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Transmission of finite projections

Let $A$ be a Baer*-ring. Let us denote $L(x)$ by the left projection of $x$ (the smallest projection with $L(x)x=x$). Let $p$ be a finite projection in $A$. Is $L(xp)$ a finite projection for every $...
ABB's user avatar
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Algebraic version of unilateral shift

It was confirmed that Wold-type decomposition can be extended from von Neumann algebras to Baer*-rings (see this paper). By algebraic tools the notion of unilateral shifts is successfully transmitted ...
ABB's user avatar
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Are the roots of an infinitely divisible probability infinitely divisible themselves?

Let $\mu$ be an infinitely divisible probability on a topological group $G$. If $\nu ^{* n} = \mu$ for some $n$, is $\nu$ an infinitely divisible probability too? A sufficient criterion would be to ...
Alex M.'s user avatar
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A semigroup property related to von Neumann regularity

A very common and useful notion in rings is that of von Neumann regular elements: those elements $a\in R$ such that there exists $b\in R$ satisfying $aba=a$. As this is a property defined solely ...
Pace Nielsen's user avatar
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Nonautonomous wave equation of memory type

I want to apply the semigroup approach of nonautonomous evolution equation for the following wave equation $$u'' - \Delta u + \int\limits_0^t {g(s)} \Delta u(s)ds = 0$$ This problem can be written ...
Gustave's user avatar
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What is the difference between a monosemiring and a semigroup?

What is the difference between a monosemiring and a semigroup? The following definitions are for clarity of my question. A semigroup $S$ is a non empty set that satisfies closure and associativity ...
gete's user avatar
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QF-3 monoid algebras

A finite dimensional algebra $A$ is called QF-3 in case the injective envelope of the regular module is projective. For example all Frobenius algebras are QF-3. Given a monoid algebra $kG$ of a finite ...
Mare's user avatar
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Semigroups of nondecreasing functions

Consider some partially ordered set $(E,\leq)$. Assume either that it is countable with the discrete topology, or that it has some topology compatible with the order, preferably one that makes it into ...
Vilhelm Agdur's user avatar
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group action on Tor groups of modules and smash product

I am trying to understand theorem 3.4.2 from the paper "Bernstein-Gelfand-Gelfand complexes and cohomology of nilpotent groups over $\mathbf Z_{(p)}$ for representations with $p$-small weights" by ...
user94041's user avatar
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If $H$ is an atomic, unit-cancellative monoid such that the set of atoms of $H$ is finite up to associates, then $H$ is BF

In a previous version of this post, $H$ was an atomic commutative monoid such that the quotient $H/H^\times$ is finitely generated, and I was asking if such conditions were enough for $H$ to be BF. ...
Salvo Tringali's user avatar
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Is there an anti-commutator analog of Zassenhaus formula?

Is anyone familiar with an anti-commutator analog Zassenhaus formula? I have been able to find the anti-commutator analog of the BCH formula $$e^ABe^A= B + \{B,A\}+\frac{1}{2!}\{\{B,A\},A\}+ \frac{1}{...
user110333's user avatar
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Extensions of an ideal-theoretic criterion for a monoid to be BF

Let $H$ be a multiplicatively written, commutative monoid. We denote by $H^\times$ the set of units (or invertible elements) of $H$, and by $\mathcal A(H)$ the set of atoms (or irreducible elements) ...
Salvo Tringali's user avatar
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injective dimension of envelope algebras

Let $A$ be a connected graded algebra and $A^o$ the opposite algebra of $A$. Let $A^e=A\otimes A^o$. Suppose that $A$ has a finitely generated projective resolution as a graded $A^e$-module. My first ...
G.-S. Zhou's user avatar
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Existence of a canonical embedding from a quotient of $\mathscr{F}^\ast(\mathcal A(H))$ to another

Let $H$ be a multiplicative, commutative monoid, and denote by $H^\times$ the group of units of $H$, by $\mathcal A(H)$ the set of atoms (or irreducible elements) of $H$, by $\mathscr{F}^\ast(\mathcal ...
Salvo Tringali's user avatar
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A certain non-clean ring

I am searching for a non-commutative ring $R$ with identity such that $R$ is not a clean ring and $R/Soc(R_R)$ is a Boolean ring. By a clean ring I mean a ring each of whose elements is a sum of a ...
karparvar's user avatar
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Is a ring with stable range 2 2-Hermite?

Let $R$ be a (possibly non-commutative) ring. The left stable range of $R$ (denoted $sr_l(R)$) is the smallest $n$ such that every left unimodular row of length $>n$ is reducible. A similar ...
BillScroggs's user avatar
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Descent of flatness from algebras to monoids II

This is a follow-up question to this one. There, Benjamin Steinberg showed that a morphism of commutative monoids $u$ need not be flat if the induced morphism of $R$-algebras $R[u]$ is flat for some ...
Fred Rohrer's user avatar
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What is the motivation behind the definition for a smooth differential graded category?

