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Existence of integral extension of DVR satisfying some conditions

Let $X^{\prime}$ and $X$ be integral noether schemes over $\mathbb{C}$, and $p:X^{\prime}\rightarrow X$ be a surjective morphism. Let $R$ be any discrete valuation ring over $\mathbb{C}$ with its ...
Aoki's user avatar
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etale locally infinitesimal lifting property

For a morphism $X\rightarrow Y$ of qcqs schemes, one has the usual notion of formal smoothness which says that for a pair $(R,I)$ with $I^2=0$, if there is a point $y\in Y(R)$ such that $y_{\vert R/I}$...
prochet's user avatar
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Henselization and completions of local rings & schemes

That's the second part of my coarse becoming acquainted with Henselizations of fields and local rings. (in this question we focus on local rings as it is more algebro geometric motivated). So let $(R,...
user267839's user avatar
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A book on elliptic curves using scheme theory?

I'm interested in learning some stuff about elliptic curves. I've been learning scheme theory, and I'm interested in seeing these tools "in action". It seems that the standard introduction to elliptic ...
Alex Mathers's user avatar
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Road map for moduli space/moduli problem/moduli stack

I am familiar with (most of the) contents of Angelo Vistoli's notes on Descent theory (Stacks). I am also comfortable with basics of Schemes, their Cohomology (Cech), from Hartshorne's Algebraic ...
Praphulla Koushik's user avatar
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Voisin examples in $p$-adic geometry

Let $K$ be an algebraic closure of p-adic rationals. Does there exist a proper smooth rigid-analytic variety over $K$ whose etale homotopy type is not isomorphic to etale homotopy type of a proper ...
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Singularities of curves that are moving

Let $k$ be an algebraically closed field, let $d\ge 2$ be an integer and let $f,g\in k[x,y,z]$ be two homogeneous polynomials of degree $d$ without common factor. We want to know what are the ...
Jérémy Blanc's user avatar
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Do regular (but non-smooth) conics over a discretely valued field of characteristic $2$ admit a regular model over the valuation ring?

Let $K$ be a non-perfect field of characteristic $2$. Let $T \subseteq K$ be a discrete valuation ring. Assume there exist $a,b \in K^{\times}$ such that the projective conic $C$ defined by $$aX^2 + ...
DGrimm's user avatar
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45 votes
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Useful, non-trivial general theorems about morphisms of schemes

I apologize in advance as this is not a research level question but rather one which could benefit from expert attention but is potentially useful mainly to novice mathematicians. I'm trying to ...
0 votes
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Doing scheme theory with Hausdorff spaces

Suppose I have an allergy to non-Hausdorff spaces but I really want to do, say, arithmetic geometry. I wonder if there is some perverse way I could develop scheme theory that would accomodate for my ...
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19 votes
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The Infinitesimal topos in positive characteristic

This question was inspired by and is somewhat related to this question. In his article "Crystals and the de Rham cohomology of schemes" in the collection "Dix exposes sur la cohomologie ...
Lars's user avatar
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Smoothness of Hilbert scheme of rational normal curves

I'm trying to solve Exercise 1.26 from the book "Moduli of Curves" by Harris and Morrison on page 14: Exercise (1.26) Determine the normal bundle to the rational normal curve $C \subset \...
user267839's user avatar
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Do codimension 1 subsets of a scheme cover it?

Let $X$ be an irreducible scheme. A point $p\in X$ is said to have codimension $n\in\mathbb{Z}_{\geq 0}\cup \{\infty\}$ if $\overline{\{p\}}$ has codimension $n$. Is it true that any point of positive ...
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9 votes
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Can the algebraic geometry of schemes be developed internally in topoi?

Using the internal logic of a topos it's often possible to derive newer theorems about sheaves from earlier ones about simpler objects, assuming that you can prove the earlier ones constructively. In ...
Cameron Zwarich's user avatar
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Are "strongly finite dimensional" homotopy invariant sheaves with transfers (locally) constant?

Let $k$ be an algebraically closed field. Let $S$ be a homotopy invariant $\mathbb{Q}$-linear sheaf with transfers in the sense of Voevodsky–Suslin, and assume that the dimension of $S(U)$ (over $\...
Mikhail Bondarko's user avatar
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Representability of Grassmannian functor by a scheme

I am having some trouble following a proof that the Grassmannian functor is representable by a scheme. I am following the proof in EGA 9.7.4. It is only a small step that I am stuck on. For reference, ...
Luke's user avatar
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Necessary condition to extend a morphism of schemes

Consider two schemes $X,Y$ over a locally noetherian scheme $S$. Let $p \in X$ and assume that $X$ is irreducible and not affine spectrum of a semilocal ring. We assume moreover we have a morphism $...
user267839's user avatar
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Resolution of pairs in characteristic p

