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Questions tagged [divisors-multiples]

For questions on divisors and multiples, mainly but not exclusively of integers, and related and derived notions such as sums of divisors, perfect numbers and so on.

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Does there exist a natural number $m$ such that $\sigma^{(k)}((2m+1)^2)$ is an odd square number for all $k\ge 0$?

This question, comes out of a question in MSE and I hope it is ok to ask it here: Does there exist a natural number $m$ such that $\sigma^{(k)}((2m+1)^2)$ is an odd square number for all $k\ge 0$? ...
mathoverflowUser's user avatar
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If $n$ is a multiperfect number, then necessarily does one of its prime factors $p$ satisfy $p \parallel n$?

My question is as in the title: If $n$ is a multiperfect number, then necessarily does one of its prime factors $p$ satisfy $p \parallel n$? I quote from an answer by Varun Vejalla to a closely ...
Jose Arnaldo Bebita's user avatar
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Least number of factors $\sigma(p^e)$ of representation of $\sigma(N)$ to get the least multiple of $\operatorname{rad}(N)$, for odd perfect numbers

I've cross-posted this from the post of Mathematics Stack Exchange that I've asked (Apr, 2nd 2020) with title On the least number of factors $\sigma(q^{e_q})$ to get the least multiple of $\...
user142929's user avatar
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The multiplicative constant in the estimate for $S_a(x)=\sum_{n\leq x} d(n)^a$

Let $a$ be a positive real constant and let $d(n)$ denote the number of divisors of $n.$ Define $$ S_a(x)=\sum_{n\leq x} d(n)^a. $$ For $a=1,$ the following is well known $$ S_1(x)=\sum_{n\leq x} d(n)...
kodlu's user avatar
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Two conjectures inspired from an equation involving the sum of divisors and the Euler's totient function due to Iannucci

In this post I add two equations involving the sum of divisors $\sigma(n)$ and the Euler's totient function, denoted in this post as $\varphi(n)$, and after I ask about a conjecture involving these. ...
user142929's user avatar
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Is it possible to deduce statements for odd perfect numbers from the convolution sums involving divisor functions or other arithmetic functions?

Dividing and using some identities of [1] I've deduced the following facts, see also the remarks below. After these introductory paragraphs, to motivate our question, I am asking if we can deduce some ...
user142929's user avatar
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On $\sum_{\substack{1\leq d\mid n\\d<f(n)}}d$ and odd perfect numbers, for $f(n)$ the greatest prime factor or $\operatorname{rad}(n)$, respectively

First, in this paragraph we remember the definitions/notations for two number theoretic functions, for an integer $m>1$, we denote its greatest prime factor as $\operatorname{gpf}(m)$, and the ...
user142929's user avatar
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Queries on distribution of prime divisors by magnitude?

Erdos-Kac law state a typical number of magnitude $n$ has $\log\log n$ prime factors and we know probability of square free integers is $\frac{6}{\pi^2}$. What is the probability distribution of ...
Turbo's user avatar
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Any counter example for this: ${\phi(2^n-1)} \bmod \tau(2^n-1)=0$ for every integer $n \geq 1$? [closed]

I asked this question here In S.E but i don't received any resposnes for it, I would like to know if it is appropriate for M.O. I'm always interesting for properties of the following series : $ \...
zeraoulia rafik's user avatar
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A question concerning the strange arithmetic derivation

This question is related to Strange (or stupid) arithmetic derivation. The original question whether an unbounded sequence of iterates exists is still unanswered. $$n=\prod_{i=1}^{k}p_i^{\alpha_i} \...
István Kovács's user avatar
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Determine whether if $n$ is a primitive pseudoperfect (semiperfect) number, then $\sigma(n)<2^{\sigma_0(n)}$

Determine whether if $n$ is a primitive pseudoperfect (semiperfect) number, then $\sigma(n)<2^{\sigma_0(n)}$. $\sigma_k(n)$ is the division function and $\sigma(n)=\sigma_1(n)$. A number is ...
Jaycob Coleman's user avatar
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What are the divisors of $2n^2 - \sigma_{1}(n^2)$ for composite $n$?

