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p-torsion in the Tate-Shafarevich group of supersingular elliptic curves

Let $E$ be a supersingular elliptic curve over $\mathbb{F}_p(t)$. Is something known on the $p$-torsion of the Tate–Shafarevich group in this case? In particular, I would like to know if (or if known ...
user 123935's user avatar
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Generic reducedness of geometric generic fibre

Let $f:X\to Y$ be a surjective morphism between two projective schemes over a field of characteristic $p>0$. Also assume that $X$ is smooth,$Y$ smooth & irreducible and $f_*\mathcal{O}_X=\...
user267839's user avatar
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Exotic Hopf algebra structures on the $p$-fold direct product in characteristic $p > 0$

Let $k$ be an algebraically closed field of characteristic $p > 0 $ and let $A$ be an algebra over $k$, which is a local ring. There is an isomorphism of algebras $\prod_{i=1}^p A \cong A \otimes k[...
Justin Bloom's user avatar
3 votes
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$\bigwedge^2(\bigwedge^k\mathbb{C}^n)$ and $\operatorname{Sym}^2(\bigwedge^k\mathbb{C}^n)$ as $\operatorname{GL}(n,\mathbb{C})$-modules

Consider the natural representations of $\operatorname{GL}(n,\mathbb{C})$ in the spaces $\bigwedge^2(\bigwedge^k\mathbb{C}^n)$ and $\operatorname{Sym}^2(\bigwedge^k\mathbb{C}^n)$. Is it known how to ...
asv's user avatar
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9 votes
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Eigenfunctions of the Laplace–Beltrami operator on the coadjoint orbit of $\mathfrak{su}(n)$

$\DeclareMathOperator\SU{SU}$For $\mathfrak{su}(2,\mathbb{C})$, the generic coadjoint orbit is $\mathbb{S}^2$, and the Laplace–Beltrami operator on it is given by $$ \Delta \equiv \frac{1}{\sin\theta} ...
SCh's user avatar
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8 votes
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Logarithm of a $p$-group in $\mathrm{GL}_n(p)$

$\def\GL{\operatorname{GL}}\def\ZZ{\mathbb{Z}}\def\FF{\mathbb{F}}\def\Id{\mathrm{Id}}\def\fu{\mathfrak{u}}$Let $p$ be prime, let $n<p$, let $U_n(\FF_p)$ be the group of $n \times n$ upper ...
David E Speyer's user avatar
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Lie subalgebra annihilated by all derivations

Let $k$ be a field and $\mathfrak{g}$ a Lie algebra over $k$. Put $K(\mathfrak{g}) = \bigcap_{f\in\mathrm{Der}(\mathfrak{g})} \mathrm{Ker}(f)$, which is a Lie subalgebra of $\mathfrak{g}$. Question. ...
Qwert Otto's user avatar
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A property of matrices formed by pairing of roots and coroots

Let $A$ be an $n\times n$ integral matrix, define its level $l(A)$ as $$l(A) := \begin{cases}0 &\det A = 0 \\ \text{smallest integer } N \text{ such that } NA^{-1} \text{ is integral} &\det A \...
pisco's user avatar
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5 votes
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Non-semisimple Lie groups and Higgs bundles

$\DeclareMathOperator\SO{SO}\DeclareMathOperator\SL{SL}\DeclareMathOperator\GL{GL}$Let $X$ be a compact Riemann surface. Let $G$ be a real reductive Lie group, $H$ be a maximal compact subgroup of $G$ ...
Ein's user avatar
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Computer program for free restricted Lie polynomial

I am conducting numerical experiments involving the Gröbner–Shirshov Basis for restricted Lie algebras. At each step of the computation, I need to work with restricted Lie polynomials. Specifically, I ...
gualterio's user avatar
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Jacobian of exponential map

I am playing around with the coarea formula and came across the problem of finding the Jacobian of the exponential map. Let $G$ be a compact, semisimple Lie group with associated Lie algebra $\...
DarkViole7's user avatar
13 votes
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Lie theory for quantum groups?

