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34 votes
23 answers

Textbook recommendations for undergraduate proof-writing class

I am teaching the proof-writing class (for the 3rd time) in the Fall and plan to buck the party line and use a different text than the default Bond and Keane. My parameters are as follows: Logic, ...
34 votes
13 answers

Elementary applications of linear algebra over finite fields

I'm teaching axiomatic linear algebra again this semester. Although the textbooks I'm using do everything over the real or complex numbers, for various reasons I prefer to work over an arbitrary ...
34 votes
6 answers

Does seeing beyond the course you teach matter? The case of linear algebra and matrices

This question is indeed very important for me. Thus I hope you bear with my subjective explanations for a few minutes. I am an "excellent" lecturer, at least according to course evaluation forms ...
33 votes
20 answers

Do names given to math concepts have a role in common mistakes by students?

Perhaps this question overlaps with similar ones, ... but I want to focus on a particular possible cause of confusion. I notice that students are often confused by the concepts of "infinite" and "...
33 votes
15 answers

Historical (personal) examples of teaching-based research

The phrase "teaching-based research" brings to mind research about teaching, though important, it is not what I mean. Unfortunately, I couldn't come up with a better phrase, thus please bear with me ...
33 votes
11 answers

Lecture notes on representations of finite groups

Next term I am supposed to teach a course on representation of finite groups. This is a third year course for undegrads. I was thinking to use the book of Grodon James and Martin Liebeck "...
32 votes
20 answers

What are your favorite puzzles/toys for introducing new mathematical concepts to students?

We all know that the Rubik's Cube provides a nice concrete introduction to group theory. I'm wondering what other similar gadgets are out there that you've found useful for introducing new math to ...
32 votes
22 answers

Origins of Mathematical Symbols/Names

I'm not sure if this has been asked. I'll explain the question by an example. Fields are often denoted by the letter k, which comes from the German word Körper, meaning body (like corpse, corporeal). ...
32 votes
9 answers

Interesting applications of the classical Stokes theorem?

When students learn multivariable calculus they're typically barraged with a collection of examples of the type "given surface X with boundary curve Y, evaluate the line integral of a vector field Y ...
32 votes
7 answers

Notation for the all-ones vector [closed]

What's the most common way of writing the all-ones vector, that is, the vector, when projected onto each standard basis vector of a given vector space, having length one? The zero vector is frequently ...
Bkkbrad's user avatar
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30 votes
7 answers

What's the notation for a function restricted to a subset of the codomain?

Suppose I have a function f : A → B between two sets A and B. (The same question applies to group homomorphisms, continuous maps between topological spaces, etc. But for simpicity let's restrict ...
30 votes
3 answers

Nearly all math classes are lecture+problem set based; this seems particularly true at the graduate level. What are some concrete examples of techniques other than the "standard math class" used at the *Graduate* level?

In the fall, I am teaching one undergraduate and one graduate course, and in planning these courses I have been thinking about alternatives to the "standard math class". I have found it much easier ...
28 votes
6 answers

Means of Promoting Mathematics in Young Countries!

We all know mathematics is life, this question is for Mankind. It's mathoverflow here when some parts of the world we have mathunderflow! I think we can do something through ideas. A similar ...
28 votes
4 answers

The function $\sum_{0}^{\infty} x^n/n^n$

The function $F(x) = \sum_{0}^{\infty} x^n/n^n$ may be familiar to many readers as an example sometimes used when teaching tests for absolute convergence of entire functions defined by power series. I ...
Gene Ward Smith's user avatar
28 votes
3 answers

Why is "h" the notation for class numbers?

A student asked me why $\mathcal{O}_K$ is the notation used for the ring of integers in a number field $K$ and why $h$ is the notation for class numbers. I was able to tell him the origin of $\...
KConrad's user avatar
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28 votes
2 answers

The Origin of the Musical Isomorphisms

In Riemannian geometry, the "lowering indices" operator is denoted by $\flat:TM \to T^*M$ and the "raising indices" operator by $\sharp:T^*M \to TM$. These isomorphisms are ...
Mark Kim-Mulgrew's user avatar
27 votes
17 answers

Using slides in math classroom

I am toying with the idea of using slides (Beamer package) in a third year math course I will teach next semester. As this would be my first attempt at this, I would like to gather ideas about the ...
27 votes
5 answers

The Matrix-Tree Theorem without the matrix

I'm teaching an introductory graph theory course in the Fall, which I'm excited about because it gives me the chance to improve my understanding of graphs (my work is in topology). A highlight for me ...
Daniel Moskovich's user avatar
27 votes
5 answers

References for "modern" proof of Newlander-Nirenberg Theorem

Hi, I'm starting to prepare a graduate topics course on Complex and Kahler manifolds for January 2011. I want to use this course as an excuse to teach the students some geometric analysis. In ...
27 votes
10 answers

What (fun) results in graph theory should undergraduates learn?

