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Convolution algebras for double groupoids?

There is a lot of work of course on convolution algebras of measured groupoids, and this gives "Noncommutative geometry". However there is a lot of interest in algebraically structured groupoids, for ...
Ronnie Brown's user avatar
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Relationship between sequential compactness of a convex set and its extremal points

Suppose that $X$ is a compact convex subset of a topological vector space. Suppose also that the extremal points of $X$ have the additional property that any sequence $x_n$ of extremal points has a ...
anonymous's user avatar
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A Cauchy–Schwarz Type Inequality Involving Scaled Distributions

I have stumbled upon a rather intriguing inequality involving the product of the scaled distribution and the scaled density of a random variable. The inequality has a very attractive form, and it ...
Santiago's user avatar
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Reference Request: Hamiltonian and quantum completeness.

Let $L$ be a differential operator in $L^2(M, dvol)$ wrt to a Riemannian volume form (say). Let us call it quantum complete if it is essentially-self-adjoint. Consider $H$ - the symbol of $L$. It is a ...
vkrouglov's user avatar
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26 votes
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About the category of von neumann algebras

I am looking for one (or more) reference about properties of the category of von Neumann algebra. More precisely, in an answer of a previous question, Dmitri Pavlov mentions that the $W^*$ category ...
Oliver's user avatar
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Interpolation of derivatives

If $U$ is an open interval of $\mathbb{R}$ and $f : U \to \mathbb{R}$ is an $L^2(U)$ function with second derivative $f'' \in L^2(U)$ (in the weak sense), is $f \in W^{1,1}(U)$? EDIT: Removed false ...
John H's user avatar
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Schwartz Kernel theorem for tempred functions

Let $T(R)$ denote the space of tempered functions on the line, i.e. the smooth functions that give Schwartz function after a multiplication by any Schwartz function, equipped with the natural nuclear ...
Rami's user avatar
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The Levi form of the distance squared function in a non-positively curved Kaehler manifold

Suppose that if $X$ is a complete, simply connected Kaehler manifold with non-positive sectional curvatures. Let $P \in X$ and $h : X \to \mathbb{R}$ be the function defined by $h(x) = dist(P,X)^2$. ...
Dick Hain's user avatar
7 votes
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Exactness of completed tensor product of nuclear spaces

Let $0 \to V \to W \to L \to 0$ be a strict short exact sequence of (complete) nuclear spaces, i.e. it is a short exact sequence of (complete) nuclear spaces, all the maps are continuous, the map $...
Rami's user avatar
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2 answers

Realize a homomorphism $\mathcal{C}(X) \to \mathbb{R}$ as an evaluation

Let $X$ be a compact Hausdorff space. It is well-known that every homomorphism $F : \mathcal{C}(X) \to \mathbb{R}$ is the evaluation $f \mapsto f(x)$ at some point $x \in X$. The usual proof is not ...
Martin Brandenburg's user avatar
23 votes
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Is analytic capacity inner regular?

For a compact set $K$ in the complex plane, define the analytic capacity of $K$ by $$\gamma(K) := \sup |f'(\infty)|$$ where the supremum is taken over all functions $f$ holomorphic and bounded by $1$ ...
Malik Younsi's user avatar
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Measures on general topological groups

I am interested in the group algebras of non-locally compact groups. What references can you advise? This is a wide question, so I list more concretely what I would like to see: Here X can be even ...
Yulia Kuznetsova's user avatar
5 votes
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If self-composition of an analytic function on the disk gives a linear fractional map, is the original function linear fractional?

Suppose $f: \mathbb{D} \rightarrow \mathbb{D}$ is analytic. Furthermore, suppose $f \circ f = g$, and $g$ is a linear fractional map. Does this guarantee that $f$ is linear fractional? I know it would ...
Derek Thompson's user avatar
11 votes
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Quasi-nilpotent trace class operators as limits of nilpotents

In as yet unwritten work with T. Figiel and A. Szankowski we make an observation in a Banach space context that for Hilbert spaces reduces to: If $T$ is a quasi-nilpotent (i.e., has only $0$ in its ...
Bill Johnson's user avatar
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Subspaces of a Sobolev space

For $a \in \mathbb{R}^N\setminus\{0\}, N \ge 2$, and $\lambda \in \mathbb{R}$ let $$ X_{\lambda,a}=\{u(\cdot+\lambda a):\, u(x)=u(|x|) \in W^{1,2}(\mathbb{R}^N)\}. $$ Denote by $X_a$ the closure of ...
HorizonsMaths's user avatar
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Banach spaces with simple best approximate solutions

Let $\langle V,||.||\rangle$ be a Banach space such that: $\;\;$ for all continuous linear maps $\: L : V\to V \:$ and members $v$ of $V$, there exists a unqiue member $u$ of $V$ $\;\;$ that ...
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Conditions for differentiability of minima and minimizers of linear functionals?

