Let $C$ be a category, and $\Gamma$ a graph in $C$. Under good conditions it makes sense to talk about the limit $\lim \Gamma$ of $\Gamma$ in $C$.
Suppose $\Gamma$ is the union of two subgraphs $\Gamma_1, \Gamma_2$. In general, what can one expect among $\lim \Gamma$, $\lim \Gamma_1$, $\lim \Gamma_2$, $\lim (\Gamma_1 \cap \Gamma_2)$? If any, does it admit any higher categorical generalization?
EDIT: A slicker way to formulate could be the following. Do categorical limits as functors preserve (co)limits?
As a concrete example, let $R$ be a commutative ring. Consider the category of schemes over $spec(R)$. Now let $spec(X), spec(Y), spec(S)$ be three affine schemes over $spec(R)$. There are six ways of pulling back, and they fit nicely together.