What are the divisors of $2n^2 - \sigma_{1}(n^2)$ for composite $n$? Here, $\sigma_{1}$ is the classical sum-of-divisors function. For example, $\sigma_{1}(3^2) = 1 + 3 + {3^2} = 13$. (The function ...
Jose Arnaldo Bebita's user avatar
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If $q^k n^2$ is an odd perfect number with Euler prime $q$, is $\sigma(q^k)/n + \sigma(n)/q^k$ bounded from above?

STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM If $q^k n^2$ is an odd perfect number with Euler prime $q$, is $\sigma(q^k)/n + \sigma(n)/q^k$ bounded from above? MOTIVATION Let $\sigma=\sigma_{1}$ denote the classical ...
Jose Arnaldo Bebita Dris's user avatar
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When an element of a ring that is divisible by a finite set of elements is necessarily divisible by their product?

In a commutative ring $R$, when does the assumption $r_i\mid r$ for $1\le i\le n$ imply $\prod_{1\le i\le n} r_i\mid r$ (when $r_i$ are fixed)? Does there exist any criterion for this implication that ...
Mikhail Bondarko's user avatar
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Runs of consecutive numbers that are not relatively prime to their digital sum

It is well known that there can be at most 20 consecutive integers (in base 10) that are divisible by their digital sum, so called Harshad or Niven numbers. How long can a run of consecutive ...
Bernardo Recamán Santos's user avatar
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Number of distinct near-squares primes dividing an odd perfect number

I'm curious about if the following question is in the literature or what work can be done about it. Denote the number of distinct primes dividing an odd perfect number $N$ with the arithmetic function ...
user142929's user avatar
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Minimum value of a function involving the divisor counting function

Fix any positive integer $n\in\mathbb{Z}^+,$ and consider the function $f_n : \mathbb{Z}^+\setminus\{n\}\to\mathbb{Z}^+$ given by $$f_n(t)=\sigma_0(n)+\sigma_0(t)-2\sigma_0(\gcd(n, t)),$$ where $\...
Bumblebee's user avatar
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Finding all proper divisors of $a_3z^3 +a_2z^2 +a_1z+1$ of the form $xz+1$

Let $n=a_3z^3+a_2z^2+a_1z+1$ where $a_1<z, \ a_2<z, \ 1 \le a_3<z, z>1$ are non negative integers. To obtain proper divisors of $n$ of the form $xz+1$, one may perform trial divisions $xz+...
ASP's user avatar
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Around a characterization for even perfect numbers, similar than Euclides-Euler theorem, in terms of totatives

In this post we denote the sum of divisors function as $$\sigma(n)=\sum_{1\leq d\mid n}d,$$ then an even perfect number is a positive integer $n\equiv 0\text{ mod }2$ for which $\sigma(n)=2n.$ As ...
user142929's user avatar
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Sum of divisors of Stirling numbers of the second kind

In this post we denote the Stirling number of the second kind as ${n\brace k}$, I add as reference the article Stirling numbers of the second kind from the encyclopedia Wikipedia. And we denote the ...
user142929's user avatar
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Is it possible to have an even superperfect number and an odd superperfect number whose product is an almost perfect number?

A number $n \in \mathbb{N}$ is said to be superperfect if $$\sigma(\sigma(n)) = 2n.$$ A number $m \in \mathbb{N}$ is said to be almost perfect if $$\sigma(m) = 2m - 1.$$ Here is my question: Is ...
Jose Arnaldo Bebita's user avatar
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Some divisibility constraints in Frobenius coin problem

Let's say that the linear form $ax+by$ represents $n$ if $ax+by=n$ for some positive integer $x$ and $y$. Call a pair $(a,b)\in\Bbb N\times\Bbb N$ with $\mathsf{gcd}(a,b)=1$ excellent if linear form ...
Turbo's user avatar
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Moments of number of interval restricted divisors

I have previously asked the question A truncated divisor function sum where the sum $$ S_f(x)=\sum_{n\leq x} \min\{f(x),d(n)\}\quad (1) $$ was of interest, and it was answered satisfactorily. Here, I ...
kodlu's user avatar
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Question about arithmetic binomial coefficient

i have a question about the following assertion: let $n,j,u $ positive integer satisfying $ n \geq 5,$ $ 1\leq j \leq n-1$,$ \; n+1 \leq u \leq n+j$ let $ d[n]:=\operatorname{lcm}[1,2,..,n]$ ...
mamiladi's user avatar
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Generalized notion of divisor function?

