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Questions tagged [pr.probability]

Theory and applications of probability and stochastic processes: e.g. central limit theorems, large deviations, stochastic differential equations, models from statistical mechanics, queuing theory.

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1 answer

The probability a self-avoiding random walk (SAW) on a rectangular or hexagonal lattice takes more than $N$ steps before trapping itself

What is the probability that a self-avoiding random walk (SAW) on a rectangular or hexagonal lattice is able to take more than $N$ steps, i.e. able to take more than $N$ steps before trapping itself ...
CKura's user avatar
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SDE-removal of the diffusion coefficients

from math.stackexchange I'm currently looking at stochastic differential equations with irregular coefficients such as $W^{1,p}_{loc}$. If I have \begin{align} dX_t=b(X_t)dt+\sigma dW_t, \end{align} ...
dynamic89's user avatar
2 votes
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MMSE estimator expressed through cumulants

I have a linear model $$Y=HX+N,$$ where $H$ is a matrix and $X$ are drawn from $p_X(X)$, and $N$ is Gaussian noise variates. Now, if $X$ is multivariate Gaussian, then a linear estimator $\hat{X}=A+BY$...
Pierre Robert's user avatar
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Conditional Density of Random Variables

Hi all, I read recently that for any three continuous random variables, X,Y and Z, the conditional densities are related by the following formula: $p(x|y) = \int g(x| z) h(z | y ) dz $ where $p(x|...
quantnewbie's user avatar
9 votes
4 answers

Symmetries of probability distributions

When talking about a single random variable, knowing only its distribution, the construction of a probability space is quite easy. Namely, let $(X,\mathscr A)$ be a measurable space and let $\mathsf Q$...
SBF's user avatar
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hitting time of a subset

Suppose you have the simple random walk on $L=\mathbb{Z}^n,$ and $A \subset L$ is a subset (in my case, the subset is a union of hyperplanes, so in particular infinite). There is a random variable $T(...
Igor Rivin's user avatar
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Some constants in Martingale Stein inequality

Dear all, the following is a special case of Stein inequalities for martingales. $\textbf{Theorem}$ Let $(\Omega, \mathbb{P})$ be a (standard) probability space equipped with a filtration of ...
Yanqi QIU's user avatar
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Area of union of random circles in a plane

If $n$ circles of radius $r$ are drawn at random in the plane such that their centers lie in some region $S$ (we could take $S$ to be a square), what is the expected area $E$ of their union? Edit: In ...
jwellens's user avatar
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3 answers

The probability that a random number N has at least M factors

That is, how to calculate it given the size of N(that is, logN) and assuming that logN is much greater than M. Its an approximation. There is no exact formula. I do know that according to the prime ...
mndc's user avatar
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29 votes
5 answers

Random walk: police catching the thief

I posted this problem on,but haven't get a satifactory answer. This is a problem about the meeting time of several independent random walks on the lattice $\mathbb{Z}^1$: Suppose ...
zemora's user avatar
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Is there a notion of likelihood that incorporates information content?

Consider a random variable $F$ with a distribution parameterized by $\theta$ and another random variable $G$ with a distribution parameterized by a variate of $F$, denoted $f$. Note that $F$ is ...
David B.'s user avatar
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Expected value of sum of first k out of N weighted Gaussian Random Variables

I am investigating the following problem. Consider N Normal variables with same mean, but difefrent variances. What is the PDF of the linear combination of the largest K random variables being ...
Kamesh's user avatar
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How to Rigorize an inequalities argument

Context I'm working on a problem involving Lovasz Local Lemma, for proving that there exists a graph with a certain property. What I need to prove: There exists some constant $c$, and functions $p,...
anon's user avatar
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3 answers

Expected distance between two points in the plane

Let $f(x)$ be a continuous probability distribution in the plane. It is obvious that if $X$ and $X'$ are two independent random samples from $f$, then $\mathbf{E}(\|X - X'\|) \leq 2 \mathbf{E}(\|X\|)$...
Charlie's user avatar
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10 votes
5 answers

Path length of ball on tilted, perforated plane

Imagine that an $\epsilon$-radius hole is punched in the plane centered on every integer-coordinate point. Now a point "ball" is dropped on the plane at a random spot $p$. If $p$ has not already ...
Joseph O'Rourke's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

The distance between the centroid of $P$ points and the centroid of a subset of the points

Imagine I have an $(p_1, ..., p_N) \in P$ points, on a two-dimensional plane, patterned in a rectangular or hexagonal lattice arrangement in a circle of radius $R_c$, with a spacing between the points ...
CKura's user avatar
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Large Deviations for $\nu_\epsilon = Z_\epsilon\exp\left(-\frac{1}{\epsilon}\Phi(x)\right)d\mu$

