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Upper triangular $2\times2$-matrices over a Baer *-ring

Let $A$ be a Baer $*$-ring. Let us denote $B$ by the space of all upper triangular matrices $\left(\begin{array}{cc} a_1& a_2 \\ 0 & a_4 \end{array}\right)$ where $a_i$'s are in $A$. Is $B$ ...
ABB's user avatar
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Is any ultraproduct of $\mathcal{O}_2$ still nuclear?

Is it known wether any ultraproduct of $\mathcal{O}_{2}$, regarding an ultrafilter on $\mathbb{N}$, is still nuclear or not ? Thank you all ! (references for this would be very much appreciated)
user101323's user avatar
7 votes
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Finding the commutant of a von Neumann algebra

Suppose you have a von Neumann algebra $A$ of operators on $H$ and would like to compute its commutant. You have constructed a collection $B\subset A'$ which you suspect generates it (i.e. you think $\...
mkreisel's user avatar
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Countably decomposable von Neumann algebras

A von Neumann algebra is countably decomposable if every family of mutually orthogonal nonzero projections is countable. Even a singly-generated von Neumann algebra need not be countably decomposable; ...
Nik Weaver's user avatar
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The quantum group SUq(n) as von Neumann algebra

i have a question about a "presentation" of the quantum $SU(n)$. Here presentation means the following. Let $(M,\Delta)$ be a quantum group in the sense of Kustermanns and Vaes. One can show that the ...
Zachary Gonzales's user avatar
13 votes
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Does the hyperfinite II_1 factor admit two irreducible representations that are not unitarily equivalent?

Regarding the hyperfinite $II_{1}$ factor $R$ as $C^{*}$-algebra, is it known whether any two irreducible representations of $R$ are unitarily equivalent? If it is known that there exists a pair of ...
Jon Bannon's user avatar
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K theory for pre $C^*$-algebras

In noncommutative geometry when one want to go to the differentiable level, one is forced to work with algebras which are no longer $C^*$. It is nice if we don't loose much information by the ...
truebaran's user avatar
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Example of an infinite dimensional reflexive Banach algebra

If a $C^\ast$-algebra is reflexive (as a Banach space) then it is finite dimensional. Can anyone provide (or give a reference to) a nice example of an infinite dimensional non-commutative Banach ...
Joakim Arnlind's user avatar
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Finding a special Banach algebra and a net of homomorphisms

If $A$ is a Banach agebra and $M$ is a Banach $A$-bimodule then a linear map $T:A\to M$ is called an $A$-module homomorphism if $$T(ab)=aT(b),\quad T(ab)=T(a)b,\qquad a,b\in A.$$ Also $A\hat{\otimes} ...
Hamid Shafie Asl's user avatar
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Self adjoint operators in Kasparov-Modules

In Blackadars book in 17.4.2 it says that for each element $x \in KK(A,B)$ there is a Kasparov module $(E,\pi ,T)$ such that $T=T^*$. Now, the argument for that is that if $(E,\pi, T)$ is any Kasparov-...
Zolf1991's user avatar
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is this von Neumann algebra a tensor product?

Let $H_1$ and $H_2$ be Hilbert spaces. Let $A\subset B(H_1)$ be a factor and $A'$ its commutant. If a von Neumann algebra $M\subset B(H_1\otimes H_2)$ contains $A\otimes 1$ and commutes with $A'\...
André Henriques's user avatar
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What are the intermediate subfactors of the tensor product of two maximal subfactors?

Let $(N_1 \subset M_1)$ and $(N_2 \subset M_2)$ be two maximal subfactors. Their tensor product, the subfactor $(N_1 \otimes N_2 \subset M_1 \otimes M_2)$, admits four obvious intermediate ...
Sebastien Palcoux's user avatar
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Do semi-continuous functions generate bounded Borel measurable functions as a $C^*$-algebra?

This question is related to Question 2 of my previous posting. Question. Let $\mu$ be a Radon measure on a compact Hausdorff space $\Omega$ and $L^{\infty}(\Omega,\mu)$ the set of essentially bounded ...
Masayoshi Kaneda's user avatar
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Two pictures of K-theory and Bott periodicity

Let me recall the definition of the Bott periodicity isomorphism in the context of $C^*$-algebras. We take a (class of) projection $p \in M_n(A^+)$ and map it to the class of $M_n(A)$ valued loop $f_p$...
truebaran's user avatar
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Operator Valued Kadison--Singer Problem

The Paving Conjecture, which is equivalent to the famous Kadison--Singer Problem, was spectacularly settled in the affirmative by Marcus--Spielman--Srivastava (arxiv:1306.3969). Let $E$ denote the ...
Narutaka OZAWA's user avatar
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is a linear map on an operator system into a $C^*$-algebra (+ extra conditions) positive?

