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Questions tagged [local-fields]

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10 votes
2 answers

Orbits of $GL(n, \mathcal{O})$ on pairs of linear subspaces over non-Archimedean local fields

Let $F$ be a non-Archimedean local field. Let $\mathcal{O}$ be its ring of integers. Let $Gr_{i,n}$ denote the Grassmannian of $i$-dimensional linear subspaces in $F^n$. Can one describe ...
asv's user avatar
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7 votes
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Explicit $H^2(K, \mu) = Q/Z$?

In the development of local class field theory, a very fundamental theorem is that, for every local field $K$ of characteristic zero, $H^2(K, \mu) \cong \mathbb{Q}/\mathbb{Z}$. $(*)$ Neukirch et al. ...
Evan O'Dorney's user avatar
9 votes
1 answer

Rational points on varieties over local fields

In his expanded lecture notes Rational points on varieties, Bjorn Poonen writes the following: REMARK 2.5.3: There is an algorithm that, given a local field $k$ of characteristic $0$ and a $k$-...
thierry stulemeijer's user avatar
0 votes
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Index of a mysterious congruence subgroup

Let $F$ be a non-archimedean local number field, $\mathfrak{o}_F$ its ring of integers and $\mathfrak{p}_F$ its maximal ideal. Let $E$ be a quadratic unramified extension over $F$. Let $G$ be the ...
Wolker's user avatar
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3 votes
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Inverse image of norm map on principal units for an unramified extension

For a local field $E$, denote by $U(E)$ the units of the corresponding valuation ring $\mathcal{O}_E$, and denote by $U_n(E)$ the prinicipal $n$-units, i.e. $U_n(E)=1+M_E^n$ where $M_E$ is the maximal ...
Gal Porat's user avatar
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Characters of a quadratic extension and convergence

Let $F$ be a non-archimedean local field, $\chi$ a quasi-character of $F^\star$ and $\psi$ a positive character of $E^\star$. I would like to understand why the usual Rankin-Selberg zeta integrals ...
Wolker's user avatar
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What is the classification of this group?

Let $K=\mathbb C((t))$ and $O=\mathbb C[[t]]$, and $n\geq 1$. Consider the matrix $$J_{2n}=\begin{pmatrix} 0& I_n \\ -I_n & 0\end{pmatrix},$$ And let $\Psi : K^{2n}\times K^{2n}\rightarrow K$ ...
Z.A.Z.Z's user avatar
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Hilbert symbols vanishing

Let $p$ be an odd prime, and let $E/\mathbb{Q}_p$ be a finite extension that contains a primitive $p$-th root of unity $\zeta_p$ but not a primitve $p^2$-th root of unity $\zeta_{p^2}$. Let $a,b \in E^...
Pablo's user avatar
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Converging sequence of base change

Here is a natural question that I hope will be of interest to some. Let $\mathbf{F}_p(\!(T)\!)$ be the field of formal Laurent series over $\mathbf{F}_p$. An automorphism of $\mathbf{F}_p(\!(T)\!)$ ...
thierry stulemeijer's user avatar
2 votes
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Why is $\mathbb{Q}_p(p^{1/p^\infty})$ a complete topological field?

In Matthias Wulkau's exposition of Scholze's thesis, the term perfectoid field is defined as follows: Let $K$ be a field endowed with a non-archimedian absolute value $\lvert\cdot\rvert$, and let $\...
Dominic Wynter's user avatar
2 votes
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Complete fields with algebraically closed residue field

I am looking for a reference where the following result is proven: Let $k$ be an algebraically closed field. If $K$ is a complete and discretely valued field with residue field $k$. Then $K$ is one ...
user223794's user avatar
5 votes
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Artin map restricted to base field

Let $M/L/K$ be a tower of local fields such that $M/L$ is abelian with Galois group $G$. The Artin map $\psi_{M/L}$ restricted to $K^\times$ is a continuous map to $G$ and thus corresponds to some ...
Evan O'Dorney's user avatar
4 votes
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Locally compact vector space over a finite field

In the wikipedia article titled "topological vector space", there is a line saying the following. "Let $K$ be a locally compact topological field, for example to real or complex numbers. A ...
Daps's user avatar
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9 votes
1 answer

Conductor as volume of the integers ring

I am working on Tate's thesis, and I have some problems with computations, yet the result seems to be a good natural motivation for introducing the arithmetic conductor of a character. Let $F$ be a ...
Desiderius Severus's user avatar
13 votes
1 answer

What is the normal closure of $\mathbb{Q}_p \cap \bar{\mathbb{Q}}$ over $\mathbb{Q}$?

