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15 votes
2 answers

Annihilate a simple Lie algebra using two commutators

Let $\mathfrak{g}$ be a simple finite-dimensional Lie algebra over an arbitrary field $K$. For any nonzero $x\in\mathfrak{g}$ we must have $[\mathfrak{g},x]\neq\{0\}$, or else we violate simplicity. ...
D. Dona's user avatar
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Intuition for the Cartan connection and "rolling without slipping" in Cartan geometry

Consider a Cartan geometry $\pi: \mathcal{G} \to M$ with Cartan connection $\omega$ modelled on the Klein geometry $(G, H)$. The Cartan connection is supposed to formalize what it means to "roll ...
ಠ_ಠ's user avatar
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What is the relation between spherical principal series representations of a reductive Liegroup and Verma modules for its Lie algebra?

Here is an issue that thoroughly confuses me. I hope I can express it in a way that is clear cut enough for this site. Let $G$ be a real reductive Lie group and $\mathfrak{g}$ be the complexification ...
Vincent's user avatar
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factorization of the regular representation of the symmetric group

Let $\mathbb{C}[S_n]$ be the regular representation of the symmetric group $S_n$, and let $\mathbb{C}^n$ be the vector representation. Question: Does there exist a representation $V$ (of dimension $(...
Nicholas Proudfoot's user avatar
15 votes
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Can the failure of the multiplicativity of Euler factors at bad primes be corrected?

Warning: This one of those does-anyone-know-how-to-fix-this-vague-problem questions, and not an actual mathematics question at all. If $X$ is a scheme of finite type over a finite field, then the ...
JBorger's user avatar
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4 answers

Ternary "Lie structure"

One of the motivation of the theory of Lie Algebras is that every associative algebra $A$ is a LA when the bracket is defined by $[a,b]=ab-ba$ : this is skew-symmetric and satisfies the Jacobi ...
Denis Serre's user avatar
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1 answer

Number of curves over a finite field

Let $K$ be a finite field. Is there a formula for the number of isomorphism classes of genus $g$ smooth curves over $K$? In other words does there exists a formula for the number of rational points ...
Puzzled's user avatar
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3 answers

Where does the really nice '8-dimensional' description of the $E_7$ root system come from?

The Wikipedia page on $E_7$ tells me: Even though the roots span a 7-dimensional space, it is more symmetric and convenient to represent them as vectors lying in a 7-dimensional subspace of an 8-...
Vincent's user avatar
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1 answer

What are Harish-Chandra bimodules used for?

There are many recent papers on classification of Harish-Chandra bimodules for rational Cherednik algebras and, more generally, non-commutative algebras which are quantizations of symplectic ...
Yellow Pig's user avatar
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Do varieties with ample canonical bundle have finite automorphism group in small characteristic?

Suppose $X$ is a smooth projective variety over a field $k$, with ample canonical bundle. If $\operatorname{char}(k)=0$ or $\operatorname{char}(k)>\dim(X)$ and $X$ lifts to $W_2(k)$ (thanks ...
Daniel Litt's user avatar
14 votes
3 answers

For $\mathfrak g$ A Lie algebra of type $ E_7 $, $\mathfrak h $ a Cartan subalgebra and $\Delta$ the resulting root system, does $ Aut(\mathfrak g,\mathfrak h)\rightarrow Aut(\Delta) $ split over the Weyl group?

Given a complex simple Lie algebra $ \mathfrak g $ of type $E_7$, Cartan subalgebra $ \mathfrak h $ and simple roots $\alpha_1,…\alpha_n $, suppose $\pi $ is an involution of the extended Dynkin ...
Emma Carberry's user avatar
13 votes
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Some questions about the Malcev completion

Let $G$ be an abstract group. The Malcev completion $\widehat{G}$ of $G$ (over $\mathbb{Q}$) is the set of group-like elements in the complete Hopf algebra $\widehat{\mathbb{Q}[G]} = \lim_n \mathbb{Q}...
Mostafa - Free Palestine's user avatar
13 votes
2 answers

finding highest weight of dual of a representation of a semisimple lie algebra

If V is an irreducible representation of a semi simple lie algebra having highest weight λ then what will be the highest weight of the corresponding irreducible representation V∗ (Dual of V)?
Rekha Biswal's user avatar
13 votes
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decompositions for exceptional Lie algebras $E_6$, $E_7$ and $E_8$

