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On the Hasse-Weil L-function of $P^n$

So let us start with the "simplest" scheme over $Spec(\mathbf{Z})$ namely $X_0=Spec(\mathbf{Z})$. Then the (reciprocal) Weil zeta function of $X_0$ at a prime $p$ is given by $Z_p(T)=1-T$ (a ...
Hugo Chapdelaine's user avatar
23 votes
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Does smooth and proper over $\mathbb Z$ imply rational?

Does smooth and proper over $\mathbb Z$ imply rational? I think someone told me that this is a standard conjecture. Is it a widely held? held at all? Did someone in particular make this conjecture? ...
Ben Wieland's user avatar
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21 votes
3 answers

Stacks in modern number theory/arithmetic geometry

Stacks, of varying kinds, appear in algebraic geometry whenever we have moduli problems, most famously the stacks of (marked) curves. But these seem to be to be very geometric in motivation, so I was ...
0 votes
1 answer

Smooth quadric over p-adic integers

Let $k$ be a $p$-adic field with ring of integers $\mathcal{O}_K$ and residue field $\mathbb{F}$. Say I have a (projective) quadric $Q$ which is smooth over $\mathcal{O}_K$, such that the reduction $\...
Wanderer's user avatar
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Tate's theorem about abelian variteies in case of abelian scheme

For $k$ a finite field , $A,A'$ an abelian varieties over $k$, $G$ the Galois group of $k$, $l$ a prime number different from the characteristic of $k$ . Tate has proved that: $Q_l\otimes Hom_k(A,A')...
TOM's user avatar
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Elliptic subfields of a function field

Let $C$ be a curve and $K(C)$ be its function field of genus 2, where $K$ = $\mathbb{C}$. The number of essential elliptic subfields of $K(C)$ is 0 or 2 or $\infty$. Edit: I am looking for a proof. ...
Srilakshmi's user avatar
3 votes
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Conductor of an elliptic curve

Given any elliptic curve over $\mathbb{Q}$ of conductor $N$, by modularity of elliptic curves, there exists a surjective morphism from $X_0(N)$ $\rightarrow$ $E$.There may be several such 'N' and ...
Srilakshmi's user avatar
14 votes
2 answers

"Purely local" proof of local Langlands

As from this website My question is: What does it mean by "purely local"? Also, I heard about this phrase "purely local" in other problems as well, ...
natura's user avatar
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6 votes
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Albert classification of rational endomorphism rings of simple Abelian varieties over finite fields

Recall the Albert classification of rational endomorphism rings with involution of simple Abelian varieties over arbitrary fields: Type I: totally real, trivial involution Type II and III: quaternion ...
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2 votes
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density of conjugate of arithmetic subgroup

$K=Q(\sqrt{d} ) , d<0 $, $\Gamma $ an arithmetic subgroup of $G=SU(2,1)(K)$ . Is $\cup_{g\in G}(g^{-1}\Gamma g)$ dense in G for the complex topology?
TOM's user avatar
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density in SU(2,1)

Let $K=Q(\sqrt{-3})$ , is $SU(2,1)(K)$ dense in $SU(2,1)(C)$ for the complex topology?
TOM's user avatar
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Rational points on smooth compactifications

Let $X$ be as smooth variety over a field $k$ of characteristic $0$. Consider the following statements: The variety $X$ has no $k((t))$-rational points. No smooth compactification of $X$ has a $k$-...
Wanderer's user avatar
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deRham cohomoloy of CM liftings of Jacobians

Let $k$ be field of characteristic $p>0$ and $W=W(k)$ the ring of Witt vectors of $k$. We call a smooth curve over $k$, ordinary, when the Jacobian of $J(X)$ of $X$ is an ordinary abelian variety. ...
Jack's user avatar
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17 votes
4 answers

What are supersingular varieties?

For varieties over a field of characteristic $p$, I saw people talking about supersingular varieties. I wanted to ask "why are supersingular varieties interesting". However, as I don't want to ask an ...
temp's user avatar
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8 votes
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Order of Ш (Sha)

To prove the BSD conjecture, one has to know about 'the finiteness of the Shafarevich Tate group'. But, an example of an elliptic curve of rank 2 (whose Sha group $Ш(E/\mathbb{Q})$ is finite) is not ...
Srilakshmi's user avatar
4 votes
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A question about the Tannakian etale fundamental group of a curve

Let $X$ be a smooth connected quasi-projective curve over $\mathbf{Q}$. Let $U$ be the pro-unipotent etale fundamental group of $X$ over $\mathbf{Q}_p$. $U^1 = U$ and let $U^n =[U,U^{n-1}]$. Let $n\...
Harry's user avatar
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Pro-affine varieties over a local field

Let $K$ be a (perfect) local field, and let $S = \lim (\operatorname{Spec} A_i)_{i=0}^\infty$ be a pro-affine variety over $K$. This means that each $A_i$ is a finite type $K$-algebra and that the ...
Harry's user avatar
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Explicit description of O^{cris}_n in Fontaine/Messing

Let $k$ be a perfect field of characteristic $p$, $W(k)$ the Witt ring and $K$ its quotient field. In their article "$p$-adic periods and $p$-adic etale cohomology" Fontaine and Messing give in II.1.4 ...
Matthias Kümmerer's user avatar
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why find a good field extension such that the curve has semi-stable model is important?

