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8 votes
2 answers

A continuous notion of realizability

I have been interested in non-classical logics, off and on, for quite a while. This question is probably very basic, and I hope it is not too low-level for MO. My question stems from an attempt to ...
Noah Schweber's user avatar
15 votes
3 answers

Classification of Platonic solids

My question is very basic: where can I find a complete (and hopefully self-contained) proof of the classification of Platonic solids? In all the references that I found, they use Euler's formula $v-e+...
Valerie's user avatar
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10 votes
3 answers

The identity element of a compact group is a limit point of any "polynomial sequence"

Is there an "elementary" (say ultrafilter-free) proof of the following fact: if $G$ is a compact (Hausdorff) topological group, if $g \in G$ is any element from this group, and if $P$ is a polynomial ...
user25235's user avatar
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1 answer

When does a power semigroup have a zero, and what can the zero be?

Let $S$ be a semigroup. The power semigroup of $S$ is the set $P(S)=2^S\setminus\lbrace\varnothing\rbrace $ with the operation $$AB=\lbrace ab\ |\ a\in A,\ b\in B\rbrace.$$ This operation is ...
Michał Masny's user avatar
15 votes
4 answers

Characterization of cocompact group action

Wikipedia claims the following: In mathematics, an action of a group G on a topological space X is cocompact if the quotient space X/G is a compact space or, equivalently, if there is a compact ...
Niemi's user avatar
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32 votes
5 answers

How many binary operations are associative?

Let $X$ be a finite set of $n$ elements, and consider a binary operation $\odot: X \times X \rightarrow X$. There are $n^{n^2}$ such binary operations, as the $n \times n$ table entries can each be ...
Joseph O'Rourke's user avatar
-1 votes
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the space of maximal ideals in C(X) and C*(X) [closed]

Let $C(X)$ be the continous function ring and $C*(X)$ be the bounded continous function ring.$Max C(X)$ consisting of all maximal ideals in $C(X)$. Question:why $Max C(X)$ and $Max C*(X)$ are compact ...
sh gh's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

Geometry Realization of Homology Class

Hello! My question is about the realization of homology class. The definition of the realizaion of homology class is: for manifold M and a homology class $z\in H_k(M)$, k is an integer. If we find a ...
Siqi He's user avatar
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12 votes
2 answers

Start with a topological group, take the meet of the two uniformities, and take the topology. Is the result again a topological group? [xpost from math.SE]

And what else can be said, if so? (Original math.SE post) In more detail: Say $(G,\mathscr{T})$ is a topological group. It has a left uniformity $\mathscr{L}$ and a right uniformity $\mathscr{R}$. (...
Harry Altman's user avatar
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0 votes
1 answer

a questions about the sums of intersections of maximal ideals

why the z-ideals in C(X) are basically the sums of intersections of maximal ideals?
sh gh's user avatar
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11 votes
0 answers

A proof of the gluing axiom of a TQFT

I posted the following question on math stackexchange but I have not received any answer. So I hope people here can help me. In the book Lectures on tensor categories and modular functors by Bakalov ...
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12 votes
2 answers

C*-algebras with no nontrivial endomorphisms

Pick a C*-algebra $A$ and call a (*-)endomorphism $\alpha:A\to A$ nontrivial if it is injective and $\alpha(A)\neq A$. Question: Do there exist infinite dimensional C*-algebras with no nontrivial ...
Ollie's user avatar
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6 votes
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Terminology for notion dual to "support"

If $X$ is a set (feel free to think of it as finite, but it doesn't have to be) and $f$ a real function on $X$, call the support $\operatorname{supp} f$ the subset of $X$ consisting of all elements $i\...
Igor Khavkine's user avatar
9 votes
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H-spaces without rational homology

Does there exist a simply connected, non-contractible manifold $M$, which is an $H$-space, and whose rational homology groups vanish in positive degrees? My space $M$ is in fact homotopy equivalent ...
Alexander Lytchak's user avatar
13 votes
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Is every $\sigma$-algebra of sets *abstractly* the Borel algebra of a topology on perhaps some other set?

Is every sigma-algebra the Borel algebra of a topology? inspires the present question which asks for less. Question: Given a $\sigma$-algebra $\mathcal A$ on a set $X$, does there exist a topology $\...
David Feldman's user avatar
7 votes
2 answers

A linearly orderable monoid which does not embed into a linearly orderable group

It is known (after an example of A.I. Mal'cev) that there exist cancellative semigroups which do not embed into a group. On the other hand, it is not difficult to see that every linearly orderable ...
Salvo Tringali's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

A question about Q?