Let $R$ be a complete DVR of characteristic $p$, say $R=\mathbb{F}_p[[t]]$, and $X$ be a reduced scheme of finite type over $R$. Let also $X_s$ denote the special fiber of $X$. If I understand ...
Kostas Kartas's user avatar
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An identity in Lie algebras over fields of positive characteristic

Let $L$ be a Lie algebra over a field of characteristic $p>0$ and $D$ a derivation of $L$. For every $x\in L$ denote by $\mathrm{ad} x$ the adjoint map $\mathrm{ad}x: L \rightarrow L, a\mapsto [x,...
Rocky Smith's user avatar
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Obstructions to abelian sheaf being quasi-coherent

Let $X$ be a Noetherian spectral topological space. A necessary condition for an abelian sheaf on $X$ to be quasi-coherent with respect to some affine scheme structure on $X$ is that its higher ...
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Diagonal is representable then any morphism is representable

Ariyan Javanpeykar said here in comments that, If the diagonal is representable, then isn't any morphism $S\rightarrow \mathcal{X}$ with $S$ a scheme representable? I could not find the statement (...
Praphulla Koushik's user avatar
20 votes
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Why would one "attempt" to define points of a motive as $\operatorname{Ext}^1(\mathbb{Q}(0),M)$?

I'm a novice when it comes to motives. (I've read multiple introductory texts.) I'm attempting to read Galois Theory and Diophantine geometry by Minhyong Kim. In it, he says that "One might attempt, ...
Quinlan Aktaş's user avatar
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Application of Galois descent

I not understand an assumption done at the beginning of the proof of Rigidity lemma in Moonens and van der Geers book about Abelian variaties (page 12). Here is it: Question: Why the assumption $k= \...
user267839's user avatar
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Affine cone example

Consider the complete intersection ideal ${\displaystyle (f,g_{1},g_{2},g_{3})\subset \mathbb {C} [x_{0},\ldots ,x_{n}]}$ and let $X$ be a projective variety defined by the (product) ideal sheaf ${\...
user267839's user avatar
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Finiteness of surjective etale morphisms

Is every surjective etale morphism from a connected separated scheme to $A^n_{\mathbb{C}}$ of finite type? Is it finite? We use Stacks project's definitions. EDIT: From Jason Starr's answer, we ...
geometer's user avatar
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Is there an example of a variety over the complex numbers with no embedding into a smooth variety?

Is there an example of a variety over the complex numbers with no embedding into a smooth variety?
David Zureick-Brown's user avatar
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An application of Grothendieck's version of Hensel's Lemma

Assume $R$ is a Henselian local ring with $k=R/m_R$ ($m_R$ is the unique maximal ideal of $R$) and $G$ a finite flat group scheme over $R$. We denote by $G_k= G \otimes_R k$ the closed fiber. There ...
user267839's user avatar
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Dimension of a linear system of divisors on singular curve

Consider an singular irreducible plane curve $C \subset \mathbb{P}^2_k$ of degree $d>1$ over algebraically closed field $k$ which is given as vanishing locus $C=V(f(x,y,z))$ of a $f \in k[x,y,z]$ ...
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Projection from closure of locally closed subscheme is Etale

Let $S$ an arbitrary scheme and denote by $\Delta: S \to S \times S$ the diagonal immersion and $p_i: S \times S \to S$ the both projections to first resp second factor. (in following we will wlog ...
user267839's user avatar
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The work of E. Artin and F. K. Schmidt on (what are now called) the Weil conjectures.

I was reading Dieudonne's "On the history of the Weil conjectures" and found two things that surprised me. Dieudonne makes some assertions about the work of Artin and Schmidt which are no doubt ...
Kevin Buzzard's user avatar
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What are the Newton groupoids from Drinfeld's paper on the Grinberg-Kazhdan theorem?

The paper the Grinberg-Kazhdan formal arc theorem and the Newton groupoids by Drinfeld seems to contain many interesting things which are beyond me. For now, I am trying to get some intuition for the ...
Arrow's user avatar
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Non-flat locus for smooth schemes

Let $X$, $Y$ be connected smooth schemes of finite type over an algebraically closed field of characteristic $0$. Let $f:X\rightarrow Y$ be a non-birational morphism surjective on the underlying ...
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Subschemes of the affine line over a domain

Let $R$ be a domain with affine spectrum $S$ and consider the scheme $X=\mathbb A^1_R=\operatorname {Spec}R[T] $ over $S$. Let $P\subset R[T]$ be an ideal with $P\cap R=0$ and let $Y\subset X$ be the ...
lefuneste's user avatar
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What are the epimorphisms in the category of schemes?

