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22 votes
2 answers

Non weakly-group-theoretical integral fusion category

Is there an integral fusion category of rank $7$, FPdim $210$ and type $(1,5,5,5,6,7,7)$ with the following fusion rules (or the little $\color{purple}{\text{variation}}$ below)? $$\scriptsize{\begin{...
Sebastien Palcoux's user avatar
37 votes
5 answers

Reference for the Gelfand duality theorem for commutative von Neumann algebras

The Gelfand duality theorem for commutative von Neumann algebras states that the following three categories are equivalent: (1) The opposite category of the category of commutative von Neumann ...
Dmitri Pavlov's user avatar
17 votes
1 answer

The cyclic subfactors theory: a quantum arithmetic?

Context: First recall some results: Actions of finite groups on the hyperfinite type $II_{1}$ factor $R$ (Jones 1980). A Galois correspondence for depth 2 irreducible subfactors (Izumi-Longo-Popa ...
13 votes
2 answers

Riemann zeta function at positive integers and an Appell sequence of polynomials related to fractional calculus

I was exploring some raising and lowering operators related to an infinitesimal generator for fractional integro-derivatives and found an Appell sequence of polynomials, i.e., an infinite sequence of ...
Tom Copeland's user avatar
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11 votes
2 answers

What's the matrix of logarithm of derivative operator ($\ln D$)? What is the role of this operator in various math fields?

Babusci and Dattoli, On the logarithm of the derivative operator, arXiv:1105.5978, gives some great results: \begin{align*} (\ln D) 1 & {}= -\ln x -\gamma \\ (\ln D) x^n & {}= x^n (\psi (n+1)-\...
Anixx's user avatar
  • 10.1k
7 votes
3 answers

Jordan-Hölder theorem for subfactors?

All the subfactors $(N\subset M)$ are irreducible and finite index inclusions of II$_1$ factors. First recall that in this paper, D. Bisch characterizes the Jones projections $e_K$ of the ...
Sebastien Palcoux's user avatar
39 votes
6 answers

A remark of Connes on non-standard analysis

In an interview (at Connes remarks that I had been working on non-standard analysis, but after a while I had found a catch in the theory.... The point is ...
Robert Haraway's user avatar
12 votes
3 answers

Is there a purely group-theoretic reformulation of an equivalence of subgroups?

There is an equivalence relation between inclusion of finite groups coming from the world of subfactors: Definition: $(H_{1} \subset G_{1}) \sim(H_{2} \subset G_{2})$ if $(R^{G_{1}} \subset R^{H_{1}}...
Sebastien Palcoux's user avatar
34 votes
3 answers

What are the applications of operator algebras to other areas?

Question: What are the applications of operator algebras to other areas? More precisely, I would like to know the results in mathematical areas outside of operator algebras which were proved by ...
23 votes
2 answers

States in C*-algebras and their origin in physics?

in $C^*-$algebras with unit element, there is the definition of a state, as a functional $\omega$ with $\omega(e)=||\omega||=1.$ Now, of course there is also in classical physics and quantum ...
Acuriousmind's user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

Type III factor representation

Does there exist any theorem which permits, under suitable hypotheses, to represent a particular complete orthomodular lattice as the projection lattice of a Type III von Neumann factor?
moppio89's user avatar
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33 votes
3 answers

Reference request for translating from Top to C*-alg

Some recent questions on MO (for example, Do subalgebras of C(X) admit a description in terms of the compact Hausdorff space X?) have been about Gelfand duality — namely, that the categories of ...
Matthew Daws's user avatar
  • 18.7k
26 votes
7 answers

Commutative subalgebras of M_n

For a given $n$, is there any characterization for the commutative subalgebras of $M_n(\Bbb{C})$? I would like to know how many commutative subalgebras there are for each possible dimension. In view ...
Carmen's user avatar
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21 votes
3 answers

Noncommutative smooth manifolds

Connes defined a noncommutative analog of a closed oriented Riemannian spin^c manifold using spectral triples. Using his definition it is unclear how to separate the smooth structure from the metric. ...
Dmitri Pavlov's user avatar
15 votes
4 answers

Universal $C^*$-algebra with generators and relations

We say that the $C^*$-algebra $A$ generated by $a_1,...,a_n$ is universal subject to relations $R_1,...,R_m$ if for every $C^*$-algebra $B$ with elements $b_1,...,b_n$ satisfying relations $R_1,...,...
truebaran's user avatar
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14 votes
1 answer

Infinite tensor product of states

Tensor products of finite number of different objects are always well described in the literature. However, the situation of infinite tensor products seems to be much tougher. Even in the simplest ...
Glacier's user avatar
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13 votes
2 answers

Calkin Algebra and the embedding

Let $H$ be a separable, infinite dimensional Hilbert Space and $Calk(H):=B(H)/K(H)$ denotes the Calkin algebra. There is obvious surjection $\pi: B(H) \to Calk(H)$ but I'm interested in somehow ...
truebaran's user avatar
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9 votes
3 answers

Generalizations and relative applications of Fekete's subadditive lemma

Fekete's (subadditive) lemma takes its name from a 1923 paper by the Hungarian mathematician Michael Fekete [1]. A historical overview and references to (a couple of) generalizations and applications ...
Salvo Tringali's user avatar
8 votes
0 answers

Is there a non-trivial Hopf algebra without left coideal subalgebra?

