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Follow up question on union of disjoint Vitali sets...

Since I haven't received a satisfactory answer to my initial question I'm going to ask a somewhat weaker one... This time we say $X$ is a Vitali set in the closed interval $[0, 1]$ with respect to $\...
George Lazou's user avatar
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Composition of (topologically) connected binary relations

My question seems far too basic to be unknown, but I could not find anything relevant... Let $X$, $Y$ and $Z$ be compact connected metric spaces, and let $F \subset X \times Y$ and $G \subset Y \...
Alexander Shamov's user avatar
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Normality of an affine semigroup

An affine monoid is a finitely generated commutative submonoid of $\mathbb Z^k$ for some positive integer k. Let S be an affine monoid and let G(S) be the group generated by S. We say the monoid S is ...
user3649's user avatar
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Legendrian homotopy of curves in a contact structure?

I'm aware of the great body of work on Legendrian knot theory in contact geometry, but suppose I'm curious just about homotopy and not isotopy. How does one understand the space of Legendrian loops ...
j.c.'s user avatar
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Measures idempotent with respect to addition and multiplication.

Does there exist a probability finitely additive measure on $\mathbb N$ which is idempotent with respect to addition and multiplication simultaneously? It is known (due to Hindman) that there is no ...
Lev Glebsky's user avatar
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Discriminant locus in knot space

Consider the space $K$ of all immersions of $S^1$ into $\mathbb R^3$. The set of knots with self-intersection is a discriminant in $K$ and divide it into "chambers". Let $f$ be a knot with $n$ double ...
Nikita Kalinin's user avatar
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Finding saturated open sets

Suppose I have a continuous map $f:X\rightarrow Y$. Then one can wonder, whether for every open set $U\subset X$ the set $U':=\{x\in X|f^{-1}(f(x))\subset U\}$ is open again. This is not true in ...
HenrikRüping's user avatar
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Generalized Skorokhod spaces

Skorokhod spaces of càdlàg functions are an extremely useful setting to describe stochastic processes. I'd like to understand the Skorokhod topology from a pure topological point of view, without ...
Tom LaGatta's user avatar
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Is there a homological way to compute quiver presentations?

I have recently been studying with colleagues the representation theory of certain finite monoids that come up in probability theory and combinatorics, see Ken Brown's beautiful survey here. These ...
Benjamin Steinberg's user avatar
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Can a "weak" topological space be a Moore space?

Let B be a reflexive and infinite dimensional real Banach space-which could be Hilbert space l^2- and let B be endowed with the weak topology. Although this topology is regular and Hausdorff, it is ...
Garabed Gulbenkian's user avatar
-1 votes
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Finiteness of "novel variance" from a kernel on a compact space [closed]

Let $c(i,i')$ be a kernel function on a reasonable index space $I$. Choose a dense sequence of points $\{i_1, i_2, \cdots \} \subseteq I$, and define the one-point kernel functions $k_n := c(\cdot, ...
Tom LaGatta's user avatar
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Is the coproduct of fibrant spectra fibrant again?

Define an $S^{1}$-spectrum $E$ to be a sequence of pointed simplicial sets $E_{n},\\ n=0,1,2...$ with assembly morphisms $\sigma_{n}:S^{1}\wedge E_{n}\rightarrow E_{n+1}$. An $S^{1}$-spectrum $E$ is ...
Luis 's user avatar
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What are the topological properties of the metric space retained (inherited) for its completion

Let $(X,d)$ be a metric space and $(\bar{X},\bar{d})$ its completion. There is a list of topological properties Wikipedia - Topological property Does anybody know list which of them are retained (...
4 votes
1 answer

"monotone" homotopy?

This is a question about a concept that I call "monotone homotopy" which arises in a natural way in some topological situations. Let $X$ be a (bounded) metric space, $Y$ be a topological space and $A\...
reader2's user avatar
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Universal Hausdorff Space [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: Largest Hausdorff quotient Is there a left adjoint to ${\mathbf{Haus}}\to{\mathbf{Top}}$? Here ${\mathbf{Haus}}$ is the full subcategory of Hausdorff spaces in ${\mathbf{Top}}$...
user avatar
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Sheaf of sections and local triviality

This is probably not a research level question, I'm sorry if it is inappropriate. I'm reasking here this question on Suppose that $\xi: E \to B$ is a bundle (by which I mean simply a ...
Alexei Averchenko's user avatar
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Nuclearity of certain semigroup crossed product C*-algebras