Is there a known characterization of epimorphisms in the category of schemes? It is easy to see that a morphism $f : X \to Y$ such that the underlying map $\lvert f\rvert$ is surjective and the ...
Martin Brandenburg's user avatar
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Intuitive pictures in characteristic p

This is a tough one, but does anyone know of any images that recall characteristic p geometry (over algebraically closed fields) in some sense? It is not enough if it is some picture that can be also ...
Jesus Martinez Garcia's user avatar
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Noetherian stalks imply locally Noetherian

Is there an example of a non-Noetherian integral affine scheme with Noetherian space and Noetherian stalks? What if we replace "integral" with "reduced"?
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The category of finite locally-free commutative group schemes

I'm trying to understand the properties of the category $\mathcal{FL}/S$ of finite locally-free commutative group schemes over an arbitrary base-scheme $S$. I know it is not in general an abelian ...
fls's user avatar
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Theorem on formal functions and cohomological flatness

Let $f:X\rightarrow S$ be a proper morphism of schemes with Noetherian target. The theorem on formal functions says that for any point $s\in S$ there is an isomorphism between inverse limits of $(f_*...
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Discriminant ideal in a member of Barsotti-Tate Group

Let $S = \operatorname{Spec} R$ an affine scheme (in our case latter a complete dvr) and $p$ a prime. Then Barsotti-Tate group or $p$-divisible group $G$ of height $h$ over $S$ is an inductive system ...
user267839's user avatar
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Injective sheaf of $\mathcal{O}_X$ modules

I am trying to verify that: A sheaf of $\mathcal{O}_X$ modules $\mathcal{F}$ is an injective object in the category of $\mathcal{O}_X$ modules iff its local rings $\mathcal{F}_x$ are injective $\...
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Does a morphism of etale sheaves restricting to a closed subscheme $Z$ induce a morphism of their subsheaves of sections supported on $Z$?

Let $X$ be a locally Noetherian scheme and $i:Z\to X$ be an immersion of closed subschemes. Let $\mathcal{F},\mathcal{G}$ be two etale abelian sheaves over $X_{et}$. We can define the subsheaf $\...
Z Wu's user avatar
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Strongly abnormal schemes

Call a scheme $Y$ proper positive-dimensional over $\mathrm{Spec}\,\mathbb{C}$ abnormal if there exists an irreducible scheme $X$ affine of finite type over $\mathrm{Spec}\,\mathbb{C}$ and a $\mathbb{...
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10 votes
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Isomorphic schemes over DVR

Let $S, S'$ be flat schemes over a DVR. Their generic fibers are isomorphic and their special fibers are isomorphic as well. Does that imply $S$ and $S'$ isomorphic? If not, what can go wrong? Thanks ...
Skidoo's user avatar
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Finite Flat Group Scheme over a field $k$ of characteristic $0$ is always Etale

I have a question about a claim about classification of finite flat group schemes: A fin flat group scheme $G$ is of type $(a,b)$...
user267839's user avatar
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When do the spectra of overrings glue to a proper morphism?

This question is motivated by the construction of blowups. Let $A \subset K$ be a commutative domain and its fraction field, and let $\{A_i\}$ be some finite collection of overrings in between. Let $X ...
PrimeRibeyeDeal's user avatar
12 votes
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The étale topos of a scheme is the classifying topos of which groupoid?

[Sent here from Math.StackExchange by suggestion of an user.] By a theorem of Joyal and Tierney, every Grothendieck topos is the classifying topos of a localic groupoid. It has been proved (e.g. C. ...
W.Rether's user avatar
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Gluing categorical limit over subgraphs

Let $C$ be a category, and $\Gamma$ a graph in $C$. Under good conditions it makes sense to talk about the limit $\lim \Gamma$ of $\Gamma$ in $C$. Suppose $\Gamma$ is the union of two subgraphs $\...
Student's user avatar
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Morphism between jet spaces smooth

In this article "Introduction to Jet Schemes and Arc Spaces" S. Ishii introduces the spaces of $m$-jets: Let $X$ be a variety over algebraically closed field $k$. The space $X_m$ of $m$-jets ...
user267839's user avatar
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What are the monomorphisms in the category of schemes?

Someone recently asked what the epimorphisms in the category of schemes are; the other day I had been wondering about the similar question: what are the monomorphisms in the category of schemes? I am ...
Phillip Williams's user avatar
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Lifting a Frobenius endomorphism under an étale morphism

Let $X$ be a smooth affine scheme over $\mathbb{Z}/{p^2}$ that is a complete intersection, say $X$ is the spectrum of $\mathbb{Z}/{p^2}[x_1,...x_n]/(f_1, ... f_r)$, where $n-r$ is the dimension of $X$....
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