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Reference Request: Calculus of Variations in Hilbert Space

I'm looking for a good reference to a book on calculus of variations in the setting of Banach Spaces. If it helps, I'm working with a particular functional acting on Fr\'{e}chet-differentiable ...
Rombaldo Meniscus's user avatar
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Rate of convergence of weakly null sequences

If $x_n$ is a normalized, weakly-null sequence in a Banach space, and $\epsilon_n\to 0$, does there exists a non-zero functional $f$ such that $|f(x_n)|<\epsilon_n$ for all $n$?
Markus's user avatar
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Spectra on different spaces

This is a method request: I am looking for techniques that allow me to investigate problems like this: Let $T_1: \ell^1 \rightarrow \ell^1$ be a bounded operator with $\Re(\sigma(T_1)) \subset (-\...
Kinzlin's user avatar
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Banach spaces with $d(X,Y) = 1$

We recall that the Banach-Mazur distance between two isomorphic Banach spaces is given by $d(X,Y) = \inf \{ \|T\| \|T^{-1}\| : T$ is an isomorphism from $X$ to $Y\}$. It is a classical result that we ...
James Kilbane's user avatar
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A criterion for norming sets

Let $F$ be a Banach space with the closed unit ball $B$. Let $E\subset F^*$ be a total subspace such that $B$ is complete with respect to the norm $|||f|||=\sup \limits_{e\in E,~e\ne 0} \frac{|\left&...
erz's user avatar
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Almost homogeneous functions

Let $X$ and $Y$ be Banach spaces and $T: X \to Y$. Working with large scale geometry of Banach spaces, I reached the following property: Suppose that for every scalar $\alpha\in\mathbb K$ and every ...
André Porto's user avatar
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Banach space with an unconditional basis but not a quasi-greedy one?

A few years ago, Schechtman showed that $\ell_p(\ell_q)$ fails to admit a greedy basis whenever $1\leq p\neq q<\infty$. This furnishes an example of a Banach space with an unconditional basis but ...
Ben W's user avatar
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Non continuous Linear form on $E=C([0,1],\mathbb{R})$ without AC

Let's note $E=C([0,1],\mathbb{R})$ the Banach space of real continuous funtions from the [0,1] interval with the uniform norm. Is it possible to show a non-continuous linear form on $E$ exists ...'s user avatar
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Is any continuous linear operator from a dual Banach space to a separable Hilbert space the strong-operator limit of a net of adjoint operators of less or equal norm ?

Let $E$ be an arbitrary Banach space and let $T:E^{*}\rightarrow\ell^{2}$ be a linear continuous operator. Is it true that $T$ must be the $so$-limit (i.e., limit w.r.t. the strong operator topology) ...
Ady's user avatar
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volume of the unit ball of the Banach space $\ell_1^n\otimes_{\epsilon}\ell_1^n$?

We denote by $\otimes_{\epsilon}$ the injective Banach tensor product. Which is the asymptotic volume of the unit ball of the Banach space $\ell_1^n\otimes_{\epsilon}\ell_1^n$?
BigBill's user avatar
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Invariant probability on a unit ball of a Banach space

Let $\Gamma$ be a discrete group acting on an infinite-dimensional Banach space $X$ by linear isometries. Is there a probability measure (non-atomic, not supported on a finite dimensional subspace) ...
user89292's user avatar
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Well-complemented copies of $\ell_p^n$

This must be surely known but I couldn't locate this problem in the literature. It popped out in a priori unrelated approximation problem but if true, would help me greatly. Let $p\in (1,\infty)$. ...
Tomasz Kania's user avatar
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On complemented copy of $c_{0}$ in projective tensor products

Suppose that the projective tensor product of $l_{\infty}$ and $X$ contains a complemented copy of $c_{0}$. Does it follow that $X$ contains a complemented copy of $c_{0}$?
user49882's user avatar
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Gaussian measure on Banach space

Assume we have a Gaussian measure $\mu$ supported on a Banach space $X$. Can we always find a Hilbert space $H$ embedded in $X$ sch that $\mu$ is also supported on $H$?
madhuresh's user avatar
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About a property in a reflexive Banach space

Let $E$ be a reflexive Banach space. Let $\{x_n\}_n$ be a bounded sequence of linearly independent elements of $E$. Does there exist a sequence $\{\phi_n\}_n$ of elements of $E^*$ (the dual of $E$) ...
MSMalekan's user avatar
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Fixed point theorem for a nonconvex set in a Banach space

Generally speaking, I am looking for a generalization of the Schauder fixed point theorem, which applies to the situation described briefly below. All references I read (e.g. E. Zeider 'Nonlinear ...
jaco's user avatar
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Explicit description of the closure of a given set

Let $C$ be the subset of $C_b(\mathbb{R})$ given by $$C:=\{f\in C_b(\mathbb{R}):\ \exists f'\in C_b(\mathbb{R})\}$$ Now I want to take the closure of this set with respect to the supremum norm on $...
Violet Watkins's user avatar
16 votes
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What (classes of) Banach spaces are known to have Schauder basis?

