore--Postnikov tower of the rationalization of a fibration

Two spaces $X$ and $Y$ are said to be rationally homotopy equivalent, written $X \sim_{\mathbb{Q}} Y$, if their rationalizations $X_{\mathbb{Q}}$ and $Y_{\mathbb{Q}}$ are homotopy equivalent. Moreover,...
Baylee Schutte's user avatar
9 votes
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Reference for the tricategory of elements associated to a trifunctor

The theory of bicategorical fibrations has been relatively well studied, e.g. by Baković and by Buckley. In particular, given a trifunctor $F : \mathcal K \to \mathbf{Bicat}$ from a bicategory $\...
varkor's user avatar
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Mapping classes as Lefschetz fibrations over surfaces with positive genus

Let $\Sigma_{g,r}$ be the surface of genus $g$ and $r$ boundary components. It is known that, from a positive factorization of a mapping class $\phi$ in the mapping class group $MCG(\Sigma_{g,r}, \...
Paul's user avatar
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Global geometry of discriminant locus

Let $X$ be a smooth projective threefold, and $\pi : X \to S$ an elliptic fibration over a surface (i.e. flat, with general fiber an elliptic curve). I'm interested in constructing such fibrations ...
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7 votes
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(Co)cartesian fibrations and left Kan extensions

Let $p: \mathscr{C}\to\mathscr{D}$ be a functor of (small) $\infty$-categories. Let $\mathscr{E}$ be a cocomplete $\infty$-category. Assume that $\mathscr{C}, \mathscr{D}, \mathscr{E}$ admit finite ...
Lao-tzu's user avatar
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Cartesian liftings in double categories

The question: I wonder whether the following definition, or something similar, has appeared somewhere (see below for motivations). Any reference or pointer is welcome! (In what follows, I denote ...
Damiano Mazza's user avatar
7 votes
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Given a Serre fibration between manifolds, how ugly can it be?

A Serre fibration is clearly defined with motivation from homotopy theory, but we can consider smooth versions $f\colon M\to N$ in the category of (finite-dimensional, paracompact etc) smooth ...
David Roberts's user avatar
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A notion of fibration on bisimplicial sets

[I am not trained in this stuff, but have an outside research interest, so sorry if this question is standard.] I am interested in notions of fibrations, or fibrant objects, in bisimplicial sets. In ...
Freddie Manners's user avatar
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Degeneracy of the Serre Spectral Sequence

I am learning the Serre spectral sequence and I am intrigued about the degeneracy of such at the $E_2$-page. Assuming field coefficients in cohomology for simplicity. In fact, for a Serre fibration $...
Vitolo's user avatar
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When is a circle fibration a circle bundle?

Let $\pi : E \to B$ be a Serre fibration over a CW complex, with circle fibers. In the orientable case, it is easy to see that $\pi$ is fiber homotopy equivalent to a principal $SO(2)$--bundle. ...
John Harvey's user avatar
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Division of fibration by $\Sigma_{n}$ gives Serre fibration

This is related to a question posted on StackExchange: The question there had received ...
Jeremy's user avatar
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Fibrations of $n$-groupoids in the folk model structure on $n$-categories

Define a strict $n$-groupoid to be a strict $n$-category all of whose morphisms are weakly invertible. [For $1\leq k < n$ a $k$-morphism $f:x\to y$ is weakly invertible if there exists $g:y\to x$ ...
Manuel Araújo's user avatar
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A fiber bundle of the Euclidean space over an orbifold

Consider a fiber bundle $p: F\hookrightarrow E \to B$, where $E$ and $F$ are smooth manifolds and $B$ is a smooth orbifold. More precisely, each point $b \in B$ has an orbifold chart $U=\tilde U/\...
Totoro's user avatar
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Questions about obstruction theory (Hatcher's book)

I'm actually studying obstruction theory as presented in the last section of chapter $4$ of the book Algebraic Topology by Allen Hatcher. He first finds condition so that a space $X$ admits a ...
Diego95's user avatar
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When is a bisimplicial set diagonal fibrant

Let $sSet^2$ be the category of bisimplicial sets. In the diagonal model structure on $sSet^2$ weak equivalences are diagonal weak equivalence (i.e.$ X \rightarrow Y$ is a weak equivalence if $dX \...
Girish's user avatar
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Low dimensional homotopy fibration TOP(M) -> TOP(int(M))

In the thesis of Nancy Cardim she proves that for $M$ a topological manifold of dim $\geq 5$ with connected boundary, there exists a homotopy fiber sequence $C(\partial M)\rightarrow TOP(M) \...
Anonymous's user avatar
4 votes
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Geometric morphisms for double categories

Is such there a notion 'Geometric morphism' for double categories? I have been reading Jean Benabou's lecture notes on fibred categories. He has slides on fibred geometric morphisms for arbitrary ...
Siya's user avatar
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Conduché fibrations

Given the following definition Defn: Suppose $\mathcal{A}$ is a category with finite limits. An object $Y$ of $\mathcal{A}$ is called exponentiable if the functor $(- \times Y) \colon \mathcal{A} \to \...
Siya's user avatar
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Is the pushforward of an exponentiable fibration along an exponentiable fibration again exponentiable?

