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Approximation of a stationary process by a sequence of ergodic and stationary sequence of stochastic processes

Let $X = [X_t : t \in \mathbb{Z}] \sim P$ and $Y = [Y_t : t \in \mathbb{Z}]\sim Q$ be two stochastic processes. Let's define the Mallows metric. Let $\mathcal{M}_m$ be the random vectors $(X,Y)$ ...
Fam's user avatar
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Normal numbers and law of the iterated logarithm

If I remember correctly, for the binary digits of a real number in $[0,1]$, I was told that satisfying the law of the iterated logarithm (LIL) is stronger than being normal. That is, supposedly, some ...
Vincent Granville's user avatar
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Law of large numbers for triangular arrays whose moments "look independent"

Let $(X_{n,k})_{k=1,\ldots,n}^{n\in\mathbb{N}}$ be a triangular array of random variables with finite moments of all orders, with no assumptions on their independence. Suppose that $$ \mathbb{E}\left[\...
Greg Zitelli's user avatar
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Distance between trunctated random walk and its normal form

I have $$X_i \sim N(0,1), \quad S_n=X_1+\cdots+X_n,$$ $$ \mathscr{S}_n (t, \omega) := \frac{1}{ \sqrt{n} } \sum_{i=1}^{n} \left[ S_{i-1} (\omega ) + n \left( t - \frac{i-1}{n} \right) X_{i}(\omega) \...
nodis6's user avatar
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For a random sequence $X_0, X_1, X_2, \ldots$ and $F_n$ the empirical CDF, does $F_n(X_0)$ converge to a uniform random variable?

Let $X_0, X_1, X_2, \ldots$ be a sequence of i.i.d. real-valued random variables on some probability space $(\Omega, \mathcal{F}, \mathbb{P})$ with continuous CDF $F(x)$ and define a sequence of ...
cgmil's user avatar
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Lower bound and limit of a sum with binomial coefficients

Let $$A_k = \sum_{i=1}^k i {3k-2i-1 \choose i-1} {2i-2 \choose k-i}$$ $$B_k = \sum_{i=1}^k i {3k-2i-2 \choose i-1} {2i-1 \choose k-i}$$ $$C_k = \sum_{i=1}^k (3k-2i-2) {3k-2i-3 \choose i-1} {2i\...
macat's user avatar
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5 votes
4 answers

Limit of a sum with binomial coefficients

Let $$A_k = \frac{\sum_{i=1}^ki{2k-i-1 \choose i-1}{i-1 \choose k-i}}{k{2k-1\choose k}}$$ $$B_k = \frac{\sum_{i=1}^ki{2k-i-2 \choose i-1}{i \choose k-i}}{k{2k-1\choose k}}$$ $$C_k = \frac{\sum_{i=1}^k(...
macat's user avatar
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Convergence almost everywhere of characteristic functions

Let $(\Phi_n)_n$ be the characteristic functions of probability measures $(\mu_n)_n$ and let $\Phi$ be the characteristic function of a probability measure $\mu$. Do you know an example where $\Phi_n(...
Tiblodocus's user avatar
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Random variable is Big O in probability notation

Let $R_n$ be a random variable with values in $[0,1]$ and $nR_n$ converges to $\frac{1}{1+C} \chi_m^2$ in distribution for some constant $C>0$ and $m\in \mathbb{N}$. Is it possible to show that $(1-...
Hugo10T's user avatar
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Convergence in law and distribution theory

A standard result in probability theory asserts that a sequence of probablity measures $\mu_n$ on the Borel $\sigma$-algebra of $\bf R$ converges in law or weakly to a probability measure $\mu$ if and ...
coudy's user avatar
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Pointwise almost sure convergence implies global convergence

Sorry in advance if this is not sufficiently research-level, it is really more of a reference request since the proof is not difficult. Let $\mathcal{Y}$ be a compact set, let $\{X_n\}$ denote a ...
Tom Solberg's user avatar
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Almost sure convergence of the supremum over a class of random variables

Let $\mathcal{X}_n=\{ X_{n,\lambda}, \lambda \in \Lambda\}$ be a collection of random variables (defined on the same probability space) indexed by a deterministic index $\lambda$ over an index space $\...
Jack London's user avatar
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What is the limiting marginal distribution of a fixed number of coordinates of a random point drawn uniformly on large-dimensional sphere?

