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Does absoluteness imply a club dichotomy?

My question is about two types of consequence of large cardinals, considered over ZFC on their own. First, we have statements of the form, "The club filter on $\omega_1$ is an ultrafilter when ...
Noah Schweber's user avatar
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Forcing without choice: when countable sets yield reals

One natural way to show that a forcing adds no new reals is to show that it is countable closed (EDIT: this is somewhat misleading, see Joel's comment below). However, it turns out that this is ...
Noah Schweber's user avatar
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Preservation of Baumgartner's I-ultrafilters under various forcings

For $I\subset \mathcal{P}(2^\omega)$, an ultrafilter $U$ on $\omega$ is said to be an I-ultrafilter if for all $f:\omega \to 2^\omega$, there exists $A\in U$ such that $f''[A]\in I$ [Baumgartner]. In ...
Jing Zhang's user avatar
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Construction of model of arithmetic from an arbitrary model

Let $M$ be a non-standard model of $PA$, $a\in |M|$ be an arbitrary non-standard number and $T$ be a theory of arithmetic. We want to choose a subset $M'\subsetneq M$ such that: $M'\models PA^-$ (or $...
Erfan Khaniki's user avatar
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Are Braid Groups with Finitely many Generators NIP?

I am curious what braid groups (strings in $\mathbb{R}^3$) are NIP. Consider the following: Let $B_\mathbb{N}$ be braid group with "braids" indexed by the natural numbers (alternatively, the ...
Kyle Gannon's user avatar
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Ref request: modelling regular theories as an injectivity condition

The background to the following observation is standard material in categorical logic, and I thought this was was too — I don’t remember learning it, but I don’t think it is original — but I can’t now ...
Peter LeFanu Lumsdaine's user avatar
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Set theory and forcing from the point of view of a formal system $G^+$ of Gentzen type

There are four papers by Vladimir Alfeevich Kuznetsov, which discuss the above titled topic: (1) Some problems in set theory from the standpoint of a formal system G+ of Gentzen type. (Russian) Akad. ...
Mohammad Golshani's user avatar
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How distributive are the bad Laver tables?

Suppose that $n\in\omega\setminus\{0\}$. Then define $(S_{n},*)$ to be the algebra where $S_{n}=\{1,...,n\}$ and $*$ is the unique operation on $S_{n}$ where $n*x=x$ $x*1=x+1\,\text{mod}\, n$ and if $...
Joseph Van Name's user avatar
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Catenarity of monoid algebras

Let $R$ be a commutative ring, let $M$ be a commutative monoid, and let $R[M]$ denote the corresponding monoid algebra. Suppose further that $R$ is universally catenary. One may ask for conditions on $...
Fred Rohrer's user avatar
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Lascar strong types in fragments of arithmetic

Are Lascar strong types (definition below) in models of fragments of arithmetic always type definable? (They trivially are, in models of full induction.) Definition Given a saturated model ${\cal M}$ ...
Domenico Zambella's user avatar
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Primitive Closure Arithmetic

I am researching a system that was designed by myself and what I call PCA (Primitive Closure Arithmetic), because it looks like PRA. The differences are: - PRA uses recursive definition with a ...
Lucas K.'s user avatar
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Is the lowenheim-skolem number of nth order logic larger than the corresponding number for 2nd order logic

According to this paper, by Vaananen, the $LS$ number for $2^{nd}$ order logic is given by "the supremum of $Π_{2}$-definable ordinals", where "The Lowenheim-Skolem number $LS(L)$ of $L$ is the ...
Andy's user avatar
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Fixed Points of the Friedman Stanley Jump

Consider the situation of a pair $(X,E)$, where $X$ is a standard Borel space and $E$ is an invariant equivalence relation on $X$*. The Friedman-Stanley jump of this pair is an equivalence relation $...
Richard Rast's user avatar
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Quasi-disjoint subsets of an infinite set and $\neg \mathsf{AC}$

Is it consistent with $\mathsf{ZF}$ (without $\mathsf{AC}$) that there is an infinite set $X$ and a subset $S\subseteq\mathcal P(X)$ of the same cardinality as $\mathcal P(X)$ with the property that ...
Dominic van der Zypen's user avatar
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On the computational complexity of the Hilbert polynomial of numerical semigroup rings

Let $(R, \mathfrak{m}) = k[[X^a, X^b, X^c]]$, $a<b<c$, $gcd(a, b, c) = 1$, be a semigroup ring. We have $R$ is a Cohen-Macaulay local ring of dimension one. It is well known that $\ell(R/\...
Pham Hung Quy's user avatar
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TCAs (total combinatory algebras) with oracles

Is there a natural, non-trivial example of a TCA (total combinatory algebra, cf. pca) with a natural notion of an oracle?
Robert Lubarsky's user avatar
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A construction on commutative monoids similar to the semidirect product

Let $M_1$ and $M_2$ be commutative monoids, $M_1$ written additively with identity $0$ and $M_2$ multiplicatively with identity $1$. Furthermore, let $M_2$ act on the left on $M_1$ via monoid ...
Alexander Bors's user avatar
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Examples of unproven but likely true existential sentence (in the sense of incompleteness)

Some examples of universal statements that are unproven but likely true include the Riemann hypothesis (all non-trivial zeros of the zeta function have real part 1/2) and the Goldbach conjecture (all ...
Jonny's user avatar
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Is there any research of universal algebras axiomatized by non-Horn clauses?