$\DeclareMathOperator\SU{SU}$I know about quantum groups from two perspectives: Compact quantum groups in the sense of Woronowicz. Deformation of the universal enveloping algebra of a Lie algebra in ...
user82261's user avatar
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Classification of modules all whose weight spaces are $1$-dimensional

In type $A$, the simple modules all of whose weight spaces are $1$-dimensional are the $L(n\varpi_1)$ and $L(\varpi_k)$. This can be seen from the fact that dimensions of weight spaces are given by ...
ArB's user avatar
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Avoiding Cartan subalgebra in a Lie algebra

Let $G$ be a simple complex algebraic group acting on its Lie algebra $\mathfrak{g}$ via the adjoint representation. What is the largest integer $d$ such that every subspace $U \subseteq \mathfrak{g}$ ...
darko's user avatar
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Generalization of a result of Kostant related to Gauss decomposition and Toda lattices

I found myself needing a generalization of a result of Kostant in his famous paper B. Kostant, The solution to a generalized Toda lattice and representation theory, Adv. in Math, Volume 34, 1979, ...
Three aggies's user avatar
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About Chern classes via Atiyah class

I am trying to understand a construction of the Chern classes of a vector bundle $\mathcal{E}$ via the Atiyah class, like is done in this text and here in section 1.4. I am interested in the case ...
numberwat's user avatar
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15 votes
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Why, conceptually, does the torus normalizer in $G_2$ split?

Background: Let $G$ be a complex reductive group, $T$ a maximal torus, $N$ the normalizer of $T$ in $G$, and $W = N/T$ the Weyl group. All in all, we have a group extension $$ 1 \to T \to N \to W \to ...
David Schwein's user avatar
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Relationship between characteristic polynomials of a matrix and its adjoint representation

Let $A \in \mathrm{M}_n(F)$ be a matrix over a field $F$. Consider its adjoint representation $\mathrm{ad}_A \in \mathrm{End}(\mathrm{M}_n(F))$, defined by $$ \mathrm{ad}_A(X) = [A, X] = AX - XA. $$ I ...
darko's user avatar
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Contragradient Module for the Kac-Moody Vertex Operator Algebra

For a vertex operator algebra $(V,Y,\left|0\right>)$ and a $\mathbb{Z}$-graded module $(M,Y_M)$, one can form the contragradient module $(M^{\lor},Y_{M^{\lor}})$ with underlying $\mathbb{Z}$-graded ...
E. KOW's user avatar
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Pairs of matrices for which traces of powers are independent of the order

Let $A,B$ be $n\times n$ matrices over ${\mathbb C}$ such that, for all $m,k$ and all partitions $(i_1,\ldots ,i_r)$ of $m$ and $(j_1,\ldots ,j_r)$ of $k$ (perhaps with some zero parts), $${\rm tr}\, (...
Paul Levy's user avatar
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What is known about string functions for $\widehat{\mathfrak{sl}_2}$?

Let $\Lambda$ be a dominant integral weight for $\widehat{\mathfrak{sl}_2}$. The string function associated to a maximal weight $\lambda$ of $L(\Lambda)$ is the series $$ a^{\Lambda}_\lambda = \sum_{k ...
ArB's user avatar
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12 votes
3 answers

The orders of the exceptional Weyl groups

Who first calculated the orders of the Weyl groups $E_6$, $E_7$, $E_8$, $F_4$, and $G_2$? How were these orders calculated?
Zoltan Fleishman's user avatar
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Surjectivity of irreducible representation of Chevalley algebras

Let $A$ be an associative algebra over an algebraically closed field $k$. The following theorem holds (see, for instance, Theorem $2.5$ on page $24$ in Introduction to Representation Theory by Pavel ...
Deep Makadiya's user avatar
6 votes
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Group of diffeomorphisms and its tangent space i.e. its Lie algebra

So I feel like there are many questions and also many sources on what I am asking, but I still don't understand what I think is a very basic thing in my head: It is known, that for a Lie group $G$ (...
supervamp's user avatar
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A question about decomposing root system $A_{n}$

Denote $\Phi(n)$ as the root system of Lie algebra $\mathfrak{g}$ of type $A_{n}$. Call a disjoint union $\Phi(n) = \Phi_{1}\sqcup\dotsb\sqcup\Phi_{s}$ a decomposition of $\Phi$ if each $\Phi_{k}$ is ...
Yuanjiu Lyu's user avatar
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Bounding number of commutators of a certain type

Say I have a vector space $V$ over $\mathbb{C}$, generated by $2n$-letters, $(x_1,...,x_n,y_1,...,y_n)$. Let $C_d$ denote the commutators on $V$ of length $d$, and let $(B_1,...,B_r)$ denote a basis ...
kindasorta's user avatar
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Are algebras with rational structures dense in varieties of real Lie nilpotent algebras?