Let $X=(X_1,\ldots,X_d)$ be uniformly-distributed on the sphere of radius $\sqrt{d}$ in $\mathbb R^d$. It is well-known that in the limit $d \to \infty$, the marginal distribution of $X_1$ converges ...
dohmatob's user avatar
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A question on the applicability Chebyshev inequality for sequence of random quantities

Let $(X_n)_n$ and $(Y_n)_n$ be two mutually independent sequences of random tensors (i.e scalars, vectors, matrices, etc.) defined on the same probability space, and let $f$ be a measurable function. ...
dohmatob's user avatar
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LLN of random nearest neighbor function

There are two samples of iid random variates: $X=\{X_1,X_2,...,X_n\}$ and $Y=\{Y_1,Y_2,...,Y_n\}$. Further, $\forall i,j: X_i$ is independent of $Y_j$. The probability distributions $P,Q$ are unknown ...
qwert's user avatar
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Convergence in probability of series of random variables

From the standard literature it is well known that for sequences of random variables $X_{1, n} \stackrel{P}{\rightarrow} X_1$ and $X_{2, n} \stackrel{P}{\rightarrow} X_2$ as $n \rightarrow \infty$ it ...
AlbertRapp's user avatar
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Limiting behavior of $k^{th}$ order statistics of n non-i.i.d chi square random variables

This is related to one of my previous questions here. Let $(Z_1, Z_2, \ldots, Z_n)\sim N(0, \Omega)$, where $\Omega = (1-\mu) I_{n\times n} + \mu \boldsymbol{1}_n\boldsymbol{1}_n^\top $. Here $\...
De vinci's user avatar
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Weak convergence of Cesaro means of weakly converging infinite-dimensional distribution

Suppose we have sequences of random variables $\{X_{n,m},n \in \mathbb{N}\}$ where the distribution of $(X_{n,m})_{n\in\mathbb{N}}$ converges weakly to an infinite-dimensional normal distribution $\...
moe.dancer's user avatar
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Convergence of discretized process when its predictable part converges to infinite variation process

This question seems to be related to Theorem IX.7.28 in J. Jacod and A. Shiryaev's Limit theorems for stochastic processes (2013), and it is very important to prove asymptotic properties of my ...
Seung Hyeon Yu's user avatar
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$|\frac{1}{n}\sum_{i=1}^n X_i-E(X_1)|=O_P(\frac{1}{\sqrt{n}})$ under $E(|X_1|)<\infty$?

For i.i.d. random variables $X_1,\dots, X_n$ with $E(|X_1|)<\infty$. Does the following equation hold? $$ \left|\frac{1}{n}\sum_{i=1}^n X_i-E(X_1)\right|=O_P\left(\frac{1}{\sqrt{n}}\right) $$ I ...
John's user avatar
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7 votes
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Normal distribution by successive approximation?

$\newcommand\R{\mathbb R}\newcommand\la\lambda$It is well known and easy to see that the rotationally invariant product of two probability measures on $\R$ has to be a Gaussian (or Dirac) measure; see ...
Iosif Pinelis's user avatar
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Convergence of random operators

I'm a statistician not versed in functional analysis and operator theory. I wish that I might not find a wrong place for my question. All my questions are trivial in the scalar time series case, but ...
metric's user avatar
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Convergence of quadratic form $y^T Q y$ where $y$ is a random iid sequence of length $n$ and $Q$ is an $n \times n$ random matrix independent of $y$

For each positive integer, let $Q_n=(q_{i,j})_{i,j \in [n]}$ be a random $n \times n$ psd matrix. In the limit $n \to \infty$, suppose the eigenvalues of this sequence of matrices are uniformly ...
dohmatob's user avatar
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Covariance in the limit of random variables

Suppose $\{X_n\}$ and $\{Y_n\}$ are two sequences of random variables and we know that $X_n \overset{L^2}{\to} X$ and $Y_n \overset{L^2}{\to} Y$, where $\overset{L^2}{\to}$ means converge in mean ...
user3026001's user avatar
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Rate of variance's decrease for the mean's distribution of infinite variance i.i.d. random variables

Consider a set of i.i.d. (positive) random variables $\{X_i\}_{i=1}^N$. Each variable $X_i$ has a distribution with finite mean but infinite variance. In particular, if $P_{X_i}(x)$ is the P.D.F. of ...
user1172131's user avatar
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Does the almost sure convergence of absolutely continuous r.v.'s imply the weak convergence of the pdf's in $(L^\infty)^*$?

