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Questions tagged [abelian-groups]

For questions about groups whose elements commute.

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2 answers

Non-archimedean group over the reals

I have a totally ordered group $(\mathbb{R};\leq,\oplus,0,-)$ with the reals as base set satisfying monotonicity, i.e. for all $x,y,z$ we have that if $y\leq z$ then $x\oplus y \leq x\oplus z$, and I ...
chros's user avatar
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Invariant measure on coset space and integrable functions

Let $G$ be a locally compact abelian group, and $H$ a closed subgroup. Let $C_c(G)$ be the space of continuous, compactly supported complex valued functions on $G$. General theory of Haar measure ...
D_S's user avatar
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Image of $\rm{lim}^1$ functor

In category of abelian groups, we know that — values of $\rm{lim}^1$ on countable systems are precisely cotorsion groups — values of $\rm{lim}^1$ on systems of finitely generated groups are of the ...
Denis T's user avatar
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10 votes
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Positivity of power of positive PSD matrices

Background: Let $M$ be an $n\times n$ matrix with nonnegative entries. It is immediate that for any integer $k$, $M^k$ has nonnegative entries. Suppose now that, on top of having nonnegative entries, ...
MERTON's user avatar
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On the laplacian of connected, undirected, multigraphs without loops

Let $G$ be a connected, undirected multigraph, without loops. Let $L_G = D_G - A_G$, where $D_G= diag (val (v_1), \ldots , val (v_n) )$ where $n$ is the no. of vertices of $G$ and $val (v_i)$ ...
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3 votes
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Uncountable divisible groups and the existence of order-preserving isomorphisms of their subsets

Let $(G,+,0,<)$ be an ordered divisible group of uncountable dimension. Consider the subset $G^{<0}$ of $G$. Question: Are $G$ and $G^{<0}$ isomorphic as ordered sets? Does there exist an ...
N.W.'s user avatar
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Is a left-exact limit-preserving functor $Ab \to Ab$ necessarily representable?

Let $Ab$ be the category of abelian groups, and let $F: Ab \to Ab$ be a covariant functor which is left-exact and limit-preserving. Is $F$ necessarily naturally equivalent to a functor of the form $\...
user49822's user avatar
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Compatible total orderings of the group $\mathbb{Z}^\mathbb{N}$

Given the additive group of the module $\mathbb{Z}^\mathbb{N}$ and a total ordering of the group that is compatible with addition and where $\chi_{\{n\}} > 0$ for all $n \in \mathbb{N}$, can we say ...
Anschel Schaffer-Cohen's user avatar
1 vote
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Inverse limit of $p^n$-torsion abelian groups

Let $p$ be a prime and let $\{A_n\}_{n > 0}$ be an inverse limit of abelian groups such that $A_n$ is $p^n$-torsion with $A_n/p^{n - 1} \cong A_{n - 1}$ (these isomorphisms are part of the data). ...
Lisa S.'s user avatar
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Limit of trace maps in finite fields

If $\mathbb{F}_{q^n}$ is a finite field with $q^n$ elements ($q$ being a power of a prime $p$) we have the trace map $tr^n_m:\mathbb{F}_{q^n}\rightarrow \mathbb{F}_{q^m}$ such that $x\mapsto x+F^m(x)+....
João Dias's user avatar
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Pure (ordered) subgroups

Let $H,G$ be abelian groups with $H \leq G$. We say that $H$ is a pure subgroup of $G$ if for every $n \in \mathbb N$ and $h \in H$ the following holds: If $h$ is $n$-divisible in $G$, then $h$ is $n$-...
Epsilon's user avatar
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5 votes
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Direct limits of a matrix and its transpose

Let $A \in M_n(\mathbb Z)$ and $A^T$ denote the transpose of $A$. Define the direct limits $$H_1 = \mathrm{colim} (\mathbb Z^n \xrightarrow{A} \mathbb Z^n \xrightarrow{A} \mathbb Z^n \xrightarrow{A} \...
Toke Nørgård-Sørensen's user avatar
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exact short sequence of divisible groups splits? [closed]

Let $0 \rightarrow A \rightarrow B \rightarrow C \rightarrow 0$ be a short exact sequences of divisible abelian groups. Does then the sequence splits?
user350168's user avatar
2 votes
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When do infinitesimals split in dimension groups?

Let $G$ be a dimension group (i.e. a directed, unperforated abelian group satisfying the Riesz interpolation property) with order unit $u\in G^{+}$. There is a canonical positive group homomorphism $\...
Min Ro's user avatar
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Name for a pair of lattices one of which having theta series with coefficients a subsequence of another lattice's theta series coefficients

Is there a name for a pair of lattices which have the property given in the title (up to a change of variable)? The following example of a pair captures the property mentioned above: $$(i)\ 1 + 80q^3 ...
Josiah Park's user avatar
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15 votes
1 answer

Is the class of additive groups of rings axiomatizable?

