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General procedure for inverse of an integral transform

Is there a general inversion formula or procedure for an integral of the form (where f is the function being transformed and g depends on the type of transform) $\int^{a}_{b} f(x) g(x,\xi) dx $ ? ...
Karmon Euloid's user avatar
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Prokhorov theorem

Hi there. It is known that on a polish space, if a family of bounded positive measures (no need to be probabilities) is tight, then it is relatively compact in the space of positive measures with ...
Soviecki's user avatar
10 votes
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Cesaro means and Banach limits

Consider the class of bounded sequences to which every Banach limit (non-negative shift-invariant continuous functional on $l^\infty$ taking convergent sequences in the usual sense to their limits) ...
kap44's user avatar
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8 votes
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Fastest decay of Fourier Transform for Generalized Functions of compact support

What is the fastest decay possible for the Fourier transform of a generalized function with compact support and finite value at the origin? I know that regular functions cannot attain exponential ...
Spiros M.'s user avatar
10 votes
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Separating vectors for C$^*$-algebras

(I asked this on math.stackexchange, without response). Let $A$ be a C$^*$-algebra, concretely acting on a Hilbert space $H$. Suppose that $\xi_0\in H$ is cyclic and separating for $A$ (that is, the ...
Matthew Daws's user avatar
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Do infinite products commute with functor of smooth sections?

Similarly to my previous question about direct limits, I have now basically the same question about inverse limits. It seems in fact, that I only need the result for products. Question: Is there a ...
Vít Tuček's user avatar
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When quotient of a $k$-algebra by any maximal ideal is $k$?

Let $k$ be a valued field. Is there a special term for a commutative (Banach) $k$-algebra $A$ such that for any maximal ideal $m$ we have $A/m=k$? Is there an easy to check criterion that would imply ...
Anton Lyubinin's user avatar
4 votes
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Abelian sub-W*-algebras

Let $M$ be a von Neumann algebra which acts faithfully on a Hilbert space of density character $\kappa$ but does not on a Hilbert space of density character $\lambda<\kappa$ (that is, the density ...
J. Grass's user avatar
8 votes
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derivative in the Wasserstein space

Villani gives the following formula to find the gradient of a function $F$ of a probability density function $\rho$ in the Wasserstein space : $$\nabla_W F(\rho) = -\nabla.(\rho \nabla \frac{\delta F}{...
WhitAngl's user avatar
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2 votes
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Complementable subspaces of $(c_{00}(S),\Vert\cdot\Vert_1)$

Let $\ell_{1,0}(S)=(c_{0,0}(S),\Vert\cdot\Vert_1)$ be a space of functions on a set $S$ with finite support, endowed with $\ell_1$ norm. Could you answer the at least one of the following questions ...
Norbert's user avatar
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Boundedness of Integral

Suppose we operate on the unit simplex $\Delta \subset \mathbb{R}^d$ with $0$ as a corner point. Define the integral $$ Iu(x):=\int_0^1 t^{|\beta|-1}x^\beta u(tx)\mathrm{d}t,\quad x\in \Delta $$ and ...
pil's user avatar
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2 answers

Unbounded sequences in Banach spaces

Let $X$ be a Banach space and let $T$ be a bounded operator acting on $X$. Suppose for each linearly independent unbounded sequence $(x_n)$ in $E$, the sequence $(Tx_n)$ is unbounded. Must $T$ be ...
Olaf Kummers's user avatar
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Basic sequences in $\ell_p$

Let $p\in [1,\infty)\setminus\{2\}$. Suppose $(e_n)$ is a basic sequence in $\ell_p$ (or $L_p$) equivalent to the basis of $\ell_p$ ($L_p$). Is there a subsequence $(e_{n_k})$ such that $[e_{n_k}]$ is ...
Olaf Kummers's user avatar
6 votes
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Do the translates of integrable function approximate its radial part?

