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Classes of (non-continuous) functions with the fixed point property

Let $K$ be a convex body in $ R^d$. (Say, a ball, say a cube...) For which classes $ \cal C$ of functions, every function $ f \in {\cal C}$ which takes $K$ into itself admits a fixed point in $K$. ...
Gil Kalai's user avatar
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Does there exists a necessary condition for Lp multiplier?

Let $1 \leq p \leq 2$. A measurable function $m(\xi)$ is called a $L^p(R^n)$ ($L^p$ for convenience) multiplier, if $$\|m(D)\varphi\|/\|\varphi\|_{L^p} \leq C , \varphi \in L^p $$ for some constant $C$...
Wang Ming's user avatar
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Defining surface integral on boundary of $C^1$-domain

Let $\Omega$ be a bounded $C^1$ domain with bounded boundary $\partial\Omega$. Can someone point me to a reference where the surface integral of a measurable function $f\colon \partial\Omega \to \...
michael_carbon's user avatar
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Is this has anything to do with Riesz representation?

The Riesz representation is very useful in study BV space. There is a lot of version of it and one of the good one can be found in this book, page 49. Here I come up with a question which has similar ...
JumpJump's user avatar
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On the principal eigenvector of an elliptic operator

Suppose I have an open domain $U \subset \mathbb{R}^n$ and an elliptic operator $L$ acting on all square-integrable $C^2$ functions $\rho:U\to \mathbb{R}$ which converge to zero at $\partial U$: \...
5th decile's user avatar
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slightly subcritical elliptic pde; the linearized equations

Let $ p_m \nearrow \frac{N+2}{N-2}$ and consider the family of elliptic problems $$-\Delta u_m(x)=u_m(x)^{p_m} \quad B \qquad \quad u_m =0 \quad \partial B,$$ where $B$ is the unit ball ...
Craig's user avatar
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1D inhomogeneous linear Schrodinger equation

I have the following problem: $iu_t - u_{xx} = f$ on the interval $[0,L]$ with $u(0,t)=u(L,t)=0$ and $u(x,0)=0$. I can show that $\|u\|_{L^2(x,t)}$ (space-time) is controlled by the norm $\|f\|_{L^2(...
Sriram Nagaraj's user avatar
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Properties of a Sobolev bound

I am interested in computing $$ A:=\inf_{f\in L^{2}(\mathbb{R}^3)}\frac{||K^{\frac{1}{4}}f||_2^2}{||f||_{\frac{5}{2}}^2} $$ where $K:=-\Delta+1$. We call $f_c$ the function that saturates the bound. ...
rrr's user avatar
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Verifying general assumption for parabolic PDE

I've got some problems verifying an assumption for a parabolic PDE. Namely, let $(V,H,V^*)$ be a Gelfand-Triple, $u_0 \in V$, $\psi\colon V \to \mathbb{R}$ convex and lower-semicontinuous and $a\colon ...
malwin's user avatar
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A compactness result: if $f_n(u_n) \rightharpoonup w$ in $L^2(0,T;L^2)$, then $f_n(u_n) \to w$ in $L^2(s,T;H^{-1})$ for all $s > 0$

Let $f_n \to f$ on compact subsets of the real line (these are functions defined on the real line) satisfying some conditions: $f$ has linear growth (but is nonlinear function) and is continuous and ...
LapLace's user avatar
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ODE continuous dependence on parameters to PDE

I want to learn how to apply certain ODE theory to PDE. If we have a Banach space ODE $$x'(t) = f(t, x(t), p),$$ $$x(0) = x_0$$ where the equation is over same domain $t \in (a,b)$, then via the ...
Bloop's user avatar
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Boundedness of a function that satisfies a PDE-type inequality

Let $\Omega$ be a bounded Lipschitz domain, and let $u\colon[-T,0]\times \Omega \to \mathbb{R}$ be a function with $u(-T)=0$. Suppose that $$\sup_{-T \leq t \leq 0} \int_\Omega |(u(t)-k)^+|^2 + \int_{...
FavorExistingPopularTags's user avatar
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Getting a comparison principle for parabolic equation when solution is not that smooth

