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Lasse Rempe's user avatar
Lasse Rempe
  • Member for 14 years, 10 months
  • Last seen more than a month ago
27 votes

Are the algebraic numbers dense everywhere on the boundary of the Mandelbrot set?

23 votes

Analysis of the boundary of the Mandelbrot set

21 votes

Which way for reading the proofs?

16 votes

13 months and not even one report. what would you do?

14 votes

Parametrization of the boundary of the Mandelbrot set

14 votes

Transcendentality of all irrationals in the Cantor set

14 votes

Countable path-connected Hausdorff space

11 votes

Can an "almost injective'' function exist between compact connected metric spaces?

10 votes

Is the area of the Mandelbrot provably computable?

10 votes

complement of a totally disconnected closed set in the plane

10 votes

Why are the Julia sets so simple? (quadratic family)

10 votes

Listing ORCiD in LaTeX papers

9 votes

Why are the Julia sets so simple? (quadratic family)

9 votes

Cutting a Julia set into infinitely many pieces at finitely many points

9 votes

Connected but no path-connected components

8 votes

Experimental mathematics leading to major advances

8 votes

Is there a way to find regions of depth in the Mandelbrot set other than simply poking around?

8 votes

Topological spaces whose continuous image is always closed

8 votes

How to solve $f(f(x)) = \cos(x)$?

7 votes

Entire function which diverges along every path

7 votes

Is the generalized Baire space complete?

7 votes

Is there a reference for "computing $\pi$" using external rays of the Mandelbrot set?

7 votes

When is a Newton basin fractal continuously determined by the roots of its polynomial?

7 votes

Failure of Mostow rigidity in dimension 2

6 votes

Is there an (almost) dense set of quadratic polynomials which is not in the interior of the Mandelbrot set?

6 votes

Clustering of periodic points for a polynomial iteration of $\mathbb{C}$

6 votes

Is there any elementary proof of No wandering domain for polynomials

6 votes

Examples of theorems with proofs that have dramatically improved over time

6 votes

Is an entire function, with nowhere vanishing derivative, always a covering map?

6 votes

Hausdorff dimension of Julia sets of quadratics not in the Mandelbrot set.