For an integrable function $f$ on $\mathbb R^n$ we consider its ``radial'' part $$R(f)(x)=\int_{\mathrm{SO}(n)} f(kx)dk.$$ What is the minimal condition on $f$ so that the span of translates of $f$ (...
spr's user avatar
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12 votes
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A measure theory question

Here's an interesting problem one can formulate for a student. This problem arises when considering special ergodic theorems: On a finite dimensional manifold $M$ with a Lebesgue measure $\mu$, does ...
Olga's user avatar
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3 votes
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Perturbing upper-semi Fredholm operators

Let $T\colon X\to X$ be an upper-semi Fredholm operator acting on a $B$-space $X$ (the range of $T$ is closed and kernel is finite-dimensional) with complemented range. Suppose $S\colon X\to X$ is ...
Olaf Kummers's user avatar
2 votes
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If any perfect set is uncountable in a metric space which is not complete?

We know that every ferfect set $E$ in a complete metric space $X$ is uncountable. My question is if there exists a metric space which is not complete, but every ferfect set in it is uncountable. The ...
zhhw's user avatar
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Given f(t) = \sum_k C_k exp(2 pi i w_k t ) + noise. Need to estimate C_k and w_k .

Simpliefied setup. Assume I am given some function f(t). I know that it is constructed as $f(t) = \sum_{k=1...M} C_k exp(2 \pi~ i~ w_k t ) + noise(t)$. where $noise(t)$ is some random set of numbers ...
Alexander Chervov's user avatar
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General compactness criterion in functional spaces

What follows is a total boundness criterion in the space $L^1(X)$, where $X$ is arbitrary space with probabilistic continuous measure (Lebesgue space). Of course, all such spaces $X$ and hence $L^1(X)$...
Fedor Petrov's user avatar
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union of Stone-Cech remainders

Can anyone point me to a reference or further information on the following construction? Let $X$ be a compact metric space such as $[0,1]$. Let $A$ be the commutative pre-C*-algebra consisting of [...
Douglas Somerset's user avatar
3 votes
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A Sobolev-type inequality with weights

In the study of a particular PDE I found myself wanting to prove the following inequality: $( \int_0^{\infty} r^{-3} |f|^6 \; dr )^{1/6} \leq C ( \int_0^{\infty} [ r^{-1} |f|^2 + r |f'|^2 + r |f''|^2]...
Matt Cooper's user avatar
20 votes
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Which spaces are characterized by functions with compact support ?

It's well known that two locally compact Hausdorff spaces $X, Y$ are homeomorphic iff the rings $C_0(X), C_0(Y)$ (continuous functions vanishing at infinity) are isomorphic. Is there a class $\...
Ralph's user avatar
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Elliptic function with constant real part on the unit square diagonals?

Consider the following even meromorphic doubly periodic function with poles at the gaussian integer lattice. $H(z) = \prod_{n \in \mathbb{Z}} {1 \over{ 1 - {1 \over{\cosh\left(2\pi\left(z-n\right)\...
Aobara's user avatar
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Continuous function sort

If you have a real-valued function f(x), positive, continuous and bounded on some interval, then what kind of transform would convert this to a monotonic function g(x) on that interval analogously to ...
user19172's user avatar
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Special values of a doubly periodic meromorphic function

Consider the following function: $G(z) = \prod_{n \in \mathbb{Z}} {1 \over{\tanh^2\left(\pi\left(z-n\right)\right)}}$. By constuction, it has poles at $z=m+in$ with $m,n \in \mathbb{Z}^2$. ...
Aobara's user avatar
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13 votes
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Properties of orthogonality-preserving c.p. maps between $C^*$-algebras

Suppose that $A,C$ are $C^*$-algebras and $\phi:A \to C$ is a completely positive, orthogonality-preserving linear map. (Orthogonality preserving means: if $a,b \in A$ satisfy $ab=0$ then $\phi(a)\phi(...
Aaron Tikuisis's user avatar
2 votes
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Is it true that $c_0(X)^* = \ell_1(X^*)$ ?

