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Questions tagged [divisors-multiples]

For questions on divisors and multiples, mainly but not exclusively of integers, and related and derived notions such as sums of divisors, perfect numbers and so on.

2 questions from the last 30 days
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Identity?: $\frac{\varphi(2^n-1)}{n}=\frac{2^{\varphi(2^n-1)}-1 \bmod (2^n-1)^2}{2^n-1}$

The computer found this. Let $n$ be a positive integer. Up to $n=200$ we have: $$\frac{\varphi(2^n-1)}{n}=\frac{2^{\varphi(2^n-1)}-1 \bmod (2^n-1)^2}{2^n-1}. \tag{1}\label{483144_1}$$ Q1 Is \eqref{...
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Divisors of n and n + 1

Suppose $a$ is a proper divisor of $n$ (where $n$ is a positive integer), and $b$ a proper divisor of $n + 1$. Is there a general criterion (or general property of $n$) which enables one to conclude ...
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