A Horn clause in the language of a universal algebra is a disjunction of equations and of at most one inequality ("equation" and "inequality" are the terms used by A.Horn in his paper "On sencences ...
Ioachim Drugus's user avatar
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$n$th order arithmetic with predicates for orders

Two papers I have looked at lately axiomatize $n$-th order arithmetic in a single sorted language with predicates $Z_1,\dots,Z_n$ and axioms like $\forall x(Z_1(x)\vee\dots\vee Z_n(x))$ to say ...
Colin McLarty's user avatar
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Correspondence between numerical semigroups and polynomials?

A numerical semigroup $A$ is defined as a subsemigroup of the semigroup $(\mathbb{N},+)$ of the positive integers such that the set $\mathbb{N}\setminus A$ is finite. Equivalently (for a subsemigroup) ...
Miroslav Korbelar's user avatar
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Relation between fundamental theorem of Ehrenfeucht-Fraisse games and notions of bisimulation and simulation

Vijay D alluded to the relation between the fundamental theorem of Ehrenfeucht-Fraisse games and notions of bisimulation and simulation in response to the whats-a-magical-theorem-in-logic question. ...
Mitesh J's user avatar
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Stabilization of recursive approximation in $PA^-+I\Sigma_1^0$

Over any model M of $PA^-+I\Sigma_1^0$. Suppose $A\in [T]$ where $T$ is a $\Delta_2^0$-tree and $A$ is one isolated path. Further, $A$ is regular, i.e. $\forall n A\upharpoonright n$ has a code in $M$....
Jing Zhang's user avatar
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About "natural proof" of Razborov and Rudich

The famous "Natural Proof" paper , , ‎of Razborov and Rudich gives a barrier for any proof that try to separate P and NP. It mainly shows that if ...
Hao Yu's user avatar
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Is there a notion of "predicative given the real numbers"?

A definition is called impredicative if it involves quantification over a domain that contains the thing being defined. For instance, if you define hereditary property to be a property which applies ...
Keshav Srinivasan's user avatar
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determine if a toric variety is Gorenstein

Let $G$ a simply connected group over $k$ and $car(k)=0$. Let $T_{+}=(T\times T)/Z_{G}$ we consider the closure $\overline{T}_{+}$ of the torus $T_{+}$ in $\prod End(V_{\omega_{i}})\times\prod\...
prochet's user avatar
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strong order property in continuous logic

I am wondering what is the accepted version of the strong order property in continuous logic. The definition for classical logic is as follows: $T$ has SOP$_n$ (for $n\geq 3$) if there is a formula $\...
Gabe Conant's user avatar
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How to get the modern logic formulas in Principia Mathematica

Recently, we have contrived some procedures based on resolution method. So, we want to test these procedures. I know that many propositions are presented by logic formulas in Principia Mathematica. ...
Xingxing He's user avatar
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Alternate proof of van de Wiele's theorem in E-recursion

Hello, all I'm currently trying to understand $E$-recursion theory, which is a generalization of classical recursion theory to arbitrary sets. One of the difficulties I'm having with understanding $E$...
Noah Schweber's user avatar
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Is there a homological way to compute quiver presentations?

I have recently been studying with colleagues the representation theory of certain finite monoids that come up in probability theory and combinatorics, see Ken Brown's beautiful survey here. These ...
Benjamin Steinberg's user avatar
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What is the pro-algebraic completion of the free semigroup on one generator?

This question is motivated by an attempt to understand what is going on in Tom's post from a certain point of view. Let $\mathbb N^+$ be the free semigroup on one generator (so the positive natural ...
Benjamin Steinberg's user avatar
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Homogeneous Structures

Let $M$ be a countable structure that is homogeneous, i.e. every isomorphism between finitely generated substructures of $M$ extends to an automorphism of $M$. Let $\phi_M$ be the Scott sentence of $M$...
Ioannis Souldatos's user avatar
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Is this observation about the Borel Hierarchy trivial?