Recall that functor $p\colon \mathcal{C} \to \mathcal{D}$ of $\infty$-categories is said to be an exponentiable fibration if the following equivalent conditions hold: The pullback functor $p^*\colon \...
Yonatan Harpaz's user avatar
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Monodromy action on homogeneous spaces

If $H$ is a Lie subgroup of $G$, then there is a fibration sequence $$ G/H\to BH\to BG. $$ By choosing a model for $EG$ we can promote this into a fibre bundle. My question is about how to understand ...
Mark Grant's user avatar
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Fundamental group of the complement of some quadric cones

cross-posting from MathSE Problem Consider the domain $$\Omega=\mathbb{C}^4\setminus\{z_0(z_1^2+z_2^2+z_3^2)=0\}$$ and the map $$F:\Omega\to\mathbb{CP}^1\qquad F(z_0,z_1,z_2,z_3)=[z_0^2:z_1^2+z_2^2+...
Samuele's user avatar
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Can we recover $\pi_2(S^2)$ from this simplicial set?

Let $S^3 \rightarrow S^2$ be the Hopf fibration. Can we recover $\pi_2(S^2)$ of $S^2$ from the simplicial set $X : \Delta^{op} \rightarrow \text{Set}$, $$ X(n) = \pi_0 (S^3 \times_{S^2} \cdots \times_{...
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Free abelian group on a space and fibrations

Let $X$ be a topological space. Endow the free abelian group on $X$, $\mathbb Z[X]$, the quotient topology coming from the surjection $\bigsqcup_n X^n \times \mathbb Z^n \to \mathbb Z[X]$. For $Y$ a ...
qqqqqqw's user avatar
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Naturality of primary obstruction under fiber-preserving maps

Let $B$ be a path-connected CW complex, and let $p:E\to B$ and $p':E'\to B$ be fibrations. Let $f:E'\to E$ be a fiber-preserving map, which therefore induces a map of fibers $\bar{f}:F'\to F$. Let us ...
Mark Grant's user avatar
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Galois categories and the connected components functor

In stacks 0BMQ, a Galois category is defined to be a functor $F:\mathsf C\longrightarrow \mathsf{FinSet}$ such that $\mathsf C$ is finitely bicomplete, every object ...
Arrow's user avatar
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Some questions on Kontsevich's moduli space

Motivation: Work of Eisenbud, Harris, and Mumford shows that $\mathcal M_g$ is of general type when $g≥24$. Moreover, by Logan's function $f(g)$ , $\overline {\mathcal M_{g,n}}$ is of general type for ...
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The $\pi_1(BM)$ action on $H^*(BH,R)$ in a Serre fibration $BH\to BG\to BM$

$R$ is a ring. Applying the Serre spectral sequence to a fibration $F\to E\to B$, to avoid local coefficients, we need to require that $\pi_1(B)$ acts on $H^*(F, R)$ trivially. Consider a fibration of ...
Leo's user avatar
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Vietoris-Begle type result for differentiable fiber bundle

In Vietoris-Begle Theorem, we consider a closed and surjective map between two paracompact and Hausdorff spaces and we get some relation involving the homologies of the fiber, total space, and the ...
piper1967's user avatar
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Integrable systems and Lagrangian fibrations

It is known that every integrable system gives rise to a Lagrangian fibration via action-angle variables. My question is how to tell if a given Lagrangian fibration is an integrable system, that is ...
IntegrableSystemsEnthusiast's user avatar
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Historical proof of Leschetz Hyperplane Theorem

I browse in Phillip Griffiths' Slides on historical development of Hodge-theory and these include a sketch of the original approach with Lefschetz used to study complex surfaces in his famous ...
user267839's user avatar
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Homotopy limits of section spaces

Let $\mathcal{U}$ be an open cover of a topological space $B$. As we see, for example in this question, the associated Cech diagram $B_{\mathcal{U}}$ constitutes a simplicial space with the weak ...
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Name of the following "fundamental construction" on fibration

The following "fundamental construction" is mentioned in Bart Jacobs's thesis, from which we can derive a few useful fibrations I have some blind spot ironing everything out, and wanted to look up ...
nicolas's user avatar
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fibre sequence of classifying space

I read Steve Mitchell's Notes on principal bundles and classifying spaces (pdf). There is a theorem: Let $G$ be any topological group, $H$ an admissible normal subgroup. Then there is a homotopy-fibre ...
Mehmet Onat's user avatar
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local description of $\mathbb{P}^2$-fibrations over $\mathbb{P}^1$