What is the normal closure of $\mathbb{Q}_p \cap \bar{\mathbb{Q}}$ over $\mathbb{Q}$? Is it $\bar{\mathbb{Q}}$?
Doris's user avatar
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22 votes
3 answers

Totally ramified subextension in a finite extension of $\mathbf{Q}_p$

Let $K$ be a finite extension of $\mathbf{Q}_p$. Let $F_d$ be the unramified extension of $\mathbf{Q}_p$ of degree $d$. I would like to know whether there exists some $d \geq 1$ and some $L \subset K \...
Laurent Berger's user avatar
10 votes
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Higher Adeles of a scheme and related topics

Let $X$ be a noetherian scheme. I will describe a construction of a simplicial ring which I think is called the Bellinson higher Adeles complex (or something similar). Consider the augmented ...
Saal Hardali's user avatar
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Hilbert Symbols, Norms, and p-adic roots of unity

Let $p$ be an odd prime number, let $\mathbb{Q}_p$ be the field of $p$-adic numbers, and let $\overline{\mathbb{Q}_p}$ be an algebraic closure of it. For a primitive $p$-th root of unity $\zeta_p \in ...
Pablo's user avatar
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7 votes
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Type of place versus type of unitary group

Let $F$ be a totally real number field, $E$ a totally imaginary quadratic extension over $E$, and $V$ an hermitian $n$-dimensional vector space over $F$. I assume $n=2m$ is even. Let $U$ be a unitary ...
Desiderius Severus's user avatar
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Uniformity in first order theory of p-adic fields of mixed characteristic

Perhaps the most successful attempt at analyzing first order theory of p-adic fields is through the use of RV language (aka. leading term structure). In this, quantifier elimination on the field sort ...
Gina's user avatar
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Understanding the structure of unitary groups

I would like to understand precisely the structure of unitary groups. Let $F$ be a global number field, $E$ a quadratic extension of $F$, and $U$ a unitary group on $E$ (i.e. the group of ...
Desiderius Severus's user avatar
2 votes
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What does equality modulo $p$ of $p$-adic linear groups imply?

$\newcommand{\GL}{\mathrm{GL}}\newcommand{\dbZ}{\mathbb{Z}}\newcommand{\dbF}{\mathbb{F}}\newcommand{\dbN}{\mathbb{N}}$ Hello. I have a small question regarding closed subgroup of $\GL_n(\dbZ_p)$, ...
kneidell's user avatar
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Local triviality of Galois cohomology classes over $\mathbb{Q}$

Let $A$ be a $\mathrm{Gal}(\bar{\mathbb{Q}}/\mathbb{Q})$-module which is a finitely generated free $\mathbb{Z}$-module. I'm interested in the behaviour of cohomology classes in $$\mathrm{H}^1(\mathbb{...
Daniel Loughran's user avatar
2 votes
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Fields of definition of parabolically induced representations of $\mathrm{SL}(2,q)$

Let $\alpha_0$ be the unique non-trivial character satisfying $\alpha_0^2=1$ of the split torus $\mathrm{T} \subset \mathrm{SL}(2,q)$ and denote by $\mathrm{R}(\alpha_0)$ the character of $\mathrm{SL}(...
M L's user avatar
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Dyadic Hilbert symbols and higher unit groups