Motivation: I am trying to see for what class of Banach spaces the following result is true: There exists an increasing sequence of finite dimensional subspace {$V_n$} of a Banach space X (with ...
Clark Chong's user avatar
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Approximation of multipliers by multipliers of a smaller set 2

This question is a refinement of my previous question. Let $X$ be a compact metric space, and let $B$ be a bounded Banach Disk in $C(X)$ such that for every $x\in X$ there is $f\in B$ with $f(x)\ne 0$...
erz's user avatar
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Examples of Banach lattices with positive Schur property but without Schur property

A Banach lattice $E$ has the $(1)$ Schur property provided that any weakly null sequence in $E$ is norm null in $E$, and $(2)$ positive Schur property provided that any weakly null sequence of ...
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Finite-representability of $\ell_p$ in super-reflexive spaces

Let $E$ be a Banach space. Is it possible that $E$ is super-reflexive and $\ell_p$ is crudely finitely representable in $E$ for all $p\in (1,2)$? It seems unlikely but I cannot find an argument off ...
user512365's user avatar
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Complemented subspaces in the dual of James' space $J$

James' space $J$ is subprojective; i.e., every infinite dimensional (closed) subspace of $J$ contains an infinite dimensional subspace which is complemented in $J$. This fact can be found in Corollary ...
M.González's user avatar
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Geometric implications of $\beta(B_X) = 2$

Let $X$ be an infinite-dimensional Banach space and $\beta$ denote Istrățescu's spreading measure of noncompactness, i.e. $$\beta(M) = \sup \{ \varepsilon > 0 \colon \exists_{(x_n)^{\mathbb N} \in ...
anonymous's user avatar
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Non-reflexive Banach space s.t. X,X*,X**,... are separable

Is there an infinite-dimensional Banach space $X$, which is not reflexive, such that all the spaces $X,X^{\ast},X^{\ast\ast}, X^{\ast\ast\ast},\dots$ are separable?
Jens Reinhold's user avatar
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Criterion of reflexivity

Let $E$ be a Banach space. It is known that if for any equivalent norm on $E^*$ the closed unit ball of $E^*$ is weakly* closed, then $E$ is reflexive (a very short proof is in the book by Fabian, ...
erz's user avatar
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A unital algebra with norm and continuous multiplication is a Banach algebra

In my research in functional analysis, I came across this rather simple result: For a normed algebra A over $ \mathbb{C} $ with unit, in which multiplication , right and left are both continuous w....
Don John Prep's user avatar
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M-bases for $C(K)$-spaces, $K$ -scattered

Recall that a biorthogonal system $\{(x_i, x^*_i)\colon i\in I\}$ in a Banach space $E$ is a M-basis if $\{x_i\}_{i\in I}$ is linearly dense in $E$ and $\{x_i^*\}_{i\in I}$ separates points. Let me ...
Tomasz Kania's user avatar
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Inclusion of Hardy spaces

It is well-known that any convergence in $L^p$ for $p \in [1,\infty]$ implies convergence in $L^1_{\text{loc}}$ by Hölder's inequality. It is also known that for $p>1$ it holds that $L^p(\mathbb R)...
Heins Siedentopf's user avatar
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Under what conditions can we put a complete norm on a linear subspace of a separable Banach space?

Question 1 Let $X$ a separable Banach Space and $Y\subset X$ linear subspace. When can we put a norm on $Y$ in such a way so that $Y$ is a Banach space? Clearly if $Y$ is closed in the norm topology ...
Konrad Wrobel's user avatar
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Separable subspaces in dual spaces

Let $X$ be a Banach space and $Y$ be a separable closed subspace of $X^{*}$. Is there a separable closed subspace $Z$ of $X$ such that $Y$ is isomorphic to a subspace of $Z^{*}$? Thank you!
Dongyang Chen's user avatar
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Heat semigroup dissipative

Consider the heat semigroup on $L^1(\mathbb{R}).$ I would like to know if the generator of this semigroup is dissipative in the sense of this definition. On $L^2$ it would be completely trivial, but ...
Zehner's user avatar
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Centralizers and containment of $c_0$

I have this question also in MSE (see:, but I have not got an answer there. So I thought I try my luck here. Let $...
Johann Langemets's user avatar
8 votes
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When is the norm of all positive operators on an ordered Banach space determined by their values on the positive cone?

I'm trying to investigate the interplay between the norm and cone of positive elements in ordered Banach spaces. In particular, I would like a nice characterization of when the norm of a positive ...
Miek Messerschmidt's user avatar
12 votes
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Containment of $c_0$

I have the following question. I guess it's quite simple for experts. Unfortunately, I could not come up with an answer yet. Let $X$ be a Banach space which contains no copy of $c_0$. Does it impply ...
Dany Galicer's user avatar
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Dual or pre-dual of BV

Was there any relevant work to determine the dual (or more likely the predual) of the space of bounded variation functions $BV(\mathbb{R}^n)$ (I recall the definition : a function in $L^1(\mathbb{R}^n)...
Paul-Benjamin's user avatar
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When are Weighted $\mathcal{L}^p$-Spaces Topologically Isomorphic?