One says that a real nilpotent Lie algebra has $\mathbb Q$-structure if it has a basis with rational structure constants. It is well known that there are nilpotent Lie algebras without $\mathbb Q$-...
Lev Glebsky's user avatar
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Roots of polynomial $\sum_{\sigma \in W} x^{l(\sigma)}$

Let $W$ be Weyl group of a root system $\Phi$ (of finite dimensional simple Lie algebra). For $\sigma\in W$, $l(\sigma)$ be the its length. Consider the following polynomial $$P_\Phi(x) = \sum_{\sigma ...
pisco's user avatar
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Tensor algebra and universal enveloping algebra

Let $\mathfrak g$ be a Lie algebra which is not reductive. Let $T(\mathfrak g)$ and $U(\mathfrak g)$ be the tensor algebra and universal enveloping algebra of $\mathfrak g$ respectively. We have a ...
jack's user avatar
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What is $\left[ \begin{array}{c} K_i;0\\ \ell\\ \end{array} \right] _{\varepsilon _i}$ in the restricted specialization in QUE algebras?

I have a question about the book A Guide to Quantum Groups written by Vyjayanthi Chari and Andrew Pressley. It comes from section $9.3$ on page $300$ of this book In Section 9.1, the authors define ...
fusheng's user avatar
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Asymptotics of generalized exponents of highest weight modules

Let $\mathfrak{g}$ be a complex semisimple Lie algebra and $H^k$ be the space of homogeneous degree $k$ harmonic polynomials in $\mathrm{Sym}(\mathfrak{g}^*)$ and $H\subset\mathrm{Sym}(\mathfrak{g}^*)...
Stefan  Dawydiak's user avatar
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Is it true that all abelian p-nilpotent restricted Lie algebras are mirrors of finite abelian p-groups?

Let $k$ be a perfect field of characteristic $p$. A $p$-nilpotent restricted Lie algebra $\mathfrak{g}$ is a Lie algebra with $[p]$-restriction mapping such that $\mathfrak{g}^{[p]^n} = 0$ for some $n ...
Justin Bloom's user avatar
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Behavior of translation functors in characteristic $p$

Let $G$ be a semisimple and simply connected algebraic group over an algebraically closed field of characteristic $p>0$, and let $\mathfrak g$ be the Lie algebra of $G$. Let $U_\chi(\mathfrak g)$ ...
Yellow Pig's user avatar
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Embedding flag manifolds of real semisimple lie group

I want to know given a connected (maybe we can assume it to be simply connected or linear) real semisimple lie group $G$ and one of its maximal parabolic group $P$, how can we embed the flag variety $...
fffmatch's user avatar
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Does a representation of the universal cover of a Lie group induce a projective representation of the group itself?

Suppose that $G$ is a connected Lie group, $\tilde{G}$ its universal cover, $p:\tilde{G}\to G$ the covering map. Does a representation $\rho$ of $\tilde{G}$ on a finite-dimensional vector space $V$ ...
Iian Smythe's user avatar
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Homomorphism to a finite p-group/Lie ring Q: estimate on |Q|

Let $L$ be a finitely generated, torsion-free nilpotent group. Furthermore, assume it is also a Lie ring, i.e. a Lie algebra but over $\mathbb{Z}$. The correspondance between $L$ as a group and $L$ as ...
MatthysJ's user avatar
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Reference for Gröbner-Shirshov algorithm in free restricted Lie algebras

I am searching for a reference on the Gröbner-Shirshov algorithm specifically for free restricted Lie algebras. I have already consulted the textbook by Bokut et al (Gröbner–Shirshov Bases Normal ...
gualterio's user avatar
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Does a dual basis for $U_h(\mathfrak{sl}_2(\mathbb{C}))$ exist?