I know that it is impossible to axiomatize the multiplicative structures of rings, called $R$-semigroups. Is anything known about the first-order axiomatizability of the class of abelian groups which ...
Michał Masny's user avatar
8 votes
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Examples of uncountable abelian $p$-groups

Does anyone know of any interesting examples of an infinite abelian $p$-group which is uncountable? By non-interesting here I mean the direct sums of cylic and quasi-cylic groups, and totally ...
11 votes
1 answer

Functorial description of mod-2 homology of an abelian group $A$ in terms of $A/2$ and ${}_2A.$

Let $A$ be an abelian group and $p$ be a prime. If $p\ne 2,$ there is a very nice functorial description of the homology algebra $H_*(A,\mathbb Z/p):$ $$H_*(A,\mathbb Z/p)\cong \Lambda^*(A/p)\otimes \...
Sergei Ivanov's user avatar
7 votes
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Positive cone of a subgroup of $\mathbb{Z}^n$

This question sounds like it should be very well known, but for some reason I failed to find a decent answer anywhere. Let $G\subset\mathbb{Z}^n$ be a subgroup, and $G_+=G\cap\mathbb{Z}_{\ge0}^n$ be a ...
Vladimir Dotsenko's user avatar
17 votes
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Epimorphisms $\mathbb{Z}^{\mathbb{N}} \to \mathbb{Z}^{\mathbb{N}}$ are split

Consider the additive group of integer sequences $\mathbb{Z}^{\mathbb{N}}$. Why does every epimorphism of groups $\mathbb{Z}^{\mathbb{N}} \to \mathbb{Z}^{\mathbb{N}}$ split? $(\star)$ Actually this ...
Martin Brandenburg's user avatar
8 votes
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On order of subgroups in abelian groups

I wonder whether any of you guys has already read the homonymous note by R. Beals in the December 2009 issue of the Monthly. If so, would you be so kind as to let me know about the main ideas in Beal'...
José Hdz. Stgo.'s user avatar
7 votes
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Looking for a modern source about Ulm Invariants

I'm looking for a modern, approachable text (preferably a website, textbook, or expository article, and preferably one easily available online or at a library) which can explain the concept of Ulm ...
Richard Rast's user avatar
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The field of fractions of the rational group algebra of a torsion free abelian group

Let $G$ be a torsion free abelian group (infinitely generated to get anything interesting). The group algebra $\mathbb{Q}[G]$ is an integral domain. Let $\mathbb{Q}(G)$ be its field of fractions. ...
Jeremy Rickard's user avatar
5 votes
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Which rings are the endomorphisms ring of some abelian groups?

Which rings are (isomorphic to) the endomorphisms ring of some abelian group? Is there any necessary and sufficient condition?
Sara.T's user avatar
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3 answers

Why are divisible abelian groups important?

I just quote wikipedia: "Divisible groups are important in understanding the structure of abelian groups, especially because they are the injective abelian groups." I am asking for detail ...
3 votes
2 answers

Character kernels in the lattice of subgroups of a finite abelian group

I am looking for any efforts that have been made to characterize the character kernels (equivalently, the subgroups yielding cyclic quotients) inside the lattice of subgroups of a finite abelian group....
benblumsmith's user avatar
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Characterisation of a class of group homomorphisms related to a central extension

Let $S$ and $R$ be groups and say $\sigma: S \twoheadrightarrow R$ is a group homomorphism that is a central extension; that is, it is surjective (extension) and its kernel is contained in the centre ...
Christopher Townsend's user avatar
9 votes
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Direct product decomposition for infinite abelian groups with constrained torsion

Let $g$ be a positive integer, and let $G$ be a commutative group with the following constraint on its torsion subgroup: there is an injection $G[\operatorname{tors}] \hookrightarrow (\mathbb{Q}/\...
Pete L. Clark's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

The center of a(n endomorphism) ring is a PID

Let $A$ be a torsion-free Abelian group, and let $\mbox{End}(A)$ be its endomorphism ring. Denote by $R\doteq\mathbf{Z}(\mbox{End}(A))$ the center of $\mbox{End}(A)$. What would be necessary and/or ...
Bedovlat's user avatar
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Indecomposable monoids

Let $M$ be a commutative reduced and cancellative monoid and $K(M)$ its group of quotients. We say that $M$ is indecomposable if for every divisor-closed submonoids $M_1$ and $M_2$, $M=M_1\oplus M_2$...
Rajkarov's user avatar
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Subgroups and quotients of an abelian pro-finite group

It is well known that every subgroup $H$ of a finite abelian group $G$ is isomorphic to a quotient of $G$. I'm wondering whether there is a counterpart for profinite groups. For example is it true ...
user106317's user avatar
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Countable reduced abelian group containing all countable reduced abelian groups

Is there a countable abelian group for which its subgroups are exactly all of the countable "reduced" abelian groups? (Reduced means that its divisible subgroup is zero) Is the following group a ...
Michael Sun's user avatar
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Trivial Tate modules

