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Questions tagged [rational-homotopy-theory]

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Model structure on simply-connected topological spaces in which the weak equivalences are the rational homotopy equivalences

I recently started learning rational homotopy theory, and found the claim on page 7 of this survey that there is a suitable model category structure in which the weak equivalences are the rational ...
Jun Heseŋ's user avatar
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Reference Request: Moore--Postnikov tower of the rationalization of a fibration

Two spaces $X$ and $Y$ are said to be rationally homotopy equivalent, written $X \sim_{\mathbb{Q}} Y$, if their rationalizations $X_{\mathbb{Q}}$ and $Y_{\mathbb{Q}}$ are homotopy equivalent. Moreover,...
Baylee Schutte's user avatar
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String cobracket and co-Hochschild homology

Let $M$ be a closed oriented manifold and take a field of char. zero to be the ground ring. String Topology gives, to the homology $H_\bullet(LM)$ of the free loop space of $M$, the structure of ...
Qwert Otto's user avatar
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Rational model for composition of linear isometries

There is a composition map on spaces of linear isometries (over $\mathbb{C}$ say) $$ \mathcal{L}(\mathbb{C}^k, \mathbb{C}^\ell) \times \mathcal{L}(\mathbb{C}^\ell, \mathbb{C}^m) \longrightarrow \...
Niall Taggart's user avatar
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Minimal Model for $\mathbb{CP}^2 \# \mathbb{CP}^2 \# \mathbb{CP}^2$

I'm a grad student studying non-negative curvature on simply-connected manifolds and the conjectured relationship with rational homotopy theory. The rational homotopy groups (and so the number of ...
Russ Phelan's user avatar
15 votes
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Does there exist a closed 4-manifold whose $\pi_2$ contains torsion elements

Does there exist a closed 4-manifold $X$ such that $\pi_2(X)$ contains torsion elements? And, if so, does there exist a closed 4-manifold $X$ such that $\pi_2(X)\neq 0$ but $\pi_2(X)\otimes \mathbb{Q}=...
Boyu Zhang's user avatar
5 votes
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When is the classifying space of a group/H-space rationally equivalent to a product of Eilenberg-MacLane spaces?

The MO-question asks why the classifying space of a group is not necessarily rationally a product of Eilenberg–MacLane spaces. I am looking for classes of examples of connected topological groups/...
ThorbenK's user avatar
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Can formality be read from the cohomology algebra

A cgda $(A,d)$ is formal if it is weakly equivalent to $(H(A),0)$. There are several equivalent conditions for this. Similarly, a space $X$ is formal if the cgda $(A_{PL}(X),d)$ of polynomial ...
CuriousUser's user avatar
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Zigzag vs direct map in rational homotopy theory

I was reading these notions from "Rational Homotopy Theory" by Felix, Halperin, and Thomas. The notion of weak homotopy type is as follows: two spaces $X$ and $Y$ are said to be weak ...
bishop1989's user avatar
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Analogues of Sullivan Theory at a prime for coformality

In rational homotopy theory, one can study the rational homotopy and cohomology categories via an algebraic structure, respectively the rational Lie Algebra model and the Sullivan cdga model. If I am ...
Andrea Marino's user avatar
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Formality of Sullivan Representatives

Suppose we have a map $f : \mathcal{A} \to \mathcal{B}$ between two formal, simply connected CDGAs, with induced map on cohomology $H(f) : H(\mathcal{A}) \to H(\mathcal{B})$. Further, suppose we have ...
kelly maggs's user avatar
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Does integration induce a Kan fibration between the mapping spaces of CDGAs and cochain complexes over $\mathbb{Q}$?

For two CDGAs $A$ and $B$ over $\mathbb{Q}$, the mapping space $\text{Map}_{CDGA}(A,B)$ is the simplicial set with $n$-simplices $$ \Phi : A \to B \otimes \Omega^*(\Delta^n) $$ and simplices maps ...
kelly maggs's user avatar
5 votes
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Rational G-spectrum and geometric fixed points

For a finite group $G$, how is a rational $G$-spectrum $X$ detected by the geometric fixed point functor $\phi^H$ where we consider the conjugacy class of $H\leq G$? I tried finding a reference for ...
Steven Patrak's user avatar
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Monoidal Dold–Kan correspondence for non-connected CDGA

Why can't the monoidal Dold–Kan correspondence be extended to non-connected CDGAs over a field of characteristic 0? I understand that there is a technical problem with the original proof due to ...
Grisha Taroyan's user avatar
6 votes
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Does the Lie algebra structure on rational homotopy groups reflect similar information to the formal group structure in characteristic p?