Consider the solution $b(u) \in L^2(0,T;H^1)\cap H^1(0,T;H^{-1})$ with $u \in L^2(0,T;H^1)$ to $$\frac{\partial}{\partial t}b(u) - \Delta u = f$$ where $b$ is continuous, increasing and locally ...
mathias_l's user avatar
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Showing a coercivity condition for this bilinear form

Suppose $\Omega \subset \mathbb{R}^n$ is a compact domain. Let $f$ and $J$ (and also $\frac 1J$) be $C^1$ functions on $\Omega$. Consider the bilinear form $a:H^1(\Omega) \times H^1(\Omega) \to \...
user28178's user avatar
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Asymptotics of "heat" semigroup

Consider a bounded domain $\Omega \subset \mathbb{R}^n$ with smooth boundary. Consider a second order elliptic operator $L$ on $L^2(\Omega)$, defined by either the Dirichlet or Neumann boundary ...
anonymous's user avatar
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Pseudoinverse of Neumann-Laplacian

Suppose you have the following PDE: find $u \in H^1(\Omega)$ such that $$-\Delta u = f, \\ \frac{\partial u}{\partial n} = 0. $$ Further assume a solvability condition $$\int_\Omega f ~\mathrm{d}\...
Elias Ka's user avatar
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Changing frames of the tangent bundle with Schwartz functions [closed]

Let's consider two global frames $\{v_{1},....v_{N}\}$ and $\{u_{1},....u_{N}\}$ of the tangent bundle $T\mathbb{R}^N$. Now consider the matrix $\{f_{i,j}\}$that change the frame $\{v_k\}$ to $\{u_k\...
Coffee's user avatar
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Which is the smallest space $X\subset L^{2}$ where the conservation law holds in the norm of $X$?

We formally write the solution of nonlinear Schrödinger equation (NLS) as follows: $$u(t)= U(t-t_{0}) u_{0}- i \int_{t_{0}}^{t} U(t-\tau) (|u|^{2}u(\tau)) d\tau;$$ where $U(t)= e^{it\Delta} $(free ...
Inquisitive's user avatar
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First order pde with characteristics [closed]

Consider a first order pde of the type $$u_y+b(x)u_x=0$$ and suppose that the coefficient $b$ is not necessairly continuous (for instance with a jump in some point). Is it still possible to apply in ...
Ted's user avatar
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Size of the eigenfunction of Laplacian (reference request)

It is a classical Sobolev inequality that if $\phi$ is an eigenfunction of the Laplace-Beltrami operator on a $n$-dim compact Riemannian manifold $M$ with eigenvalue $\lambda$ then $$||\phi||_{L^\...
Subhajit Jana's user avatar
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Coercivity for functional and complete orthonormal system

Consider with $\rho \in W^{1,2}([0,\pi])$ the following functional $$J(\rho)=\frac{1}{2}\int_{0}^{\pi}{\rho^2\,dx}$$ I know that in the $L^{2}([0,\pi])$ the coercivity condition is satisfied, but i'm ...
Giorgio's user avatar
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Does the Laplace-Beltrami/surface gradient commute with orthogonal projection? (related to Galerkin method)

Let $\Gamma$ be a $C^k$ $(n-1)$-dimensional hypersurface embedded in $\mathbb{R}^n$. Let $H=L^2(\Gamma)$ and $V=H^1(\Gamma)$. Suppose that $\{v_j\}$ is a basis for $H$ and $V$ (not necessarily ...
weasd's user avatar
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Existence of solution to weak form of linear equation with boundary integral (parabolic PDE)

Let $W(0,T) := \{ u \in L^2(0,T;H^{\frac 12}(\partial\Omega)) \mid u_t \in L^2(0,T;H^{-\frac{1}{2}}(\partial\Omega))\}$. Let $\gamma$ and $\xi$ denote the trace map and its right inverse. Does there ...
DeleMax's user avatar
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The best constant in Poincare-liked inequality in $BV$ and $BD$ space

This question has been posted on Math Stack exchange for a while and received no response. So I decide to move it here to get more attention. Let $\Omega\subset \mathbb R^N$ be open, bounded and with ...
JumpJump's user avatar
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Heat asymptotics

Consider a compact manifold $M$ with smooth boundary, with either the Dirichlet or the Neumann boundary conditions. Consider a (time-dependent) open ball $B_t \subset M$. Given a fixed $u \in L^1(M)$, ...
Cathy's user avatar
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Reference request: Spectral analysis of advection diffusion PDE

As the title says, I am looking for a authoritative reference/monograph on this topic. My interest is in spectral properties of this PDE, and NOT on existence/uniqueness etc. which is usually the ...
Piyush Grover's user avatar
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Upper bounds for the solution of an elliptic PDE depending on a parameter.