Let $\mathcal{A}$ be an $\mathbb{F}$-linear differential graded category. It is said to be smooth if it is a perfect complex over the differential graded category $\mathcal{A}^\circ\otimes_\mathbb{F}\...
54321user's user avatar
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Completion of an algebra

Based on arXiv:math/9802041v1, there is a definition for $NC$-filtration and $NC$-completion of an associated algebra over the complex numbers: Let $R$ be an associative algebra and $R^{\rm Lie} = (R,...
user900000's user avatar
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Monoid prime ideals and prime congruences

I was wondering what the connection is between the notion of "prime congruence" on a monoid, and the notion of "prime ideal" in a monoid. Starting from a prime ideal $P$ in a monoid $M$, one can ...
THC's user avatar
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Factorisation of twisted polynomials

Let $K=\mathbb{C}((t))$ and let $K_m=\mathbb{C}((t^{1/m}))$. let $K\{x\}$ denote the ring of twisted polynomials. The addition in this ring is defined as usual, but the multiplication is adjusted by ...
Dr. Evil's user avatar
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Terminology for torsion semigroups where the order of elements is uniformly finite

A (multiplicatively written) semigroup $\mathbb A = (A, \cdot)$ with the property that ${\rm ord}_\mathbb{A}(a) := |\{a^n: n \in \mathbf N^+\}| < \infty$ for every $a \in A$ is called a periodic (...
Salvo Tringali's user avatar
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Profinite Topology

Let $V$ and $W$ be pseudovarieties of finite groups. For a finite inverse monoid $M$, the $V$-kernel of $M$ is defined to be the intersection of all sets $f^{−1}(1)$, $f$ is a relational morphism ...
user182085's user avatar
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Pro-p topology on free group

Let $H$ be a finitely generated subgroup of the free group $F(A)$ and $G_P$ the pseudovariety of all finite $p$-group with $p$ fixed prime number. We endow $F(A)$ with the pro-$G_p$ topology. Suppose ...
user182085's user avatar
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Goldie's Theorem for Semigroups

Goldie's theorem is a theorem in noncommutative ring theory that gives a clear picture of semiprime Noetherian rings (actually a slightly broader class). Let $R$ be a semiprime Noetherian ring. The ...
arsmath's user avatar
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Turning left modules into right modules over a homotopy Gerstenhaber algebra

For simplicity's sake, let $A$ be a dg-algebra over $\mathbb{Z}/2\mathbb{Z}$. In the case when $A$ is a commutative algebra, we can turn a left $A$ module into a right $A$ module trivially. Of course ...
Adrian Ferenc's user avatar
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Standard name for a Monoid/Semigroup with $a+b \leq a, b$?

I have seen suplattice and inflattice being used when dealing with a lattice. What about when you don't have a lattice? For instance, for reals $a,b > 0$, define $$a \oplus b = \frac{1}{\frac{1}{a}...
Oscar Boykin's user avatar
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Tensor product of commutators vs. commutator in a tensor product

Let $R$ be a (noetherian) commutative ring, and let $V$ and $W$ be finitely generated free $R$-modules. Let $X \subseteq \mathrm{End}_R(V)$ and $Y \subseteq \mathrm{End}_R(W)$ be finite subsets, and ...
Xandi Tuni's user avatar
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Algorithms to find the solutions of a homogenous matrix equations for non-commutative rings

In one paper from 1980 I found a note that there are no known algorithms for solving homogenous matrix equations $x \cdot M = 0$ for matrices which elements belong to a non-commutative ring. (The non-...
Leonid Dworzanski's user avatar
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First-countable topological monoids without local absorbing elements whose topology is induced by a semimetric

This is a follow up of Question 163246. For the reader's convenience, let me first copy&paste some basic definitions. We let a semimetric on a set $X$ be a function $d: X \times X \to [0,\infty]$ ...
Salvo Tringali's user avatar
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Poincaré Duality of a quasi-free algebra

I'm completely stumped on this one (yet I feel it is obviously true or obviously false) If $A$ is a quasi-free algebra, then must it satisfy Poincaré duality? All i need to find is a protective ...
The confused man's user avatar
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The norm of a polynomial f in a skew polynomial ring must be in the center

This is proved in Prop 1.7.1 in Jacobson's book ``Finite dimensional division algebras over fields". But I am not clear why the norm n(f), defined as the norm of the matrix representation of f by ...
Tao Feng's user avatar
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Reasoning about "approximately" associative structures and "almost monoids".

If $(M,+)$ is a monoid then it obeys the laws: $$m_1 + 0 = 0 + m_1 = m_1$$ $$m_1+(m_2+m_3)=(m_1+m_2)+m_3$$ But what if I have a structure $(A,+)$ that is almost a monoid, but not quite. For example,...
Mike Izbicki's user avatar
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Continuity of multiplicative character

Let $G$ be a discrete group and $\beta (G)$ denote the Stone-Cech compactification of $G$, a right topological semigroup. By a multiplicative character, I mean a mapping that preserves multiplication ...
nick's user avatar
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Fat modules on some algebras.

