This question appears as the third exercise in the third chapter of Kenneth Davidson's textbook Nest Algebras. Based on the material presented in the third chapter, here is the intended proof (with the numbers referencing the text).
Let $Q$ be a quasinilpotent trace class operator. Since $Q$ is compact, there exists a maximal nest $\mathcal{N}$ of invariant subspaces of $Q$ (Corollary 3.2). Let $\mathbb{A}$ be the collection of (one-dimensional) atoms of $\mathcal{N}$. If $A \in \mathbb{A}$, the map $T \mapsto P(A)T|_A$ is an algebra homomorphism of the nest algebra $\mathcal{T}(\mathcal{N})$ into $\mathbb{C}$ and thus $P(A) Q|_A$ is the zero scalar for all $A \in \mathbb{A}$ as $Q$ is quasinilpotent (see 3.3).
By the Erdos Density Theorem (Theorem 3.11) there exists a net $(R_\lambda)$ of finite-rank contractions in $\mathcal{T}(\mathcal{N})$ that converge to the identity in the strong-$\ast$ topology. Since $Q^\ast$ is also a trace class operator, it is easy to verify that $R^\ast_\lambda Q^\ast$ converges to $Q^\ast$ in the trace class norm (Proposition 1.18). Thus $QR_\lambda$ converges to $Q$ in the trace class norm.
Since each $QR_\lambda$ is a finite-rank operator, it suffices to show that each $QR_\lambda$ is nilpotent. Since each $R_\lambda$ is a finite-rank element of $\mathcal{T}(\mathcal{N})$, each $R_\lambda$ is a finite sum of rank one operators of the form $xy^*$ where $y \in N^\bot$ and $x \in N_+$ for some element $N \in \mathcal{N}$ ($N_+$ being the successor of $N$) (see 3.7 and 3.8). If we multiply $R_\lambda$ by $Q$, we obtain a similar decomposition of $QR_\lambda$ as a sum of such operators (where, if $x \in N_+$, $Qx \in N_+$ as $Q \in \mathcal{T}(\mathcal{N})$). However, if $N_+ \neq N$, $N_+ \ominus N$ is an atom so if $x \in N_+$, $Qx \in N_+$ and thus $Qx \in N$ as $Q$ is the zero scalar on all atoms. Hence each $QR_\lambda$ is a finite sum of rank one operators of the form $xy^*$ where $y \in N^\bot$ and $x \in N$ for some element $N \in \mathcal{N}$. Since $\mathcal{N}$ is a nest, it is then easy to see that each $QR_\lambda$ is a nilpotent operator.