I'm trying to prove this that but I can't . Any help/reference ?
Rafael's user avatar
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iterated traces for sobolev functions

It is well known that if $M$ is a smooth $(n-1)$-dimensional surface in $\mathbb R^n$ (e.g. a subspace) then there is a continuous trace operator $W^{s,p}(\mathbb R^n)\to W^{s-1/p,p}(M)$. Now suppose ...
Mircea's user avatar
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5 votes
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Are piecewise linear curves dense among Hölder curves?

Consider for some $0 < \alpha \leq 1$ the space functions $x:[0,1] \to \mathbb{R}^n$ such that $x(0) = 0$ and $\sup_{s,t} \frac{\|f(t)-f(s)\|}{|t-s|^{\alpha}}$ is finite. There are at least two ...
Pablo Lessa's user avatar
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analytic continuation of a Laplace transform from a countably infinite set of points?

Let $f(\lambda)=\int_0^\infty e^{-\lambda s} F(ds)$, where $F$ is the distribution of a positive random variable. Suppose I know the value of $f(n)$ for $n=0,1,2,\cdots$. Is this enough to uniquely ...
psyduck's user avatar
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7 votes
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Exotic spectrum of Laplace operator

Given a closed Riemannian manifold and a generalized Laplace $\Delta$ operator, it is well known that $\Delta$ has discrete spectrum $(\lambda_n)_n$ (arranged in a increasing way, not counting ...
Alex's user avatar
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Young inequality in weighted spaces

Let $U$ be a bounded open set in $\mathbb{R}^2$, $g\in L^1_{\mathrm{loc}}(\mathbb{R}^2)$. Let moreover $w$ be a weight (i.e. a non vanishing locally integrable function) on $U$ and $p\geq2$. Does ...
Samuele's user avatar
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24 votes
3 answers

Self-dual normed spaces which are not Hilbert spaces

Are there any examples of non-Hilbert normed spaces which are isomorphic (in the norm sense) to their dual spaces? Or, is there any result in Functional Analysis which says that if a space is self-...
Uday's user avatar
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A point in the weak closure but not in the weak sequential closure

I'm trying to find a proof of this counterexample by von Neumann: Let $x_{mn}\in \ell^2$ be defined by $$x_{mn}(m)=n \quad,\quad x_{mn}(n)=m \quad,\quad x_{mn}(k)=0 \hbox{ otherwise,} $$ and let $S=\...
Kale's user avatar
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Multiplying two Fourier series gives one Fourier series, but what are the new coefficients? [closed]

If I have $A(x)=B(x) C(x)$ (sine periodic from 0 to 1) rewritten as $\sum_n A_n \sin(n \pi x)=\sum_m B_m \sin(m \pi x)\sum_p C_p \sin(p \pi x)$ is there any easier way to compute $A_n$ from $B_m,...
Lababidi's user avatar
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8 votes
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Approximation by polynomials

Let $f:[a,b] \rightarrow \mathbb{R}$ be of class $C^n$. Let $ x_0, ..., x_m$ be different numbers from $[a,b]$. Does for each $\varepsilon >0$ there exist a polynom $P$ such that $P^{(k)}(x_i)=f^{...
arc's user avatar
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Exotic uniform algebras

The first non-trivial example of a uniform algebra which comes to mind is the disc algebra $A(\mathbb{D})$. In a similar manner one can define its relatives $P(U)$ and $R(U)$, where $U$ is any region ...
Alex Ortega's user avatar
5 votes
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are the smooth vectors of a Frechet space dense?

