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27 votes
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Unital $C^{*}$ algebras whose all elements have path connected spectrum

A unital $C^{*}$ algebra is called a "Path connected algebra" if the spectrum of all its elements is a path connected subset of $\mathbb{C}$. What is an example of a non commutative ...
Ali Taghavi's user avatar
25 votes
2 answers

Can nuclearity be determined by tensoring with a single C*-algebra?

A C*-algebra is nuclear if the algebraic tensor product $A\odot B$ ($B$ is any other C*-algebra) admits a unique C*-norm. This definition requires testing the condition for nuclearity with `all' C*-...
Lech Roch's user avatar
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23 votes
3 answers

Which $\ast$-algebras are $C^\ast$-algebras?

It's well-known that the norm on a $C^\ast$-algebra is uniquely determined by the underlying $\ast$-algebra by the spectral radius formula. Therefore there should be a way to axiomatize $C^\ast$-...
Tim Campion's user avatar
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21 votes
3 answers

Separating pure states on the $2\times 2$ matrix algebra

I have an idea for a possible counterexample to the noncommutative Stone-Weierstrass problem. A good answer to the following question would really help. Let $\mathcal{A}$ be the C*-algebra of $2\...
Nik Weaver's user avatar
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20 votes
3 answers

Realizing universal $C^*$-algebras as concrete $C^*$-algebras

How do I in general realize a universal C*-algebra generated by some generators and relation as concrete C*-algebras? For example, I know that universal C*-algebra generated by a single unitary is $C(\...
SiOn's user avatar
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20 votes
2 answers

C$^*$-algebras isomorphic after tensoring with $M_n(\mathbb C)$

In 1977, Joan Plastiras gave a striking example of two non $*$-isomorphic C$^*$-algebras $\mathcal A$ and $\mathcal B$ such that $$\mathcal A \otimes M_2(\mathbb C) \simeq \mathcal B\otimes M_2(\...
Chris Ramsey's user avatar
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20 votes
2 answers

The Gelfand duality for pro-$C^*$-algebras

The Gelfand duality says that $$X\to C(X)$$ is a contravariant equivalence between the category of compact Hausdorff spaces and continuous maps and the category of commutative unital $C^*$-algebras ...
Ilan Barnea's user avatar
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19 votes
1 answer

Are algebraically isomorphic $C^*$-algebras $*$-isomorphic?

If A and B are C^*-algebras that are algebraically isomorphic to each other, does this imply that they are *-isomorphic to each other?
Doc Matrix's user avatar
18 votes
3 answers

In which sense the GNS-construction is a functor?

I asked this at mathstackexchange a week ago, without success. I think the Gelfand–Naimark–Segal construction must be a functor in some sense, but I can't find an explicit statement anywhere. Can ...
Sergei Akbarov's user avatar
17 votes
2 answers

Realisation of the noncommutative torus as a universal $ C^{*} $-algebra

One of the most basic examples in noncommutative geometry is the so-called noncommutative torus, denoted here by $ \mathbb{T}_{\theta} $. As far as I know, there are several equivalent constructions ...
truebaran's user avatar
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16 votes
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$C^*$-algebra generated by those operators that are bounded on every $\ell_p$

Suppose $T: c_{00} \to c_{00}$ is a linear map such that, when regarded as an infinite matrix, there is a uniform bound on the $\ell_1$-norms of its columns, and a uniform bound on the $\ell_1$-norms ...
Yemon Choi's user avatar
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15 votes
4 answers

Universal $C^*$-algebra with generators and relations

We say that the $C^*$-algebra $A$ generated by $a_1,...,a_n$ is universal subject to relations $R_1,...,R_m$ if for every $C^*$-algebra $B$ with elements $b_1,...,b_n$ satisfying relations $R_1,...,...
truebaran's user avatar
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15 votes
2 answers

Range of completely positive projection

Let $A$ be a C*-algebra. Suppose that $P:A \rightarrow A$ is a contractive completely positive projection. Does the range $P(A)$ is completely order isomorphic to a $C^*$-algebra? In the case where ...
BigBill's user avatar
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15 votes
2 answers

Is a C*-algebra with an isomorphic predual a von Neumann algebra?