Given a probability measure of the form $$\nu_\epsilon=Z_\epsilon\exp\left(-\frac{1}{\epsilon}\Phi(x)\right)d\mu$$ with $Z$ being the normalizing constant. Under which conditions on $\mu$ and $\Phi$...
warsaga's user avatar
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Correspondence between eigenvalue distributions of random unitary and random orthogonal matrices

In the course of a physics problem (arXiv:1206.6687), I stumbled on a curious correspondence between the eigenvalue distributions of the matrix product $U\bar{U}$, with $U$ a random unitary matrix and ...
Carlo Beenakker's user avatar
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The equilibrium position for the body of a spider-like spring system after randomly perturbing the anchor positions of its legs

Take $N$ springs, $(s_1, ..., s_N) \in S$ of length $(l_1, ..., l_N)$, and for each spring, label one end "A" and one end "B". Connect the "A" ends of the $N$ springs to a point-like particle on a ...
CKura's user avatar
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Transformation of probability space.

Let (\Omega, F, P) be a probability space, which may have atoms (important), S be a set of measure-preserving transformations T:\Omega\to\Omega, that is, such that preimage T^{-1}(A) is measurable ...
bogdan's user avatar
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Approximating Moment of Sum of RVs

Given $X_i$ are independent random variables. $|X_i| < 1$ $E[X_i] = 0$ $X = \sum_i^n X_i$ $var(X)=\sigma$ Prove: $$ E(X^p)^{1/p} = O(\sqrt{p}\sigma +p)$$ for all even p Things I've tried: ...
Alex's user avatar
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Is positive part of the kernel measurable?

Let $(E,\mathscr E)$ be a measurable space and $Q:E\times \mathscr E\to\Bbb [-1,1]$ be a signed bounded kernel, i.e. $Q_x(\cdot)$ is a finite measure on $(E,\mathscr E)$ for any $x\in E$ and $x\mapsto ...
SBF's user avatar
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Markov chains: invariant measures and explosion

The following seems like such an elementary question, but I didn't get anywhere with it. Suppose you are considering a Markov chain in continuous time which is transient and has an invariant measure (...
Nathanael Berestycki's user avatar
9 votes
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common dominating measure for a family of measures

Given a family $\{\mu \}_{i\in I}$ on a Polish space (complete, separable metric space) $X$. When does there exist a measure $\lambda$ such that $$\mu_i=f_i \lambda$$ where the $f_i$ are densities (...
warsaga's user avatar
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With Huffman code, why do we still need Shannon code?

I'm studying information theory by myself. I'm confused about that since we already have Huffman code, which is the optimal code method, why are Shannon code and some other code still useful? I ...
user18717's user avatar
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Why this two model have same probability distribution?

(1) Consider the following method of generating a random tree with $n$ nodes. First expand the root node into two branches. Then expand one of the two terminal nodes at random. At time $k$, ...
user18717's user avatar
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Large deviations for sums of exponentially distributed random variables.

Take a large integer $R$, and let $(X_j)_{j\geq R}$ be a sequence of exponentially distributed random variables with parameters $\pi_j := j^{1+\alpha}$ ($\alpha>0$), so that $\sum_{j\geq R} \frac{1}...
mfolz's user avatar
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Does the law of a Feller Process on a non-locally-compact Polish space depend continuously on the initial condition (in Skorohod path-space)?

I am sure this is written down somewhere but cannot find it. Consider a Polish space $E$ and a strong Markov process $(X_t)_{t\ge 0}$ with values in $E$ and cadlag paths. More precisely, we have a ...
Wolfgang Loehr's user avatar
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Exploiting conditional independence working with covariance matrices

I have a Bayesian network where the number of nodes is potentially large. I've conditioned on some of the nodes (observed data) and I'm trying to draw samples from the distribution remaining nodes (...
John Salvatier's user avatar
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Azuma's Inequality when the conditions hold with high probability?

In Azuma's Inequality, is the statement true when $|X_k - X_{k-1}| < c_k$ almost surely rather than with probability 1? If not, is there another result which gives strong concentration when the ...
Patt Geffrey's user avatar
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The expected minimum Hamming distance within a set of randomly selected binary strings

If I randomly sample with replacement $P$ times from a set of all possible binary strings of length $L$, what is a good lowerbound on the expected minimum Hamming distance between any two of my $P$ ...
Roger S.'s user avatar
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Staggered timing on 2-D random walks by multiple agents

In 2-D lattice random walks by multiple drunks who can't step onto each other, mathematically I would just say the whole cellular automaton updates "at once". But to simulate this on a computer, I ...
isomorphismes's user avatar
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Small geometric progression modulo N

An problem related to integer factorization using the General Number Field Sieve is the following: Let $N$ be a composite. Must there exist a 5-term geometric progression $\lbrace a_0,a_1,a_2,a_3,...
Ng Yong Hao's user avatar
12 votes
4 answers

