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19 votes
5 answers

Sum of the reciprocals of radicals

Recall that the radical of an integer $n$ is defined to be $\operatorname{rad}(n) = \prod_{p \mid n } p$. For a paper, I need the result that $$\sum_{n \leq x} \frac{1}{\operatorname{rad}(n)} \ll_\...
Daniel Loughran's user avatar
1 vote
0 answers

Finiteness of elliptic curves with trivial conductor over function fields

Let $K=\mathbb{F}_q(C)$ be the function field of a smooth projective curve $C$ over a finite field $\mathbb{F}_q$ with $\text{cha}(K)>3$ and let $E$ be an elliptic curve over $E$. To $E$ we may ...
MightyGuy's user avatar
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2 votes
0 answers

Is Sturm's theorem able to do these?

$\newcommand{\Ord}{\operatorname{Ord}}$Let $p$ be a positive integer and $F(q)=\sum A(m)q^m$ be a formal power series with integer coefficients. Then $\Ord_p(F(q))$ is defined by $$\Ord_p(F(q)):=\min\{...
T. Amdeberhan's user avatar
34 votes
21 answers

Applications of finite continued fractions

I know some applications of finite continued fractions. Probably you know more. Can you add anything? (For Applications of periodic continued fractions I have made a special topic.) 1) (Trivial) ...
2 votes
1 answer

A bijection between odd natural integers and compositions

Given an odd natural integer $2a-1$ with $a\geq 1$, associate to it recursively the composition $\psi(1)=\emptyset$ and $\psi(2^{-n}a)+(n+\delta_{>1}(m))$ if $a=2^n m$ with $m$ odd where $\delta_{&...
Roland Bacher's user avatar
10 votes
1 answer

Igusa's $\chi_{10}$ and Borcherds products

Igusa defined a genus 2 Siegel modular form $\chi_{10}$, which vanishes on the Humbert surface $G_{1}$ (the image of a "degenerate" Hilbert modular surface, the product of modular curves, ...
Anton Hilado's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

Sum of many squares modulo $n$

Let $n$ be a positive integer and $0 \leq i < n$. Define $$ N(i) = \# \left\{ (x_1,\dots, x_s) \in [1, n]^s: x_1^2 +\dots + x_s^2 \equiv i \mod n \right\}. $$ I am looking for a reference for ...
SJY's user avatar
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25 votes
1 answer

Reference request for a proof of the two-square Theorem

One can show (see below for a sketch of a proof) that every odd prime number $p$ can be written in exactly $(p+1)/2$ different ways as $$p=a\cdot b+c\cdot d$$ with $a,b,c,d\in\mathbb N$ satisfying $\...
Roland Bacher's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

$\pi$-adic Galois representations of attached to newforms at $p \nmid N$ are crystalline

Is [Scholl, Motives for modular forms, Theorem 1.2.4 (ii)] proven for any $p$ independent of the weight? Concretely, let $f$ be a normalized eigenform of weight $w$. Let $p$ be a prime not dividing ...
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3 votes
1 answer

$q$-series and Stirling of the 1st kind

Denote the (unsigned) Stirling numbers of the $1^{st}$-kind by ${n \brack k}$ and define $$\mathbf{F}_a(q)=\sum_{m\geq1}\frac{q^{am}}{(1-q^m)^{2a}} \qquad \text{and} \qquad \mathbf{G}_b(q)=\sum_{m\...
T. Amdeberhan's user avatar
4 votes
0 answers

Infinite family of monogenic cyclic quartic fields

I am currently reading a paper (masters' thesis, in fact) from 2008 where it is mentioned that it is not currently known whether there exist infinitely many monogenic cyclic quartic fields (i.e., ...
Stanley Yao Xiao's user avatar
15 votes
1 answer

Looking for a paper on transfinite diameter by David Cantor

I have been reading about transfinite diameter and its applications to number theory and have been hunting for the following paper for quite a while: Cantor D.: On an extension of the definition of ...
asrxiiviii's user avatar
17 votes
2 answers

Has the following problem, resembling the lonely runner conjecture, been studied?

