In this post we denote the sum of divisors function as $$\sigma(n)=\sum_{1\leq d\mid n}d,$$ then an even perfect number is a positive integer $n\equiv 0\text{ mod }2$ for which $\sigma(n)=2n.$ As reference it's know for instance the Wikipedia Perfect number. In particular it is known the theorems due to Euclides and Euler.
The Euler's totient $\varphi(x)$ function is also a multiplicative function. Using the characterization for even perfect numbers due to Euler and Euclides
$$n=2^{p-1}(2^p-1)$$ where $2^p-1$ is its associated Mersenne prime one has the folowing claim.
Claim. Let $\lambda\geq 1$ and $\mu\geq 1$ be fixed integers. Define, being $2^{p}-1$ a Mersenne prime, the relationship $$m+1:=2^{p-1}.$$ Then the identity $$\varphi((m+1)^\lambda(2m+1)^\mu)=m(m+1)^\lambda (2m+1)^{\mu-1}$$ holds.
I would like to know if it is possible to prove the following conjecture (I've tested it for some segments of integers, and I tried to get the proof for a case).
Question. Prove or refute the following conjecture:
For any choice of $\lambda\geq 1$ and $\mu\geq 1$ integers, it holds that if an integer $m\geq 1$ satisfies $$\varphi((m+1)^\lambda(2m+1)^\mu)=m(m+1)^\lambda (2m+1)^{\mu-1}$$ then $$(m+1)(2m+1)$$ is an even perfect number.
Many thanks.
Thus in my view it should be a similar theorem/characterization for even perfect numbers by using the Euler's totient function instead of the sum of divisors function.
I hope that my question has a good mathematical content and that there aren't mistakes. Feel free to ask about the check that I did using a Pari/GP program, or criticize if this version of Euclides-Euler theorem is potentitally interesting.