Let $H$ be a finite dimensional Hopf ${\rm C}^{\star}$-algebra. A $\star$-subalgebra $I$ of $H$ is a left coideal if $\Delta(I) \subset H \otimes I$. $H$ is called maximal if it has no left coideal $\...
Sebastien Palcoux's user avatar
8 votes
2 answers

von neumann algebras and measurable spaces

I've read some pages on links between von neumann (VN) algebras and measurable spaces (Spectra of $C^*$ algebras and Non-commutative geometry from von Neumann algebras?), but I can't get the following:...
Issam Ibnouhsein's user avatar
8 votes
1 answer

A non-hyperfinite type III factor from an action of the free group on the circle

We define below a von Neumann algebra $\mathcal{M}$ from an action of the free group on the circle, and we prove that $\mathcal{M}$ is a non-hyperfinite type ${\rm III}$ factor. Question : Is $\...
Sebastien Palcoux's user avatar
7 votes
2 answers

Are subfactor planar algebras hard to classify at index 6?

Given a finite index inclusion, $N\subset M$, of $II_1$ factors we can construct two towers of finite dimensional algebras known as the $\textit{standard invariant}$. For low index, this has allowed ...
Owen Sizemore's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

Topological K-theory for commutative C*-algebras

It is in some sense folklore that given two arbitrary abelian groups $G,H$ one can find a $C^*$ algebra $A$ such that $K_0(A)=G$ and $K_1(A)=H$. My question is the following: what is known in the case ...
truebaran's user avatar
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5 votes
0 answers

Are the integer index finite depth irreducible subfactors Kac-coideal?

Is every integer index finite depth irreducible subfactors planar algebra, the intermediate of an irreducible finite index depth $2$ subfactors planar algebra? In other words, of the following form (...
Sebastien Palcoux's user avatar
5 votes
0 answers

Are the homogeneous single chain subfactors, Dedekind?

Background: See here and there. Recall that a subfactor is Dedekind if all its intermediate subfactors are normal. A subfactor $(N \subset M)$ is Homogeneous Single Chain (HSC) if its lattice ...
Sebastien Palcoux's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Abelian subfactors, a relevant concept?

Through the questions below, this post asks whether the concept of abelian subfactor is relevant. Remark : here abelian qualifies an inclusion of II$_1$ factors $(N \subset M)$, $N$ is not an abelian ...
Sebastien Palcoux's user avatar
1 vote
0 answers

Intersection of finitely many type-I von-Neumann algebra factors

If $\mathcal M,\mathcal N$ are type-I von-Neumann algebra factors (over the same Hilbert space $\mathcal H$), is $\mathcal M\cap\mathcal N$ a type-I von-Neumann algebra factor? Notes: An elementary ...
Dominique Unruh's user avatar
1 vote
0 answers

Classical and free cumulants, symmetric functions, and inverses (references), related to associahedra, parking functions, noncrossing partitions

Looking for references for one or more of the following four sets of partition polynomials 1a) through 4a), particularly those which present geometric / topological combinatorial interpretations. ...
Tom Copeland's user avatar
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81 votes
3 answers

Norms of commutators

If an $n$ by $n$ complex matrix $A$ has trace zero, then it is a commutator, which means that there are $n$ by $n$ matrices $B$ and $C$ so that $A= BC-CB$. What is the order of the best constant $\...
Bill Johnson's user avatar
  • 31.5k
40 votes
9 answers

Simplest examples of rings that are not isomorphic to their opposites

What are the simplest examples of rings that are not isomorphic to their opposite rings? Is there a science to constructing them? The only simple example known to me: In Jacobson's Basic Algebra (...
Amritanshu Prasad's user avatar
35 votes
2 answers

tr(ab) = tr(ba)?

It is well known that given two Hilbert-Schmidt operators $a$ and $b$ on a Hilbert space $H$, their product is trace class and $tr(ab)=tr(ba)$. A similar result holds for $a$ bounded and $b$ trace ...
André Henriques's user avatar
26 votes
3 answers

About the category of von neumann algebras

I am looking for one (or more) reference about properties of the category of von Neumann algebra. More precisely, in an answer of a previous question, Dmitri Pavlov mentions that the $W^*$ category ...
Oliver's user avatar
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25 votes
3 answers

Why did Voiculescu develop free probability?

I was recently asked why Voiculescu developed free probability theory. I am not very expert in this and the only answer I was able to provide is the classical one: he was challenging the isomorphism ...
Valerio Capraro's user avatar
24 votes
2 answers

Does left-invertible imply invertible in full group C*-algebras (discrete case)?

The following question/problem has been bugging me on and off for some time now: so I thought it might be worth broaching here on MO, as a case of "ask the experts". Let $G$ be a discrete group. ...
Yemon Choi's user avatar
  • 25.8k
23 votes
4 answers

Are almost commuting hermitian matrices close to commuting matrices (in the 2-norm)?