Let $F$ be a local dyadic number field, $\mathfrak{p}$ its maximal ideal, $(*,*)_F$ its quadratic Hilbert symbol and $e$ its ramification index (i.e. $\mathfrak{p}^e$ is exact divisor of $2$). Fix an ...
Hatice Boylan's user avatar
4 votes
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Reference for: Every local field can be realized as the completion of a global field

It is well known that every local field (i.e. nondiscrete topological field locally compact with respect to the topology) is the completion of some global field. I know the argument, a nice ...
jaycegetz's user avatar
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Characters of simply connected semsimple algebraic groups over local fields

Let $G$ be a semisimple algebraic group over $\mathbb{Q}_p$. Then by definition $G$ admits no non-trivial algebraic characters, i.e. homomorphisms $G \to \mathbb{G}_m$. However, it is quite possible ...
Daniel Loughran's user avatar
12 votes
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Is every Polish ring topology on $\mathbb{C}$ defined by an absolute value?

There is a unique up to isomorphism algebraically closed field of characteristic 0 and cardinality of the continuum. Let's call it $K$. We usually call it $\mathbb{C}$, but by this we impose a ...
Uri Bader's user avatar
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8 votes
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Examples to keep in mind while reading the book 'The Admissible Dual...' by Bushnell and Kutzko and the importance of Interwining of representations

I am a beginner in the field of representation theory. I was reading the book 'The Admissible Dual of $GL(N)$ Via Compact Open Subgroups' by Bushnell and Kutzko. Let me first describe the book a ...
MathStudent's user avatar
8 votes
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Integral representation of adjoint L-factor for GL(2)

My question is about a local computation in the paper of Gelbart and Jacquet, "A relation between automorphic representations of GL2 and GL3", from 1978. Let $\sigma$ be an irreducible smooth complex ...
David Loeffler's user avatar
3 votes
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Relation between ramification index and length of filtration of ramification groups

Given a complete valued field $K$ with a discrete value group $\mathbb{Z}$, consider a totally ramified finite Galois extension $L$ of $K$ with its Galois group $G$. Let $O_L$ be the valuation integer ...
MiRi_NaE's user avatar
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Property of a derivative in global field

Before posting I want to make it clear that I posted the same question in stack exchange awhile ago ( but didn'...
Jack Yoon's user avatar
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6 votes
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Are the abelian absolute Galois groups of these local fields isomorphic?

For a field $F$ we denote by $F^{\mathrm{ab}}$ the compositum of all finite Galois abelian extensions of $F$. Is $\mathrm{Gal}(\mathbb{Q}_2(\sqrt[8]{3})^{\mathrm{ab}}/\mathbb{Q}_2(\sqrt[8]{3})) \...
Pablo's user avatar
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13 votes
4 answers

Which groups are Galois over some p-adic field?

Suppose I have some finite $p$-group $G$, or a little extension of it. How do I know if there exists a prime $l$ and a finite extension $K$ of $\mathbb{Q}_l$ such that $G$ is the Galois group of ...
Pablo's user avatar
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The left regular representation of the Jacobi groups over local fields of characteristic >2 is type I?

Let $K$ be a non-archimedean local field of characteristic $>2$. Consider the Jacobi group $G=H_{2n+1}(K)\rtimes Sp_{2n}(K)$, which is the semidirect product of the Heisenberg group $H_{2n+1}(K)$ ...
m07kl's user avatar
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Metaplectic groups over non-archimedean local fields of characteristic>2

Let $K$ be a non-archimedean local field of characteristic $>2$. Consider the double cover metaplectic extension of symplectic groups $p: Mp_{2n}(K)\rightarrow Sp_{2n}(...
m07kl's user avatar
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Orbits of some action of SL2 on Pontryagin dual of the field of formal Laurent series

Let $K=\mathbb{F}_2((t))$ be the field of formal Laurent series over the finite field $\mathbb{F}_2$. Now consider $K^3$ as an additive group and its dual group $\hat{K^3}$, which consists of all ...
m07kl's user avatar
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Normgroup and the image of the Hilbert symbol are subgroups of index 2 in the principal units

Let $K$ be a local field over $\mathbb{Q}_2$ such that the extension $K(i)/K$ is ramified and let $U^1_{K(i)}$ and $U^1_K$ denote the groups of principal units in the fields $K(i)$ and $K$, ...
Anfaenger's user avatar
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Infinitesimally small elements in extensions of models of model-complete theories

Suppose that we have a first order language $\mathcal{L}$ that extends the language of rings. Let $T$ a be a topological $\mathcal{L}$-theory of fields in the sense of Pillay.. this means that not ...
Nikesh Solanki's user avatar
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F-points of product of closed subgroups vs. product of F-points, F a local field, reference?

