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Cam McLeman's user avatar
Cam McLeman
  • Member for 14 years, 11 months
  • Last seen this week
9 votes

Interesting applications of the pigeonhole principle

9 votes

Essential theorems in group (co)homology

9 votes

Trivial valuation

9 votes

Geometric interpretation of the lower central series for the fundamental group?

8 votes

Gauss linking integral and quadratic reciprocity

8 votes

Origami Constructions: Intersecting two Circles

8 votes

Probability in number theory

7 votes

Totally real number fields with bounded regulators

7 votes

Making an intuition precise

7 votes

Kummer generator for the Ribet extension

7 votes

On what kind of objects do the Galois groups act?

5 votes

Congruences mod primes in Galois extensions

5 votes

Injectivity of Transfer (Verlagerung) map

5 votes

Etale coverings of certain open subschemes in Spec O_K

5 votes

Does category theory help understanding abstract algebra?

5 votes

Fermat over Number Fields

4 votes

Algebraic integers on the unit circle

4 votes

Calculus on rationals

4 votes

A metabelian quotient of a free group

3 votes

{transcendental numbers} \ {computable transcendental numbers}

3 votes

Lower bound on the class group of the p-Hilbert class field of an imaginary quadr. field

3 votes

Do finite places of a number field also correspond to embeddings?

3 votes

Cool problems to impress students with group theory

3 votes

An explicit example of a finitely presented group containing a subgroup isomorphic to $(\mathbb Q,+)$.

2 votes

How to fit res map into a long exact sequence?

2 votes

Equivalent definitions of Gaussian curvature

2 votes

Football Squares

2 votes

Applications of Euler-Cauchy ODEs

2 votes

relations between class numbers of quadratic extensions

1 vote

Risk dice roll probabilities