I consider on $M_n(\mathbb C)$ the normalized $2$-norm, i.e. the norm given by $\|A\|_2 = \sqrt{\mathrm{Tr}(A^* A)/n}$. My question is whether a $k$-uple of hermitian matrices that are almost ...
Mikael de la Salle's user avatar
22 votes
4 answers

What's a noncommutative set?

This issue is for logicians and operator algebraists (but also for anyone who is interested). Let's start by short reminders on von Neumann algebra (for more details, see [J], [T], [W]): Let $H$ ...
Sebastien Palcoux's user avatar
18 votes
7 answers

What are known examples of positive but not completely positive maps?

The only example I know of a positive map which is not completely positive is the transpose map on $M_n(\mathbb{C})$. Of course, one can come up with minor perturbations of this (compose it with, or ...
Dave Gaebler's user avatar
17 votes
3 answers

Existence of translation-invariant basis on $C_c(\mathbb R)$

Consider the space $C_c(\mathbb R)$ of complex-valued continuous functions of compact support. This is a vector space over $\mathbb C$, and I am not considering any topology, so the question is ...
Nick S's user avatar
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14 votes
4 answers

What is the right definition of "real von Neumann algebra"?

Recall that a real C*-algebra is a Banach $\ast$-algebra $A$ over $\mathbb{R}$ which satisfies the standard C* identity and which also has the property that $1 + a^{\ast}a$ is invertible in the ...
Paul Siegel's user avatar
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13 votes
3 answers

Zero divisor conjecture and idempotent conjecture

Let $G$ be a torsion-free group and $C$ the ring of complex numbers. The zero divisor (idempotent, resp.) conjecture is that there is no nontrivial zerodivisor (idempotent, resp.) in $CG$. The wiki ...
yeshengkui's user avatar
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11 votes
2 answers

Quasinilpotent elements of group C-star algebras

If $G$ is a discrete torsion-free group, can its (reduced or full) group C-star algebra contain non-zero quasinilpotent elements? I've seen various examples in the group von Neumann algebra setting (...
Yemon Choi's user avatar
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11 votes
1 answer

positive elements in tensor products

Let $A \otimes B$ be the algebraic tensor of two $C^{\ast}$ -algebras, and an element x in $A\otimes B$ is positive if $x=yy^{\ast}$. Then is it always possible to write x in the form $x=\sum a_i\...
Qingyun's user avatar
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10 votes
1 answer

When do tensor products of C*-algebras commute with colimits?

Let $I$ be a filtered poset, which you should think of as being huge. Let $A_i$ be an $I$-diagram of $C^{\star}$-algebras and let $A$ be the colimit of this diagram; if necessary, we can also assume ...
Fabian Lenhardt's user avatar
10 votes
1 answer

Which W*-algebras are the duals of C*-coalgebras?

A Banach algebra (assumed associative and unital) is precisely a monoid object in the monoidal category of Banach spaces, short linear maps, and the projective tensor product. A Banach coalgebra is ...
Toby Bartels's user avatar
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10 votes
3 answers

subgroup of SU(N) with maximal manifold dimension

Given the group SU(N) of NxN unitary matrices, does there exist a subgroup S with a manifold dimension larger than the SU(N-1) manifold dimension and smaller than the SU(N) one? S should not ...
Alm's user avatar
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10 votes
2 answers

Continuity of the product map

Let $A$ be a $C^*$-algebra. Is it possible to characterize $A$ for which the product map defined by $$\sum\limits_{i=1}^n a_i\otimes b_i \mapsto \sum\limits_{i=1}^n a_i b_i$$ is continuous with ...
Kate Juschenko's user avatar
9 votes
3 answers

What are the intermediate subfactors of the tensor product of two maximal subfactors?

Let $(N_1 \subset M_1)$ and $(N_2 \subset M_2)$ be two maximal subfactors. Their tensor product, the subfactor $(N_1 \otimes N_2 \subset M_1 \otimes M_2)$, admits four obvious intermediate ...
Sebastien Palcoux's user avatar
9 votes
1 answer

A problem in functional calculus

This is embarrassing, I think it must work, but I can't see how to prove it works. If anyone knows enough functional calculus of operators on a Hilbert space to tell me how to do it, I would be very ...
Edwin Beggs's user avatar
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8 votes
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Are there only finitely many maximal irreducible amenable subfactors at fixed finite index?

A subfactor $N \subset M $ is maximal if it admits no non-trivial intermediate subfactors $N \subset P \subset M $. Question: Are there only finitely many maximal irreducible amenable subfactors at ...
Sebastien Palcoux's user avatar
8 votes
2 answers

The monotone closure of a $C^*$-algebra

Related to Jon's question, I have two questions. Let $\mathcal{A}$ be a concrete $C^*$-algebra on a Hilbert space $\mathcal{H}$. For any selfadjoint subset $S$ of $\mathbb{B}(\mathcal{H})$, let $S^m$ ...
Masayoshi Kaneda's user avatar

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