Divisor function $d(n,m)$ counts the number of $q\in\Bbb N$ with $b<q<m$ such that $n\bmod q\equiv0$. Given $b>0$ what is the correct asymptotic, probabilistic and average case behavior of ...
Turbo's user avatar
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Is $N - \varphi(N)$ a square, if $N = q^k m^2$ is an odd perfect number with special prime $q$?

This question was inspired by this MSE question. In MSE, it is shown that $$n - \varphi(n) = (2^{p-1})^2$$ if $n = {2^{p-1}}(2^p - 1)$ is an even perfect number. Here is my question in this post: Is $...
Jose Arnaldo Bebita's user avatar
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Mysterious recursion for the A005225

Let $a(n)$ be A005225 i.e. number of permutations of length $n$ with equal cycles. Here $$ a(n)=n!\sum\limits_{d|n}\frac{1}{d!(\frac{n}{d})^d} $$ Let $$ R(n,q,z)=(q+1)R(n-1,q+1,z)+\sum\limits_{j=0}^{q}...
Notamathematician's user avatar
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On "Euclidean" odd perfect numbers

In what follows, we let $N = r^s u^2$ be an odd perfect number given in Eulerian form, i.e. $r$ is the special prime satisfying $r \equiv s \equiv 1 \pmod 4$ and $\gcd(r,u)=1$. In this preprint, ...
Jose Arnaldo Bebita's user avatar
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Shapiro inequality for divisor sets

The Shapiro inequality is the statement that if $x_1, x_2, \dots, x_n$ are positive, with $x_{n+1}=x_1, x_{n+2}=x_2$, then $$\sum_{i=1}^{n} \frac{x_i}{x_{i+1}+x_{i+2}} \geq \frac{n}{2}.$$ This can be ...
JoshuaZ's user avatar
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A definition related to pseudoprimes and the Dedekind psi function

In this post we consider that $\psi(k)$ denotes the Dedekind psi function. Wikipedia has an artcle dedicated to this arithmetic function Dedekind psi function defined for a positive integers $m>1$ ...
user142929's user avatar
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About inequalities that involve the sum of divisors, the Euler's totient and the aliquot part $\sigma(n)-n$

In this post, for integers $n\geq 1$, I denote the sum of divisors $\sum_{1\leq d\mid n}d$ as $\sigma(n)$ and the Euler's totient function as $\varphi(n)$. It's easy to check* that if we assume that $...
user142929's user avatar
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On odd perfect numbers and a GCD - Part III

Let $m = q^k n^2$ be an odd perfect number with special prime $q$ satisfying $q \equiv k \equiv 1 \pmod 4$ and $\gcd(q,n)=1$. It is known that $$\gcd(\sigma(q^k),\sigma(n^2)) = \frac{(\gcd(n,\sigma(n^...
Jose Arnaldo Bebita's user avatar
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Lower bound on a Truncated Divisor Sum

Let $d(n)$ be the number of divisors function, i.e., $d(n)=\sum_{k\mid n} 1$ of the positive integer $n$. I am interested in estimating, the following sum $$ A(a,x)=\sum_{n\leq x} \min[ d(n), M]^a $$ ...
kodlu's user avatar
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Improving the lower bound $I(n^2) > \frac{2(q-1)}{q}$ when $q^k n^2$ is an odd perfect number

Let $N = q^k n^2$ be an odd perfect number with special prime $q$ satisfying $q \equiv k \equiv 1 \pmod 4$ and $\gcd(q,n)=1$. Define the abundancy index $$I(x)=\frac{\sigma(x)}{x}$$ where $\sigma(x)$ ...
Jose Arnaldo Bebita's user avatar
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Generalized Thomas Ordowski conjecture at OEIS sequence A002326

OEIS is the online encyclopedia of integer sequences, Here is the link to the sequence $A002326$: For $n\geq 0$, the $n$th term in the sequence is defined as: $a(n)$ equals ...
Ahmad Jamil Ahmad Masad's user avatar
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On the equation involving Stirling numbers of the second kind ${n\brace a}{m\brace b}={k\brace c}$, and its solutions satisfying certain requirements

In this post we denote the Stirling numbers of the second kind as ${r\brace s}$ and we consider the proposal to ask if the equation of the title has infinitely many solutions $${n\brace a}{m\brace b}={...
user142929's user avatar
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On characterizations for Mersenne primes involving the sum of divisor function

