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Questions tagged [normalization]

The word normalization refers to a procedure transforming an algebraic variety (more generally, a scheme) to a normal one via a birational morphism. This tag should be used only for questions in algebraic geometry rather than ones in analysis, logic or probability.

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0 answers

Normal form of boolean expressions linear/affine w.r.t. conjunction and disjunction

$\DeclareMathOperator\Bool{Bool}$I am interested in boolean expressions that are linear/affine in the following sense. Let $\Bool(X)$ be the free boolean algebra over the set $X$. We can consider the ...
anuyts's user avatar
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When does weak normalization imply strong normalization?

Is there a possibility to get strong normalization for some kind of $\lambda$-calculus out of weak normalization with some other assumptions? For example: The term $(\lambda_y z)((\lambda_x xx)(\...
Zermelo-Fraenkel's user avatar
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When is the singularity of a semi-normal variety a double point singularity

Let $X$ be a semi-normal projective variety and $p: \widetilde{X} \to X$ be the normalization. Suppose that $\widetilde{X}$ is smooth and there exists two smooth divisors $D_1, D_2 \subset \widetilde{...
Chen's user avatar
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Normal form of framed links under Kirby moves

It's well known that any oriented closed 3-manifold (topological or smooth) can be obtained by surgerizing along a (framed oriented) link $L$ in the 3-sphere $S^{3}$. Even better, Kirby found a ...
Student's user avatar
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Criterion for the consistency of pure type systems

Pure type systems are characterized in an almost combinatorial way: a set of axioms $\star_i : \star_j$, and a set of triples $(\star_i, \star_j, \star_k)$ saying when the dependent product $\prod_{x :...
Trebor's user avatar
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Moduli interpretation of normalization of moduli space

The question is about formal and rigid geometry, but I would be interested in an answer from an algebraic geometry point of view as well. Let $\mathfrak{X}$ be a formal moduli space (e.g., the formal ...
Jon Aycock's user avatar
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If the normalization is affine, is it affine? (if quasiaffine)

I was surprised to find out that, even if the normalization $X^\nu$ of a scheme $X$ is affine, $X$ may not be affine (remove the line $x=y$ from their example to make the source affine). In the ...
Leo Herr's user avatar
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Example of torsion differential forms

I am looking for an example of a normal affine variety $V$ over a perfect field $k$ such that the differentials $\Omega_{V/k}$ are not torsion free. If normality is not required, an example is given ...
Katharina Hübner's user avatar
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Embedded normalization

Let $S$ be an irreducible surface in a 3-dimensional variety $X$ (everything taking place over $\mathbb{C}$, say). By Hironaka's therorem, we know for sure that there is an embedded resolution of $S$, ...
C. Gachet's user avatar
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Normalized Laplacian matrix versus walk Laplacian matrix (or normalized adjacency matrix versus walk adjacency matrix)

In graphs, found that two different normalization matrices exist for Laplacian and adiacency matrix. I will ask about the adjacency matrix (for the Laplacian matrix the questions are the same). The ...
volperossa's user avatar
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Why does a complex linear normalization of a real algebraic surface inherit a real structure?

Could you recommend any references to (some of) the following very basic assertions in algebraic geometry? (It seems unreasonable to reprove them in a research paper.) (1) Let a surface $X$ in $\...
Mikhail Skopenkov's user avatar
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Normalization of affine curves in singular surfaces

Let $X$ be a normal, isolated surface singularity with $x_0 \in X$ the unique singularity. Let $C \subset X$ be a hyperplane section i.e., defined by a single equation. Denote by $n:\widetilde{C} \to ...
Jana's user avatar
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Bijective restriction of the normalization morphism

Let $X$ be an integral separated scheme of finite type over $\mathbb{C}$. Consider the normalization morphism $f:X'\rightarrow X$. Can we always find an affine open $U\subset X'$ such that $f|_U:U\...
mikhalych's user avatar
6 votes
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Does ampleness descend along finite maps?

First, let me emphasize that for $X$ a not-necessarily proper variety, we say that a line bundle $L$ on $X$ is ample, if for some positive integer $n$, $L^{\otimes n}$ arises as $j^*O(1)$ for some (...
jacob's user avatar
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12 votes
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Is height preserved in a normalization?

Let $R$ be a domain and $\tilde R$ its integral closure in its fraction field: $R\subset \tilde R\subset Frac(R)$. Is it true that a prime ideal $ \tilde {\mathfrak p} \subset \tilde R$ and its ...
Georges Elencwajg's user avatar
3 votes
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$\widetilde{R}=\bigcap_{\mathsf{ht}(\mathfrak p)=1}R_\mathfrak p$

As we know every normal Noetherian domain $R$ can be written as $$R=\bigcap_{\mathsf{ht}(\mathfrak p)=1}R_\mathfrak p.$$ I'm asking myself the following question: Question: If the normalization of $\...
Vincenzo Zaccaro's user avatar
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Ring of sections and normalization