It's well known (c.f. Quillen and Sullivan) that the rational homotopy theory of spaces is equivalent to the homotopy theory of rational DG-algebras; in particular, rational spaces and rational ...
Doron Grossman-Naples's user avatar
16 votes
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Rational equivalence of smooth closed manifolds

All spaces below will be assumed simply connected. A continuous map is a rational equivalence if it induces an isomorphism of the rational homology groups. Two spaces are rationally equivalent if they ...
algori's user avatar
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7 votes
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Diagonal maps, Goodwillie calculus, and $T(n)$ local homotopy theory

Here is a collection of facts that all seem true, but together seem to give a nonsensical solution: After $T(n)$-localization, all natural transformations $F \sim G$ between homogenous functors $F,G:...
Connor Malin's user avatar
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Homotopy groups of homotopy fixed points of a $\mathbb{Z}\left[\frac{1}{\lvert G\rvert}\right]$-local orthogonal spectrum

Let $G$ be a finite group and $X$ an orthogonal $\mathbb{Z}\left[\frac{1}{\lvert G\rvert}\right]$-local spectrum with an $G$-action that is trivial on $\pi_*X$. I want to show that then the map $X^{hG}...
Urs's user avatar
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Do Sullivan's and Wilkerson's algebraic group structures on rational homotopy automorphisms coincide?

For a 1-connected space $X$ with the homotopy type of a finite CW-complex, the homotopy automorphisms $\pi_0\,\mathrm{hAut}(X)$ are known to have the structure of an arithmetic group up to finite ...
skupers's user avatar
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Different rational homotopy type with generators of different degree but cohomology algebras same

There are manifolds (rationally elliptic) $M_1$ and $M_2$ of different rational homotopy types but their rational cohomology algebras coincide. Such examples were discussed in Nishimoto, Shiga, ...
piper1967's user avatar
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Geometric fixed points of induction spectrum

I was reading the paper "The Balmer spectrum of rational equivariant cohomology theories" of J.P.C. Greenlees and I found the following interesting fact, expressed in Lemma 4.2 and Remark 4....
N.B.'s user avatar
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A question related to injective envelope for a system of DGA's

I was trying to read Fine and Triantafillou's paper "On the equivariant formality of Kahler manifolds with finite group action". They have defined the enlargement at $H$ of a system of DGA's ...
piper1967's user avatar
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Closed geodesics on closed manifolds

There is (or was) a notorious open problem (see e.g. this survey by Keith Burns and Vladimir Matveyev from 2013) in differential geometry: Conjecture. Let $M$ be a closed (compact, with empty boundary)...
Moishe Kohan's user avatar
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Model structure on dg-algebras over an "equivariant fundamental category"?

For purposes of $G$-equivariant rational homotopy theory one wants a Quillen adjunction which generalizes the classical one of Bousfield-Gugenheim from plain dg-algebras/simplicial-sets to (co-)...
Urs Schreiber's user avatar
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Projective resolution of a dual coefficient system

I was trying to read the paper "Equivariant minimal models" by G. Triantafillou(1982) and was trying to compute cohomology of a system of DGA with rational coefficient system. Given a finite ...
piper1967's user avatar
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Rational homotopy type of rational mapping spaces

I was interested in the question of figuring out the rational homotopy type of mapping spaces (regular or rational) between two algebraic varieties over $\mathbb{C}$. I encountered the following paper ...
user127776's user avatar
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Relation between $Tor_{C^*(BG;K)}(K,K) $ and $K^G$?

Let $K$ be an algebraically closed field and $G$ a group. Given a dg-algebra $A$, a left $A$-module $M$ and a right $A$-module $N$ let $Tor_A(M,N)$ denote the homology of the derived tensor product $M ...
Hadrian Heine's user avatar
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Homology of a fiber as a cotorsion product

Let $K$ be a field. For any differentially graded coalgebra $A$ over $K$, any differentially graded right $A$-comodule $M$ over $K$ and any differentially graded left $A$-comodule $N$ over $K$ let $\...
Hadrian Heine's user avatar
7 votes
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Is there a topological interpretation of a module over $\Omega_{PL}(X)$?

Associated to a DGCA (differential graded commutative algebra) $A$, we can associate to it the category of modules over $A$. Hence, for a space $X$ we can consider the category of modules over $\...
Connor Malin's user avatar
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11 votes
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Rational homology of $\Omega^2 ( \mathbb CP^n \vee S^d)$

What is the rational homology of $\Omega^2 ( \mathbb CP^n \vee S^d)$? Here $\Omega$ denotes based loop space.
qqqqqqw's user avatar
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Almost free circle actions on spheres

$\DeclareMathOperator{\Fix}{\operatorname{Fix}}$I am looking for any reference regarding the following problem: Problem: Consider a smooth almost-free action of $S^1$ on a smooth sphere $S^n$. Then ...
CuriousUser's user avatar
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Existence of relative equivariant minimal models

In equivariant rational homotopy theory the existence of minimal models (i.e. the equivariant generalization of minimal Sullivan models) has been established by Triantafillou (jstor:1999119) and Scull ...
Urs Schreiber's user avatar
3 votes
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Kan replacement of finite $\mathbb{Q}$-type simplicial set

Sorry if this question is maybe a bit basic, but it is on a rather specialized topic so I think it is more appropriate for MO than SE. Suppose that $X$ is a simplicial set that has finitely many non-...
Daniel Robert-Nicoud's user avatar
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Modelling rational spaces of finite $\mathbb{Q}$-type with spaces with finite simplices in every simplicial dimension

EDIT 2 Original question below. I will award the outstanding bounty for an answer to the following question (question (2) in the OP). Let $X$ be a Kan complex which is connected, nilpotent, and of ...
Daniel Robert-Nicoud's user avatar
7 votes
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Are exterior algebras intrinsically formal as associative dg algebras?