Tail bound for Poisson random variable

Is the following fact about Poisson random variables true? For any $\lambda \in (0,1)$ and integer $k > 0$, if $X$ is a Poisson random variable with mean $k \lambda$, then $\Pr(X < k) \geq e^{...
Bobby Kleinberg's user avatar
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Potentials of class D

A potential $\pi_t$ is a positive supermartingale with the condition that $\mathbb{E}[\pi_t]\rightarrow 0$ as $t \rightarrow 0$. What are the necessary/sufficient conditions for a potential to be of ...
Grzenio's user avatar
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Bound on a sum involving binomial distribution

Let $f^B_{j,a}(s)$ be the probability mass function of the binomial distribution, that is $f^B_{j,a}(s) = {j \choose s} a^s (1-a)^{j-s}$. And let $F^B_{j+1,b}(s)$ be the cdf of the binomial ...
Navin Goyal's user avatar
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E[ | X - Y | ] where X and Y are independent Poisson random variable

What is the expected value of the absolute difference of two independent Poisson variables? $$E[ |X - Y| ]$$ Seems like an easy question but I haven't found an easy solution. I've split the double ...
mathsguy1's user avatar
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Ising entropy of a finite L_1 x L_2 lattice

We know the entropy per site of the 2-d Ising model from Onsager's solution. Has anybody also calculated the entropy for a finite rectangle of size L_1 x L_2 with periodic boundary conditions (i.e. on ...
Peter Grassberger's user avatar
16 votes
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Solving a modified birthday problem at a glance

Modified Birthday Problem: a bunch of people line up, and the winner is the first person who shares their birthday with someone lined up ahead of them. What position in the line is optimal? Three (...
Benjamin Dickman's user avatar
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A wrong proof of Squared Bessel process

The squared Bessel process with $\delta$-dimension for $\delta>0$, denoted by $BESQ^\delta(y)$, is given by $$d Y_t = \delta t + 2 \sqrt{Y_t} d B_t, \ Y_0 = y\ge 0$$ where $B_t$ is BM under $(\...
kenneth's user avatar
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Is this process strictly positive?

Let $W_t$ is standard Brownian motion under probability measure $P$. Consider 1-D stochastic differential equation $$ dY_t = dt + \sigma(Y_t) dW_t, \ Y_0 = y\ge 0.$$ We assume $\sigma(0) = 0$, and $\...
kenneth's user avatar
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11 votes
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Bounding the entropy of a convolution

Say we have a function $f:\mathbb{Z}_2^n \to \mathbb{R}$, such that $\sum _{x\in \mathbb{Z}_2^n} f(x)^2 = 1$ (so we can think of $\{ f(x)^2\} _{x\in \mathbb{Z}_2^n}$ as a distribution). It is natural ...
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Product of densities of a wrapped normal distribution

The density of a wrapped normal distribution is given by $$\frac{1}{\sigma \sqrt{2\pi} }\sum _{k=-\infty }^{\infty }\text{Exp}\left[\frac{-(\theta -\mu -2\pi k)^2}{2\sigma^2}\right]$$ Considering two ...
ostap bender's user avatar
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Hessians of Fourier transforms of positive radial functions

$\newcommand{\bR}{\mathbb{R}}$ $\newcommand{\ii}{\boldsymbol{i}}$ $\newcommand{\eW}{\mathscr{W}}$ While investigating the distribution of critical points of random funtions on tori I was lead to ...
9 votes
2 answers

Rain droplets falling on a table

Suppose you have a circular table of radius $R$. This table has been left outside, and it begins to rain at a constant rate of one droplet per second. The drops, which can be considered points as they ...
Nicolas Kim's user avatar
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Fixed marginals of joint distribution: status

One of the well-known problems of classical probability theory is the determination of the set of all extreme points in the convex set of all probability distributions in a product Borel space $\left (...
RSG's user avatar
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Recent impressive combinatorial developments in probability theory

In the preface to the second edition of Daniel Stroock's book "Probability Theory: An Analytic View", there is this striking claim (on p. xv) ... I suspect that, for at least a decade, the most ...
an12's user avatar
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Does this series stopping times marching forward?

Let $W_t$ is standard Brownian motion under probability measure $P$. Consider stochastic differential equation $$ dY_t = dt + Y_t dW_t, \ Y_0 = 0.$$ Note that, the above SDE has a strong non-negative ...
kenneth's user avatar
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measuring distance between probability measures only at the tail

Is there any official (i.e., to be found in probability books) metric for the distance between two probability measures, defined only on a subset of their support? Take, for example, the total ...
miladydesummer's user avatar
9 votes
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Random pseudoprimes vs. primes

(Edit. What I called "pseudoprimes" are known as "Cramér random primes" in the literature, of which I was unaware.) Say that a set $S$ of natural numbers is a set of pseudoprimes if they are (a) ...
Joseph O'Rourke's user avatar

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