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Computation of sub-gradient for a concave envelope

Let $x_1<\cdots<x_n$ be $n$ points on real line and $g=(g_1,\cdots, g_n)\in\mathbb R^n$ be the scattered data. Let $u_g: [x_1,x_n]\to\mathbb R$ be the linear interpolation of $g_1,\cdots, g_n$, ...
user111097's user avatar
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Maximizing sum of homogeneous functions of order one over a polytope

Let $f_i: \mathbb{R}^n\rightarrow \mathbb{R}$ be concave, increasing (i.e., if $x\geq y$ where the inequality is entry wise, we have $f_i(x)\geq f_i(y)$), and a homogeneous function of order one for ...
Ozzy's user avatar
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On convex quadratic programming clarification

We know convex quadratic programming is in $P$. Is it also in $P$ if the function of interest is only convex in the domain of interest?
Turbo's user avatar
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Coordinate descent conditions

The following is quoted from "Bertsekas, D. P. (1999). Nonlinear programming (p. 794). Belmont: Athena scientific". Convergence of Coordinate Descent: Suppose a function $f$ is continuously ...
JYY's user avatar
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Optimization problem with non linear objective and non linear constraint (or upper bounding)

I am tackling the following optimization problem where ideally I would like to maximize (analytically, over $\alpha$) these sorts of quantities, where $n \ll d$ and $d \in \mathbb{N}, \epsilon \in \...
geo.wolfer's user avatar
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Calculating Cost-Optimal 1-Factors in Digraphs

I need to find a cost-optimal 1-factor in a positively weighted, directed, regular graph $G(V,A)$ without antiparallel arcs, i.e. given $$\text{deg}_{\text{in}}(u)=\text{deg}_{\text{in}}(v)=\text{deg}...
Manfred Weis's user avatar
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Strong smoothness of Lp norm

I asked this question in math.stackexchange but got no answers (link: So I decided to ask this question here. Hope I ...
Yining Wang's user avatar
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quick hull algorithm detail

When using quick hull algorithm to find the polytope for half space intersection, we are required to provide an interior point to the solver qhalf. In other words, providing $$Ax \le b$$ is not ...
user40780's user avatar
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a question about probabilities on spaces of digraphs

Let $G$ be a directed graph with fixed nodes $s$ and $t$. Assume that each edge $e$ in the graph comes with a number $n(e)\in[0,1]$. We consider probability spaces $S$ whose points are directed ...
Larry Moss's user avatar
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Minimization of convex functions on dense subspaces

I want to consider the Moreau envelope $\psi_j$ of a proper, convex, lower semicontinuous function $\psi$ over a Banach space $V$ on dense (finite dimensional) monotonically increasing subspaces $V_m$,...
malwin's user avatar
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Soft: Lagrange Multiplier and Intersection of Thickened Sets

Suppose I have an optimization problem of the form $$ \inf_{\{x \in \mathbb{R}^d: g(x)=0\}} f(x), $$ for some convex function $f$ and non-convex l.s.c. function $g$. Can we reinterpret the ...
ABIM's user avatar
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Infimum of equivalent measures

Suppose I have a functional of the form $$ F(\mathbb{P})\triangleq \int_{\mathbb{R}^d} \int_{\Omega}f(x,\omega)\mathbb{P}(d\omega)m(dx), $$ where $m$ is the Lebesgue measure and $\mathbb{P}$ is a ...
Mr Library Guy's user avatar
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Why are SDP generally slow?

This is more of a conceptual question. Don't expect a highly mathematical question. Nonetheless, the questions I pose here often arise in my field (not mathematics). Usually Semidefinite Programs (...
mermeladeK's user avatar
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minimize norm of matrix product

I have the matrix Product $PAP^H$ and I need to minimize $\|(PAP^H)^{-1}\|^2$ (over $P$ and Frobenius norm). $A$ is a positive definite Hermitian matrix and $P$ has the structure $$P=\left[\begin{...
F Researcher's user avatar
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Determining when specific gradient descent converges to singular or critical points

In my research on neural networks and learning theory I have recently come across the following problem dealing with gradient descent: We consider a given column vector $ x=[x_1,x_2,...,x_{d}]^T \...
groupoid's user avatar
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Intuition for analysis of basic gradient descent variants

I'm currently learning the basic variants of gradient descent for minimizing convex functions under various assumptions, such as Lipschitz, smooth, strongly-convex, ... . I've found various sources ...
amakelov's user avatar
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Generalization of concave envelope

Let $g:\mathbb R_+\to\mathbb R$ be a measurable function (which could be supposed to be bounded and Lipschitz if required). Let $\mathcal P$ be the collection of probability measures $\mu$ on $\mathbb ...
CodeGolf's user avatar
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A possible extension of the information bottleneck principle with added equality constraint on the conditional probability

This question is related to research on Tishby's information bottleneck principle as seen here, the problem at hand is inherently an optimization problem as seen directly on page 7 section 3.2, my ...
groupoid's user avatar
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(Quasi) convexity of separately convex homogeneous functions