Given $n$, what is the smallest value $\delta_n$ satisfying the following: For any group of $n$ runners with constant but distinct speeds, starting from the same point and running clockwise along the ...
Arsenii Sagdeev's user avatar
1 vote
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an eigenvalue problem for Jacobi Forms

Assume $G(q,z)$ is a Jacobi form of a certain index k. It is known that $G$ can be expanded in a Taylor series with coefficients in the ring of quasi-modular forms (generators $E_2, E_4$ and $E_6$). $\...
T. Amdeberhan's user avatar
0 votes
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Kato's explicit reciprocity law paper

Does anyone have a copy of Kato's article Generalized explicit reciprocity laws in Advanced Studies in Contemp. Math which is used heavily in his paper constructing his eponymous Euler system? I used ...
xir's user avatar
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Description of $\operatorname{Gal}(K(E[n])/K)$ as a subgroup of $\operatorname{GL}_2(\mathbb{Z}/n\mathbb{Z})$ for a CM elliptic curve $E$

I am looking for a specific description of the Galois groups $\operatorname{Gal}(K(E[n])/K)$ as a subgroup of $\operatorname{GL}_2(\mathbb{Z}/n\mathbb{Z})$ for an elliptic curve $E$ with complex ...
Anish Ray's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

Reference for a proof of Euclid's Theorem for the infinitude of primes

I would be curious to have a reference for the following proof of Euclid's Theorem on the infinitude of primes: Using Legendre's formula (also called de Polignac's formula) for $p$-adic valuations of ...
Roland Bacher's user avatar
1 vote
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Product/quotient of factorials beget dyadic powers

I am writing up some notes and the following occurred to me and I would like to see if there are a variety of ways to prove it. Just for reference, the identity pops out of equality between constant ...
T. Amdeberhan's user avatar
1 vote
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Steuerwald's theorem

Background: The perfect numbers are the positive integers $n$ such that $$\sigma(n)=2n,$$ where $\sigma(n)$ is the sum of divisors function. The function $\sigma(n)$ is multiplicative and satisfies $$\...
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1 vote
1 answer

Iterated exponential sums

Does anyone have any references for iterated exponential sums? That is, sums like $$\sum_{1\leq n\leq X} e(f(n))\sum_{1\leq m\leq n} e(f(m)),$$ where $e(x)=e^{2\pi i x}$? I am looking for references ...
user479223's user avatar
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The order of the global Galois group

For any profinite group $G$, we can define the order of $G$ using the notion of supernatural number. Now let $K$ be a number field, $S$ a finite set of primes of $K$ and $ G_{K,S} $ the Galois group ...
Nobody's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

Binomial coefficient congruence modulo $p^n$

I am interested in the following congruence $$\binom{ap^n}{bp^n}\equiv \binom{a}{b}\pmod{p^n}$$ I am aware that by some reference in a book the above it should actually hold modulo $p^{3n}$; the ...
Vlad Matei's user avatar
0 votes
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Fibonacci and product polynomials

The motivation for my current question arises from this MO post by R. Stanley. Caveat. There's a slight alteration. With the convention $F_1=F_2=1$ for the Fibonacci numbers, define the polynomials $...
T. Amdeberhan's user avatar
10 votes
1 answer

The paper behind an olympiad problem

In IMO Shortlist 2013, there is a number theory problem: Determine whether there exists an infinite sequence of nonzero digits $a_1,a_2,a_3,...$ and a positive integer $N$ such that for every integer $...
Veronica Phan's user avatar
2 votes
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On equidistribution of primes in positive characteristic

In S. Lang's book "Algebraic Number Theory" (1986), page 317, Theorem 6 states essentially that given $P$ a set of primes, let $\tau:P\longrightarrow J$ be the typical idèle map taking ...
Hair80's user avatar
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7 votes
3 answers

In search of an alternative proof of a series expansion for $\log 2$

We all know the series expansion $$\log 2=\sum_{n=1}^{\infty}\frac{(-1)^{n-1}}n. \tag1$$ I also am able to use the method of Wilf-Zeilberger to the effect that $$\log 2=3\sum_{n=1}^{\infty}\frac{(-1)^{...
T. Amdeberhan's user avatar
20 votes
2 answers

information-theoretic derivation of the prime number theorem

Motivation: While going through a couple interesting papers on the Physics of the Riemann Hypothesis [1] and the Minimum Description Length Principle [2], a derivation(not a proof) of the Prime Number ...
Aidan Rocke's user avatar
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9 votes
2 answers

Extracting constant terms: is there a direct way?