In this post we denote the sum of positive divisors function of an integer $n\geq 1$ as $$\sigma(n)=\sum_{1\leq d\mid n}d.$$ Then a prime of the form $2^p-1$ is called a Mersenne prime. These are ...
user142929's user avatar
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Equations involving quasiperfect numbers: a first search of odd solutions for this type of equations or well succinct reasonings about these

In this post we study the following equations that involve quasiperfect numbers, denoted as $x$, that are integers such that the sum of all its positive divisors is equals to $2x+1$, and certain ...
user142929's user avatar
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Asymptotic size for the number of terms not exceeding $n$ in the class $r$ for a classification of the type Erdös-Selfridge for square-free integers

It is possible to define a classification similar than the Erdös-Selfridge classification of primes for different sequences. Please ee [1], section A18 and the references cited in this book. Because ...
user142929's user avatar
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On the number of solutions of $\gcd\left({2n\brace n},105\right)=1$, over integers $n\geq 1$

In this post we denote the Stirling numbers of the second kind as ${n\brace k}$. I present a variant of the problem showed in the penultimate paragraph of section B33 of [1] (see also the cited ...
user142929's user avatar
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Attempt of exploit the equation $1/\operatorname{rad}(n)=1/2-2\varphi(n)/\sigma(n)$ in the context of even perfect numbers, and a related conjecture

It is well known that the problem concerning even perfect numbers is to prove or refute if there are infinitely many of them. Few weeks ago I wrote the following conjecture, where $\varphi(n)$ denotes ...
user142929's user avatar
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Size of a set defined by divisor function

After some computations, I guessed the following conjecture. How can I prove or disprove it? thanks! Let $$ A(k)=\#\left\{\left(t,\frac{k+t+a}{4t-1}\right):1\leq t\leq k,\ 1\leq a\leq k+t,\ a\mid(k+...
asad's user avatar
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Structure of set with large pairwise gcd's

Let $\mathcal{M}$ be a set of $M$ distinct positive integers, all of size roughly $N$. Assume that the pairwise gcd of elements of $\mathcal{M}$ is large for all pairs. For illustration, let's take $M ...
Kurisuto Asutora's user avatar
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On divisibility conditions implying local coprimality conditions

This question is inspired by Bernardo Recaman's question Strings of consecutive integers divisible by 1, 2, 3, ..., N on intervals of $n$ integers being divisible by the integers $1$ through $n$. The ...
Gerhard Paseman's user avatar
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gcd of polynomial values

Suppose that $f$ and $g$ are two coprime polynomials in $\mathbb Z[x]$. I'm interested in any sort of upper bound on $gcd(f(a),g(a))$, in terms of the integer $a$. Are there any results of this type?...
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Existence of equation about the product of the divisor sum function

Let $\sigma_k(n)$ be the sum of the $k$-th powers of the positive divisors of $n$ and $\mu(n)$ be the Möbius function. As Arithmetic function - Wikipedia mentioned, there is an equation that $$\...
Jingzhe Tang's user avatar
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On certain number theoretic sextuples?

Given small parameters $0<\epsilon<\epsilon'$ is there an $n_\epsilon>0$ such that at every $n>n_\epsilon$ if we are given a prime $n^2<p<2n^2$ then can we always find integers $a,b,...
Turbo's user avatar
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Is there an integer $r \neq q$ (with $r>1$) such that $N = q^k n^2 = \frac{r(r+1)}{2}\cdot{d}$ is an odd perfect number with $d>1$?

Slowak showed in 1999 that every odd perfect number $N = q^k n^2$ can be written in the form $$N = \dfrac{{q^k}\sigma(q^k)}{2}\cdot{D}$$ where $D>1$. From this result, it follows that every odd ...
Jose Arnaldo Bebita's user avatar
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An arithmetic function involving arbitrary (but fixed) number of divisors

I need at least basic information about generating functions of the following class of arithmetic functions, grouped by levels $k$. Fix some $k$ and some family $\varepsilon_*=(\varepsilon_\sigma)_{\...
მამუკა ჯიბლაძე's user avatar
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On even almost perfect numbers other than powers of two

(Note: This question is an improved version of and has been cross-posted from this MSE post.) Let $\sigma(x)$ denote the sum of the divisors of $x$. If $\sigma(x) = 2x - 1$, then we call $x$ an ...
Jose Arnaldo Bebita's user avatar