I am teaching algorithms and theory of computation this semester and had the opportunity to dig a bit into the details of one way functions and the P vs NP problem.
This problem has resisted attacks for a long time now and few experts seem to be hopeful for a resolution soon. Some speculate that it may be independent of our usual axiomatic systems or that its proof may be irreducibly large in some sense---although as a "purer" mathematician I think it is too soon to be developing such feelings.
But given those sentiments from the grapevine, I am wondering about papers of the following form: here is a "plausible" axiom X such that assuming ZF(C)+X, prove the (in)equality---or lean significantly towards one of the possibilities than with ZF(C) alone (When I say "plausible", I only mean that the authors at least consider it somewhat plausible.).
I am not an expert in the area, so please bear that in mind: I only have a dilletante's idea of the literature coming from a couple of surveys (mainly Aaronson's survey and references therein). In particular, a core theme in that survey is the various "barriers" to straightforward reductions, so I am wondering if anyone has found an axiom addressing those barriers or uniting them under a common theme.
Thanks for your time!