This question is related to this question link. Suppose we have an (abelian) semigroup $S$ acting by endomorphisms on a $C^*$-algebra A giving rise to a semigroup crossed product $B = A\rtimes S$. ...
user5831's user avatar
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Countable paracompactness, normality and locally countable open covers

(repost from the topology Q&A board) I have a (T_1), Normal, countably paracompact space X. I would like to know if every locally countable open cover of X (i.e. an open cover such that every x ...
David R. MacIver's user avatar
5 votes
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Isotropic subspaces in cohomology

Hello, Here is a problem I encountered in the study of Kähler manifolds but there is a natural generalisation of this for topological spaces. If $X$ is a topological space, denote by $g_\mathbb{R}$ ...
mister_jones's user avatar
-2 votes
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commutative monoids have binary products? [closed]

Does the category CMonoid of commutative monoids have binary products? thanks
lala's user avatar
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A question about open subsets of Hilbert space

If H is (a separable and infinite dimensional) Hilbert space and if U is a non-empty open subset of H that is not connected, does the boundary B of U always have at least one component that is not a ...
Garabed Gulbenkian's user avatar
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Sufficient conditions for Hausdorffness

Let $(X,\tau)$ be a $T_1$ topological space and $Y\subset X$ a dense subspace which is completely metrizable. Are there any sufficient conditions to ensure that $(X,\tau)$ is Hausdorff using the known ...
dan232's user avatar
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Locally compact, 0-dimensional, pseudocompact space

Is a 0-dimensional, locally compact and pseudocompact space $X$ necessarily strongly 0-dimensional? I.e., must $\beta X$ be 0-dimensional? It is known that a 0-dimensional locally compact space which ...
Fred Dashiell's user avatar
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Fixed point theorem for convex, closed multivalued mapping

There is well-known fixed point theorem theorem for multivalued l.s.c. maps, based on Michael selection theorem: Suppose, that $X$ is compact, convex and metrizable in locally convex Hausdorff ...
Maciej Skorski's user avatar
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H-spaces without rational homology

Does there exist a simply connected, non-contractible manifold $M$, which is an $H$-space, and whose rational homology groups vanish in positive degrees? My space $M$ is in fact homotopy equivalent ...
Alexander Lytchak's user avatar
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Functoriality of base change

Let $a:W\rightarrow X$, $c:X\rightarrow Z$, $b:W\rightarrow Y$ and $d:Y\rightarrow Z$ be a pull-back diagram in the category of topological spaces. Then one can construct a natural isomorphism $\kappa$...
JJH's user avatar
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Extending a Hilbert space isometrically

Let $H$ be a Hilbert space, and let $X$ be a topological vector space. Under what conditions on the topologies of $X$ and $H$ does there exist an injective, continuous linear map $f : H \to X$? ...
Tom LaGatta's user avatar
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Proofs of Baire category theorem

I would like to have a list of proofs of the fact that the real line is not meager (also very useful would be a reference to such a list, if it already exists somewhere). My motivation is the ...
Antongiulio's user avatar
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Algebras with countable chains only

Is there an example of an uncountable Boolean algebra $B$ in which every chain is countable and such that $\ell_\infty$ embeds into the Banach space $C(\mbox{Stone }B)$? The latter requirement is not ...
Bojan Kwitek's user avatar
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A question about connected inner limiting sets

Let M be a finite-dimensional Euclidean space or an infinite-dimensional separable Banach space. An inner limiting subset of M is a countable intersection of open subsets of M-these sets are usually ...
Garabed Gulbenkian's user avatar
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realcompact space

I want to study realcompact spaces but I can't find the best book or journal for it, and I really need to. (sorry I don't write English very well)
sh gh's user avatar
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Does the weak approximation theorem hold for general topological fields?

The weak approximation theorem states that given a field $F$ and nontrivial inequivalent absolute values $|\cdot|_1,\ldots,|\cdot|_n,$ and letting $F_i$ denote $F$ with the topology from $|\cdot|_i$, ...
Harry Altman's user avatar
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Sums of Strongly z-ideals

In the rings of continuous functions,i.e.$(C(X))$ an ideal $I$ is called strongly $z$-ideal if it is an intersection of some maximal ideals of $C(X)$. i.e. $$I=\cap_{\alpha \in A} \mathcal{M_{\alpha}}$...
Ali Reza's user avatar
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Mapping class group and cylindrical structure

Let us fix a torus $\Sigma=S^1 \times S^1$. We consider a cylinder $\Sigma \times I$ and a data $(\Sigma\times I, \Sigma\times 0, \Sigma\times 1, f_{0},f_{1})$. Here $f_{i}$, called parametrization, ...
knot's user avatar
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Transitive Semigroups of $2\times 2$ matrices