Let $\mathcal{F}_h(\operatorname{SL}_2(\mathbb{C}))$ be the $\mathbb{C}[[h]]$-algebra generated by $a, b, c, d$ subject to the following relations: \begin{align*} & ac = e^{-h}ca, \quad bd = e^{-h}...
yohei ohta's user avatar
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K-types of a representation of the minimal Gelfand-Kirillov dimension

Let $G$ be a noncompact real simple Lie group not of Hermitian type, and $\mathfrak{g}_0$ its Lie algebra. Fix a maximal compact subgroup $K$ in $G$ with its Lie algebra $\mathfrak{k}_0$. Write $\...
Hebe's user avatar
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Questions about the quotient of extended Weyl group and the isomorphism of extended Weyl group

When I am reading a paper An Algebraic Characterization of the Affine Canonical Basis by Beck, Chari, and Pressley, and I have some questions about some notations. In the paper, we assume that $\...
fusheng's user avatar
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A question about decomposition of irreducible root system

Fix an irreducible root system $\Phi$ with rank $r$ and a root base $\Delta$ (we only care type ADE). Call a disjoint union $\Phi = \Phi_{1}\sqcup\dotsb\sqcup\Phi_{s}$ a decomposition of $\Phi$ if ...
Yuanjiu Lyu's user avatar
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Compact symmetric spaces and sub-root systems

Given two semisimple complex Lie algebras $\frak{g}$ and $\frak{n}$ such that the root system of $\frak{n}$ arises as a sub-root system of the root system of $\frak{g}$, does this then imply that $\...
Bobby-John Wilson's user avatar
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The difference between two description of affine Weyl groups

I have a question about the difference between two description of affine Weyl groups. Let me write two descriptions of affine Weyl groups: Let $\mathfrak{g}=\mathfrak{g}(A)$ be affine Lie algebras ...
fusheng's user avatar
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Irreducible representations of $\mathfrak{sl}(m|n)$

It is well known that the irreducible representations of the Lie algebra $\mathfrak{sl}(n)$ are symmetric powers of a vector space of dimension $n$. This can be viewed for instance using Young ...
User43029's user avatar
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A name for the Weyl group of $\frak{so_{2n}}$

For the $A$-series the Weyl group is the symmetric group $S_n$. For the $B$ and $C$ series the Weyl group is the hyperoctahedral group $\mathbb Z_2 \wr S_n$. A) Does the $D$-series Weyl group $S_n \...
Zoltan Fleishman's user avatar
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How large can the normalizer of $\mathrm{Ad}(G)$ in $\mathrm{GL}(\mathfrak{g})$ be?

$\DeclareMathOperator\GL{GL}\DeclareMathOperator\Ad{Ad}$Let $G$ be a real Lie group with Lie algebra $\mathfrak g$ (say reductive/semisimple if it makes the question easier). I am interested in ...
B K's user avatar
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Explicit $K$-basis of a Lie subalgebra

$\newcommand{\Kbar}{{\overline K}} \newcommand{\Q}{{\mathbb Q}} $I consider Example 5.7 of Sansuc's paper Groupe de Brauer et arithmétique des groupes algébriques linéaires sur un corps de nombres of ...
Mikhail Borovoi's user avatar
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Algebraic groups and formal group laws in characteristic p

In characteristic zero, there is a well-known equivalence between Lie groups, formal group laws and Lie algebras. Let $p$ be a prime. The equivalence between Lie groups and Lie algebras has an ...
Moinsdeuxcat's user avatar
6 votes
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Interpretation of the algebra of natural endomorphisms of the fiber functor of $\operatorname{Rep}(G)$

Let $G$ be a connected algebraic group over an algebraically closed field $k$ of characteristic zero (I'm mostly interested in the case of a reductive group). By the Tannakian formalism, $G(k)$ can be ...
Antoine Labelle's user avatar
20 votes
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Where do root systems arise in mathematics?

One often hears that root systems are ubiquitous in mathematics and physics. The most obvious occurrence of root systems is in the classification of complex simple Lie algebras. Where else do they ...

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