Suppose I have the following PDE on $[0,1]^n$ $$\mathcal{L}u = -\nabla \cdot \left(a(x, r)\nabla u\right) = f(x,r), \qquad x\in [0,1]^n,$$ with periodic boundary conditions and $\int f(x) dx =0$ . ...
RadonNikodym's user avatar
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Energy inequalities for Sobolev spaces of negative integer

I asked this question in mathematics stackexchange and couldn't get an answer. Let $\phi\in H^{s}$ such that the following energy inequality is true: $$\|\phi(t,\cdot)\|_s \le\int^t_0 C \| P\phi(t,\...
yess's user avatar
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Checking initial data in parabolic PDE with no control on time derivative

It is possible to define a weak solution of a parabolic PDE $$u_t - Au = f$$ $$u(0) = u_0$$ as $u \in L^2(0,T;H^1)$ such that $$-\int_0^T\int_\Omega u(t)\varphi'(t) + \int_0^T\int_\Omega Au(t)\varphi(...
TheBook's user avatar
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Linear coupled parabolic PDE system with Holder continuous coefficients

I am interested in proving existence/uniqueness to: find $u(x,t)$, $v(x,t)$ such that $$u_t - a_1u_{xx} - a_2u_x - a_3u -a_4v = f$$ $$v_t - a_5u_{xx} - a_6u_x - a_7u - a_8v_{xx} - a_9v_x - a_{10}v = g$...
Bloop's user avatar
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Getting an a priori bound on a nonlinear gradient term in PDE; how to adapt trick from $L^2$ case to $H^{-1}$ case?

I have the PDE $$u_t(t) - \Delta f(u(t)) = 0$$ in $H^{-1}(\Omega)$ where $f$ is a nonlinear function. Define $F(s) = \int_0^s f(s)$. Note that if $u_t(t) \in L^2(\Omega)$, $$\frac{d}{dt}F(u(t)) = f(...
riem's user avatar
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Reference for Neumann-Laplacian

Let $\Omega\subset R^d$ be a bounded, smooth domain. Consider $A=-\Delta$ subject to homogeneous Neumann boundary conditions in $L^p$-spaces. Does anybody know a good reference book on basic results ...
Marc's user avatar
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Long time behavior of the heat equation on R

Let $\mu\in\mathcal{S}'(R)$ be a Schwartz distribution. The solution of a heat equation with $\mu$ as the initial data is $$ u(t,x)= \int_R \frac{e^{-\frac{(x-y)^2}{2t}}}{\sqrt{2\pi t}} \mu(d y) $$ ...
Anand's user avatar
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Error analysis of implicit functions

I'm trying to do propagation of error using the linearized variance method (assuming independent variables, thus no need for the covariance terms): $$\sigma^2_f = \sum^n_{k=0} \left(\frac{\partial f}{...
tralston's user avatar
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If $\phi_n$ is a sequence of mollifier converging to the identity, does $\inf f\ast \phi_n \to \inf f$?

Let $\phi_n$ be a sequence of mollifier converging to the identity $$ \phi_n(x) \to \delta_{0}(x), \text{pointwise}, $$ with $\delta_{0}(\cdot)$ the delta function at zero, and $\phi_n \in C^\infty_{\...
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Asymptotics of a elliptic pde when exponent gets large

I am interested in the following pde $$ -\Delta w_p + \left( \frac{1}{p-2} +1 \right) \frac{ | \nabla w_p|^2}{w_p} + \epsilon(p) \left( \frac{1}{w_p} \right)^{(p-2)} = (p-2) w_p $$ in the unit ball $...
Math604's user avatar
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Galerkin approximations for parabolic PDE weak solution, getting a uniform bound

(As usual $V \subset H$ are separable Hilbert spaces) In a book I read this about existence of the solutions to parabolic PDEs: the approximate solution $u_n(t)$ solves the equation $$(u_n', w_j)...
leemo's user avatar
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A Sobolev-type inequality with weights