Let A=$\{a_n : n\in \omega \}\subset 2^{\omega\times\omega}$ be nonempty countable without isolated points (i.e. homeomorphic to $\mathbb{Q}$), and satisfy $ \forall n\in \omega \exists^\infty m|\{k:...
Jialiang He's user avatar
18 votes
3 answers

when is a locally homeo a covering map?

Let $X$ and $Y$ be locally comapct Hausdorff spaces, and $f:X\to Y$ be a surjective local homeomorphism. When is $f$ a covering map? It is well-known that when $f$ is proper, $f$ is a covering map. ...
Jun Yoshida's user avatar
3 votes
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When is a sublevel set path-connected?

I am trying to completely characterize the conditions on $f : \mathbb{R}^n \to \mathbb{R}$ under which $\{x | f(x) \le 0 \}$ is path-connected. There are many obvious conditions that are sufficient (...
user21816's user avatar
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7 votes
2 answers

Arbitrary union of meagre open sets

Let $X$ be a topological space. A subset $M$ of $X$ is called meagre (or of first category) if it is covered by the union of a countable family of closed subsets of $X$ with empty interior. Can you ...
Yvoz's user avatar
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Closure properties of familes of $G_\delta$ sets.

Given a family of sets $G\subset P(X)$, can one characterize by "closure properties" alone whether or not $G$ arises as the family of all $G_\delta$ for some topology on $X$? some Polish space ...
David Feldman's user avatar
0 votes
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When is $\{ x \ge 0 | f(x) \le 0\}$ path-connected?

I'm trying to determine the conditions on $f : \mathbb{R}^n_{\ge 0} \to \mathbb{R^n}$ under which $\{ x \ge 0 | f(x) \le 0 \}$ is path-connected. We can assume that $f$ is continuous and concave. ...
user21816's user avatar
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A closed connected component in a topological space does not contain any path-connected subset?

Does there exist such a non-trivial closed connected component U of some connected topological space X or a non-trivial connected topological space X that do not contain any non-trivial path-connected ...
Changyu Guo's user avatar
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A question on minimal idempotent ultrafilter on N^2

Is there some minimal idempotent ultrafilter $q \in \beta( \mathbb{N}^2)$ (with respect to the law $"+"$) such that any $A \in q$ is a subset of $\mathbb{N} \times \{ 0 \} $ ? (See for example http:/...
js21's user avatar
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9 votes
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Constructible sets in Hausdorff spaces

In an attempt to write a proof by contradiction, I end up with a space $X$ with the following properties: (0) $X$ is nonempty, (1) $X$ is Hausdorff, (2) $X$ has no isolated points, (3) every subspace ...
Laurent Moret-Bailly's user avatar
6 votes
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Arbitrary small positive lower semi continuous functions

This question is a generalization of the question posed in this page to lower semi continuous functions. so let me describe the Question in the following way. Def: Let $(X,\tau)$ be a Tychonoff ...
Ali Reza's user avatar
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Thurston-Bennequin number vs. checkerboard coloring difference

For an alternating knot K, checkerboard-color the knot (if this is a lousy ASCII crossing: %, white goes to the left/right and black to top/bottom). Assume no surplus Reidemeister 1 kinks exist (K has ...
Hauke Reddmann's user avatar
3 votes
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product spaces of rationals

Let $Q$ follow subspace topology from $R$ Then I think it is true that $Q^n$ and $Q^m$ (with product topology) are not homeomorphic.I also think it will be possible to define "rational" homotopy ...
Marcus's user avatar
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Generalized Skorokhod spaces

Skorokhod spaces of càdlàg functions are an extremely useful setting to describe stochastic processes. I'd like to understand the Skorokhod topology from a pure topological point of view, without ...
Tom LaGatta's user avatar
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9 votes
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De Rham representatives of the cohomology classes in $H^*(SU(3))$

I would like to know differential forms representing the cohomology classes of $SU(3)$. I know that there exist a unique bi-invariant form in each class, but I'm not highly motivated by simply putting ...
Samuel Tinguely's user avatar
33 votes
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Fake versus Exotic

Without recourse to the Disc Theorem (or its progeny), is it true that all known examples of exotic differentiable structures on 4-manifolds would be fake rather than exotic? Terminology (perhaps non-...
Brendan Guilfoyle's user avatar
17 votes
6 answers

What is a good book on topological groups?