Let $A$ be an abelian group, and $p$ a prime. I'll call $$T_p(A) := \text{Hom}_{\mathbf{Z}}(\mathbf{Q}_{p}/\mathbf{Z}_{p}, A).$$ If $A$ is finite, then $T_p(A)$ is trivial, but the converse is not ...
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7 votes
1 answer

On describing a sort of "well-behaved" subgroups of a free abelian group

I found this question when I tried to figure out what kind of subgroups of a free abelian group behave just as well as in the finitely generated case. Let $M$ be a free abelian group and $N$ a ...
Censi LI's user avatar
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17 votes
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Subgroups of $\mathbb{Z}^n$

I hope that the following problem isn't actually elementary (at least, for the sake of the fact that I'm posting it here), and I apologize if it is. I did try hard to solve it first. Let $V$ be a $\...
Aaron Tikuisis's user avatar
4 votes
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Cyclic subgroups of finite abelian groups

I learned from MO Subgroups of a finite abelian group that the problem of enumerating subgroups (not up to isomorphism) of finite abelian groups is a difficult one. Are there simple formulas if one ...
user22518's user avatar
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Torsionless not separable abelian groups

A torsionless abelian group $A$ is one for which any element $a\neq 0$ can be sent to a nonzero element of $Z$ by some homomorphism $A\rightarrow Z$ (integers). Equivalently, $A$ can be embedded as a ...
GMark's user avatar
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One-dimension Algebraic groups

I am searching for a possible analogue of a result in algebraic groups in a non-commutative setting, so I am looking for different proofs of the following : Let $K$ be an algebraically closed field. ...
Drike's user avatar
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13 votes
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Classification of symtrivial modules over a PID

Let us call a module $M$ over a commutative ring $R$ symtrivial if the symmetry $M \otimes M \to M \otimes M, a \otimes b \mapsto b \otimes a$ equals the identity (the same notion applies to arbitrary ...
Martin Brandenburg's user avatar
6 votes
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Finding an "optimal" quotient in a free group

Consider the abelian free group $G = \mathbf{Z}^n$ of rank $n$ and a finite subset $A \subset G \setminus \{0\}$. Since $G$ is residually finite, there is a subgroup $H \subset G$ such that $A \cap H =...
vizietto's user avatar
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Zero-sum sets in union-closed families

The Davenport constant $D(G)$ of a finite abelian group $G$ is the minimum integer $n$ such that whenever $a_1, \ldots, a_n \in G$ (not necessarily distinct), there is a non-empty $I \subseteq [n]$ ...
monkeymaths's user avatar
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Is $\mathbb{Z}^2$ endowed with the square of the strict order, a lattice-ordered group?

I was looking some lattice-ordered group structure. I have kind of difficulty to figure out about the group $\mathbb{Z}^{2}$ with positive cone is $\mathbb{N}_{>0} \times \mathbb{N}_{>0} \cup \{(...
Rajnish's user avatar
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3 answers

Finite / uniquely divisible abelian groups

Is there any counter example for the following statement? STATEMENT: Let $0 \to F \to A \to Q \to 0$ be a short exact sequence of abelian groups. Assume that $F$ is a finite group, and $Q$ is a ...
Hiro's user avatar
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Mysterious property of $\mathbb{Q}$

Hi, I am currently working through the paper by Bousfield and Gugenheim on rational homotopy theory, and have come to a point where they show why it is important to work over $\mathbb{Q}$, and not ...
Brian Robertson's user avatar
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Example involving partially ordered Abelian groups

Definition 1: Let $(G,\leq)$ be a nonzero partially ordered Abelian group with order unit $u$. (Recall that $u\in G$ is a order unit if, for every $g\in G$, there exists $N\in\mathbb N$ such that $-Nu\...
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9 votes
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constructive Serre classes

A Serre class (of abelian groups) is a class of abelian groups closed under subgroups, quotients, and extensions. For instance, finitely generated groups and finite groups are both Serre classes. ...
Mike Shulman's user avatar
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Freeness of torsion-free abelian groups

Let $A$ be a countable torsion-free abelian group. The following conditions are well known to be equivalent: $A$ is free abelian, every finite rank pure subgroup of $A$ is free abelian. Consider the ...
William of Baskerville's user avatar
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Maximal subgroups of a finite p-group

I want to prove the following: Let $G$ be a finite abelian $p$-group that is not cyclic. Let $L \ne {1}$ be a subgroup of $G$ and $U$ be a maximal subgroup of L then there exists a maximal subgroup $...
user23954's user avatar
6 votes
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The 2-group of extensions

Let $A,B$ objects of an abelian category. Then we can define the abelian group $\mathrm{Ext}^1(A,B)$ as the set of isomorphism classes of extensions $0 \to B \to E \to A \to 0$, endowed with the Baer ...
Martin Brandenburg's user avatar
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Abelian group of finite rank

Let given torsion free abelian group $A$ of finite rank. Let for prime number $p$, given that $\cap_i p^iA =\{0\}$. Is it true that for any $p$- torsion abelian group $B$, $\text{Hom}_{\mathbb{Z}}(A, ...
solver6's user avatar
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