It is well-known that a C*-algebra $A$ is a von Neumann algebra if and only if it has an isometric predual, that is, if and only if there exists a Banach space $X$ such that $A$ is isometrically ...
Hannes Thiel's user avatar
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15 votes
1 answer

Matrices with entries in a $C^*$-algebra

Let $\mathcal{A}$ be a $C^\ast$-algebra. Consider vector space of matrices of size $n\times n$ whose entries in $\mathcal{A}$. Denote this vector space $M_{n,n}(\mathcal{A})$. We can define involution ...
Norbert's user avatar
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15 votes
1 answer

Gelfand-Naimark from the category-theoretic point of view

I was thinking about the Gelfand-Naimark theorem asserting the isometric * isomorphism between a commutative $C^*$-algebra (with unit) $\mathcal{A}$ and the $C^*$ -algebra of continuous complex-valued ...
Gian Maria Dall'Ara's user avatar
14 votes
3 answers

The difference between $l^1(G)$ and the reduced group $C^*$ algebra $C_r^*(G)$

Let $G$ be a group and $l^2(G)$ the Hilbert space on $G$. The complex group algebra $CG$ can be imbedded in $B(l^2(G))$, the set of all bounded linear operators, by left translation. The reduced group ...
yeshengkui's user avatar
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Schwartz kernel theorem for A-linear operators

Let $X,Y \subset \mathbb{R}^n$ be open subsets. Denote by $C^\infty(X)$ the smooth functions on $X$, let $\mathcal{E}'(Y)$ be its dual space considered as a space of distributions. Let $L(C^\infty(X), ...
Ulrich Pennig's user avatar
13 votes
2 answers

Can non-central projections still commute with all other projections?

Let $A$ be a C*-algebra and let $\mathcal{P}(A)$ denote the set of projections in $A$. If $p\in\mathcal{P}(A)$ commutes with everything in $\mathcal{P}(A)$ does it necessarily commute with everything ...
Tristan Bice's user avatar
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13 votes
2 answers

Structure theorem for finite dimensional $C^*$-algebras and their representations

I would like a source for some Artin-Wedderburn type facts about these algebras which seem to have easy proofs, and are probably written somewhere. Let $\mathcal{A} \subset M_n(\mathbb{C})$ be an ...
J. E. Pascoe's user avatar
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13 votes
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Inner and extendible automorphisms of C*-algebras

If an automorphism $\alpha$ of a C*-algebra $A$ is inner then whenever $A$ is a subalgebra of another C*-algebra $B$, $\alpha$ obviously extends to $B$. Is the converse true: if an automorphism $\...
Aaron Tikuisis's user avatar
13 votes
2 answers

C$^*$-algebras isomorphic after tensoring

From the negative answer to this question we know that C$^*$-algebras that are isomorphic after tensoring with $M_n$ for all $n\geq 2$ need not be isomorphic. So what happens when we strengthen this? ...
Chris Ramsey's user avatar
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13 votes
2 answers

Properties of orthogonality-preserving c.p. maps between $C^*$-algebras

Suppose that $A,C$ are $C^*$-algebras and $\phi:A \to C$ is a completely positive, orthogonality-preserving linear map. (Orthogonality preserving means: if $a,b \in A$ satisfy $ab=0$ then $\phi(a)\phi(...
Aaron Tikuisis's user avatar
12 votes
1 answer

Is there a proof that the $C^{*}$-algebras don't see the invariant subspace problem?

This post is an appendix of this one. Let $H$ be an infinite dimensional separable Hilbert space and $B(H)$ the algebra of bounded operators. Invariant subspace problem: Let $T \in B(H)$. Is ...
Sebastien Palcoux's user avatar
12 votes
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Can a non-commutative C*-algebra be a minimal operator space?