Hello everyone, I'd like to ask some question about semi-stable reduction of curves. The Deligne-Mumford theorem tell us "Let $A$ be an Dedekind domain, $K=K(A)$, for any smooth curve $X$ over $K$ ...
kiseki's user avatar
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6 votes
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understanding the main theorem of complex multiplication (of elliptic curves)

I want to understand the meaning of the main theorem of complex multiplication (of elliptic curves) as given in Silverman, Advanced Topics in the Arithmetic of Elliptic Curves, II.8, or Shimura, ...
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Why is the kernel of reduction a pro-p group?

Let $A$ be an abelian variety over a $p$-adic field $K_v$, i.e., $K_v$ is a finite field extension of $\mathbb Q_p$, for $p$ a prime number. Denote by $k_v$ the residue field of $K_v$ and let $\...
Stefan Keil's user avatar
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false elliptic curves and principal polarizations

Hi, Let $\Delta$ be a quaternion algebra over $\mathbf Q$ and let $\mathcal O_\Delta$ be a maximal order in $\Delta$. Recall that a false elliptic curve over a field $K$ is a pair $(A/K,i)$ ...
Nicolás's user avatar
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Geometric interpretation of Hida isomorphism

[EDIT]: After getting a very nice answer by Kevin Buzzard I realize that my question was a little bit too vague and I try to restate it more precisely. As the title says, I would like to understand ...
Filippo Alberto Edoardo's user avatar
26 votes
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Why does the Section Conjecture exclude curves of genus 1?

Let $X$ be an integral proper normal curve over a (perfect) field $F$, of genus $\geq 2$. One variant of Grothendieck's "section conjecture" states that the sections $G_F \rightarrow \pi_1(X)$ of the ...
KristianJS's user avatar
15 votes
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Has the Weil conjectures been proved using other (Weil) cohomology theory?

According to Weil, the Weil conjecture should follow once one has a sufficiently powerful cohomology machine. And it is proved using one of them, namely étale cohomology. My question is, has there ...
temp's user avatar
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6 votes
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Q-factorial and rational singularities on surfaces

Let $X$ be a normal surface. Is any rational singularity $\mathbf{Q}$-factorial? I've seen this somewhere for surfaces over fields, but what about the general case of an integral 2-dimensional ...
Harry's user avatar
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9 votes
5 answers

The use of embedding a curve into its Jacobian

I'm looking for as many examples/applications as possible of the use of embedding a smooth projective geometrically connected curve $X$ over a number field $k$ with $X(k)\neq \emptyset$ into its ...
Harry's user avatar
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14 votes
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A curve with bad reduction for which the jacobian has good reduction

Let $K$ be a number field. If $X$ is a curve over $K$ with good reduction at a place $v$ of $K$, then the Jacobian of $X$ also has good reduction at $v$. This follows from the functoriality of the ...
Edgar's user avatar
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2 votes
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Are torsors over unipotent groups trivial

I might have misunderstood something I heard somewhere. Are torsors over unipotent groups trivial? I couldn't find this in some standard references.
Harry's user avatar
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33 votes
3 answers

Arithmetic geometry examples

(This is inspired by Algebraic geometry examples.) I want to collect here (counter)examples in arithmetic geometry. Curves violating the Hasse principle: The Selmer curve $3X^3 + 4Y^3 + 5Z^3 = 0$. ...
5 votes
1 answer

Trace of Frobenius over $F_q$

Let $q_0$ be a prime and $q$ = $q_0^n$. Let $a(F_q/F_{q_0})$ denote any integer which is trace of Frobenius over the field $F_q$ for some elliptic curve which can be defined over $F_{q_0}$. It is ...
Srilakshmi's user avatar
3 votes
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Construction of Kummer map for abelian variety

Let $A$ be an abelian variety over the rational numbers $\mathbf{Q}$. Let $V=T_p A \otimes \mathbf{Q}_p$ be the $\mathbf{Q}_p$-Tate module of $A$. Let $G$ be the absolute Galois group of $\mathbf{Q}$. ...
Harry's user avatar
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Why do twists of an algebraic group over k correspond to k-torsors over G

Let $G$ be an algebraic group over a field $k$. Let $k^s$ be the separable closure of $k$. I can't seem to figure out why isomorphism classes of twists of $G$ correspond to $k$-torsors over $G$. It'...
Harry's user avatar
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5 votes
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Does the Mordell conjecture imply the Shafarevich conjecture

The base field is a number field. It is known that the Shafarevich conjecture implies the Mordell conjecture (Kodaira-Parshin). Is the converse also true? Note that both conjectures are now ...
Bobby's user avatar
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Every curve is a Hurwitz space in infinitely many ways

Diaz, Donagi and Harbater proved that every curve over $\overline{\mathbf{Q}}$ is a Hurwitz space. A Hurwitz space is a connected component of the curve $H_n$. The curve $H_n$ is (the ...
Harized's user avatar
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CM abelian variety from an algebraic Hecke character?

