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Questions tagged [valuation-theory]

46 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Existence of maximal totally ramified extensions of an arbitrary CDVF

Let $K$ be a complete, discretely valued field with (let's say) perfect residue field $k$. We have a unique maximal unramified extension $K^{unr}$ of $K$ and a unique maximal tamely ramified ...
Pete L. Clark's user avatar
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Is it decidable whether a finite type scheme is proper?

Let $k$ be a field and let $X$ be a finite type scheme over $k$, explicitly given by finitely many affine patches which are $\mathrm{Spec}$ of finitely generated $k$-algebras, glued along other affine ...
David E Speyer's user avatar
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Is there a good notion of higher-rank archimedean norm?

Let $K$ be a field. I think I know what a norm (archimedean or not) $|-| : K \to \mathbb R_{\geq 0}$ is. In the case where the norm is nonarchimedean, it's equivalent to the data of a valuation of ...
Tim Campion's user avatar
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Existence of invariant valuations

Given a field $K$, one can enrich it via a valuation, an automorphism or both structures at the same time in a compatible way. In all of these three cases, the model theory is well-understood (under ...
Simone Ramello's user avatar
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Completions of $K(x)$

Let $K$ be a field. Are there books or articles discussing completions of $K(x)$ with respect to the metric induced by the $p$-adic valuation $|\;\;|_p$ where $p\in k[x]$ is irreducible and different ...
Chilote's user avatar
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Sheaf Cohomology on Zariski-Riemann Spaces

Can sheaf cohomology on the Zariski-Riemann spaces give some sort of classification for field extensions (even just for function fields)? If not, are there any significant or useful results (e.g. for ...
Jizhan Hong's user avatar
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$C^*$-algebras over an extension of $\mathbb{Q}_p$?

I'm wondering to what extent it might be possible for the theory of $C^*$-algebras to be translated into the $p$-adic context i.e. to define 'p-adic $C^*$-algebras' over some extension of $\mathbb{Q}...
Very Forgetful Functor's user avatar
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Completeness of the field of fractions of a ring of formal power series

Let $k$ be a field and let $k[[X,Y]]$ be the ring of formal power series with coefficients in $k$. Let $k((X,Y))$ be its field of fractions. For $F\in k[[X,Y]]$, $F\neq 0$ define $v(F)$ as the least ...
Carlos's user avatar
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Valued fields with quantifier elimination in the Macintyre language

For which fields $k$ of characteristic $p$ does the Witt construction of a discretely valued field $W(k)$ of characteristic $0$ with residue field $k$ eliminate quantifiers in the language of rings ...
Alex Mennen's user avatar
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Extension of the product formula for valuations to a simultaneous completion

It is well known that $\mathbb{C}$ and $\mathbb{C}_p$ are "algebraically" isomorphic (that is, ignoring the topology), but an isomorphism depends on the axiom of choice and there is no canonical way ...
Maurizio Monge's user avatar
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Reference for “approximately henselian” valued fields

I need some valuation theory in a paper I’m working on. This is not quite within my area of expertise, and I’d like to make the terminology right. A valued field $(K,v)$ with value group $\Gamma$, ...
Emil Jeřábek's user avatar
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Discrete valuations for which Abhyankar inequality is strict

The background to my question, in a nutshell, is: If $k$ is a field and $X$ a $k$-variety, i.e. an integral, separated, finite type $k$-scheme, which discrete rank $1$ valuations on $k(X)$ come from ...
Lars's user avatar
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Tropical Properties From Algebraic Geometry

What properties of tropical geometry (Starting from a valued Field) can be proven to be true using their analogue in algebraic geometry? For example, using the valuation on the Puiseux series $\mathbb{...
Santiago's user avatar
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What are non-archimedean norms on $\mathbb{R}$, whose restriction to $\mathbb{Q}$ is trivial?

I wonder if there is any classification result on non-archimedean norms on $\mathbb{R}$, with trivial restriction to $\mathbb{Q}$? Any references or examples would be welcomed! Some examples of such ...
Mathstudent's user avatar
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Semi-stable model over a totally ramified extension

Notation: Let $R$ be a DVR, $K=\text{Frac}(R)$ and $k=R/\mathfrak{m}$. Given an $R$-scheme $X$, write $X_K=X\times_{R} K$ for the generic fiber and $X_k=X\times_R k$ for the special fiber. Suppose $k$ ...
Kostas Kartas's user avatar
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Luroth's theorem for Discrete valuation rings?