(Cross-posted from mathematics stackexchange.) Fix a finite dimensional vector space $V$ over a field of characteristic zero, and let $R=Sym(V[1])$ be the free graded commutative algebra generated by ...
TBRS's user avatar
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Different definitions of formality for groups

Let $X$ be a space with fundamental group $G$. Recall that the de Rham fundamental group of $X$ is the inverse limit of the Malcev completions of the nilpotent truncations of $G$. This has a Lie ...
Tina's user avatar
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On the weak homotopy type of a differentiable (Chen) space

Suppose that $M$ is a differentiable space in the sense of Chen (cf. ). Assume that $M$ also has the structure of a topological space and that the two ...
John Klein's user avatar
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Homology of homotopy fiber of inclusion

We consider an inclusion $j: A \hookrightarrow X$. Let $A_j = A \times_X PX$ be the homotopy fiber (which is the fiber of the fibration associated to $j$). The space $PX$ there is the Moore path space ...
Timo E.'s user avatar
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22 votes
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When does rationalization commute with homotopy fixed points?

Let $X$ be a $G$-space. There are a number of places in the literature where one can find the claim that under certain conditions rationalization and taking homotopy fixed points with respect to a ...
skupers's user avatar
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Analog of cellular approximation theorem for $CW_0$-complexes ($CW_\mathcal P$-complexes)

$CW_0$-complexes are analogs of $CW$-complexes, in which the "building blocks" are the rational disks $D^{n+1}_0$ whose boundaries are given by $\partial D^{n+1}_0= S^n_0$, where $S^n_0$ is a ...
Bashar Saleh's user avatar
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PD model for CDGA over the integers

Lambrechts and Stanley constructed Poincaré duality model for cdga over a field with simply connected cohomology. Are there construction of PD model for CDGA over integer coefficients?
Arun 's user avatar
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18 votes
3 answers

Homology of spectra vs homology of infinite loop spaces

Let $X$ be a CW complex and let $\Sigma^\infty X$ denote its suspension spectrum. By definition, the $n$th singular homology group of $\Sigma^\infty X$ with coefficients in $\mathbb{Z}$ is $\pi_n(\...
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Rationalization of topological groups and degree maps

Suppose $G$ a finitely generated nilpotent topological group and we consider its rationalization $G_\mathbb{Q}$. This space may fail to be a topological group, but it's always a group-like H-space. ...
Fat ninja's user avatar
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DG-Modules over CDG-algebras in the sense of rational homotopy theory

I don't know if this question is elementary or not. Suppose we have a rationalization $X_\mathbb{Q}$ of a simply connected topological space $X$. Then we can construct a CDG-algebra - a minimal ...
Fat ninja's user avatar
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Formality over $\mathbb{R}$ vs formality over $\mathbb{Q}$

On ncatlab page on formality, it is stated that Deligne--Griffiths--Morgan--Sullivan proved that the real homotopy type of a closed Kaehler manifold is formal. Later, Sullivan "improved" this to $\...
man's user avatar
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It there a nice way to describe the structure of Malcev-complete groups?

Let $\mathbb k$ be a field of characteristic zero. The grouplike functor $\mathbb G$ from complete Hopf algebras to groups is a faithful functor. Its image is the category of Malcev-complete groups ...
J. Darné's user avatar
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Formality of surfaces

The de Rham dg algebra $\Omega(F)$ of a closed orientable surface $F$ is formal (that is, weakly equivalent to its cohomology algebra). This is a special case of the fact of formality of Kähler ...
Semen Podkorytov's user avatar
5 votes
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Naturality of PD model of a CDGA

In the paper "Poincaré duality and commutative differential graded algebras", Lambrechts and Stanley constructed PD model for cdga with simply connected cohomology. My question is: if $A$ and $B$ are ...
Arun 's user avatar
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Computing $H^*(BDiff(W_{\infty},D^{\infty});\mathbb{Q})$ via Mumford-Morita-Miller classes

Galatius and Randal-Williams proved the following generalized Mumford conjecture in their joint paper, "Stable Moduli spaces of High Dimensional Manifolds". For each characteristic class of oriented $...
Sergio Charles's user avatar
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Formal complex manifold without dd^c

Is there an example of compact complex manifold, which is formal, but does not admit complex structure satisfying $dd^c$-lemma?
Denis T's user avatar
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