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Nontrivial examples of locally compact quantum groups

What are some families of locally compact quantum groups that are neither groups, duals of groups, compact, nor discrete?
Cameron Zwarich's user avatar
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An example of non-invertible operator $F$ such that $P_nF$ is invertible on $\operatorname{Im}P_n$ or proving that It is impossible

Given: $X$ - any Banach space $F : X \to X$ (linear bounded and non-invertible) $P_n$, which is projector that strongly converges to the identity operator $I$ as $n \to\infty$ Can you help me come ...
TorteDeline's user avatar
5 votes
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Hyperfinite factors and increasing fatorization of states

If a factor $R$ contains a matrix algebra $M\subset R$ (i.e., a $M$ is a type $I_n$ factor), then $R \cong M \otimes M^c$ where $M^c=R\cap M'$ is the relative commutant. Each state $\omega$ on $R$ ...
Lau's user avatar
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Kaplansky inverse element theorem on group C-star algebra

In a class talking about $C^*$ algebra and (higher) index theory, I heard a theorem (related to Kaplansky, proved?), that is Suppose $\Gamma$ is a group (admitting Haar measure if necessary) while $\...
YOTAL's user avatar
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weights of projections and norms of operators in a von Neumann algebra

Let $M$ be an atomless von Neumann algebra equipped with a (semifinite faithful normal) weight $w$. Let $x\in M$ and let $\varepsilon>0$. Can we find a constant $\delta>0$ such that whenever a ...
user92646's user avatar
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Arens regularity of $\mathrm{BV}(\mathbb{R})$

$\DeclareMathOperator\BV{BV}$A Banach algebra $A$ is called Arens regular if the two canonical multiplications on the double dual $A^{**}$ coincide. Let $\BV(\mathbb{R})$ denote the Banach algebra of ...
Tobias Fritz's user avatar
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Bochner theorem for (non-abelian) discrete groups

I am interested in Pontryagin duality-like theories for discrete groups, more particularly, whether an analogue to Bochner's theorem for abelian groups exists in the discrete non-finite and non-...
Tomás Pacheco's user avatar
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Reconstructing the manifold from space of functions in quantum mechanics

Due to Banach–Mazur, every separable Banach space is isomorphic to a subspace of $C([0,1])$. But some spaces, like $C([0,1]^n)$ and generally $C(M)$ for $M$ a manifold, allow one to reason about the ...
0x11111's user avatar
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Conditions for completely positive maps to act homomorphically across multiple subalgebras

For a completely positive (CP) map $u: A \to A'$ of $C^*$-algebras $A, A'$, the concept of multiplicative domains characterizes the largest subalgebra of $A$ on which $u$ behaves as a $*$-homomorphism....
BiPolarBear's user avatar
2 votes
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Completely contractive Banach algebra structure on the dual of a Hopf $C^*$-algebra

Let $(A, \Delta)$ be a Hopf $C^*$-algebra, i.e. $A$ is a $C^*$-algebra, and $\Delta: A \to M(A\otimes A)$ is an injective non-degenerate $*$-homomorphism that is coassociative: $$(\iota \otimes \Delta)...
Andromeda's user avatar
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Tensor product of faithful normal states is faithful

I know that given C*-algebras $A, B$ with faithful states $\omega,\varpi$, the tensor product state $\omega\otimes\varpi$ on the minimal tensor product $A\otimes_{\text{min}}B$ is faithful. I also ...
J_P's user avatar
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Approximation from below of positive elements in tensor product of von Neumann algebras

Let $\mathcal M$ and $\mathcal N$ be two von Neumann algebras. If $x$ is a positive element of $\mathcal M$ and $y$ is a positive element of $\mathcal N$, it is known that $x\otimes y$ is a positive ...
P. P. Tuong's user avatar
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Show that $\mathbb{K}\cong M_{n}(\mathbb{K})$ [closed]

I would like to show the following isomorphy but not sure how to go about this: $\mathbb{K}\cong M_{n}(\mathbb{K})$ Also in Blackadar (Operator Algebras, page 171) he states that this isomorphism ...
craaaft's user avatar
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14 votes
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Which finite dimensional Banach spaces can be represented isometrically as spaces of bounded operators on a finite dimensional Hilbert space?

Background: It is known that every Banach space $X$ can be embedded isometrically as a subspace in the space $C(K)$ of continuous functions on a compact Hausdorff space $K$. Indeed, one can take $K$ ...
Orr Shalit's user avatar
3 votes
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inclusion of von Neumann algebras implies reversing inequality of its modular operators

I'm working with von Neumann algebras and I stumbled with this statement in a work of Borchers (1999) Since $\mathcal N \subseteq \mathcal M$, it follows by standard arguments that $\Delta_{\mathcal ...
Gabriel Palau's user avatar
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Intersection of two intermediate subalgebras

Suppose $B\subset A$ is an inclusion of simple $C^*$-algebras with a conditional expectation of (Watatani) index-finite type and $B^{\prime}\cap A=\mathbb{C}$. Then we know $B^{\prime}\cap A_1$ is ...
Keshab Bakshi's user avatar
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$K_0$ group of an infinite factor