Luroth's theorem states that if $k$ is a field and $L$ is a field extension of $k$ such that $k \subset L \subseteq k(X)$, then $L=k(f(X))$ for some $f(X) \in k(X) $ . My question is ; is there any ...
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Is the special case of Abhyankar's lemma is also considered as such?

Consider the following statement: Assume $E$ and $F$ are unramified (over some fixed prime) finite separable extensions of a field $K$. Then $EF$ is also unramified. I always thought that it is ...
Lior Bary-Soroker's user avatar
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Rational power series and extensions

Let $F$ be a field, let $F(x)$ the field of rational functions, and let $F((x))$ the field of Laurent series (which contains $F(x)$). One may ask: which series $\sum_i a_i x^i$ lie in $F(x)$? The ...
Stefan Witzel's user avatar
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Structure of valuations on $\mathbb{F}_q(X,Y)$?

I'm looking to construct all valuations on $\mathbb{Q}(X,Y)$ extending the p-adic valuation on $\mathbb{Q}$ and understand their structural properties. In doing this, to obtain 3 dimensional valuation ...
rmg512's user avatar
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Relation between ramification index and length of filtration of ramification groups

Given a complete valued field $K$ with a discrete value group $\mathbb{Z}$, consider a totally ramified finite Galois extension $L$ of $K$ with its Galois group $G$. Let $O_L$ be the valuation integer ...
MiRi_NaE's user avatar
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Jacobian Conjecture, Cubic-Keller maps

I have recently read an interesting article about the Jacobian Conjecture, in particular the reduction to the case $f(x) = x + A(x)^3$. I was wondering about codimension one divisors on $Y = A^n$. ...
user51489's user avatar
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Asymptotics vs Puiseux series

Define asymptotic as a class of sequences {$ x_i$},$_{i\in\mathbb N}$ modulo equivalence {$x_i$}={$y_i$} if $\lim_{i\to\infty} (x_i/y_i)=c\in\mathbb R,c\ne 0$. More, we define $X= \{x_i\} \lt Y= \{ ...
Nikita Kalinin's user avatar
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References on topological ringed spaces

This is a follow up to this question of mine. First of all, let me fix some terminologies, which may or may not be standard: Definition: A topological ringed space is a pair $X := (|X|, \mathcal{O}_X)...
Dat Minh Ha's user avatar
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Request for bibliographic information

Greetings to everyone on this forum (I am a new-comer). I would like to ask the experienced members for suggestions on (as) comprehensive and systematic (as possible) bibliographic sources regarding: ...
ΑΘΩ's user avatar
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Valuation Rings and Ultrafilters II

See my post here: Valuation Rings and Ultrafilters Let $K$ be a field, and let $\mathcal{S}$ be the set of pairs $(R, \mathfrak{p})$ of subrings $R$ of $K$ with designated prime ideals $\mathfrak{p}$ ...
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Terminology for valuation-like functions on a vector space

Let $V$ be a vector space over a field $k$. I was wondering if there is a standard terminology for a function $v: V \setminus \{0\} \to \mathbb{R}$ which is invariant under multiplication by nonzero ...
Kiu's user avatar
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Valuation topology vs modified valuation topology

Let $K$ be a field with valuation $v:K\to G\cup\{\infty\}$ where $G$ is an ordered abelian group. In section 7.62 of the book "Foundations of analysis over surreal number fields." Vol. 141. Elsevier, ...
Chilote's user avatar
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Group of units of a valuation

Let K be a field. Then a subring R of K is called a valuation ring if for all $x \in K^*,$ either $x \in R$ or $x^{-1} \in R$ (or both). It can be shown that for any valuation $v$ on $K,$ the ring $\...
Alice's user avatar
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seek another proof of a result in Fourier analysis

It was proved on page 26 of this note the following result: Let $\xi$ be an algebraic number that is not a root of unity, then there exists an $n_0\geq 0$ with the property that $$\beta=\sum_{j=-n^2}^...
Jiang's user avatar
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Valuations given by flags on a variety and valuations of maximal rational rank

I am interested in valuations on a function field $K=k(X)$ of some say smooth, projective $k$-variety $X$ of dimension $n$, where $k$ is some (algebraically closed) field (that implies trdeg$(K/k) = n$...
peasblossom's user avatar
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Riemann-Roch for ARBITRARY Function Fields