Let $F$ be a finite extension of $\mathbb Q_p$, where p is an odd prime. Let $G$ be a connected reductive group defined over $F$. Let $M, H$ be closed $F$-subgroups of $G$ (in particular, I'm ...
Jerrod Smith's user avatar
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Existence of the double coset ring on paper of Ihara

In his paper "On discrete subgroups of the two by two projective linear group over $\mathfrak{p}$-adic fields", Yasutaka Ihara considers an abstract group $G$ together with a length function $l$ from $...
Rupert's user avatar
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Lubin-Tate modules and different uniformizers

Suppose I have a local field $\mathcal{O}_K$ and two different prime elements $\pi$ and $\overline{\pi},$ i.e they differ by a unit $\overline{\pi} = u \pi$ for some $u \in \mathcal{O}_K^{\times}$ not ...
MichaelS.'s user avatar
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is there a criterion for a two-generator subgroup of $PL(2,K)$ to be a cocompact lattice?

In the case of the group $SO(n,1)$ there is a criterion known for whether or not two given elements of the group generate a cocompact lattice. Is any similar criterion known in the case of $PL(2,K)$ ...
Rupert's user avatar
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6 votes
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Argument of Zariski density to prove rationality of a regular map

Question: I want to know if the following result is correct: Let $k$ be a number field and $k_v$ be a completion of $k$ at some place $v$, denote $K_v$ an algebraic closure of $k_v$. Proposition.(...
std14's user avatar
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42 votes
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Motivating Lubin-Tate theory

The Lubin-Tate theory gives an amazingly clean and streamlined way of constructing the subfield (usually denoted) $F_\pi\subset F^\mathrm{ab}$ for a local field $F$ fixed by the Artin map associated ...
Stiofán Fordham's user avatar
5 votes
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A relative version of Hensel's lemma?

Let $k$ be a $p$-adic field with integer ring $\mathcal{O}_k \subseteq k$, maximal ideal $m_k \subseteq \mathcal{O}_k$ and residue field $\mathbb{F}_q = \mathcal{O}_k/m_k$. Let $X$ be a smooth, ...
Yonatan Harpaz's user avatar
6 votes
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Finding the inertia group

Set $h(x) = x^5+x^4+x^3+x^2+x-1$, let $L$ be the splitting field of $h$ over $\mathbb{Q}$, and let $p$ be a prime of $L$ lying over $2$. What is the isomorphism class of the inertia group $I_p$, ...
Pablo's user avatar
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Measure of ramification of local fields using upper numbering

We let $F$ be a non-archimedean local field (say with finite residue field). Consider a Galois extensions $E$ of $F$, with $G = Gal(E/F)$, in a fixed separable closure $\bar{F}$ of $F$. Considering ...
AYK's user avatar
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Can we prove the uniqueness of the local Artin map by using mostly global class field theory?

Let $l/k$ be a finite abelian extension of $p$-adic fields. There is a well defined local Artin map $k^{\ast} \rightarrow Gal(l/k)$ with kernel $N_{l/k}(l^{\ast})$. Let's suppose that we have only ...
D_S's user avatar
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$K^{ur}K^{\pi} = L$

Let $K$ be a $p$-adic field, and $L$ an infinite abelian extension of $K$ containing $K^{ur}$. Let $\Phi: K^{\ast} \rightarrow Gal(L/K)$ be the local Artin map. Let $\pi$ be a uniformizer for $K$, ...
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