First of all, sorry for my bad english. I tried to find out whether the following statement is true or not: Let $X$ be a operator system, $B$ a $C^*$-algebra and $f:X\to B$ linear such that $f(1)\ge ...
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quotients of nuclear $C^*$-algebras are nuclear

At first a definition of injective (unital) $C^*$-algebras: A unital $C^*$-algebra $C$ is called injective if for all completely positive contractive (cpc, for short) maps $\varphi:X\to C$, where $X\...
Sabrina Gemsa's user avatar
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is the maximal tensor product of compact operators an essential ideal?

I'm searching for a counterexample for $C^*$-algebras $A$ and $B$ and essential ideals (I assume an ideal to be closed and only two-sided ideals) $I\subseteq A$, $J\subseteq B$ , such that the ideal $...
Sabrina Gemsa's user avatar
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Convergence of functionals on compact projections on a separable Hilbert space

Let $H$ be a separable Hilbert space over $\mathbb{C}$, say $\ell_2$ for simplicity. Let $\mathcal{K}(H)$ denote the space of all compact operators on $H$ and $\mathcal{P}(H)$ the set of all finite ...
Damian Sobota's user avatar
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Finite dimensional representation of tensor product

Let $A$ and $B$ be $C^*$ algebras, and let $\pi:A \odot B \to B(H)$ be a $*$-representation of the algebraic tensor product on a finite dimensional Hilbert space $H$. Let $x \in A \odot B$. Since $H$ ...
burtonpeterj's user avatar
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Measurable functions and unbounded operators in von Neumann algebras

How do you define unbounded measurable functions for a general von Neumann algebra? For the commutative algebra $L^\infty(X,\mu)$, we can consider the space of all measurable functions that are ...
Semyon Dyatlov's user avatar
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Finite subgroups of unitary groups

Let $n$ be an integer. Camille Jordan showed that there exists some $m \in {\mathbb N}$ (depending on $n$), such that for any pair of $n \times n$-unitaries $u,v \in U(n)$ which generate a finite ...
Andreas Thom's user avatar
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Projections in properly infinite factor

Denote by $\sim$ the "Murray-von Neumann" equivalence in the projection lattice of a von Numann algebra. Let $e$ be a projection in a properly infinite factor. Is it always true that $e\sim 1$ or $1-e\...
MSMalekan's user avatar
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When is a Banach Algebra $C^\star$

I know that if there are enough Hermitian elements in a Banach algebra, then the Banach algebra is stellar. In particular, I'm interested in the two spaces $B(L^1(S^1,\Sigma,\mu))$ the space of ...
Daniel's user avatar
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positive elements in tensor product

Let x be a positive element in the spatial tensor product of two non unital C* algebras A and B. Is there a single element $a \otimes b \geq x$? How can we noncommutativize the following proof, in ...
Ali Taghavi's user avatar
2 votes
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What's the relation between fusion and coproduct?

For an irreducible finite depth finite index subfactor $(N \subset M)$, there is a structure of fusion category given by the even part of its principal graph. The simple objects $(X_i)_{i \in I}$ of ...
Sebastien Palcoux's user avatar
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Fundamental class in $KO[1/2]$

Let $M^m$ be an oriented Riemannian manifold. The signature operator associates to $M$ a class $\Delta_M\in KO_m(M)[1/2]$. I have two questions about this class $\Delta_M$: Rationally, $\Delta_M$ is ...
user81127's user avatar
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Why c.p.c order zero maps induce morphism between cuntz semigroups

Maybe a naive question: Right now I am reading the paper ``Completely positive maps of order zero'' written by Wilhelm Winter and Joachim Zacharias. I do not quite understand the last corollary when ...
Targaryen's user avatar
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Irreducible representation of $C^*(D_\infty)$, group $C^*$-algebra of an infinite dihedral group

I have a question about an irreducible representation of the (full) group $C^*$-algebra of an infinite dihedral group $D_\infty$, denoted by $C^*(D_\infty)$. Ultimately, I'm interested in finding a ...
Liam_V's user avatar
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Universal $C^*$ algebra generated by two self adjoint elements with $x^2+y^2=1+{(xy-yx)}^2$

Is there universal $C^*$ algebra generated by self adjoint elements $x,y$ subject to relation $x^2+y^2=1+{(xy-yx)}^2$? What is a precise description of such algebra?
Ali Taghavi's user avatar
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Generators K-theory of Cuntz algebras

The Cuntz algebra $O_n$ is the C*-algebra generated by n isometries $S_1$, ..., $S_n$ such that $S_i^* S_j=\delta_{i,j}$ and $\sum_{i=1}^nS_iS_i^*=1$. Cuntz proved that this algebra has the following ...
John N.'s user avatar
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A point-wise separation Hahn-Banach theorem in C*-algebras

Let $H$ be a Hilbert space. We denote $K(H)$ by the space of compact operators on $H$ which is a two sided ideal in $B(H)$. Let $E$ be a norm closed convex subset of positive operators in $K(H)$ ...
ABB's user avatar
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Decomposition of a von Neumann Algebra into Factors

I know that a von Neumann algebra on a separable Hilbert space can be (uniquely) decomposed into factors. But is there any non-trivial example showing how we can explicitly compute it? Non-trivial: ...
Fan's user avatar
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Künneth formula for $C^*$ algebras, equivalent condition for full generality