I have the task of creating a 3rd year undergraduate course in graph theory (in the UK). Essentially the students will have seen minimal discrete math/combinatorics before this course. Since graph ...
27 votes
5 answers

Varieties as an introduction to algebraic geometry / How do professional algebraic geometers think about varieties

This really is two questions, but they are kind of related so I would like to ask them at the same time. Question 1: In a question asked by Amitesh Datta, BCnrd commented that it is important to ...
27 votes
3 answers

Why is the identity element of a group denoted by $e$?

The question was asked by a student, and I did not have a ready answer. I can think of the German word ``Einheit'', but since in German that is not how the identity element of a group is called, I ...
Keivan Karai's user avatar
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27 votes
2 answers

Teaching the fundamental group via everyday examples

This question is a "prequel" to a similar question about homology. Both questions were inspired by seeing a talk, by Tadashi Tokieda, about the interesting physics that appears in toys. What ...
27 votes
8 answers

Conceptual algebraic proof that Grassmannian is closed in Plücker embedding

I'm planning lectures for my intro algebraic geometry course, and I noted something awkward that is coming up. We're starting projective varieties soon. Of course, we'll prove that projective maps are ...
David E Speyer's user avatar
27 votes
3 answers

Is “problem solving” a subject to be taught?

I am witnessing a new curriculum change in my country (Iran). It includes the change of all the mathematics textbooks at all grades. The peoples involved has sent me the textbook for seven graders (13 ...
26 votes
12 answers

Examples of improved notation that impacted research?

The intention of this question is to find practical examples of improved mathematical notation that enabled actual progress in someone's research work. I am aware that there is a related post ...
26 votes
18 answers

Undergraduate differential geometry texts

Can anyone suggest any basic undergraduate differential geometry texts on the same level as Manfredo do Carmo's Differential Geometry of Curves and Surfaces other than that particular one? (I know a ...
26 votes
4 answers

What is the term for combining functions $f_1,f_2,\dots,f_n$ into a tuple $(f_1,\dots,f_n)$?

This is an embarrassingly simple question, but I was not able to find a definitive answer from literature search. Suppose one has some collection of functions $f_1: X \to Y_1, \dots, f_n: X \to Y_n$ ...
Terry Tao's user avatar
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25 votes
19 answers

Math books for advanced high school students

I'm working in a program for teaching a group of students selected in a Olympiad competition. The program is aimed to acquaint the students with the diverse aspects of higher mathematics in a way ...
25 votes
6 answers

What is the standard 2-generating set of the symmetric group good for?

I apologize for this question which is obviously not research-level. I've been teaching to master students the standard generating sets of the symmetric and alternating groups and I wasn't able to ...
Matthieu Romagny's user avatar
25 votes
2 answers

What is the origin/history of the following very short definition of the Lebesgue integral?

Typical courses on real integration spend a lot of time defining the Lebesgue measure and then spend another lot of time defining the integral with respect to a measure. This is sometimes criticized ...
Gro-Tsen's user avatar
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24 votes
15 answers

Applications of connectedness

In an «advanced calculus» course, I am talking tomorrow about connectedness (in the context of metric spaces, including notably the real line). What are nice examples of applications of the idea of ...
24 votes
7 answers

How do professional mathematicians learn new things? [closed]

How do professional mathematicians learn new things? How do they expand their comfort zone? By talking to colleagues?
24 votes
8 answers

A symbol to denote the set of prime numbers ?

It strikes me that there is no widely accepted symbol to denote the set of usual prime numbers in $\mathbb{N}$. Look: $$\zeta(s)=\prod_{p\in \mathrm{?}}\frac{1}{(1-p^{-s})}$$ Wouldn't it be nicer ...
24 votes
9 answers

How to motivate and present epsilon-delta proofs to undergraduates?