Let $X$ be a rational threefold (over the field of complex numbers) with terminal singularities. It is well-known that $X$ has only finitely many singular points $x_1,x_2, \ldots,x_n$. To be more ...
sabrebooth's user avatar
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Elliptic fibration arising from a higher genus linear system

Let $H$ be a very ample linear system on a smooth compact complex surface $X$ whose Kodaira dimension is $\geq 0$. A general element of $H$ is smooth and has genus $\geq 2$. Let $L\subset H$ be a ...
Alan Muniz's user avatar
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Recognizing Simplicial (Quasi)Fibrations

Let's say we are given two finite simplicial complexes, which I will suggestively call $E$ and $B$. We'd like an algorithm for the following decision problem: Does there exist a simplicial map $p:E ...
Vidit Nanda's user avatar
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Does there exist a non-isotrivial fibration of genus two over P^1 with only 3 singular fibres of general type surfaces?

We will work over the complex numbers C. This question is based on Beauville's article : there exist a non-isotrivial fibration of genus 2 over P^1 with only 3 singular fibres. but not know for ...
gongcheng's user avatar
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How to prove that a map is a Serre fibration?

I want to prove that the homotopy groups of some topological space $B$ of interest to me (not a CW complex) are trivial. I have a strategy of proof that consists in introducing another space $E$ that ...
Benoît Kloeckner's user avatar
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Double analogue of the domain functor

For a category $\mathcal{C}$, the domain functor $\mathbf{dom} \colon \mathcal{C}^2 \to \mathcal{C}$ is a fibration. Denote $\mathbb{D}_1^2$ for the category of proarrows and cells between them and ...
Siya's user avatar
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Joyal's Cartesian squares

I am looking at Joyal's definition of cartesian squares Defn 1.1, Is this the same as saying that a commutative square is cartesian iff the induced arrows on the fibers are equivalences?
Siya's user avatar
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Equivalence of fibrations

I know that the for fibrations $P \colon E \to B$ and $Q \colon F \to B$ over $B$ there is an equivalence $$\mathbf{Fib(B)}(R, P \to Q) \cong \mathbf{Fib(B)}(R \times_B P, Q) $$ natural in $R \in \...
Siya's user avatar
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Pullbacks in Cat in a 2-dimensional sense

$\newcommand\Fib{\mathrm{Fib}}\newcommand\Cat{\mathrm{Cat}}\newcommand\OpF{\mathrm{OpF}}\DeclareMathOperator\cod{cod}$In proving that a codomain functor from the 2-category $\Fib$ to $\Cat$ is a 2-...
Siya's user avatar
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Trivialization of fibration by etale base change

Let $f:Y \to X$ be a smooth fibration over $\mathbb{C}$ in the sense that $X$ is a smooth, quasi-projective, connected variety and $f$ is a smooth, projective (surjective) morphism. Suppose that every ...
user45397's user avatar
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Fundamental groupoid and fibration

In this post, it is said that a functor from the fundamental groupoid of a space $X$ (denoted by $\Pi(X)$) to the category $\mathrm{Vect}$ of vector spaces gives a flat vector bundle over $X$. But I ...
Hang's user avatar
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Condition for a map to carry over to Leray spectral sequences

I am trying to understand the conditions for two Leray spectral sequences to be related by a map. Let $f_1 : X_1 \to Y_1$ and $f_2 : X_2 \to Y_2$ be two continuous maps of topological spaces (with ...
BrianT's user avatar
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Extension of a given section and obstruction cocyles

Let $p:E \to X$ be a fibration with the fiber $F$ where $X$ is a CW-complex. Denote by $U$ the set $U:=D^n \times \{0\} \cup S^{n-1} \times I$ (part of a cylinder) and let $\tilde{f}:U \to E$ be a ...
truebaran's user avatar
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cohomology ring of cross-section space of one-point compactification of tangent bundle

Let $M$ be an $m$-manifold whose cohomology is known. Let $TM$ be the tangent bundle of $M$ and $\xi$ be the fibre-wise one-point compactification of $TM$. Then $\xi$ is a $m$-sphere bundle over $M$. ...
QSR's user avatar
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A homomorphism in the long exact sequence of a fibration for a homogeneous space of a Lie group

Let $G$ be a connected Lie group, and let $H\subset G$ be a (closed) Lie subgroup, not necessarily connected. Set $X=G/H$. The fibration $j\colon G\to X$ with fiber $H$ induces an exact sequence $$ \...
Mikhail Borovoi's user avatar
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Are all the smooth fibers in a fibration always homeomorphic?

Let $f:X \rightarrow Y$ be a fibration from a complex manifold $X$ to another connected complex manifold $Y$ such that all the fibers are compact, reduced, connected and smooth. Is it possible that ...
Nam-Hoon's user avatar