I'm crrently reading the paper about the Künneth-theorem for $C^*$-algebras: and I'm trying to understand remark 4.9. I henceforth asumme that $A$ is ...
user109481's user avatar
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Strong additivity of the conformal net of an affine simple Lie algebra

Let $\mathfrak g$ be a complex simple Lie algebra, $l$ be a natural number, and $V=V^l(\hat g)$ be the vertex operator algebra of the affine Lie algebra $\hat{\mathfrak g}$ at level $l$. We know that $...
Bin Gui's user avatar
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Factorization of the Fokker-Planck semigroup

I have posted this question on stackexchange over four month ago, but didn't get an answer: "In the classical theory of Markov processes, the Fokker-Planck semigroup $\{T_t:t\ge 0\}$ can be factored ...
Andrew Frigyik's user avatar
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Operator topologies

Let $L(H)$ be the space of bounded operators on some Hilbert space. We can endow this space with the operator norm topology, the strong operator topology (SOT) and the weak operator topology (WOT). ...
Zwars's user avatar
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Injectivity of Fermion algebras

Is the Fermion algebra or $-1$-Fock space as defined in hyperfinite? Any references?
Mathbuff's user avatar
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Which groups are the unitary group of a $C^*$-algebra

Which groups are the unitary group of a $C^*$-algebra? Does anyone know anything in this direction?
Hans's user avatar
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Extension of $C^*$ isomorphism to $W^*$ isomorphism

Let $\mathfrak{A}$ be $C^*$algebra, and $\pi$ its faithful representation on Hilbert space $\mathcal{H}$. Bicommutant $\mathfrak{B}=\pi(\mathfrak{A})''$ is the von Neumann algebra generated by $\pi(\...
user72829's user avatar
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Are the reduced group Von Neumann algebra/ Group $C^{\ast}$ algebra functorial in the case of LCH groups

Let $G$ be a LCH group and $\mu$ be its left Haar measure. Call $\lambda_G : G \to U(L_2(G,\mu))$ the left regular representation. We can define the reduced $C^{\ast}$ algebra and reduced Von Neumann ...
Adrián González Pérez's user avatar
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Subfactor summer reading list

Many people I talk to lament the nonexistence of a coherent source for learning the theory of subfactors. Could someone suggest a nice (ordered) list of books/papers to work through to obtain a ...
Jon Bannon's user avatar
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Are isometric homorphisms of C* algebras *-homorphisms

Here is my precise question: Let $A$ and $B$ be two $C^*$ algebras. Let $f: A \rightarrow B$ a homomorphism of $C^*$ algebras which is isometric (on its image). Is $f$ necessary a $*$-homomorphism ? ...
Simon Henry's user avatar
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Faithul map and (minimal) tensor product of $C^*$-algebras

Let $f$ be a faithful state on a $C^*$-algebra $A$, i.e. $f(a^*a)=0$ implies $a=0$. in general, call a mapping $T:A \to B$ between $C^*$-algebras faithful if $T(a^*a)=0$ implies $a=0$. How to prove ...
truebaran's user avatar
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Decomposability of positive maps

By results of Størmer and Woronowicz, every positive map $\Phi \colon \mathcal{M}_{d \times d} \rightarrow \mathcal{M}_{d' \times d'}$ for $dd' \leq 6$ can be decomposed as a convex combination $$\...
Michael's user avatar
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$\mathcal{O}_{\infty}$ and $\mathcal{Z}$ stable isomorphism as equivalence

If $O$ is a (strongly ?) self absorbing $C^*$-algebra, one has an equivalence relation on (separable) $C^*$-algebras: "being $O$-stably isomorphic" i.e. $A$ and $B$ are $O$-stably isomorphic if and ...
Simon Henry's user avatar
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A question on complex line bundle over $S^{2}$

Consider the trivial bundle $\epsilon_{2}=S^{2}\times \mathbb{C}^{2}$ with the standard Hermitian inner product $<(a,b), (c,d)>=a\bar{c}+b\bar{d}$. Assume that $\ell$ is a sub line bundle of ...
Ali Taghavi's user avatar
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Recover hermitian matrices out of the knowledge of their trace

Let $M_{1},\ldots, M_{m}$ be $m$ hermitian $N\times N$ matrices, and $tr=\frac{1}{N}Tr$ the normalised trace on the algebras of such matrices. If you know the quantities $tr(M_{i_{1}}\ldots M_{i_{...
Iliyo's user avatar
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The Mackey Topology on a Von Neumann Algebra

Every von Neumann algebra $\mathcal M$ is the dual of a unique Banach space $\mathcal M_* $. The Mackey topology on $\mathcal M$ is the topology of uniform convergence on weakly compact subsets of $\...
Andre's user avatar
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Noncommutative arithmetic mean geometric mean inequality and symmetric polynomials

While analyzing convergence speed of stochastic-gradient methods for convex optimization problems, Recht et al (2011) posed a tantalizing conjecture. It seems quite tricky, so after having struggled a ...
Suvrit's user avatar
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