Consider a function $f:\mathbb{R}^n_{\geq 0}\rightarrow \mathbb{R}$ that is separately convex, i.e. such that $\frac{d^2f}{dx_i^2}\geq 0$ for all $i\in \{1,\dots n\}$. Assume also that $f$ is ...
user_lambda's user avatar
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psd condition for matrix completion

The nuclear norm minimization for the matrix completion problem is given by \begin{align} \textrm{minimize } \quad &\|X\|_{*}\\ \textrm{subject to } \quad & X_{ij}=M_{ij} \quad \forall (i,j)...
felasfaw's user avatar
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Analytic formula for minimizing the maximum inner product of a set of vectors

Given $x_j\in\mathbb{R}^n$, $j=1,\ldots,p$, find $$ \widehat{w} \in \arg\min_{\Vert w\Vert=1}\max_{1\le j\le p} |\langle w,x_j\rangle|. $$ I am also interested in the special case where we further ...
JohnA's user avatar
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How to regularize to get appropriate sparse solution

I am working on an inverse problem of the form $Ax=b$ where $A$ and $b$ are known and I want to find $x$. I understand $L_1$ regularization and I have applied it to my work. But in addition to $L_1$ I ...
Creator's user avatar
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Solution to a system of nonlinear equations using convex conjugate of log sum exp

I need to prove the following result: There exists a unique solution to the system of equations $$\alpha = \frac{I^T(\gamma e^{I\beta})}{\sum_{i=1}^{n}\gamma_ie^{(I\beta)_i}}$$ if and only if $\...
VincentR's user avatar
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Strong Duality of Mixed Integer Linear Program

The problem at hand is to optimize a mixed-integer linear program closely related to the maximum flow problem. I would like to reformulate the problem with its dual and I'm concerned with the ...
Amitai G's user avatar
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Semi-convex problem and almost convex problem

I have a target function, I've computed its Hessian to check convexity, it has a positive-definite sub-matrix and small negative-definite sub-matrix and a kernel. Sometimes it is even better -- the ...
Moonwalker's user avatar
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About a particular definition of a Hessian of a function of tuples of matrices

Say I have a function $L : (W_1,..,W_{H+1}) \rightarrow \mathbb{R}$ i.e it takes a tuple of $n$ matrices of different dimensions and computes a number from them. Then I see being defined a ...
gradstudent's user avatar
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Nesterov's Methods for minimizing composite functions

There are some methods originally from Nesterov, which accelerates optimization methods, e.g. Nesterov 1983, Nesterov 2003, Nesterov 2005 ( smooth minimization of non-smooth functions), Nesterov 2013 (...
user85361's user avatar
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Maximize discrete harmonic function at given point

Let $n>0$, and let $S_n$ denote the discrete square $S_n=[|-n,n|]^2$ (so $S_n$ has $(2n+1)^2$ elements). Let $K_n$ denote the set of four corner points $\lbrace (\pm n,\pm n)\rbrace$, and $C_n=S_n\...
Ewan Delanoy's user avatar
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Can the extragradient method be computed only based on proximal steps?

As we know, for solving saddle point problems, the forward-backward algorithm is generally not guaranteed to converge. But the extragradient method converges Structured Prediction via the ...
user85361's user avatar
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Separation on discrete set

Consider the set $L = \prod_{i=1}^n\{1,0\}$, i.e. L consists of the element of n-tuples whose entries are 0 or 1. Also we can regard $L$ as a subset of $R^n$. Define linear functions $f(x)= a_1x_1+ \...
user91646's user avatar
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Optimizing sum of approximate and exact functions

This is a research question that I had asked in Math.SE about a month ago, but even after putting a bounty on it, I did not get any answers. I have two real values functions, where one ($g(w;x):\...
Alt's user avatar
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Which algorithm is most efficient for a specific QP problem

I have a QP problem of the following kind: $\min_{\alpha\in\mathbb{R}^n}\frac{1}{2}\alpha^T M \alpha - p^T\alpha$ s.t. $l\leq \alpha \leq u$ The matrix $M$ is symmetric and positive definite and of ...
kingnothing's user avatar
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Find optimal value for a regularization parameter in generalized eigenvalue problem

Consider the generalized eigenvalue problem : $ \Sigma_{XY} \Sigma_{YX} {W} = \lambda \Sigma_{XX} {W} $ where $\Sigma_{XX} $ and $\Sigma_{XY}$ are sample covariance matrices are of the matrices $X$...
user41037's user avatar
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Is this QCQP convex or nonconvex?

\begin{equation} \begin{split} \min_{x\in \mathbb{R}^n}\:f(x)=(1/2)x^{T}Q_0x+c_0^T x \end{split} \end{equation} s.t. $$ g_i(x)=\frac{1}{2}x^T Q_ix-lmax_i\leq0,i\in\{1,...,m/2\} $$ $$ g_i(x)=\frac{...
sjtupuzhao's user avatar
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Projecting on a a special polyhedron