Let $D$ be a base-point-free divisor on a normal projective variety $X$, and let $Y$ be the image of the morphism $f_{D}:X\rightarrow Y$ induced by $D$. Assume that $f_D$ is birational. Now, let $X(D)...
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Picard group of normalization

Let $X$ be a projective variety with at worst (analytic) normal crossings singularities and $\pi:\tilde{X} \to X$ be the normalisation. Is there a "nice" description relating the picard group of $X$ ...
Ron's user avatar
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Positivity of the ramification divisor

Let $X$ be a non-normal surface such that $K_X$ is a pseudo-effective divisor and ${\rm Bs}_{-}(K_X)$ (the diminished base locus of $K_X$) equals, at least set-theoretically, the non-normal locus of $...
Joaquín Moraga's user avatar
11 votes
3 answers

How to handle sums in Tait's reducibility proof of strong normalisation?

I've been reading Girard et al's 'Proofs and Types', which in Chapter 6 presents a proof of strong normalisation for the simply typed lambda calculus with products and base types. The proof is based ...
RAC's user avatar
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A question about the prediction error

I am reading about the prediction error estimation and I found the following: Suppose we have ${\mathbf{Y}}=\mathbf{x}_0+ \epsilon$, where, $\epsilon$ is normally distributed as $\sim \mathcal{N}(0, \...
neda's user avatar
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Understanding Strong Normalization for Identity Types in Martin-Löf Intensional Type Theory [closed]

Roughly, the strong normalization property for Martin-Löf Intensional Type Theory (MITT) tells us that every closed term $t$ of type $M$ will eventually reach a canonical normal form $t’$ such that it ...
StudentType's user avatar
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If $X$ has non-singular normalization $\dim (\mathrm{Sing(X)})=\dim (X)-1$?

Let $X\subseteq\mathbb{P}^{N}$ be a quasiprojective variety of dimension $N-1$, and let $$ \nu:X^{\nu}\rightarrow X $$ be its normalization. Let us suppose that $X^{\nu}(\neq X)$ is smooth. I wonder ...
JosuaJones's user avatar
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the normalized blowup

Let $X$ be a normal variety over $\mathbb{C}$ and $x\in X$ a singular point. Let $f:Y^{\nu}\to X$ be the normalized blowup at $x\in X$. (i.e. $f$ is a composition of the blowup $Y:=Bl_xX\to X$ and ...
Beankien's user avatar
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Normalization of a Noetherian local domain and line bundles on the punctured spectrum

Let $A$ be a Noetherian local domain ($2$-dimensional if needed) such that its punctured spectrum $U$ is regular, and let $A'$ be the normalization of $A$. 1) Is it possible for $A'$ to have ...
O-Ren Ishii's user avatar
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Twisting locally free sheaves in characteristic $p$

Let $X$ be an irreducible nodal projective curve over an algebraically closed field of characteristic $p>0$. Denote by $\pi:\tilde{X} \to X$ the normalization of $X$. Recall, the short exact ...
user43198's user avatar
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Projective normality of cones over projectively normal varieties

Let $X\subseteq\mathbb{P}^n$ be a smooth subvariety, with homogeneus ideal $I\subseteq k[x_0,\ldots,x_n]$. Let $C(X)\subseteq\mathbb{P}^{n+1}$ be the projective cone over $X$, so that $C(X)$ is ...
gio's user avatar
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Can height one maximal ideals in the normalization contract to non-height one primes in the base?

Let $R$ be a local (Noetherian) integral domain of dimension greater than one. Can the integral closure (i.e. normalization) of $R$ have a maximal ideal of height one?
Neil Epstein's user avatar
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Eigenfunctions to 2nd-order Differential Operators: Relation between Frobenius Series Solution and Eigenfunction Normalised to the Delta Function

Consider the 2nd-order linear ODE $x f^{''}(x) + x (\beta - 2 \alpha x) \kappa / \sigma f^{'}(x) - 1 / \sigma \left[ 2 \alpha \kappa - \lambda^2 (\beta - 2 \alpha x)^2 \right] f(x) = 0$, where $\sigma&...
user51524's user avatar
6 votes
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Normalization of a curve and push forward of vector bundles

Let $C$ be a projective curve (over an algebraically closed field, not necessarily of characteristic zero) which is smooth except for exact one node. Let $\pi:\tilde{C} \to C$ be its normalization. ...
user46578's user avatar
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Equivariant normalization?

Let $G=\mathrm{Gl}_n\mathbb C$ and let $X$ be an affine $G$-variety. Let $\phi:\tilde X\to X$ be the normalization of $X$, i.e. the spectrum of the integral closure of $\mathbb C[X]$ in its fraction ...
Jesko Hüttenhain's user avatar
4 votes
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When is normalization functorial?

