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Questions tagged [pr.probability]

Theory and applications of probability and stochastic processes: e.g. central limit theorems, large deviations, stochastic differential equations, models from statistical mechanics, queuing theory.

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Convergence Question [closed]

If $\alpha _{n}\rightarrow \alpha$, then how does one show that for any j=1,2,... and $\epsilon> 0$, if $sup\int \left | x \right |^{j+\epsilon }d\alpha _{n}<\infty$, then $\int x^{j}d\alpha _{n}...
David's user avatar
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10 votes
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Group Theory, Game Theory, a bit of Philosophy and a post in Tao's blog

I've decided to write this post after reading the incredibly beautiful and highly recomended post by Terence Tao
Valerio Capraro's user avatar
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Passage Time Distributions for Poisson processes.

Let $(X_t)_{t \geq 0}$ be a standard Poisson process with intensity $\mu$. Let $\tau_b = \inf ( t>0 : X_t= at + b)$, where $a>0$ and $b<0$, and let $\sigma = \inf (t>0 : X_t \geq at)$. ...
weakstar's user avatar
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6 votes
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Quantitative de Moivre–Laplace theorem (reference request)

The classical de Moivre-Laplace theorem states that we can approximate the normal distribution by discrete binomial distribution: $${n \choose k} p^k q^{n-k} \simeq \frac{1}{\sqrt{2 \pi npq}}e^{-(k-np)...
András Bátkai's user avatar
2 votes
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Measure changes for gamma process

GENERAL THEORY In his book Ken-Iti Sato ("Lévy Processes and Infinitely Divisible Distributions") provides the theory for measure change for Lévy processes in Theorems 33.1 and 33.2. It can ...
Grzenio's user avatar
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14 votes
4 answers

What are two independent, uniformly distributed random variables on the unit interval?

I have been dabbling in learning basic things about probability theory and (of course) being of the school of abstract nonsense I have tried to understand things in its language. I apologize if this ...
Ryan Reich's user avatar
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expectation of supremum

Hello, Suppose $(X_{n}(t))_{n\geq 1}$ is a sequence of real valued stochastic processes, and $T>0$ a fixed number. Do we have the following implication ? $\displaystyle{ \lim_{n \to \infty} \...
user16215's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

Generalized Ito's formula

Consider classical statement of Ito's formula: Let $X$ be a continuous semimartingale and $F \in C^2(\mathbb{R}^d, \mathbb{R})$; then $F(X)$ is a continuous semimartingale and $$F(X_t) = F(X_0) + \...
kenneth's user avatar
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Abelian sandpile models

This question is about a popular probabilistic model on graphs studied in physics, mostly, for the standard lattice in ${\mathbb R}^n$ but also on other graphs (this model is of the same spirit as ...
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4 votes
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Distribution of the biggest gap

Randomly select $n$ numbers from the universe $\{1,2\dots,m\}$ without replacement, and sort the numbers in ascending order. We can get a list of number $\{(a_1,a_2,\dots,a_n\)}$, and then we can ...
Fan Zhang's user avatar
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Has this process been studied?

Take a Poisson process on $\mathbb{R}$ with intensity given by Lebesgue measure. Think of this as the measure $d\mu=\sum_{n} \delta(t-\xi_n )dt$ where $\xi_n$ are the points of the process. Now ...
Jeff Schenker's user avatar
1 vote
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Bounding a stochastic process in terms of time to return to 0

I have a $\mathbb{Z}_+$-valued stochastic process $X$ in discrete time, which has unit jumps up or down. I know the following statement: there exists a random variable $\tau$, almost surely finite, s....
Elena Yudovina's user avatar
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Forcing the existence of a Condorcet Winner

Suppose that there is an election with three candidate and an infinite number of voters whose opinion lie in a two-dimensional issue space according to some distribution, and that voter's candidate ...
David Shor's user avatar
20 votes
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Intuition for Haar measure of random matrix

What is an intuitive way to understand Haar measure as defined for random matrices, say, $N\times N$ orthogonal or unitary matrices? My understanding for what Haar measure means for $U(1)$ is that it ...
Jiahao Chen's user avatar
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Relationship between R-transform and free convolution of random matrices?

I've been using the R-transform to calculate the free convolution of the eigenvalue spectra of two random matrices and I am trying to understand how it works, and in particular how it relates to ...
Jiahao Chen's user avatar
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10 votes
3 answers

Random bipartite graphs

Consider the following situation: I have a set $A$ of $n$ vertices and a set $B$ of $N = n^2$vertices. I consider the bipartite graph $(A, B)$ and put at random $M = n^{1 + \varepsilon}$ edges (or I ...
Michal Kotowski's user avatar
5 votes
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First Passage Percolation on Trees

Let $T$ be a rooted Galton-Watson random tree generated accordingly to a probability distribution $\mu$. Now assign to each edge $e$ a random non-negative weight $w_e$ distributed a accordingly to a ...
ght's user avatar
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Probability of Generating a Connected Graph

$N$ points are generated randomly within a unit square, with a uniform distribution. What is the probability that the points form a connected graph, given that two points are connected if the distance ...
Melvin Gauci's user avatar
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An inequality on Difference of Entropies

Hi, I have the following problem that came up. It is not a homework problem or something similar. I did my simulations and it seems to hold but i was unable to prove it.## Heading ## Let $P$ and $Q$ ...
Kostas's user avatar
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A difficult (?) multinomial problem (balls, bins, etc.)