Let $X$ be an $n$-by-$p$ matrix and consider the closed convex polyhedron $$\mathcal P_X := \{y \in \mathbb R^n | \|X^Ty\|_\infty \le 1\}.$$ Notice that $\mathcal P_X$ is symmetric about the origin. ...
dohmatob's user avatar
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Projecting on a convex compact polytope with special form

Let $E$ be a large sparse $l$-by-$n$ matrix ($l$ and $n$ can be in the billions...) with coefficients in $\{-1, 0, 1\}$: the first row of $E$ is the vector $(1,0,0,\ldots,0) \in \mathbb R^n$, and ...
dohmatob's user avatar
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convergence of unconstrained convex optimization

I encounter an optimization problem. The simplified version is like following: Denote function $F(x):\mathbf{R}^n\rightarrow\mathbf{R}$, where $F(x)$ is a smooth lower bounded convex function (i.e. $...
user5694458's user avatar
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Well-posedness of gradient flows

For a convex lower-semicontinuous functional on a Hilbert space $I\colon H\rightarrow\mathbb{R}$, it is shown in Evans' PDE that the Hilbert-space-valued ODE $$\begin{cases}\mathbf{u}'(t)\in-\partial ...
charlestoncrabb's user avatar
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Log convexity for the norm of a vector-valued function

Log convexity of various functions defined on the space of Hermitian matrices plays an important role in matrix analysis and probability theory. Given $v \in \mathbb{C}^n$, $D$ a diagonal matrix with ...
user2700's user avatar
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Finding all feasible solutions

Let $u$ be a $n_{max} \times m$ matrix. Let $z$ be a $n_{max} \times s_{max} \times n_{max}$ cube. Let $w$ be a $n_{max} \times 1$ vector. All the three matrices can have values from the set $\{ 0, 1\}...
ubaabd's user avatar
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The column generation technique on a Train Unit Assignment Problem [Linear Programming]

I am doing an assignment where I need to implement a mathematical model that I can't wrap my head around. For the technique of column generation, one would need to my understanding, a master problem ...
k88's user avatar
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Condition for maximizer of convex combination to be expansion mapping

I have $\Pi_n:\mathbb R^{n+1}\rightarrow \mathbb R$ and $F_n:\mathbb R^2\rightarrow \mathbb R$ with $$F_n(x,a)=\Pi_n(x,...,x,a)$$ $$f_n(x)=\operatorname{ArgMax}_{a\in\mathbb R}\{F_n(x,a)\} $$ such ...
juror's user avatar
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Characterization of the maximizer of a function based on a parameter's value

Consider a smooth, continuously differentiable, and jointly concave function $f(x,y,z;a)$, where $x,y$ and $z$ are decision variables and $a$ is a problem parameter. I have two optimization problems. ...
emper's user avatar
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A version of isotone projection cones

We write $a \succeq b$, where both $a, b \in \mathbb{R}^n$, as a shorthand for $a_i \ge b_i$ for all $1 \le i \le n$. Let $C$ be a closed convex cone in the first orthant of $\mathbb{R}^n$ and denote ...
John Wong's user avatar
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Proximal mapping of composition with linear operator

Let $A$ be an orthogonal matrix. Then the proximal mapping $prox_{f \circ A}(x)$ can be evaluated efficiently by $$ (I + \partial (f \circ A))^{-1}(x) = prox_{f \circ A}(x) = A^T prox_{f}(A x), $$ as ...
yon's user avatar
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Is there a unique tilted measure with specified marginals?

Suppose $\mathcal{A},\mathcal{B}$ are finite sets and $\mu_{A,B}(a,b)$ is a probability measure on the product set $\mathcal{A}\times \mathcal{B}$ so that $\mu_{A,B}(a,b)>0$ for each $a\in \mathcal{...
Hedonist's user avatar
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Convex Optimization related problem

Suppose two non-negative convex functions $f$ and $g$ be given. We want to solve the following optimization $$\max_{g\leq\epsilon}f.$$ Now suppose that both $f$ and $g$ can be upper-bounded by a ...
math-Student's user avatar
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Changing a nonlinear equality constraint into some conic inequality plus rank constraint

If we have a constraint optimization problem in which one of our constraint is $\prod\limits_{k = 1}^N {\left( {x - {a_k}} \right) = 0} $ . How could this nonlinear equality condition be changed into ...
Parsis's user avatar
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Characterization of the optimal solution in relative entropy minimization

The following optimization problem is related to relative entropy and to the limit of the iterative proportional fitting procedure. For $1 \leq i,j \leq n$ and fixed $w_{ij} \geq 0$, and fixed $a_i, ...
cubic lettuce's user avatar
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Reduce a Combinatorial problem

It is given n sets with k vectors. (k is element-wise positive or zero) Choose one vector of each set so that the biggest element of the sum of the chosen vectors is minimal. What i also know but is ...
JonasDuwell's user avatar

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