Suppose $G$ is a semigroup (i.e., closed under matrix multiplication) of invertible $2\times 2$ real matrices. Suppose also that $G$ is transitive i.e., for any two non-zero vectors $u$ and $v$ there ...
Hej's user avatar
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homeomorphism of topological group

Let G be a topological group and a be an element of order 2 in G. Further suppose the element a does not belong to center of G. Then is it true that only homeomorphism f of G such that $f(ax)=f(x)a$ ...
jasp's user avatar
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A question about disconnecting a Euclidean space or a Hilbert space

By a "totally disconnected" point set I mean one whose only connected subsets are singletons. Can a finite dimensional Euclidean space whose dimension is at least two, be separated by any subset that ...
Garabed Gulbenkian's user avatar
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Topological simplicity and dense subgroups

Let $G$ be a (topologically) simple Hausdorff topological group. Let $H$ be a dense subgroup of $G$. Now throw away the topology. What restrictions are known on the structure of $H$ as an abstract ...
Colin Reid's user avatar
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d-refining covering of normal space

If $X$ is normal, it is well known that for any open-covering $(U_i)$ of $X$, there exist closed subspaces $F_i$ and $G_i$ and an open subspaces $O_i$ such that $$F_i\subset O_i\subset G_i\subset U_i\...
MyIsmail's user avatar
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Continuity of the maxima

Let $f:X\times Y\mapsto R$ be jointly continuous, where $X$ is some topological space, $Y$ is some countably compact topological space. My question is whether or not the envelop $\phi(x) := \max_{y\in ...
yaoliang's user avatar
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CG Hausdorff space

Let X be in CGHaus and Y locally compact hausdorff. The usual product space XxY is CGHaus, so we dont need to apply that special functor to it (the one that takes a space to the space with same points ...
123's user avatar
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Characterising singular homology among a more general class of cosimplicial spaces

Is there a way to characterise (up to isomorphism) the cosimplicial spaces $F: \Delta \to \underline{\text{Top}}$ with $F( \underline{n}) \subset \mathbb{R}^{n+1}$ compact and $F(\underline{0})$ a ...
Joshua Seaton's user avatar
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When is $\{ x \ge 0 | f(x) \le 0\}$ path-connected?

I'm trying to determine the conditions on $f : \mathbb{R}^n_{\ge 0} \to \mathbb{R^n}$ under which $\{ x \ge 0 | f(x) \le 0 \}$ is path-connected. We can assume that $f$ is continuous and concave. ...
user21816's user avatar
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Question on coverings and and their classifying spaces [closed]

Hello. I have a question on covering spaces. Please let each space be paracompact, path-connected, locally path-connected and semi-locally simply connected. Let $E\to B$ denote a normal covering ...
user13624's user avatar
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Is the subspace of DVR's of the Zariski-Riemann space still quasi-compact?

If $S$ is the Zariski-Riemann space of a noetherian subring $k$ of a field $K$, Zariski-Samuel prove that $S$ is quasi-compact. If $S'$ is the subspace of valuations that are discrete (i.e. that ...
name's user avatar
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Continuity at a point in sequential spaces

Let $X$ be a sequential space, $Y$ be some topological space, and $f:X\mapsto Y$ define some function. If $\forall x_n \to x, n\in\mathbb{N}$ implies $f(x_n) \to f(x)$, then does it follow that $f$ is ...
yaoliang's user avatar
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Tubular neighbourhood which is nowhere piecewise linear

I recently asked this question. I think, if the following were true, then I would solve my problem. Let $E\subset\{(x_1,\dots,x_n)\in\mathbb R^n\;|\;x_i\geq 0\, \&\, \sum_ix_i=1\}$ be a convex ...
user3204602's user avatar
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Associative binary operations on natural numbers

Which are all the associative binary operations on natural numbers ? Certain results in this regard can be found in arxiv:math/0508215. It appears that such associative operations cannot grow too fast....
Elemer E Rosinger's user avatar
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Relations in matrix semigroups

Suppose that $A_1, \dots, A_k \in M_n(\mathbb{Q})$ and $S$ is the semigroup generated by them. Two questions: are there always a finite set of relations $\{R_i\}$ among the $A_j$ such that $S$ is ...
Victor Miller's user avatar
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Direct Limits and Limits of Nets

A net is a function from a directed set into a topological space, and it is said to converge to a point if certain conditions are satisfied. Similarly, a direct system is a function from a directed ...
David Corwin's user avatar
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