Do anybody know , why can we write the following decompositions for exceptional Lie algebras $E_6$, $E_7$ and $E_8$ 1) $E_8=(V^{\star}\otimes \wedge^{8}V^{\star})\bigoplus \wedge^{6}V^{\star}\...
user avatar
13 votes
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Variety of nilpotent Lie algebras or $p$-groups

Here's a couple of analogous questions, one in terms of finite-dimensional complex Lie algebras and one in terms of finite $p$-groups; I'd be interested in an answer to either: 1) Let $\mathcal{L}$ ...
YCor's user avatar
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13 votes
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What's the dimension of the Lie algebra generated by transpositions on $n$ objects?

Define a Lie bracket on the group algebra of the permutation group $S_n$ in the following way: $$[\sigma, \tau] = \sigma\circ\tau - \tau\circ\sigma,$$ where $\sigma, \tau \in S_n$, and the ...
WunderNatur's user avatar
12 votes
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Bounding weight multiplicities by number of certain Coxeter elements

This question concerns lower bounds of certain weight multiplicities in finite dimensional representations of algebraic groups (or Lie groups, Lie algebras). Let's say $G$ is a simple algebraic group ...
Jingren Chi's user avatar
12 votes
7 answers

How about the Lie algebra over commutative ring?

It is just like the linear algebra over commutative ring (maybe advanced linear algebra), that is a nature extension and can make the structure of Lie algebra more algebraic, but I find little book ...
Strongart's user avatar
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Smallest dimension of nontrivial representation of a simple Lie algebra over `$\mathbb{C}$`

The question involved here is natural and very classical, but I'm unsure what has been formally stated and proved in the literature. The only approach I know involves assembling facts that apparently ...
Jim Humphreys's user avatar
12 votes
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Residues of $\frac{1}{\prod_{i=1}^n (x-P_i)^{e_i}}$

This is a problem occurring in my research about deformations of $\mathbb{Z}/p^n$-covers over a ring of power series. Given an algebraically closed field $k$ of characteristic $p>0$, suppose $1< ...
Huy Dang's user avatar
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4 answers

Type of 26-dimensional representation of different real forms of the complex simple Lie algebra $F_4$

The exceptional complex simple Lie algebra $F_4$ has an irreducible 26-dimensional representation $V$ with Dynkin label [0,0,0,1] in the usual ordering of the simple roots one can find, say, in ...
José Figueroa-O'Farrill's user avatar
12 votes
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Geodesics on $SU(4)$

Are the geodesics of the following metrics on $SU(4)$ known or easy (in a way not known to me!) to find? In the adjoint representation, one can express the Killing form as a matrix and consider it as ...
Benjamin's user avatar
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Groups associated with infinite dimensional Lie algebras

There is a classical correspondence between Lie algebras (over $\mathbb{R}$ or $\mathbb{C}$) and Lie groups in the finite dimensional case: to every Lie group $G$ there is an associated Lie algebra $\...
shane.orourke's user avatar
11 votes
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Inverse of Baker-Campbell-Hausdorff

This should be quite simple to answer. I have a situation in which I must have an explicit expression for the inverse of Baker-Campbell-Hausdorff. More precisely: I have two power series $P_1(X,Y)$, $...
Anweshi's user avatar
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3 answers

Does there exist any "quantum Lie algebra" embeded into the quantum enveloping algebra U_q(g)?

We have known that any finite dim Lie algebra can be embeded into it's enveloping algebra $U(\mathfrak{g})$, my question is: is there any "quantum Lie algebra" embeded into the quantum enveloping ...
tzhang's user avatar
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11 votes
5 answers

Applications of Chevalley Restriction Theorem

Let $G$ be a simple linear algebraic group (over $\mathbb{C}$, say) and $\mathfrak{g}$ be its Lie algebra, $\mathfrak{t}\subset \mathfrak{g}$ the Lie algebra of a maximal torus in $G$ and $W$ the ...
George Melvin's user avatar
11 votes
1 answer

Are automorphism groups of hypersurfaces reduced ?