Let $A$ be a graded $k$-algebra and $M$ a graded right $A$-module. $M$ is called a fat $A$-module if it is generated by degree $0$ and has constant Hilbert polynomial $2$. I wonder for which finitely ...
Sheng's user avatar
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Boundedness of modules on AS regular algebras

Let $k$ be an algebraically closed field and $A$ be an Artin-Shelter regular $k$-algebra. Fix a numerical polynomial $H(t)$. I would like to know whether or not semi-stable f.g. graded $A$-modules ...
user2013's user avatar
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Noncommutative Castelnuovo-Mumford regularity

I am looking for noncommutative version of Castelnuovo-Mumford regularity. To be more precise, let $A=\oplus_{i=0}^{\infty}A_{i}$ be a $good$ (finite global dimension, connected etc) noncommutative ...
Eric D's user avatar
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Recursion formula for odd holonomic function

Let $E$ be the space of maps $f:\mathbb{Z}\longrightarrow\mathbb{C}[t^{\pm}]$ satisfying $\forall i$, $f(i)=-f(-i)$. The algebra $$\mathcal{T}=\mathbb{C}[t^{\pm}]\langle L^{\pm},M^{\pm}\rangle/(LM-...
Xuanting Cai's user avatar
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What is a quantum condensed space?

Due to a categorical equivalence involving compact topological spaces and unital commutative $\mathrm{C}^*$-algebras, there is a practise involved in so-called quantum mathematics where a ...
JP McCarthy's user avatar
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Star-algebra isomorphism

I have asked this question: When an algebra isomorphism preserves positive involution, but now I want to modify it. Let $A$ and $B$ be $K$-algebras where $K$ is a field with a unique ordering. We say ...
khashayar's user avatar
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Multiplicative bases, path algebras, and Ext algebras

I am interested in understanding when a multiplicative basis exists for finite dimensional algebras over an algebraically closed field, and, in particular, Ext-algebras that are finite dimensional. It ...
James Steele's user avatar
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On a lemma of projective dimension

Let $R$ be a finite-dimensional algebra, and $A=R\oplus A_1\oplus A_2\oplus \dotsb$ be an $\mathbb{N}$-graded algebra which is locally finite (i.e. all $A_i$'s are of finite dimension). Let $\text{...
Noto_Ootori's user avatar
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Simple-direct-injective modules

A right $R$-module $M$ is called a simple-direct-injective module if it satisfies any of the following equivalent conditions: For any simple submodules $A,B$ of $M$ with $A \cong B \subseteq^{\oplus} ...
Hussein Eid's user avatar
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Inner product on Standard form of von Neumann algebra

Let $(M, H, H_+,J)$ be a standard form of a von Neumann algebra $M$ acting on a complex Hilbert space $H$ endowed with a self-dual cone $H_+$. Is it true that $$\langle x,yz\rangle=\langle zx,y\rangle$...
Guest's user avatar
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Number of right divisors of a central skew polynomial

Let $\mathbb{F}$ be a finite field of $p$ elements, $\sigma \in \operatorname{Aut}(F)$ of order $m$, $\mathbb{F}^\sigma$ be the fixed field of $\sigma$, and $\mathbb{F}[x,\sigma]$ be a skew polynomial ...
a196884's user avatar
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Structure of tame concealed algebra of Euclidean type

I wanted to know some references where people have studied the representation theory of tame concealed algebra of Euclidean type. What do we know about the structure of their module category? What ...
It'sMe's user avatar
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Does the center of any finitely generated associative algebra over a field have finite type?

Consider the monoid algebra $R:=K\langle x_1,\dots,x_n\rangle$ generated by $n$ letters $x_1,\dots,x_n$ for $n>1$ over field $K$. Equivalently, $R$ is the tensor algebra $T(V)$ on the $n$-...
GiS's user avatar
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Neighborhoods of idempotents in topological inverse semigroups

In a topological group, for any neighborhood $U$ of the origin, there is another such neighborhood with the property that $V.V\subseteq U.$ I conjecture a similar property for topological inverse ...
Bumblebee's user avatar
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Eventual stabilization for repeatedly adding multiplayer games

This question is an outgrowth of a couple previous questions of mine. In order: 1,2,3. This should be fully self-contained, but those questions may help motivate this one. To keep things readable, I'...
Noah Schweber's user avatar
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A term for a submonoid of a free abelian monoid?

Are there multiple ways of characterising which monoids are submonoids of free abelian monoids? What free abelian monoids are: A free abelian monoid $\mathbb N^d$ with $d$ generators (where $d$ is an ...
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