Let $X$ be a topological space and $\mu$ be the Borel measure on $X$. Suppose $W_1$ and $W_2$ are continuous, non-negative functions from $X$ into the real numbers such that, for all integers $p > ...
JMJ's user avatar
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Generator of a $C_0$-semigroup restricted to a subspace

Suppose we have a decreasing filtration of Banach spaces $(E_t)_{t\geq0}$, inclusions $V_{s+t,t}:E_{s+t}\to E_t$ and projections $P_{t,s+t}:E_t\to E_{s+t}$ such that $P_{t,s+t}V_{s+t,t}=I_{E_{s+t}}$. ...
Ollie's user avatar
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Is $\partial^\alpha$ a map $H^{s,p}(\mathbb R^N,F)\to H^{s-|\alpha|,p}(\mathbb R^N,F)$?

More precisely, the question is formulated as follows. Let $F$ be an arbitrary Banach space, especially not having the UMD−property. Let $N\in\mathbb N$ and $s\in\mathbb R$ and $1\le p\le +\infty$ . ...
TaQ's user avatar
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Usefulness of Frechet versus Gateaux differentiability or something in between.

If you have a function $V: L \rightarrow \mathbb{R}$, where $L$ is an infinite dimensional topological vector space, there are multiple notions of differentiability. For $x,u \in L$, $V$ is Gateaux ...
weakstar's user avatar
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Extending functionals on $X^*$

Suppose $X$ is a non-reflexive Banach space, $Z$ a closed subspace of $X^*$, and $f$ a bounded functional on $Z$ with the property that there exists non-zero $x\in X$ such that $f(z^*)=z^*(x)$ for all ...
Markus's user avatar
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Distortion of embedding in Hilbert space

Given an injective linear map $T$ between Banach spaces $X$ and $Y$, let \begin{equation} d(T) = \sup \left \{ \frac{||x||_X}{||Tx||_Y}: x \in X \mbox{ is nonzero } \right\} \cdot ||T||_{\mathrm{op}}...
burtonpeterj's user avatar
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Norming functionals for vectors in intersections

Suppose that $(X, \|\cdot\|_X)$, $(Y, \|\cdot\|_Y)$ are two Banach spaces such that $X\subset Y$ and $\|x\|_Y\leq \|x\|_X$ for all $x\in X$ and $X$ is dense in $(Y, \|\cdot\|_Y)$. Every functional $...
Fun Norm's user avatar
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About representations of some elements in $\mathcal A(\ell^p)$

For Banach spaces $E$ and $F$ we denote the approximate operators by $\mathcal A(E,F)$ and projective tensor product by $\hat\otimes$. Consider the natural map $$\Delta: \mathcal A(\ell^q,\ell^p)\...
MSMalekan's user avatar
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A Question about an irreducible ultra-power II,

Let $E$ be an irreducible Banach $A$-module, for a Banach algebra $A$. One can easily show that for an ultra filter $\mathcal U$, $(E)_\mathcal U$ is a Banach $(A)_\mathcal U$-module. Is it possible ...
MSMalekan's user avatar
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Banach space properties defined by compact operators, strictly singular operators and strictly cosingular operators

Let $X,Y$ be Banach spaces. We denote by $\mathcal{L}(X,Y)$ the space of all operators from $X$ into $Y$, $\mathcal{K}(X,Y)$ by the space of all the compact operators from $X$ into $Y$, $S(X,Y)$ by ...
Dongyang Chen's user avatar
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Normed space between $H^{0+}$ and $L^2$

Cosider a function $f\in L^2(\mathbb{R}^3)$ with consider the following condition. $$\int_{\mathbb{R}^3}\frac{|\widehat{f}(x)|}{1+|x|^{3/2}}dx<+\infty \, .\qquad\mbox{(*)} \, $$ Of course if $f\in ...
Capublanca's user avatar
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When Pelczynski's property (V*) forces (V) in the dual space?

Recently, I have been asked if are there any sufficient conditions for a Banach space with Pelczynski property (V*) to have dual with property (V). Since it was a long standing open problem, I guess ...
Abelardo Morell 's user avatar
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Dunford−Pettis property of $L^1(\mu)$

$\def\bs#1{\boldsymbol#1}\def\sp{\kern.4mm}$Let $\bs K$ be either the standard real or complex topological field, and let $E$ be a Hausdorff locally convex space over $\bs K\sp$. Then saying that $E$ ...
TaQ's user avatar
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Non-separable asymptotic $\ell_1$ space

The Figiel-Johnson Tsirelson space is an example of an asymptotic $\ell_1$ Banach space not containing $\ell_1$. The notion of asymptotic $\ell_1$ is with respect to some basis, but a coordinate free ...
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When is it $C(X)$?

Suppose that $\tilde{X}$ is a compact space. If $C(\tilde{X})$ is isometrically isomorphic to the second dual of a Banach space, does there exist a locally compact space $X$ such that $C(\tilde{X})=...
Bob's user avatar
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