I know that on an algebraic function field in one variable over any base field, there is a good divisor theory for it and a Riemann-Roch Theorem; in particular, there is a 'good' notion of 'genus'. (...
Jizhan Hong's user avatar
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Hasse principle for Brauer groups of fields of transcendence degree 2

In his paper "A Hasse principle for function fields over PAC fields" (DOI link), Ido Efrat proves the following result: Let $F$ be an extension of a perfect PAC field $K$ of relative ...
aspear's user avatar
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Discrepancy of general element of linear system

Let $X$ be a normal scheme and $|D|$ a linear system on $X$. In "Singularity of Minimal Model Program" by Janos kollar p249, it says, If $X$ is a variety over $\mathbb{C}$, and $E_j$ ...
George's user avatar
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Krull dimension of affinoid algebra

Let $K$ be a complete field w.r.t. a valuation, with residue field $k$. Let $A$ be an affinoid algebra over $K$ with respect to a valuation $V$ (in the sense of Tate; in the terminology of Berkovich, $...
Adelhart's user avatar
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Interpretation of model theory in algebraic geometry

I found a paper Some applications of a model theoretic fact to (semi-) algebraic geometry by Lou van den Dries. In this paper, the author uses model theoretical methods to prove the completeness of ...
George's user avatar
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Does maximally incompleteness cause nonvanishing of the extension of maximal ideal of a valuation ring by rank 1 free module?

In B. Bhatt's lecture notes[1], Remark 4.2.5 says ... $\operatorname{Ext}_R^2(k,R)$ is non-zero if $K$ is not spherically complete. which amounts to the following pure algebraic question. Statement ...
XYC's user avatar
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Space of valuations is spectral space and what does it mean to say that conditions are closed conditions

I am reading lecture 3 of Conrad notes (link : ), in which he proves space of valuations is a spectral space. Last theorem of lecture 3. We have a map $j:...
Math_1729's user avatar
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Valuations of coefficients of minimal polynomials for tuples

Suppose you are given two valued fields $(K,v) \subseteq (L,w)$ and a tuple $a \in L^n$. What kind of restrictions do we have on the valuation of the coefficients of polynomials $q \in K[x_1,\dots x_n]...
Simone Ramello's user avatar
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Saturation of a subalgebra over the Tate-algebra inside the power series ring

Let $A$ be a discrete valuation ring and $\pi$ a uniformizer. Over $A$ we consider the Tate-algebra $$A\langle t \rangle =\{ f=\sum_{n=0}^\infty a_nt^n \mid a_n\in A, \lim_{n\to \infty} \lvert a_n\...
Andreas Maurischat's user avatar
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Extending commuting endomorphims of a complete discrete valued field to the algebraic closure?

Is it true that any two commuting endomorphisms of a complete discrete valued field extend to commuting automorphisms of the algebraic closure?
Artem Chernikov's user avatar
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uniqueness of a limit of a pseudo convergent set

Is there an example of valued field in which any pseudo convergent set has a limit and such that this limit is unique?
Richard's user avatar
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Why is any non-archimedean field Huber?

Here a non-archimedean field means a field $k$ whose topology is induced from a non-archimedean norm $| \cdot |: k \to \mathbb{R}_{\geq 0}$. As a reminder, a ring $A$ is adic if there is an ideal $I \...
Aaron Johnson's user avatar
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Extension of a valuation on a function field

Let $K$ be a field, and $K(x)$ the field of rational functions over $K$. Consider the degree valuation $v$ on $K(x)$, That is $v\left(\frac{f(x)}{g(x)}\right)=\deg(g)-\deg(f)$. So for every $f(x)\in ...
giladude's user avatar
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Extension of a complete discrete valuation ring

My question came when I was reading the famous Tate's paper on $p$-divisible groups. At the beginning of chapter $(2.4)$ he cites this fact as obvious. If you take a complete discrete valuation ring $...
rime's user avatar
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Finite extensions of residue fields of Henselian DVRs

Let $K$ be an Henselian discrete valuation field such that its completion is separable over $K$. Let $F$ be its infinite residue field. Is it true that a finite extension of $F$ is a simple extension ...
Jana's user avatar
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Pseudo-cauchy sequence and valuation

Let $k$ be a field and $x$ is transcendental over $k$. Can we construct a pseudo-cauchy sequence $(a_{i})$ convergent to $x$ with each $a_{i}$ is algebraic over $k$ and $k(a_{i})\subseteq k(a_{i + 1})$...
Rajnish's user avatar
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