Consider the well known multinomial setting: there are L balls, thrown at random at n bins so that the probability that a ball falls in bin i is $p_i$, independent of the other balls (the $p_i$’s are ...
Buchuck's user avatar
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14 votes
1 answer

Berry Esseen type result for probability density functions

Let $X_1, X_2, \cdots$ be i.i.d. random variables with $E(X_1) = 0, E(X_1^2) = \sigma^2 >0, E(|X_1|^3) = \rho < \infty$. Let $Y_n = \frac{1}{n} \sum_{i=1}^n X_i$ and let us note $F_n$ (resp. $\...
Anthony Leverrier's user avatar
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Optimizing for a unique outcome of a probabilistic marriage problem

Let's say I have some number of individuals who are single, $(b_1, ..., b_N) \in B$, and for every possible pairing of two individuals, $b_i$ and $b_j$, I happen to know the exact probability that the ...
D. Strong's user avatar
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Tail Conditional Expectation of a binomial random variable

Let $X \sim B(n,c/n)$ be a binomially distributed random variable with parameter $p = c/n$, and hence mean $c$. Here $c$ is some function of $n$ such that i) $c \geq n^{2/3}$ ii) The function $c$ ...
Balu's user avatar
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3 answers

Uniform distribution with respect to Hausdorff measure

Suppose I have some nicely defined "fractal" subset of (to make life simpler) Euclidean space $\mathbb{E}^n,$ of some arbitrary Hausdorff dimension $s,$ such that the corresponding Hausdorff measure $...
Igor Rivin's user avatar
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Product of a transient and a positive recurrent Markov chain

Let $X$ be a transient Markov chain with countable state space $S(X)$. Let $Y$ be a positive recurrent Markov chain with countable state space $S(Y)$. (Time is discrete.) Let $A \subseteq S(X)$ be ...
Elena Yudovina's user avatar
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Will a given pattern ever show up in an infinite random sequence of 0s and 1s?

Here the pattern is a finite or infinite sequence of 0s and 1s, not necessarily consecutive, for example, $\lbrace 1, *, 1, *, 1 \rbrace$ and $\lbrace 0, *, 0, *, 0, *, \ldots \rbrace$ ($ * $, hole ...
Shuhua Zhang's user avatar
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Robust entropy-like measure for analyzing uncertainity

I'm looking for a measure to analysis the uncertainty observed in a set of variables (with multivariate Gaussian distribution). So, I've tried conventional Shanon entropy (differential entropy) which ...
Soroosh's user avatar
11 votes
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Coin pusher game

While doing laundry at my local laundromat, I saw a coin pusher game. Below is a picture, and here is a video depicting how it works (disregard non-coins). Essentially, one has a distribution of ...
Alex R.'s user avatar
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Number of times lead changes in a multi-candidate election (reference-request)

In a two candidate election where votes are distributed uniformly at random between the candidates, the probability that the lead changes when tallying the $i$-th vote is the same as the probability ...
Kev's user avatar
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Conditional expectation of a product

I have an expression: $E[(b+X)^2|Y]$ where $X$ and $Y$ are normally distributed random variables, being two components of a final unknown outcome $Z$ ($Y$ is known, $X$ is the noise component): $Y$ =...
Apeirohedron's user avatar
9 votes
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Analogue of Wick formula for orthogonal polynomials

n-point correlations of Gaussian random variables can be simplified with Wick expansion. $$ \langle x_{i_1} x_{i_2} \dots x_{i_{2n-1}} x_{i_{2n}} \rangle = \int_{\mathbb{R}^n} x_{i_1} \dots x_{i_{2n}}...
john mangual's user avatar
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11 votes
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Clique sizes in a unit disk graph

This is a spiritual successor to a question that Peter Shor answered here: Generalized Euclidean TSP Are there any results known on the asymptotic behavior of clique sizes in a unit disk graph with ...
John Gunnar Carlsson's user avatar
5 votes
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Subadditive Kingmans theorem for lattices.

I am looking for a multidimensional version of Kingman's subadditive theorem. I found this but it is not exactely what I need. I would rather have something like that: Let us consider $\mathbb{Z}^...
Piotr Miłoś's user avatar
3 votes
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What conditions on a probability distribution defined by long-time averaging do I need to satisfy a central limit theorem?