The following question was asked in a comment at Almost sure convergence vs convergence of probability density functions : Suppose that $(X_n)$ is a sequence of random variables (r.v.'s) converging ...
Iosif Pinelis's user avatar
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Convergence result on Cornish Fisher expansion of binomial distribution

Since it is known that Cornish Fisher expansion of quantiles does not have guaranteed convergence for all distribution, I wonder specifically if any convergence result is known in literature for CF ...
messi22's user avatar
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3 answers

Sample average L1 convergence speed

Say $X_1, \cdots, X_n$ are i.i.d random variables with mean zero, let $S_n = \sum_{i=1}^n X_i$, we know by SLLN $$\frac{S_n}{n}\rightarrow 0\text{ a.s}$$ We could further know that the sequence of ...
Robert's user avatar
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If signed measures $\mu_n$ are such that $\mu_n\to\mu$ and $\|\mu_n\|\to c\in(0,\infty)$, does $\exp^*(\mu_n)/\|\exp^*(\mu_n)\|$ necessarily converge?

$\newcommand{\R}{\mathbb R}$Let $M$ denote the set of all finite signed measures on a separable Banach space $B$. For any $\mu\in M$, let \begin{equation*} \exp^*(\mu):=\sum_{k=0}^\infty\frac{\mu^{...
Iosif Pinelis's user avatar
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If $\mu_t\to\mu$ weakly, then $\limsup_t|\mu_t|(A)\le|\mu|(A)$ for all closed $A$

Let $E$ be a metric space, $\mathcal M(E)$ denote the space of finite signed measures on $\mathcal B(E)$ equipped with the total variation norm $\left\|\;\cdot\;\right\|$, $(\mu_t)_{t\in I}$ be a net ...
0xbadf00d's user avatar
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If $(\exp(\mu_n))_{n\in\mathbb N}$ is weakly convergent, is the normalized sequence convergent as well?

Let $E$ be a metric space and $\mathcal M(E)$ denoote the space of finite signed measures on $\mathcal B(E)$ equipped with the total variation norm $\left\|\;\cdot\;\right\|$. I would like to know ...
0xbadf00d's user avatar
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If a sequence of measures is weakly convergent outside each compact ball, the sequence itself is weakly convergent

Let $E$ be a $\mathbb R$-Banach space and $\mathcal M_+(E)$ denote the space of finite nonnegative measures on $\mathcal B(E)$. If $\lambda\in\mathcal M_+(E)$, let $$\left.\lambda\right|_\delta(B):=\...
0xbadf00d's user avatar
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Convergence of characteristic functions vs. weak convergence of measures and the Ito-Nisio theorem

In section 2.6 of Linde's Probability in Banach Spaces: Stable and Infinitely Divisible Distributions the author is pointing out that in infinite-dimensional Banach spaces the convergence of ...
0xbadf00d's user avatar
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Approximate expectation of a random variable that is the logarithm of a function of a binomial

I want the expectation of the following random variable: $\log\left(\frac{X}{k-X}+\alpha \right)$ with $X \sim Bin_{(k-1),p}$ and $\alpha > 0$, Therefore I derived the Taylor Series: \begin{...
qwert's user avatar
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Convergence of stochastic process $X_n$

Consider the discrete time random process $X_n,n\in \mathbb N$, with $$X_{n+1}=(1-K)\cdot X_n+K\cdot\frac{G_n}{c}\cdot X_n$$ where $G_n$ is a random variable with expectation $\mathbb E[G_n\mid X_n]=\...
Jimmy R.'s user avatar
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Total variation convergence of random matrices and convergence of empirical spectral distributions

In the paper, on page 17, the authors prove in Theorem 7 that the total variation distance between the joint distribution of the entries of certain Wishart matrices ...
Carbon's user avatar
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Weak convergence to a "multi-Bernoulli" distribution

