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Smooth morphisms under base change, Qing Liu's proposition 4.3.38

I have a concern about the first assertion in the proof of proposition 4.3.38 of Qing liu's "Algebraic Geometry and Arithmetic Curves". Referring to smooth morphisms, he says "The ...
BernyPiffaro's user avatar
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Is every variety an image of a smooth variety?

Let $X$ be a finite type scheme over a field $k$. Is it true that there exists a surjective morphism $f : Y \rightarrow X$, where $Y$ is smooth over $k$? In other words, is every such scheme a ...
P. Grabowski's user avatar
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etale locally infinitesimal lifting property

For a morphism $X\rightarrow Y$ of qcqs schemes, one has the usual notion of formal smoothness which says that for a pair $(R,I)$ with $I^2=0$, if there is a point $y\in Y(R)$ such that $y_{\vert R/I}$...
prochet's user avatar
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Morphism between jet spaces smooth

In this article "Introduction to Jet Schemes and Arc Spaces" S. Ishii introduces the spaces of $m$-jets: Let $X$ be a variety over algebraically closed field $k$. The space $X_m$ of $m$-jets ...
user267839's user avatar
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Formally smooth maps of schemes and factorization systems

I am thinking about how formally smooth maps of schemes relate to factorization systems. Let $C$ be the category of schemes. Let $E$ be the class of morphisms of schemes consisting of closed ...
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Factorizations of closed embeddings of smooth schemes

All schemes will be of finite type over a field $k$. Say I have a closed embedding $\iota: X \hookrightarrow Y$ of smooth $S$-schemes for some scheme $S$ (in particular it is a regular embedding). ...
Anette's user avatar
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Formal smoothness implies local freeness of the sheaf of relative differentials

What is the least restrictive finiteness assumptions guaranteeing that for a formally smooth morphism of schemes $f:X\rightarrow Y$, the sheaf of relative differentials $\Omega _{X/Y}$ would be ...
Anonymous Coward's user avatar
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Blow up along a section of a smooth morphism

Let $C$ be a ground locally notherian and quasiprojective scheme. Let $\pi:S\to B$ be a $C$-morphism of finite type $C$-schemes. We call $\pi$ a $C$-smooth morphism if the morphisms $S\to C$ and $B\to ...
MonLau's user avatar
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Are the fibers of this morphism geometrically regular?

Let $A\rightarrow B$ be a local morphism of complete noetherian rings making $B$ a formally smooth $A$-algebra. Does the induced morphism $\textrm{Spec}(B)\to\textrm{Spec}(A)$ have geometrically ...
Olórin's user avatar
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on the local structure of schemes

Let $X$ be an integral finite type scheme over $\mathbb{C}$. Let $x\in X$, such that there exists a neighborhood $U$ of $x$, such that the sheaf of differentials $\Omega^{1}_{U}$ decomposes into: $\...
prochet's user avatar
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Smoothness and smoothness over formal neighborhood

Let $f:X\rightarrow Y$ a locally finitely presented map. Let $x\in X$ and $y=f(x)$. We assume that the map on the level of fomal neighborhoods $X_{x}\rightarrow Y_{y}$ is formally smooth, can we find ...
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scheme of sections over complete local ring

Let $f:X\rightarrow S= Spec(k[[\pi]])$ a finite type faithfully flat morphism. Let $U\subset X$ be an open subset such that $U$ is smooth and surjective on $S$. We consider the $k$-scheme $X(k[[\pi]]...
prochet's user avatar
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smooth morphism from a finite type source

Let $f: X\rightarrow Y$ a smooth morphism over a field $k$. We assume that $X$ is locally of finite type, does it imply that $Y$ is also locally of finite type?
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fpqc, formal smoothness

Based on Possible formal smoothness mistake in EGA, let $X$ and $Y$ $k$-schemes ($k$ a field), let $f:X\rightarrow Y$ a fpqc morphism such that $f$ is formally smooth and $X$ formally smooth, do we ...
prochet's user avatar
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descent for formally smooth maps

Let $f:X\rightarrow Y$ a morphism between schemes and $Y'\rightarrow Y$ a fpqc morphism such that the base change $f'$ of $f$ to $Y'$ is formally smooth, does it imply that $f$ is formally smooth?
prochet's user avatar
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Is there an example of a variety over the complex numbers with no embedding into a smooth variety?

Is there an example of a variety over the complex numbers with no embedding into a smooth variety?
David Zureick-Brown's user avatar
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Is there an example of a formally smooth morphism which is not smooth?

A morphism of schemes is formally smooth and locally of finite presentation iff it is smooth. What happens if we drop the finitely presented hypothesis? Of course, locally of finite presentation is ...
David Zureick-Brown's user avatar
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Can one check formal smoothness using only one-variable Artin rings?

Let $f:X\rightarrow Y$ be a morphism of schemes over a field $k$. Can one check that $f$ is formally smooth using only Artin rings of the form $k^{\prime}\left[t\right]/t^{n}$, where $k^{\prime}$ is ...
David Zureick-Brown's user avatar