In the following article : "H. Matsumura, P. Monsky, On the automorphisms of hypersurfaces, J. Math. Kyoto Univ. 3 (1964) 347-361", it is shown that in finite characteristic, automorphism groups of ...
Olivier Benoist's user avatar
11 votes
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Extended Deformation Theory (dg-Lie algebra principle in positive characteristic?)

Recently, I looked at articles that make use of Deligne's idea that "in characteristic 0 every deformation problem is governed by a differential graded Lie algebra" as explained first in Goldman-...
user47856's user avatar
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6 answers

Figure out the roots from the Dynkin diagram

Just a d*mb question on Lie algebras: Given a Dynkin diagram of a root system (or a Cartan Matrix), how do I know which combination of simple roots are roots? Eg. Consider the root system of G_2, ...
Yuhao Huang's user avatar
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PBW theorem over a Q-algebra, without freeness or flatness

Let $k$ be a commutative ring with $1$. Let $L$ be a $k$-Lie algebra, which is not necessarily free as a $k$-module. Let $S\left(L\right)$ denote the symmetric algebra of $L$ (over $k$), constructed ...
darij grinberg's user avatar
11 votes
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Realisation of Kac-Moody Lie algebras

I am reading Infinite dimensional lie algebras by Kac. He starts with a $n \times n$ GCM (Generalized Cartan Matrix) $A$ of rank $l$, then he defines the realization associated with the matrix $A$ ...
GA316's user avatar
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3 answers

Quantum groups and deformations of the monoidal category of $U(\frak{g})$-modules

In the first answer for this question is writen, about the braided category of representation of the enveloping algebra $U(\frak{g})$, for $\frak{g}$ a semisimple Lie algebra: The space of ...
Bas Winkelman's user avatar
11 votes
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Bracket of lyndon words?

Here is a simple question regarding the standard Lyndon basis for the free Lie Algebra. Suppose I take two lyndon words $m$ and $n$ and their standard bracketings $B(m)$ and $B(n)$ as elements in the ...
Chitrabhanu's user avatar
11 votes
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On a proposition in Hartshorne's paper "Ample vector bundles on curves"

In Prop. 4.1, p. 87 of the article "Ample vector bundles on curves" (Nagoya Math. J. 43 [1971], 73--89), R. Hartshorne states the following: Let $A$ be an abelian variety [over an alg. closed field $...
Damian Rössler's user avatar
11 votes
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What's known about the mod 2 reduction of the level l Jacobi modular equation?

Motivation: Let $\ell$ be an odd prime. Let $A$ in ${\mathbb Z}/2[[x]]$ be $x+x^9+x^{25}+x^{49}+...$, and $B=A(x^\ell)$. One can use the level $\ell$ Jacobi modular equation to get a polynomial ...
paul Monsky's user avatar
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Non-isomorphic complex Lie groups with the same exceptional Lie algebra for $\mathfrak{g_2,f_4,e_6,e_7,e_8}$?

An exceptional complex Lie algebra is a simple Lie algebra whose Dynkin diagram is of exceptional (nonclassical) type. There are exactly five such Lie algebras: $\mathfrak{g}_{2}$, ${\mathfrak {f}}_{4}...
annie marie cœur's user avatar
11 votes
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Do the Standard Conjectures imply parts of the "Weil II" Riemann Hypothesis?

It is known that Grothendieck's Standard Conjectures on algebraic cycles imply the Riemann Hypothesis of the original Weil Conjectures. However, do they also say something about the version of the ...
bhwang's user avatar
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Are there "reasonable" criteria for existence/non-existence of Levi factors or their conjugacy in prime characteristic?