Let $X$ and $Y$ be two irreducible, affine $\newcommand{\C}{\mathbb C}\C$-varieties. Let $f:X\to Y$ be a morphism. Denote by $u:\tilde X\to X$ and $v:\tilde Y\to Y$ their normalizations. Now, if $f$ ...
Jesko Hüttenhain's user avatar
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meaning of normalization

I have seen the following construction and I would be very happy if someone could explain its meaning to me. We start from a smooth projective algebraic variety $X$ over a field of characteristic ...
normali's user avatar
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Relation between blowup and normalization

Let $X$ be a variety over an algebraically closed field with null characteristic. Let $C$ be a smooth subvariety of $X$ of dimension 1, and let $x$ be a point of $C$. We assume that $X$ is ...
Lierre's user avatar
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computational complexity of primitive recursive functions

If we have a rewrite system for primitive recursive functions, which simplifies each term according to how the function was defined, then what is the computational complexity of this calculation? That ...
AKS's user avatar
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L_2-norm representation

Let $$ f^{\alpha}_+(x)=\frac{1}{\Gamma(\alpha+1)}\sum_{k\ge 0}(-1)^k{\alpha+1 \choose k}(x-k)^{\alpha}_+, $$ where $\alpha > -\frac 12$. I am wondering if one can get nice representation of $L^2$-...
David's user avatar
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Is this function field extension a Galois extension ?

Setting and question Let $X$ be a variety over an algebraically closed field of null characteristic, and let $C$ be a (regular if you want) curve included in $X$. Consider $X'$ the normalization of $...
Lierre's user avatar
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Noether normalization vs. normalization of varieties

As far as I can tell, Noether normalization uses the term "normalization" in the English sense, that something has been given a standard form. And as such it's not intrinsically related to ...
Allen Knutson's user avatar
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Finiteness of normalization of Noetherian normal domain

I have the following question: Let $A$ be an integrally closed Noetherian domain, $K$ its field of fractions. let $L$ be a finite extension of $K$, and $B$ the integral closure of $A$ inside $L$. Is ...
Sasha's user avatar
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Which monomial subalgebras are direct summands of polynomial rings

Let $S=k[x_1,\dots,x_n]$ be a polynomial ring, and $A:=k[x^{u^{(1)}}, \dots x^{u^{(l)}}]$ a monomial subalgebra, generated by monomials $x^{u^{(i)}} = \prod_{j=1}^n x_j^{u^{(i)}_{j}}$ with $u^{(i)} \...
Thomas Kahle's user avatar
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Simple reference for valuative criterion of integrality?

I'd like to see a complete proof of the simplest version of the following rough statement: "If $f/g$ is a rational function on a reduced scheme ($g$ not a zero divisor), and $f/g$ doesn't have poles ...
Allen Knutson's user avatar
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Does the normalization of a projective morphism determine the line bundle?

Let $X$ be a smooth, complete algebraic variety and suppose I have two projective, birational morphisms $$f:X \to \mathbb{P}^n$$ and $$g:X \to \mathbb{P}^m,$$ such that the image of $f$ is the ...
Zaky's user avatar
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Line bundles, linear systems and normalization

One example that I always have in mind is that the plane nodal (or even the plane cuspidal) cubic curve $X$ is obtained by an appropirate 2-dim linear subsystem of $|\mathcal{O} (3)|$ on $\mathbb{P}^...
Jodel's user avatar
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On the normalization and the quotient of the structure sheaves

Let $\nu:\tilde{X}\to X$ be the normalization of a projective variety with non-isolated singularity. The usual object to consider is $\nu_*\mathcal{O}_{\tilde{X}}/\mathcal{O}_X$. For example, one ...
Dmitry Kerner's user avatar
18 votes
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Flatness of normalization

Let $X$ be a noetherian integral scheme and let $f \colon X' \to X$ be the normalization morphism. It is known that, if non trivial, $f$ is never flat (see Liu, example 4.3.5). What happens if we ...
Ricky's user avatar
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Dimensionality of a map -- distance

Hello, I am looking for some words to describe what going on here. I'm sure this is not an original thought, so I'd like to read up on more from others who have thought out this topic further. FORMAT ...
William Entriken's user avatar
7 votes
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Normality of a locus of points in projective space

Let $U_{d,n}\subseteq(\mathbb{P}^d)^n$ denote the locus of $n$-distinct points in projective space $\mathbb{P}^d$ that lie on a rational normal curve of degree $d$, and let $V_{d,n}$ denote its ...
Noah Giansiracusa's user avatar
8 votes
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Doing explicit computations with coordinate rings

Suppose that we are given an integral $k$-algebra $A$ of finite type explicitly, by which I mean that we are given the generators of the defining ideal $J$ where $A = k[x_1,...,x_n]/J$. What kinds of ...
user332's user avatar
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Is weak normality stable under completion?

I'm curious if anyone knows a reference for the following. It seems like someone must have done this somewhere, but I couldn't find a reference. Recall that an excellent reduced noetherian ring $R$ ...
Karl Schwede's user avatar
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How do I convert a uniform value in [0,1) to a standard normal (Gaussian) distribution value?

I have uniform value in [0,1). I'd like to transform it into a standard normal distribution value, in a deterministic fashion. What I'm confused about with the Box-Muller transform is that it takes ...
Joseph Turian's user avatar