Let $B$ be a (real) Banach space and $C$ be a compact convex subset of $B$. For every continuous linear functional $F$ on $B$, define $V(F)=min_{c\epsilon C} F(c)$ and $S(F)= { \lbrace c \epsilon C :...
wdiamond's user avatar
4 votes
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A convergence problem about integral operator in the space of representations

This would be a basic problem in representation theory. Let $G$ be a unimodular real Lie group, $(\pi,V)$ a smooth representation of $G$ in a Frechet space $V$. Let $f$ be a smooth function on $G$. ...
user1832's user avatar
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"Liftings" of L^\infty functions

This is motivated by this question: Is there an inclusion of $L_\infty(G)$ into $C_0(G)^{**}$? and Bill Johnson's comments there. Let $X$ be a locally compact Hausdorff space and $\mu$ a Radon ...
Matthew Daws's user avatar
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When is the adjoint of a hypoelliptic operator also hypoelliptic?

Suppose that $M$ is a smooth manifold with a measure $\mu$ and let $L^2(M, \mu)$ be a space of all square-integrable functions on $M$. Recall that $L$ is a hypoelliptic differential operator if for ...
vkrouglov's user avatar
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Is degree a "strict -transform" birational invariant for surfaces in the complex projective 3-space?

(Edit) My question is as follows: My previous question was about a kind of "strict-transform birational" invariant not birational invariants as usual. So I just delete the question since it ...
ask1question's user avatar
15 votes
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Intersection of complemented subspaces of a Banach space

The following seems a very basic question in the theory of complemented subspaces of Banach spaces, but I was not able to find a reference, so I wish to ask it here. Question. Let $X$ be a Banach ...
Pietro Majer's user avatar
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Core of divergence form operator with unbounded coefficient

Consider the unbounded operator $L$ on $L^2(\mathbb{R^d})$ to be the self-adjoint extension of $$Lf := \nabla \cdot \left(a(x) \nabla f(x) \right)$$ on $C^2_c(\mathbb{R^d})$. I also assume that $a(x)...
RadonNikodym's user avatar
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Derivative total variation function

Hello everyone, I would like some help on proving the following statement: Let $f\in\mathrm{BV}[a,b]$, i.e. $f$ is of bounded variation and let $T(x)$ be the total variation of $f$ on $[a,x]$ for $x\...
bePositive's user avatar
2 votes
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Approximation of the radon-derivative

I am looking for the following statement. Let $X$ be a topological space and let $\mu$, $\nu$ be Radon-Borel measures in the same measure class i.e. the the zero-sets are identical. Denote then by $...
Klaus's user avatar
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5 votes
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Cohomology class of a current

Hello, i still have a question about positive closed currents. In particular i know that if $X$ is a compact complex manifold and $T$ is a positive closed current of bidegree $(1,1)$ such that its ...
alike's user avatar
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12 votes
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Decomposition of positive definite matrices.

It is known that a $n^2 \times n^2$ positive semidefinite matrix $A$ cannot always be written as a finite sum $$ A=\sum_{j} B_j \otimes C_j $$ with $B_j$ and $C_j$ positive semidefinite matrices (of ...
Ruben A. Martinez-Avendano's user avatar
12 votes
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Matrix inequality $(A-B)^2 \leq c (A+B)^2$ ?

Let A and B be positive semidefinite matrices. It is not hard to see that $(A-B)^2 \leq 2A^2 + 2B^2$. In fact, $2A^2 + 2B^2 - (A-B)^2 = (A+B)^2$ is positive semidefinite. My question is: Is there a ...
Omar's user avatar
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Differential equation with switched parameters and boundary conditions in integral form

Sorry for the title, I didn't find a better description (showing that I have no idea for the solution). Feel free to put in a better title and change the tags if you can grasp a view on the problem. ...
elcron's user avatar
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Generalized Stone Weierstrass theorem

Given a smooth function $f$ on some compact $K$ in the euclidean space $\mathbb{R}^d$, does exist a sequence of polynomial functions $p_n$ such that $p_n$ and all of its derivatives converge uniformly ...
mostafa's user avatar
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A specific projection and compactness on the Bargmann-Fock space

Let $F_2$ be the Bargmann Fock space defined as the space of entire functions $f$ on $\mathbb{C}$ such that \begin{align*} \int_{\mathbb{C}} |f(z)|^2 e^{- |z|^2} dA(z) \end{align*} ($dA$ is just ...
Joshua Isralowitz's user avatar
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Quasinilpotent example [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: Quasinilpotent operator Do you know any example of a quasinilpotent operator such that every its power is non-compact? Of course direct sum of nilpotent operators(or Volterra ...
patrick's user avatar
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Möbius Transform of a Continuous Possibility Function

In order to be able to use a basic possibility function as a Body of Evidence in the Dempster-Shafer Theory of Evidence, it is needed to transform the function to its Möbius representation. There is ...
SadeghD's user avatar
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Wiener Tauberian Theorem for nonunimodular group