Given an action $\alpha$ of $V$ a Lie group on $B$ a Fréchet space with seminorms $ \{ \| \cdot \|_j \} $, let $B^\infty$ be the space of smooth vectors. Is this dense in $B$? Can I guarantee it is ...
Yul Otani's user avatar
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Extension of weakly compact operators from $\ell_1$ into $c_0$

Is every weakly compact operator from $\ell_1$ into $c_0$ extendible to any larger space? Equivalently, is every weakly compact operator from $\ell_1$ into $c_0$ extendible to $\ell_\infty$?
Joaquin M. Gutierrez's user avatar
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Problem with Shelah and Stern's paper on the Hanf number of the theory of Banach spaces

I have been trying to understand "The Hanf number of the first order theory of Banach spaces" by Shelah and Stern (Trans. AMS 244 (1978) 147-241). They construct a normed space $M$ from a Hilbert ...
Rob Arthan's user avatar
15 votes
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Extreme points of unit ball in tensor product of spaces

Let $B_1, B_2$ be unit balls in finite-dimensional normed spaces $X_1, X_2$ respectively. Let $e(B_1), e(B_2)$ be corresponding extreme points sets. Consider the unit ball $B$ in tensor product $...
Yauhen Radyna's user avatar
23 votes
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Grothendieck on topological vector spaces

In a short biography article on Alexander Grothendieck, it is mentioned that after Grothendieck submitted his first thesis on topological vector spaces (TVS), apparently, he told Bernard Malgrange ...
7 votes
3 answers

Is a semicontinuous real function Borel measurable?

Let $f(x,u): [0,1]^2 \mapsto \mathbb{R}$ be a continuous function. [Q] Is $g(x) = \inf_{u\in [0,1]} f(x,u)$ always Borel measurable? If not, can one find a counter-example? Note that, for any $c$, ...
kenneth's user avatar
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Inner product of linear bounded operators between Hilbert spaces

Let $X$ and $Y$ be Hilbert spaces, and let $L(X,Y)$ be the set of bounded linear operators between Hilbert spaces. Can we equip $L(X,Y)$ with a natural inner product? I think it should look like $\...
shuhalo's user avatar
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Sort-of extension of Young inequality to arbitrary measures

Hello folks, Suppose we're working in ${\mathbb T}^q$, the $q$-times Cartesian product of $[-\pi,\pi]$ with the endpoints identified. So, $ L^p := L^p({\mathbb T}^q) $. The Young inequality may be ...
Seaking's user avatar
9 votes
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polynomials with minimal $L_\infty$ norm on multiple disjoint intervals

It is well-known that Chebyshev polynomials are the polynomials of minimal $L_\infty$ norm on [-1,1] with leading coefficient 1. But what if you want the minimal $L_\infty$ polynomial on two disjoint ...
Paul's user avatar
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Estimating norms of derivatives

Let $(M,g)$ be a closed, compact Riemannian manifold. Let $u$ be a smooth function. Let $H^{-k}(M)$,, $k$ is a positive integer, be the dual Hilbert space of $H^{k}(M)$. Does it follow that $|| |\...
Viktor Bundle's user avatar
2 votes
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Extension of pointwise convergence of a sequence of uniformly continuous functions that converges on a dense set

It is known that a sequence of continuous functions on a metric space that converges pointwise on a dense subset need not converge pointwise on the full space. But what about if one assumes uniform ...
Joakim Arnlind's user avatar
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Inequalities between self-adjoint operators

Let $T_s$ ($s\ge0$) be a smooth family of non-negative self-adjoint operators in a separable Hilbert space $H$. Suppose that, for some $C'>C>0$, we have $T_0+Cs^2\le T_s\le T_0+C's^2$ for all $s$...
Jesús Álvarez's user avatar
10 votes
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Lacunary hyperbolic groups and weak amenability

In the paper called Lacunary Hyperbolic group, Y. Ol'shanskii, D. Osin and M. Sapir define and characterize the lacunary hyperbolic groups, which contains the hyperbolic groups but also Tarski's ...
Denis Poulin's user avatar

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