Hello, consider the following theorem. Is it trivial? Is it interesting? Is it worth including in a paper if I can prove it in 1 line as a corollary? Theorem: Suppose $n>0$ is a natural. ...
Sam Alexander's user avatar
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Tropical Properties From Algebraic Geometry

What properties of tropical geometry (Starting from a valued Field) can be proven to be true using their analogue in algebraic geometry? For example, using the valuation on the Puiseux series $\mathbb{...
Santiago's user avatar
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Sentences Preserved by Direct Products (including the Empty Product)

Consider the class of all structures for a given signature in first-order logic. Let $S_i$ be a family of structures, and $\oplus S_i$ be the direct product of the family. You can extend the notion ...
arsmath's user avatar
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Proofs of Baire category theorem

I would like to have a list of proofs of the fact that the real line is not meager (also very useful would be a reference to such a list, if it already exists somewhere). My motivation is the ...
Antongiulio's user avatar
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To what extent MSO = WS1S, when adding relations?

Let me first clarify my definitions. For a word $w \in \Sigma^*$, with $\Sigma=\{a_1, \ldots, a_n\}$, I define two structures: $${\mathbb{N}}(w) = \langle {\mathbb{N}}, <, Q_{a_1}, \ldots, Q_{a_n} ...
Michaël's user avatar
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Associative binary operations on natural numbers

Which are all the associative binary operations on natural numbers ? Certain results in this regard can be found in arxiv:math/0508215. It appears that such associative operations cannot grow too fast....
Elemer E Rosinger's user avatar
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Does there exist a multi-valued "monotone" and "compact" map from a Boolean algebra to the "free" part of $\mathcal{P}(\kappa)$?

This is a follow-up to my previous question, which has a negative answer. Here is the most general version that I'm interested: Does there exist a Boolean algebra $A$, an infinite cardinal $\kappa$, ...
David Gao's user avatar
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References on P vs NP under various axiomatic systems

I am teaching algorithms and theory of computation this semester and had the opportunity to dig a bit into the details of one way functions and the P vs NP problem. This problem has resisted attacks ...
ode's user avatar
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Existence of symmetric total measures

Is it consistent that there is a total finitely additive measure $μ$ on $ℝ$ extending the Lebesgue measure such that for every Borel Lebesgue-measure-preserving bijection $f$ of $ℝ$, $∀α∈Ord \, ∀s∈Ord^...
Dmytro Taranovsky's user avatar
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What is known about the word problem on free algebraic models?

Consider the fragment of first-order logic with equality and universal quantification as the only logical symbols; we call this logic the logic of universal algebra. I am interested in languages $\...
Hernán Ibarra Mejia's user avatar
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Action (of a graded monoid) required

Reference request: Did the construction below appear anywhere before? Any mentions of it or especially any links to something commonly known would be really helpful. I feel that it might be related to ...
Nikita Safonkin's user avatar
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Lower Bound of Solutions to P=NP?

Do we at least know that simulating polynomial time non-deterministic Turing machines requires more than a linear slowdown? That is, do we know there is some non-deterministic Turing machine with ...
Peter Gerdes's user avatar
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Can the differential field of d.c.e. reals be nicely construed as a field of functions?

This question is basically a special case of this older question of mine, which is still unanswered. Let $\mathcal{D}$ be the field of d.c.e. reals; these turn out to be exactly the reals $\alpha$ for ...
Noah Schweber's user avatar
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Why does the following test for protoalgebraicity work?

Remark. Crossposted from Math SE due to lack of responses. The following text appears in Janusz Czelakowski's "Protoalgebraic Logics": Suppose there exists a class $\mathbf{K}$ of matrices ...
Somebody's user avatar
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Can we have a theory that interpret $\sf ZFC$, proves existence of an infinite set, and yet prove all of its sets being Dedekind finite?

If we start with axioms of $\sf ZF$ replace the axiom of Infinity with an axiom stating the existence of a set that doesn't have an injection to a von Neumann natural, and replace the axiom of Power ...
Zuhair Al-Johar's user avatar
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Ordering the elements of a semigroup by $a \le b$ iff $a=b$ or $b=ab=ba$

Let $S$ be a semigroup, written multiplicatively. The binary relation $\le$ on (the underlying set of) $S$, whose graph consists of all pairs $(a,b) \in S \times S$ such that $a = b$ or $b = ab = ba$, ...
Salvo Tringali's user avatar
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Is Quine's Mathematical Logic "ML" consistent with Azcel's Extensionality?

Now that Holmes had proven the consistency of adding Extensionality to Stratified Comprehension (i.e. $\sf NF$), a question along the same vein presents itself: Is Aczel's Extensionality axiom ...
Zuhair Al-Johar's user avatar
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Intuitionistic set-theoretic geology

Work in ZF, if there are proper class many supercompact cardinals, then all grounds are uniformly definable. Hence under reasonable assumption, we can have choiceless set-theoretic geology. But can we ...
Ember Edison's user avatar

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