This would seem to be a common question, but I am surprised not to see it already asked and answered on MO! I am teaching an undergraduate course, and I want to teach them to construct basic epsilon-...
24 votes
11 answers

The role of the mean value theorem (MVT) in first-year calculus

Should the mean value theorem be taught in first-year calculus? Most calculus textbooks present the MVT just before the section that says that if $f'>0$ on an interval then $f$ increases on that ...
24 votes
1 answer

What does the σ in σ-algebra stand for?

I was tutoring someone in analysis and realized I have no idea where this notation comes from (or analogous terms: σ-additive, σ-ring, etc). I would like to know why the letter σ was chosen. I can't ...
Oliver's user avatar
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24 votes
2 answers

Explanation why $x,y,z$ are always variables

I heard or have read the following nice explanation for the origin of the convention that one uses (almost) always $x,y,z$ for variables. (This question was motivated by question Origin of symbol *l* ...
Roland Bacher's user avatar
24 votes
5 answers

What is the standard notation for group action

Please let me know what is the standard notation for group action. I saw the following three notations for group action. (All the images obtained as G\acts X for ...
24 votes
7 answers

Why are two notions of Gaussian curvature are the same - what is the simplest & most didactic proof?

This question is still wide open - all of the answers so far rely on magical calculations. I've only accepted an answer because, by bounty rules, otherwise one would be accepted automatically. I can't ...
Ilya Grigoriev's user avatar
24 votes
1 answer

What is $\infty^6$?

The title of this question may make you want to close it immediately, but bear with me a moment. In several older mathematics papers (early 20th century) I have seen statements such as The motions ...
Mike Shulman's user avatar
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24 votes
2 answers

Direct proof that the centralizer of $GL(V)$ acting on $V^{\otimes n}$ is spanned by $S_n$

Let $V$ be a finite dimensional vector space over a field of characteristic zero. Let $A$ be the space of maps in $\mathrm{End}(V^{\otimes n})$ which commute with the natural $GL(V)$ action. Clearly, ...
David E Speyer's user avatar
23 votes
13 answers

Pedagogical question about linear algebra

Last semester I taught a linear algebra class that is intended to introduce young students (at a sophmore-junior level) to "abstract mathematics". It seems that a major conceptual hurdle for many of ...
23 votes
12 answers

Textbook for undergraduate course in geometry

I've been assigned to teach our undergraduate course in geometry next semester. This course originally was intended for future high-school teachers and focused on axiomatic, Euclid-style geometry (...
23 votes
4 answers

Is $\ x\! \cdot\!\tan(x)\ $ integrable in elementary functions?

I'm teaching Calculus and my students asked me to calculate the integral of $\ x\! \cdot\!\tan(x)$. I spent quite a lot of effort to do this, but I'm now even not sure if the integral could be ...
Victor's user avatar
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23 votes
14 answers

Math talk for all ages

I've been asked to give a talk to the winners of a recent math competition. The talk can be entirely congratulatory, or it can contain a bit of actual mathematics. I'd prefer the latter. I'd also ...
23 votes
1 answer

Was Jacobi the first to notice the ambiguity in the partial derivatives notation? And did anyone object to his fix?

In his 1841 article De determinantibus, Jacobi remarked that the notation $\frac{\partial z}{\partial x}$ for partial derivatives is ambiguous. He observed that when $z$ is a function of $x,y$ as well ...
Michael Bächtold's user avatar
23 votes
3 answers

History of the notation for substitution

One of the very common notations for syntactic substitution is $[\ /\ ]$. However, there seems to be an inconsistency in the literature about its usage. Many write $[t/x]$ for "substitute $t$ for $x$...
Kaveh's user avatar
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23 votes
4 answers

Curriculum reform success stories at an "average" research university

Greetings all, There's a never-ending story that many of us have sunk our teeth into. How do we go about teaching subjects like calculus and analysis "well?" Most universities that I'm familiar ...
22 votes
10 answers

If d/dx is an operator, on what does it operate?

If $\frac{d}{dx}$ is a differential operator, what are its inputs? If the answer is "(differentiable) functions" (i.e., variable-agnostic sets of ordered pairs), we have difficulty distinguishing ...
Jason Howald's user avatar

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