For integer $n$, $1 \le n \le N$, consider the random variables $X_n = \cos[t \omega_n]$ For any fixed $N$, we can take the mean $Y_N = \frac{1}{N} \sum_{n=1}^N X_n$ and define a (cumulative) ...
Jess Riedel's user avatar
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Stochastic integrals as honest martingales — exponential damping

We have a given positive martingale ρt, with the dynamics: $$\textrm{d}\rho_t = \lambda_t \rho_t \textrm{d}W_t$$ where $W_t$ is a standard Brownian motion. Now we have an "exponentially dampened" ...
Grzenio's user avatar
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A formal definition of Scaling Limits?

I'm looking for a formal definition of scaling limit in a rigorous math sense, also, if somebody knows a good translation to spanish. A good bibliography could be helpful.
Murphy's user avatar
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Stochastic integrals as honest martingales -- comparison criterion

We have a given positive martingale $\rho_t$, with the dynamics: $$\textrm{d} \rho_t = \lambda_t \rho_t \textrm{d} W_t$$ where $W_t$ is a standard Brownian motion. Now we have a "dumped" process p_t: $...
Grzenio's user avatar
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Amenability with respect to a function

Let $(G,\cdot)$ be a group and $\phi:G\rightarrow\mathbb R$ bounded. Let me say that the pair $(G,\phi)$ is amenable if there is a finitely additive probability measure $\mu$ on $G$ such that for all $...
Valerio Capraro's user avatar
2 votes
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Moments of function of Poisson process

(I'm new to Poisson processes, so please edit if my terminology is incorrect.) Edit: per comments, here is a (more) general version of the originally posted problem (which is now at the bottom, below ...
David M Kaplan's user avatar
32 votes
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Do invariant measures maximize the integral?

Update: The negative answer to the following question has been provided by Matthew Daws, who won, but also rejected, the bounty of 100 euro that I set over the question. Let $\mathcal M(\mathbb Z)$ ...
Valerio Capraro's user avatar
0 votes
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Radius of random walk on Z

I'm trying to find a set of uniform measure 1/2 over $ \{ -1,1 \} ^n \times \{-1,1\}^n$ such that the inner product of $(x,y)\in\{ -1,1 \} ^n \times \{-1,1\}^n$ will hold $|\langle x,y\rangle|< \...
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15 votes
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Random graphs in $\mathbb R^2$ (or random rays from $\mathbb Z^2$)

The model: Suppose that for each lattice point in $\mathbb Z^2$ we pick a random direction uniformly and independently. At time $t=0$ we start drawing rays starting from each lattice point in the ...
Gjergji Zaimi's user avatar
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On a randomized version of compressive sensing

The compressive sensing theory of Candes and Tao (See relies highly on the fact that the underlying data (such as a signal or an image) is sparse or ...
Daniel's user avatar
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A test for randomness of direction of vector data

I want to test the hypothesis that a group of vectors in 3D space, say given by a long list of xyz coordinates from some experiment, have no preferred direction. Is it sufficient to pick some ...
Nuun's user avatar
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Better terminology than "equivalence class of functions"

Let $X = C(\mathbb R)$ be the Fréchet space of real-valued continuous functions. For each $f \in X$ and each compact set $D \subseteq \mathbb R$, let $$[f]_D = \{ g \in X : \mbox{$g(t) = f(t)$ for ...
Tom LaGatta's user avatar
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24 votes
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Drawing natural numbers without replacement.

Suppose we start with an initial probability distribution on $\mathbb{N}$ that gives positive probability to each $n$. Let's call this random variable $X_1$ so we have $P(X_1=n)=p_{1,n}>0$ for all $...
HMPanzo's user avatar
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PDF of discrete fourier transform of a sequence of gaussian random variables

I have a set of numbers drawn from iid gaussian random variables: $P(d_0, ..., d_{N-1}) = (\sigma \sqrt{2 \pi})^{-N} exp\left(\frac{-1}{2\sigma^2} (d_0^2 + ... + d_{N-1}^2)\right)$ What is the pdf ...
Dan Becker's user avatar
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Probability of first return to starting vertex in Random walk on regular finite graph

Hi, this is related to this earlier question. Given Random walk on a regular graph $G=(V,E)$. The Random walk is simple so that transition probabilities are $1/\text{deg}(v_i)$, and time is in ...
Chris's user avatar
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8 votes
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Do the converses of [weak law of large numbers / central limit theorem] hold?

Let $\; X_0,X_1,X_2,X_3,...\;$ be independent and identically distributed (real-valued) random variables. 1. Suppose $\frac1n \cdot\sum\limits_{m=0}^n X_m$ converges in probability. Does it follow ...
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6 votes
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Literature on behaviour of eigenfunctions under multiplication?

Dear community, I would be happy about any literature or comments on the behaviour of the pointwise product of eigenfunctions of a self-adjoint operator with discrete spectrum, acting on a separable ...
herrsimon's user avatar
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