The following question was already posted in this link but I could not understand hints given in this post. Let $\mathcal{M}$ be an infinite factor and my question is how to prove that $K_0(\mathcal{M}...
Sanae Kochiya's user avatar
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Dependence of functional integral on the function space

In physics, the following functional integral is considered \begin{gather} Z[J]= \int Df \exp(-\int d^dx( f\Box f+\lambda f^4 +Jf )) \end{gather} It is usually said that the integration is performed ...
0x11111's user avatar
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Borel functions in C*-algebras

Is there a way of defining representations of separable $C^*$-algebras, say $\Phi$, so that $\Phi(A)$ is faithful representation of $A$ on a separable Hilbert space. There is a closure operation $A\...
user52345435's user avatar
28 votes
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Any real contribution of functional analysis to quantum theory as a branch of physics?

In the last paragraph of this last paper of Klaas Landsman, you can read: Finally, let me note that this was a winner's (or "whig") history, full of hero-worship: following in the footsteps of ...
2 votes
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Invariant weights associated to algebraic quantum groups

Consider an algebraic quantum group $(A, \Delta)$ in the sense of Van Daele, i.e. a regular multiplier Hopf $^*$-algebra with a positive left integral $\varphi$ and a positive right integral $\psi$. ...
Andromeda's user avatar
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Is a compact set of extreme points contained in a compact face?

I have run into the following question in convex analysis, which I haven't found answered in the literature: Suppose that $K$ is a "nice-enough" non-compact convex subset of a Hausdorff ...
Sean's user avatar
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What is meant by saying that the Shilov boundary of the polydisc $\mathbb D^n$ is $\mathbb T^n\ $?

Let $A$ be a complex Banach algebra and $M_A$ be the space of all non-zero multiplicative linear functionals on $A$ equipped with the weak$^*$-topology. Let $\widehat A$ be the image of $A$ under the ...
Anacardium's user avatar
13 votes
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Existence of more than two C*-norms on algebraic tensor product of C*-algebras

Let $A$ and $B$ be two C*-algebras. Then $(A,B)$ is called is a nuclear pair if there is a unique $C^*$-norm on the algebraic tensor product $A\odot B$. If $A$ or $B$ is nuclear, then all pairs $(A,B)$...
Alcides Buss's user avatar
5 votes
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Backwards stable factors

A factor $R$ is called stable if $M_n(R)\cong R$ for all $n>0$. For the sake of this question, we call a factor backwards stable if $R\cong M_n(S)$ implies $S\cong R$ where $S$ is allowed to be any ...
Lau's user avatar
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Relationship between noncommutative torus for different values of theta [closed]

Let $u,v\in B(L_2(\mathbb T))$ defined as $u(f)(z)=zf(z)$ and $v(f)(z)=f(ze^{-2\pi i\theta})$ for $z\in\mathbb T$ where $\theta\in\mathbb R\setminus\mathbb{Q}$. Denote the $C^*$ algebra generated by $...
A beginner mathmatician's user avatar
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A subalgebra of $B(H)$ which does not contain a commutator element

Is there a commutative subalgebra $A\subset B(H)$ containing the 1 dimensional scalars with the following property: The algebra $A$ has trivial intersection with the set of commutator ...
Ali Taghavi's user avatar
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What are the properties of umbra with moments $\{1,1/2,1/3,1/4,1/5,...\}$?

If we apply operator $D\Delta^{-1}$ to a function, we will get the (Bernoulli) umbral analog of the function. Particularly, applying it to $x^n$ we will get the Bernoulli polynomials $B_n(x)$. ...
Anixx's user avatar
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Are bounded groups of thin operators on Hilbert space similar to groups of unitaries?

QUESTION. Let $G$ be a group of bounded operators on $\ell^2$, satisfying $\sup_{x\in G} \lVert x\rVert <\infty$, whose elements are all of the form "identity+compact" (sometimes called &...
Yemon Choi's user avatar
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14 votes
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Unitary group of a von Neumann algebra: is it a retract of $U(H)$?

Let $M\subset B(H)$ be a properly infinite von Neumann algebra (the case I care about is $M=$ hyperfinite $\mathrm{III}_1$). Consider the unitary groups $U(M)$ and $U(H)$ in their strong operator ...
André Henriques's user avatar
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Transforming nilpotency into diagonalizability [closed]

We designate the $k$-th standard vector as $e_k$ in $\mathbb{C}^n$. We consider the backward shift operator, denoted as $T: \mathbb{C}^n \to \mathbb{C}^n$, which is defined as follows: $Te_1=0$ and $...
ABB's user avatar
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Is there an element in an infinite tensor power of a C*-algebra that is invariant under finite permutations?

Let $A$ be a C*-algebra, and consider the infinite tensor power $A^{\otimes {J}}$, where $J$ is infinite (we consider the minimal or maximal tensor product). To any finite permutation, which is a ...
Antonio Lorenzin's user avatar
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On the Dunford-Pettis property and multiplier algebras

I am not an expert in operator algebras, so if the answer to this question might be trivial, that might be one reason for that: Let $\mathcal{A}$ be a $C^\ast$-algebra. Then $\mathcal{A}^{\ast \ast}$ ...
Alexander Dobrick's user avatar
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Unitary representation of a group of automorphism on an abelian algebra

Given an abelian C*-algebra $\mathcal{A}$, a state $\omega$, a strongly continuous group of *-automorphism $\{\tau_t : t \in \mathcal{R}\}$, and given a representation $ (\pi(\mathcal{A}), \mid \...
MBlrd's user avatar
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What is a foliation and why should I care?