$\DeclareMathOperator\CT{CT}$ Let $\CT_t(f(t))$ denote the constant term of the Laurent polynomial of $f(t)$. Define the two functions $F(x_1,\dots,x_n)$ and $G(y)$ by $$F:=\prod_{i=1}^nx_i^{-1}(1-x_i)...
T. Amdeberhan's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Statistics of action of Galois group of number field on primes over unramified rational primes

Let $p \in \mathbb{Z}$ be prime and $K / \mathbb{Q}$ be a finite Galois extension. The Galois group $G$ of $K$ acts on the primes of $\mathcal{O}_K$ over $p$. Do we know any statistical information ...
Vik78's user avatar
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2 answers

Reference request for the explicit formula for $\sum_{n\leq x} \Lambda(n)n^{-s}$

Denote by $\Lambda(n)$ the von Mangoldt function, which is equal to $\log p$ if $p\geq 2$ is a prime, and $0$ otherwise. Let $\rho$ denote a complex zero of the Riemann $\zeta$-function. If I recall ...
Q_p's user avatar
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8 votes
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An unpublished note by Bloch-Kato on p-divisible groups and Dieudonné crystals

I wonder if anyone could find the following unpublished paper of Bloch-Kato: Spencer Bloch and Kazuya Kato, $p$-divisible groups and Dieudonné crystals, unpublished. A similar question is here ...
Mojo's user avatar
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26 votes
1 answer

The "stubborn" solutions to sums of three cubes

It is conjectured (see [1]) that for any integer $k\not\equiv \pm 4\pmod 9$ there are infinitely many integer solutions to $$ a^3+b^3+c^3=k. $$ Numerical investigations of this conjecture show that ...
Alexander Kalmynin's user avatar
13 votes
2 answers

Two interpretations of a sequence: an opportunity for combinatorics

The sequence that is addressed here is resourced from the most useful site OEIS, listed as A014153, with a generating function $$\frac1{(1-x)^2}\prod_{k=1}^{\infty}\frac1{1-x^k}.$$ In particular, look ...
T. Amdeberhan's user avatar
14 votes
7 answers

A special type of generating function for Fibonacci

Notation. Let $[x^n]G(x)$ be the coefficient of $x^n$ in the Taylor series of $G(x)$. Consider the sequence of central binomial coefficients $\binom{2n}n$. Then there two ways to recover them: $$\...
T. Amdeberhan's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Good references to study Baker's theory

I am studying diophantine equations and I need the theory of Bakers, Can you advise me about good books, or lectures on Baker's theory?
Alpha's user avatar
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Counting cubic residues mod p

Given a prime $p=3m+1$, $(p-1)/3$ of the residues mod $p$ are cubic residues. So heuristically, for any given integer $k>1$ not a perfect cube, we would expect that about 1/3 of the primes $\equiv1\...
Charles's user avatar
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Are the binary digits of the sequence of the prime numbers correlated?

Let $p_n\geq 3$ be the $n$th prime number with the binary expansion $p_n = \sum_{k=0}^{\infty} b_{nk}2^k$ ($b_{nk}\in\{0,1\}$). Let's write $q_{nk} = 1-2b_{nk}$. Question: Is it true that for $k,l\...
Onur Oktay's user avatar
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Elliptic analogue of primes of the form $x^2 + 1$

I have a project in mind for an undergraduate to investigate next quarter -- a curiosity really, but I'm surprised I can't find it in the literature. I do not want a detailed analysis here... but ...
Marty's user avatar
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30 votes
9 answers

Diophantine equation with no integer solutions, but with solutions modulo every integer

It's probably common knowledge that there are Diophantine equations which do not admit any solutions in the integers, but which admit solutions modulo $n$ for every $n$. This fact is stated, for ...
Faisal's user avatar
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Ramanujan's theta functions and hook lengths?