I am looking for a good book on Topological Groups. I have read Pontryagin myself, and I looked some other in the library but they all seem to go in length into some esoteric topics. I would love ...
6 votes
2 answers

$\beta\mathbb{N}$ vs $\beta\mathbb{Z}$

Just started learning the Stone-Cech compactification of discrete groups this week. My motivation comes from a question on $\beta\mathbb{Z}$. Surprisingly, I realized there are muchhhh more literature ...
7 votes
2 answers

Cantor Sets Inside Cantor Sets

(Or: "I heard you liked Cantor Sets...") I'm working on a student project, and the following construction came up very naturally: If $C$ is the usual Cantor Set, build a countable union of copies of ...
Thierry Zell's user avatar
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A basic question on Stone-Cech compactification of $\mathbb{Z}$

Can the identity isomorphism on the additive group $\mathbb{Z}$ be extended to a non-identity semigroup isomorphism on $\beta\mathbb{Z}$, and still preserves $\beta\mathbb{Z}\setminus\mathbb{Z}$? ...
Alvin's user avatar
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Characterization of Stone-Cech compactifications

Suppose I have an infinite discrete topological space $X$ of cardinality $\kappa$. Then I know some things about the Stone-Cech compactification, $\beta X$: it is Hausdorff and compact but not ...
Noah Schweber's user avatar
15 votes
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In ZF, when is a disjoint union of metrizable spaces metrizable?

It is easy to see that the disjoint union $\bigsqcup_i X_i$ of a collection of metric spaces is metrizable, simply by rescaling or chopping off the individual metrics to have diameter at most one, and ...
David Feldman's user avatar
6 votes
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Is there a category of topological-like spaces that forms a topos?

The category of convergence spaces generalise topological spaces and form a quasi-topos, as topoi are allegedly nicer is there a nicer kind of topological-like space, the category of which forms a ...
Mozibur Ullah's user avatar
1 vote
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Can Reidemeister 3 be weakened?

If you take the diagram of the Reidemeister 3 move and "shortcircuit" two ends, you get (click if Imgur hotlink doesn't work):        ...
Hauke Reddmann's user avatar
12 votes
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Borel sets preserved under open maps?

Given open map f: $R^n$ to $R^n$ such that each open set $U\in R^n$, $f(U)$ is also open. Are Borel sets in $R^n$ preserved under f? Motivation: Pre-image of Borel sets under continuous map is a ...
Jing Zhang's user avatar
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10 votes
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A space in which sequences have unique limits but compact sets need not be closed

A topological space is KC if every compact subspace is closed. A topological space is US if every convergent sequences has exactly one limit. Does someone know an easy example of a US space which is ...
Pedro Perez's user avatar
11 votes
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Topologies on the field of rationals

Ostrowski's theorem give the answer for valuations, but is there a complete classification of (at least separated) topologies on Q (compatible with the field operations, obviously)?
Feldmann Denis's user avatar
2 votes
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On the notion of torsion-freeness in semigroup theory

The following seems to be the "official" notion of torsion-freeness in the context of semigroups: TF1. A (multiplicatively written) semigroup $\mathfrak A$ is torsion-free if there do not ...
Salvo Tringali's user avatar
2 votes
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The set of Upper semi-continuous functions as a ring.

I should recall that the surgenfery topology on the real numbers is denoted by $\mathbb{R}_l$, and has the set {$[a , b): a,b \in \mathbb{R} $} as it's base. If $X$ is a topological space, an upper ...
Ali Reza's user avatar
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Lifting identities of formal power series

I am looking for a possibly general class of algebraic structures (maybe special topological rings) in which one can deduce identities of concrete power series from formal ones. This class should ...
Dune's user avatar
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4 votes
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Is normality of a Hausdorff space consequence of some property of open domains?

Let $\mathrm{r}\mathscr{O}$ be the family of open domains (regular open sets) of a topological space $\langle X,\mathscr{O}\rangle$, that is: $$A\in\mathrm{r}\mathscr{O}\iff A=\mathrm{int(\mathrm{cl(A)...
Rafał Gruszczyński's user avatar
2 votes
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Assumptions on a commutative C*-algebra to get a nice C(X) - space

I have the following question, Is it possible to get somehow a compact Hausdorff space $X$ which is second-countable from a unital commutative C*-algebra. If it is possible, what should we assume ...
Celeban's user avatar
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Strictly totally ordered semigroups - Looking for references

Let $\mathfrak A = (A, \cdot)$ be a semigroup (written multiplicatively). We say that $\mathfrak A$ is linearly orderable if there exists a total order $\le$ on $A$ such that $ac < bc$ and $ca < ...
Salvo Tringali's user avatar
9 votes
5 answers

Homeomorphism of the rationals

In working with the classification of stable vector bundles on $\mathbb{P}^2$, I've found that I need to answer a fairly basic question from analysis/point set topology. Here it is. Suppose $f:\...
Jack Huizenga's user avatar
2 votes
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Technique: Compactness => (Finite -> Reals)

Context I'm studying a classical results of Erdos and Lovasz, on colorings of the real line. The theorem to be proved is as follows: Let $m, k$ be two positive integers satisfying: $$e(m(m-1)+1)k\...
anon's user avatar
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