The title says everything but while it is a little bit provocative let me elaborate a bit about my question. First time when I met the foliation it was just an isolated example in the differential ...
truebaran's user avatar
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Integration in Banach algebra

Let $\mu$ be a Borel measure on the real line $\mathbb{R}$ taking values in a separable Banach algebra $A$. Assume that $\mu$ is such that the total variation measure $|\mu|$ is finite. Let $f$ be a ...
user72829's user avatar
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Zeta zeros and prolate wave operators

Recently, Connes, Consani and Moscovici in have blended two of their results on zeta zeros and the prolate wave operators, which, they say, "suggests the ...
Jon23's user avatar
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Literature on Lyndon words and the Lie commutator

Since I lost my paper notes in a domestic conflagration in Japan some ten years ago, I've occasionally tried to recall one particular author who wrote in the 1900s about Lyndon words / strings, or ...
Tom Copeland's user avatar
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Why do von Neumann algebras possess identity?

My starting point is that a von Neumann algebra is a $C^*$-algebra with a predual. The usual approaches to showing the existence of identity involve spectral theory (for approximate identity), but ...
MrPajeet's user avatar
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Lifting a semicommutative von Neumann algebra into an algebra of operator-valued functions

Given a complete probability space $\Omega$ and a von Neumann algebra $\mathcal M$, it is well-known that the tensor product von Neumann algebra $\mathrm L^\infty(\Omega)\overline\otimes\mathcal M$, ...
P. P. Tuong's user avatar
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Realize a $K_0$-group homomorphism by a unital $\ast$-homomorphism

This question is inspired by Exercise $7.7$ in *An Introduction to $K$-theory for $C^*$-algebras (available here). Given a unital AF-algebra $A$ and another unital $C^*$-algebra $B$ that has ...
Sanae Kochiya's user avatar
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Sigma-weakly dense *-subalgebra of von Neumann algebra has increasing net of positive elements convergent to the identity

Let $M$ be a von Neumann algebra and $A\subseteq M$ a $\sigma$-weakly dense $*$-subalgebra of $M$. Does there exist an increasing net $\{a_i\}_{i\in I}\subseteq A\cap M^+$ such that $a_i\to 1$ in the $...
Andromeda's user avatar
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Is the sigma-strong topology generated by bounded sets?

Let $V$ be a Banach space and $B(V)$ be the bounded operators on $V$. Now, the space $B(V)$ has a norm, the strong topology (which is the topology of pointwise convergence) and it has a stronger ...
Sebastian Meyer's user avatar
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Ultralimit of $w^*$-continuous maps

Let $\omega$ be a free ultrafilter on $\mathbb N.$ Let $(\mathcal M_n)$ be a sequence of finite von Neumann algebras. Let $\mathcal N$ be another finite von Neumann algebra and we have maps $\phi_n:\...
A beginner mathmatician's user avatar
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Operator-form correspondence without lower semiboundedness

When dealing with a normal unbounded operator $A$, it is often useful to frame questions about the operator in terms of questions about the associated form $\omega,$ which has domain $D(|A|^{1/2})$ ...
user_35's user avatar
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Why operator systems?

A $\mathrm{C}^*$-algebra $\mathcal{A}\subset B(\mathsf{H})$ is a norm-closed, self-adjoint subalgebra of bounded operators on a Hilbert space. If we then take a unital self-adjoint (possibly closed) ...
JP McCarthy's user avatar
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Irreducible representations of $\mathrm{UHF}_n$

I have a question about the irreducible representations of the $C^*$-algebra $\mathrm{UHF}_n = \bigotimes_{k=1}^\infty M_n$. For every sequence of unit vectors $(\xi_k)$ in $\mathbb C^n$ there is a ...
Lau's user avatar
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Is the unit ball of $B(H)$ a Baire space (with the SOT)?

Let $H$ be a Hilbert space, and let $B(H)$ be the set of bounded linear operators $t \colon H \to H$. Recall that we say $t_i \to t$ in the strong operator topology if $t_i \xi \to t \xi$ for every $\...
Diego Martinez's user avatar
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Compare the weight of $p\vee q$ and that of $p+q$

Let $M$ be a von Neumann algebra. If it has a semifinite faithful normal trace $\tau$, then we have $\tau(p\vee q)\le \tau(p)+\tau(q)$. However, for the weight (even a faithful normal state) $\omega$ ...
user92646's user avatar
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Weak-star convergence implies trace-norm convergence

By definition, if bounded operators $a_i$ converge to $0$ in the weak*-star topology, then $\operatorname{tr} a_it \to 0$ for any trace-class $t$. Does this also hold for the trace-norm instead of the ...
Dominique Unruh's user avatar

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