Given an integer partition $\lambda\vdash n$ of $n$, one may associate a Young diagram $Y(\lambda)$ to it followed by a computation of hook length $h_{\square}$ for each cell $\square=(i,j)$ in $Y(\...
T. Amdeberhan's user avatar
4 votes
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"Convolving" a general Catalan with classical Catalan

Consider what is sometimes known as generalized Catalan sequence $$\mathcal{{\color{red}C}}_{a,b}:=\frac{2b+1}{a+b+1}\binom{2a}{a+b}.$$ Observe that $\mathcal{{\color{red}C}}_{n,0}$ reduces to the ...
T. Amdeberhan's user avatar
2 votes
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Level spacing statistics for primes

In the preprint "Level Spacing Statistics for Primes", we have found some patterns of prime spacings, which may provide new insights on the distribution of primes: We would like to know ...
soliton's user avatar
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Known upper bounds for $\sum_\limits{p\equiv a \pmod q, p\leq x}\frac{1}{p}$

I am trying to deduce an upper bound for $\sum_\limits{p\equiv a \pmod q, p\leq x}\frac{1}{p}$ where $p$ is a prime and $(a,q)=1$. Using Theorem 1 of Carl Pomerance's article on amicable numbers (...
Anish Ray's user avatar
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14 votes
3 answers

Norms in quadratic fields

This should be well-known, but I can't find a reference (or a proof, or a counter-example...). Let $d$ be a positive square-free integer. Suppose that there is no element in the ring of integers of $\...
abx's user avatar
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6 votes
2 answers

Reference for universal elliptic curves

I've seen the following sentence come up in a few papers: Consider the modular curve $Y_1(N)$ and let $E$ be the universal elliptic curve over $Y_1(N)$. This comes up in Deligne's construction of ...
Adithya Chakravarthy's user avatar
2 votes
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Reference for zero sum estimates of Dirichlet L functions

Let $\chi$ be a primitive character mod $p$ (prime) and $\rho = \beta + i \gamma$ be a non-trivial zero of $L(s, \chi)$. I am reading a paper by Ihara and Murty where they use following estimate : $\...
User1326's user avatar
7 votes
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Alternate algorithms for Chinese remainder theorem

I was teaching Discrete this semester and set the students loose on a system of linear congruences. One of them came up with this solution. Say $$ x \equiv 1 \textrm{ mod } 3 $$ $$ x \equiv 3 \textrm{ ...
coolpapa's user avatar
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Is there a simple expression for $\sum_{k =1}^{(p-3)/2} \frac{1\cdot 3\cdots (2k-1)}{2\cdot 4 \cdots 2k\cdot(2k+1)} \bmod p$?

Let $p \equiv 1 \pmod 4$ be a prime and $E_n$ denote the $n$-th Euler number. While investigating $E_{p-1} \pmod{p^2}$ I have encountered this summation (modulo $p$) \begin{align*} \sum_{k =1}^{\frac{...
matt stokes's user avatar
7 votes
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How hard is it to find the first layer of this basic $\mathbb{Z}_p$-extension?

$\DeclareMathOperator\Gal{Gal}$Let $p$ be a prime number and $\zeta_{p^n}$ be a primitive $p^n$-th root of unity. We know that there is a unique subfield $\mathbb{Q}_1$ of $\mathbb{Q}(\zeta_{p^2})$ ...
matt stokes's user avatar
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Existence of countable dense normal subgroups of global Galois group

Let $K$ be a number field, $S$ a finite set of primes of $K$ and $ G_{K,S} $ the Galois group of the maximal extension of $ K $ (inside a fixed algebraic closure of $K$) unramified outside $ S $. In ...
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