Hi, Given an algebraic Hecke character $\chi$ of a number field $k$ there should be a "rank 1 CM-motive" $M$ with $\overline Q$-coefficients such that $L(s,M) = L(s,\chi)$. This follows from the ...
Nicolás's user avatar
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Is there a really big ring of differential operators in characteristic p?

$k$ is a field of characteristic $p$. $k[t]$ has canonical first-order differential operator $\partial$ As an endomorphism of $k[t]$, $\partial^p=0$. First way to fix it: Use the divided power ...
YoungMathematic's user avatar
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algebraic de Rham cohomology of hypersufaces

For a smooth hypersurface $X\subset\mathbb{P}^n_k$, where $k$ is an algebraic closed field of charactersitc $p>0$. How to compute its algebraic de Rham cohomology explicitly? or equivalently its ...
henckcn's user avatar
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Number of connected components of the Hurwitz space $H_n^o$ and subgroups of the fundamental group

A cover (of $\mathbf{P}^1_{\overline{\mathbf{Q}}}$) is a finite morphism $X\to \mathbf{P}^1_{\overline{\mathbf{Q}}}$, where $X$ is a smooth projective connected curve over $\overline{\mathbf{Q}}$. ...
Harized's user avatar
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Bound for the number of rational points on the modular curve

By Mazur's theorems (Reference:- Modular curves and the Eisenstein ideal, 1977), we know that the only rational points of X_0(N) for N any prime > 163 are the two cusps (o) and (oo) (|X_0(N)(Q)| = 2 )....
Srilakshmi's user avatar
4 votes
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Deformation space of non-ordinary abelian varieties

It is a well known result of Serre and Tate that if $A$ is an ordinary abelian variety over a field $k$ of characteristic $p>0$, then the deformation space $\mathcal{M}$ of $A$ to an abelian ...
Cyrus's user avatar
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7 votes
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Zograf's bound on the index of a modular curve for Shimura curves

I've been reading Voight's paper on Shimura curves and it prompted the following question; see for which notes I'm talking ...
Ariyan Javanpeykar's user avatar
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Extending functions on curves to functions on abelian varieties

Say I have a function $f_g$ on the moduli space of curves $M_g$ for all $g\geq 1$. Is there some way of extending this to the moduli space of abelian varieties $A_g$ in a nice way? What if I have ...
Harized's user avatar
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10 votes
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Proofs in the same vein as Ax-Grothendieck

I would like to see other examples of (ideas of) proofs and results in the same vein as the proof of the Ax-Grothendieck theorem. To explain what I mean by "in the same vein", I will quote from the ...
Qfwfq's user avatar
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Etale group schemes over a local ring

Let $p$ be a prime number and $R$ be a Noetherian local ring of characteristic $p$ with residue field $k$. Let $G$ be a finite etale subgroup scheme over $R$ of order $p$. Suppose that the etale $k$-...
A.E.'s user avatar
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7 votes
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$p$-adic uniformization not from the Drinfel'd spaces?

It seems that when we talk about the $p$-adic uniformization, we typically mean those uniformized by either the Drinfel'd upper spaces (for which we think of the examples of Mumford curves and some ...
genshin's user avatar
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5 votes
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What is the obstruction for a local set of models of a curve to come from a global model?

If $X_{\mathbb{Q}}$ is a curve over $\mathbb{Q}$, we get a curve $X_{\mathbb{Q}_p}$ over $\mathbb{Q}_p$ for every prime $p$. My question is about the reverse process. Say we are given curves $X_{\...
James D. Taylor's user avatar
4 votes
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Detecting linear dependence on multiplicative groups

Let G = $\mathbb{G}_m^2/\mathbb{Q}$ and let $\Gamma \subseteq G(\mathbb{Q})$ be a free abelian group of rank 2. Assume that the set of primes $p$ for which $\Gamma \mod p$ is cyclic has positive ...
Tzanko Matev's user avatar
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Do there exist weak Lefschetz-type statements that were proved for varieties over complex numbers, but were not proved in finite characteristic?

As far as I understood the situation (reading section 3.5B of Lazarsfeld's "Positivity in algebraic geometry" and also some of the references), some of weak Lefschetz-type statements known rely on '...
Mikhail Bondarko's user avatar
6 votes
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Nonstandard Methods ( or Model Theory ) and Arithmetic Geometry

I hear that the nonstandard methods are applied to many problems in various fields of mathematics such as functional analysis, topology, probability theory and so on. So, I have become interested in ...
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