Classical theorems attributed to Levi, Mal'cev, Harish-Chandra for a finite dimensional Lie algebra over a field of characteristic 0 state that it has a Levi decomposition (semisimple subalgebra plus ...
Jim Humphreys's user avatar
10 votes
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Gram matrix determinant in dimension 4 and $E_8$

Consider a determinant of a Gram matrix in dimension $4$. $$\begin{vmatrix} 1 & -\cos(\alpha_1) & -\cos(\alpha_2) & -\cos(\alpha_3)\\ -\cos(\alpha_1) & 1 & -\cos(\alpha_6)& -\...
Daniil Rudenko's user avatar
10 votes
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Has the geometry of the variety of nilpotent matrices over $\mathbb{C}$ been studied?

Consider the complex projective variety given by $X^n = 0$, where $X\in \mathrm{M}_n(\mathbb{C})$ and, say, $n\geq 3$. Some basic properties of it are already mentioned in this question: https://...
M.G.'s user avatar
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4 answers

References: Infinite dimensional Lie algebras

What I really want are properties (if it is abelian, nilpotent, solvable, simple, or semisimple; Cartan subalgebras...) of the Lie algebra of smooth functions on a symplectic manifold $(M,\omega)$; ...
R.S.'s user avatar
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Is $Sym^n (V^*) \cong Sym^n (V)^\ast$ naturally in positive characteristic?

Background/motivation It is a classical fact that we have a natural isomorphism $Sym^n (V^*) \cong Sym^n (V) ^\ast$ for vector spaces $V$ over a field $k$ of characteristic 0. One way to see this is ...
Andrea Ferretti's user avatar
9 votes
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Finding $U,V$ in Thompson's Formula

Thompson's formula says, given $A,B \in \mathfrak{su}(n)$, there exists $U,V \in SU(n)$ such that: $e^{A}e^{B}=e^{UAU^{\dagger} + VBV^{\dagger}}$ Given $a,b \in \mathfrak{su}(4)$ defined by: $a=J_x ...
Benjamin's user avatar
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Examples of Richardson orbit closures not having a symplectic resolution?

This is a follow-up to a recent question asked by Peter Crooks here. The answer by Ben Webster includes a helpful link to the corrected arXiv version of Baohua Fu's 2003 Invent. Math. paper ...
Jim Humphreys's user avatar
9 votes
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$U\left(\mathfrak a\right) \otimes_{U\left(\mathfrak a\cap\mathfrak b\right)} U\left(\mathfrak b\right) \cong U\left(\mathfrak a + \mathfrak b\right)$ over a ring containing $\mathbb{Q}$

While the Poincaré-Birkhoff-Witt theorem is usually proven (and sometimes even formulated) for free modules only, it is known (see also here) that it holds for arbitrary modules if the ground ring is ...
darij grinberg's user avatar
9 votes
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Symmetric Powers for Lie Algebras

Let $V_\lambda$ be the irreducible representation of $sl_{n}(\mathfrak{C})$ with highest weight $\lambda$. There are well known formulas for the decomposition of $V_\lambda^{\otimes^k}= V_\lambda\...
user48969's user avatar
9 votes
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Endomorphism ring of simple ordinary abelian variety

Is there an example of an ordinary and simple abelian variety $A$ over an algebraically closed field $K$ (of characteristic $p>0$) such that ${\rm End}(A)$ is not commutative? Note that the answer ...
Damian Rössler's user avatar
9 votes
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Number of reduced decompositions of the longest element of the Weyl group

Let $R$ be a reduced root system, $W$ the associated Weyl group, and $w_0 \in W$ the longest element of $W$. In general $w_0$ admits more than one reduced decomposition into a product of reflections, ...
Bas Winkelman's user avatar
9 votes
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I don't get a part of Bernstein's / Deligne-Morgan's proof of Poincaré-Birkhoff-Witt

Question: I am talking about the proof given on pages 50-52 of Pierre Deligne, Pavel Etingof, Daniel S. Freed, Lisa C. Jeffrey, David Kazhdan, John W. Morgan, David R. Morrison, and Edward Witten (...
darij grinberg's user avatar
9 votes
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Showing subgroups with equal Lie algebras are equal

Let $k$ be a field. It might as well be algebraically closed, but I do not want to assume that it has characteristic $0$. I will write "group" for "affine group scheme over $k$", ...
LSpice's user avatar
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