Is there a nonunimodular group for which Wiener's Tauberian theorem is true? Is a locally compact topological group whose volume grows polynomially with radius always unimodular?
spr's user avatar
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Centralizers in C*-algebra

Let $a,b\in A$ be self-adjoint elements in $C^*$-algebra $A$ with equal centralizers, $\{x\in A; [a,x]=0\}=\{x\in A; [b,x]=0\}$. Can we say anything about the correspondence between $a$ and $b$? For ...
spelas's user avatar
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L^2 basis of class functions on a compact Lie group that are point-wise small

Consider first the torus group $\mathbb{T}^k$. A natural $L^2$ basis is given by the 1-dimensional complex representations: $(\theta_1, \ldots, \theta_k) \mapsto e^{i \sum_j c_j \theta_j}$ for ...
John Jiang's user avatar
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Strong minimum principle for maximal plurisubharmonic functions

Suppose $u$ is a bounded maximal plurisubharmonic function in a bounded domain $D \in \Bbb C^n$. If $u$ is $C^2$ one can see that $u$ cannot have a local strict minimum inside $D$. Is there an analog ...
Hammerhead's user avatar
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32 votes
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How is the Julia set of $fg$ related to the Julia set of $gf$?

Let $f$ and $g$ be complex rational functions (of degree $\geq 2$ if that helps). What can be said about the relationship between $J(fg)$ and $J(gf)$, the Julia sets of the composite functions $f \...
Tom Leinster's user avatar
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Notion of simplicity of a function(al)

Given a function (functional actually) $f(x,g(x))$, can a notion of simplicity be attached with respect to the function $g(x)$? (all functions and args are real). Specifically, intuitively one could ...
Jorge's user avatar
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Can $L^{2}$ be represented as a space of functions (not equivalence classes)?

Let $X$ be the vector space of all Lebesgue-measurable functions $f:\left[a,b\right]\rightarrowℝ$ such that $\int^{b}_{a}\left|f\left(x\right)\right|^{2}dx<\infty$ (Lebesgue integral). Then we can ...
Keshav Srinivasan's user avatar
34 votes
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Theme of Isbell duality

Let $C$ be a small category. Isbell duality provides an adjunction $\widehat{C} {{\mathcal{O} \atop \longrightarrow} \atop {\longleftarrow \atop \mathrm{Spec}}}\widehat{C^{\mathrm{op}}}^{\mathrm{op}}$....
Martin Brandenburg's user avatar
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Calderón's complex interpolation: what is the corresponding classical theorem?

This question is closely related to my answer to Dan's question, which contains the definitions of some terms I use here. In addition, the notion of exact interpolation functor of exponent $\theta$ is ...
Mark Kim-Mulgrew's user avatar
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graph of the size of a complex function [closed]

Hi Here there are two graphs for two functions from $R^2\mapsto R$. Is there similar graph for the absolute value of a complex variable function $f:C\mapsto C$ that has the same point (like saddle ...
asd's user avatar
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21 votes
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Uncertainty principle and Cramer-Rao bound - is there relation?

Just out of curiosity. The two things sounds a little bit similar - 1) Uncertainty principle 2) Cramer-Rao bound. Saying that we cannot measure something with certain accuracy. However looking closer ...
Alexander Chervov's user avatar
4 votes
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Second conjugate operators to operators on $c_0$

I posted my question at MS but unfortunately it is still without a response, so let me ask it here. We can think about a bounded operator $T\colon c_0\to c_0$ as a double-infinite matrix $[T_{mn}]_{m,...
BSalkas's user avatar
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7 votes
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Gamma-function analogues for Gauss sums

I have a Gauss sum, which I have to calculate. I have heard that it has an analogues form with the Gamma function, but couldn't find its formula shape. It would be so nice of you to help me and write ...
diana's user avatar
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skoda el-mir theorem

now i'm studying the skoda el-mir theorem about the extension of a positive closed current $T$. But if $T$ ed $S$ are two positive closed currents on a manifold $X$ such that are equal on $X\setminus ...
alike's user avatar
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Dual space of continuous functions

Let $C_b(\Omega,V )=$ { $ f:\Omega\rightarrow V $ } is the Banach space of all bounded continuous functions in Banach space $V$ with a norm $\|\cdot\|$ defined as $\|f\|_\infty=\sup _{x\in\Omega}\|f(x)...
Mariarty's user avatar
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Monge Ampere equations

I am a graduate student trying to understand complex Monge-Ampere equations(mostly on complex manifolds with or without boundary, but also in C^n), but I can't put my hand on any monograph/textbook ...
Hammerhead's user avatar
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Finding a counter example for Minkowski's integral inequality for $p=\infty$ [closed]

Dear All, As we know that this following Miskowski's integral inequality is true for $1\leq p<\infty$ $ [\int_{S_1}|\int_{S_2}F(x,y)d\mu_1(x)|^pd\mu_2(y)dy]^{1/p} \leq \int_{S_2}[\int_{S_1}|F(x,y)...
Phi Le's user avatar
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