In the study of a particular PDE I found myself wanting to prove the following inequality: $( \int_0^{\infty} r^{-3} |f|^6 \; dr )^{1/6} \leq C ( \int_0^{\infty} [ r^{-1} |f|^2 + r |f'|^2 + r |f''|^2]...
Matt Cooper's user avatar
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Calculating a distributional derivative

Suppose that we have a sequence of functions $u_j$ that are in $L^{\infty}(0,1)$. Then the sequence of maps $N_j(s) := \|u_j(s)\|^2$ are also in $L^{\infty}(0,1)$. Hence they give rise to ...
dcs24's user avatar
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Construct a PDE solution from a net of approximations

Consider $P$ a linear partial differential operator in $\Bbb R ^n$. Consider some boundary condition given in the generic form $C(u) = 0$, that guarantees a unique solution (if any) of $Pu = 0$. Let $...
Alex M.'s user avatar
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solutions of elliptic linear pde depending analytically on a parameter

Fix $ \Omega$ a bounded smooth domain in $ R^N$ and suppose $0<w(x)$ is a smooth solution of $ -\Delta w(x)=w(x)^2$ in $ \Omega$ with $ w=0$ on $ \partial \Omega$ (were are assuming $2< \frac{N+...
Math604's user avatar
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Decay of weak solutions to degenerate parabolic PDEs on manifolds without boundary [closed]

I'm interested in degenerate parabolic equations posed on compact manifolds without boundaries and in particular decay estimates of the weak solution of such equations of the form $$|u(t)|_{L^p} \leq ...
TomJoseph's user avatar
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If $f \in H^{\frac 12}$ and $\varphi$ is Lipschitz, is $f\varphi \in H^{\frac 12}$ (on a Lipschitz hypersurface)?

Let $M$ be a bounded hypersurface. Let $f \in H^{\frac 12}(M)$ and let $\varphi\colon M \to \mathbb{R}$ be a Lipschitz function. When $M=\Omega \subset \mathbb{R}^n$ an open domain, we know that the ...
soup's user avatar
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Nonlocal (parabolic) PDEs in the Sobolev space setting

Can someone recommend me some literature on nonlocal parabolic problems (eg. of the form $$u_t + (-\Delta)^s u = f$$ where the nonlocal operator is the fractional Laplacian) in the setting of Sobolev ...
TheBook's user avatar
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Compact embedding

Let $\Omega$ be a domain in $\mathbb{R}^d$ (not necessarily bounded, no regularity assumption) and $K \subset \Omega$ a compact. Is it true that the embedding $H^1_0(\Omega) \rightarrow L^2_K(\Omega)$...
incas's user avatar
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Null sets in PDE

Consider the weak formulation: find $u \in L^2(0,T;V)$ with $u' \in L^2(0,T;V')$ such that for all $v \in L^2(0,T;V)$, $$\langle u'(t), v(t) \rangle_{V',V} + \langle Au(t), v(t) \rangle_{V',V} = \...
maximumtag's user avatar
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Regularity of $u$ in $u_t - \Delta \beta(t,u) = f$, can we get $u_t$ is a function?

I'm looking for reference discussing the regularity of the weak solution $u$ to the equation $$u_t - \Delta \beta(t, u) = f$$ $$u(0) = u_0$$ where $\beta(t,\cdot)$ is a nonlinear function depending ...
Pace's user avatar
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Perturbations of positive-definite self-adjoint operators

I was reading Kato's book on Perturbations of Linear Operators and have the following questions: If we have a self-adjoint operator, what kinds of perturbations (other than relatively bounded ones) ...
guest's user avatar
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Resolvent estimate of hyperbolic Laplacian [closed]

Consider the Laplacian $-\Delta$ on the hyperbolic space $\mathbb{H}^n$. For $\lambda \in \mathbb{C} \setminus [0, \infty)$, do we have resolvent estimates of the form $$\Vert (-\Delta - \lambda I)^{-...
anonymous's user avatar
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Solutions to Heat Equations with Obstacles!

Consider a closed Riemannian manifold $(M,g)$ and a positive function $\psi: M \to R$. Fix a point $p \in M$, I have been struggling to construct a solution to the heat equation, $\partial_t u = \...
Sajjad Lakzian's user avatar