Let $(X_n)_{n\geq 1}$ be a sequence of random variables defined on the $d-$simplex ($d\geq 1$) : $\Sigma_d=\big\lbrace\boldsymbol{x}\in\mathbb{R}_+^d,\,\sum_{1\leq i\leq n} x_i=1\big\rbrace$. Assuming ...
G. Panel's user avatar
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Weak convergence of Dirichlet distributions to a "multi-Bernoulli" distribution

For a positive vector $\alpha\in\mathbb{R}^n$ ($n\geq 1$), denote by $\text{Dir}(\alpha)$ the Dirichlet distribution with parameter $\alpha$. In terms of weak convergence, is it true that, if $\sum\...
G. Panel's user avatar
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Compute limit of $\mathbb P(Y \le X_n)$ using limiting information on the sequence of random variables $X_n$

Let $Y$ be a symmetric random variable, $(X_n)_n$ be a sequence of nonnegative random variables, and set $p_n = \mathbb P(Y \le X_n)$. It is known from Slutsky's theorem that, if $c$ is a constant ...
dohmatob's user avatar
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When does a gaussian quadratic form converge (in probability) to a constant?

Let $(h_{ij})_{i,j \in \mathbb N}$ be a sequence of real numbers (deterministic) and let $x_1,\ldots,x_n,\ldots$ be a sequence of iid $N(0,1)$ randm variables. For each positive integer $n$, consider ...
dohmatob's user avatar
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Reference request for invariance principles

In various places, an example being, the authors consider a discrete-time process (real-valued, say) $(X_n)_{n \in \mathbb{N}}$, define ...
user3131035's user avatar
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Continuity of the densities of a stochastic process

Let $X=(X_t)_{t\in I}$ ($I\subset\mathbb{R}$ an interval) be a stochastic process with continuous sample paths and such that $X_t$ admits a continuous Lebesgue density $\chi_t\in C(\mathbb{R}^d)$ for ...
fsp-b's user avatar
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Does the following sequence $\{g_n\}$ converge?

Consider a function sequence $\{f_n(t)\}$ ($n\in\mathbb{N}^+$) defined on the interval $(\frac{1}{2},1)$, where \begin{eqnarray}\label{eqn:constraint1} f_n(t)=\frac{\exp\left(n\left(\log R(h_t) - th_t\...
RyanChan's user avatar
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Distributions associated with random sets and sums of random sets

Let's say you have an infinite random set $S$ of non-negative integers, and $T=S+S=\{x+y$ with $x,y\in S\}$. Let $N_S(z)$ be the number of elements of $S$ less than or equal to $z$; it is a random ...
Vincent Granville's user avatar
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An integral involving Levy process with no positive jumps

Let $L_t$ be a Levy process that has no positive jumps, but is not strictly decreasing, i.e $$ L_t = \gamma t + \sigma B_t + J_t, $$ where $B_t$ is a Brownian motion, $J_t$ is a pure jump process with ...
bm76's user avatar
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Convergence of empirical measure to Mc-Kean Vlasov equation for mean-field model with jumps

I am interested in the following mean-field model introduced in the reference below: There are $N$ particles. At each instant of time, a particle's state is a particular value taken from the finite ...
SID A's user avatar
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Representing a continuous time-inhomogeneous Markov chain by a stochastic integral

I am interested in the following mean-field model introduced in the reference below: There are $N$ particles. At each instant of time, a particle's state is a particular value taken from the finite ...
SID A's user avatar
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Almost sure stochastic equicontinuity

Suppose $\mathcal{G}$ is a normed closed class of functions with finite entropy and envelope with a finite second moment (details below), and $g_0$ is a function in the interior of that class. Let $...
Caetano's user avatar
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Convergence of Radon-Nikodým derivative

Imagine we have a sequence of finite measures $\nu_n << \mu_n$ (on the torus $\mathbb{T}^2\subseteq \mathbb{R}^2$) converging weakly to some measures $\nu << \mu$. Do we automatically have ...
Mushu Nrek's user avatar
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Show that $\sup_{\|g\|\leq \delta_n}\left| \frac{1}{\sqrt{n}}\sum_{i=1}^n g(Z_i)\right|\rightarrow_{\text{a.s.}}0.$ when $\delta_n\rightarrow 0$?

UPDATE: The result below can be understood as an almost sure stochastic equicontinuity condition. I don't know of any result establishing primitives of almost sure stochastic equicontinuity. If you ...
Caetano's user avatar
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