By an operator space structure on a Banach space $X$ I mean a sequence of norms on spaces $M_n \otimes X$ that satisfies Ruan's axioms. Among such admissible sequences there is always the smallest ...
Mateusz Wasilewski's user avatar
11 votes
1 answer

Compact Quantum Groups and the Existence of the Classical Haar Measure

Before I state my question, let me provide the definition of a compact quantum group. Definition: An ordered pair $ \mathscr{G} = (\mathscr{A},\Phi) $ is called a compact quantum group if $ ...
user avatar
11 votes
1 answer

Kuiper's theorem via approximation

Kuiper's theorem says that the unitary group $U(H)$ of a separable infinite dimensional Hilbert space $H$ is contractible, if it is equipped with the norm topology. Let's suppose, I do not know this ...
Ulrich Pennig's user avatar
11 votes
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Algebraic properties of the algebra of continuous functions on a manifold.

Does the algebra of continuous functions from a compact manifold to $\mathbb{C}$ satisfy any specific algebraic property? I'm not sure what kind of algebraic property I expect, but I feel that ...
Eric's user avatar
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11 votes
1 answer

Motivation for $C^*$-algebras

I just gave a presentation on exotic group $C^*$-algebras and someone asked why these are studied. I could answer that they can be used to construct $C^*$-algebras with certain properties. However, I ...
Emiel Lanckriet's user avatar
10 votes
5 answers

Do subalgebras of C(X) admit a description in terms of the compact Hausdorff space X?

In light of the well-known theorem of Gelfand that, bluntly put, ends up saying that unital abelian C*-algebras are the 'same' as compact Hausdorff topological spaces, I tried to compile a dictionary ...
Joshua Seaton's user avatar
10 votes
2 answers

General recipe for building C*-algebras out of combinatorial object

I want to ask what should be a nice way to build C*-algebras out of objects like groups, inverse-semigroups, semigroups, ringgs or graphs. I know there are well known construction of C*-algebras out ...
SiOn's user avatar
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10 votes
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Saito-Wright definition of Rickart C*-algebras

A C*-algebra is Rickart if for each $x\in A$ there is a projection $p\in A$ so that $R(x)=pA$. Here the right-annihilator $R(S)$ of $S\subset A$ is defined as $$R(S)=\{a\in A\mid xa=0\, \forall x\...
Bas Spitters's user avatar
10 votes
1 answer

Which W*-algebras are the duals of C*-coalgebras?

A Banach algebra (assumed associative and unital) is precisely a monoid object in the monoidal category of Banach spaces, short linear maps, and the projective tensor product. A Banach coalgebra is ...
Toby Bartels's user avatar
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Masas in SAW*-algebras

I asked this question three years ago at MSe but it has no response; let me try here. Pedersen distilled the following class of C*-algebras which he termed SAW*-algebras (Journal of Operator Theory, ...
Tomasz Kania's user avatar
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10 votes
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Tensorial decomposition of $B(H)$

Let $H$ be an infinite-dimensional Hilbert space and let $\mathcal{B}(H)$ be the (C*/W*-)algebra of bounded operators on it. Actually, you may forget about the involution in $\mathcal{B}(H)$ because I ...
TrzyTrypy's user avatar
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9 votes
3 answers

Defining the abstract tensor product of W*-algebras via a universal property

I am playing around a bit with $W^*$-algebras, and I'm trying to come up with a definition for the $W^*$-algebraic tensor product. Here is my first attempt: It is easy to show that such an object ...
Andromeda's user avatar
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9 votes
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Two inequalities in $C^*$ algebras

Under what conditions on a $C^*$ algebra $A$ we have the following inequality: $$x^*a^*ax+a^*x^*xa\leq x^*x+a^*x^*ax+x^*a^*xa\;\;\; \forall x,a\in A$$ The second identity which I am looking for is ...
Ali Taghavi's user avatar
9 votes
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Commuting nets for commuting projections

I think this should not be too difficult, but I am not an expert. I did not get an answer on stackexchange. Let $A$ be a $C$*-algebra and let $p,q\in A^{**}$ be two commuting projections. Then there ...
Mark Roelands's user avatar
9 votes
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Why is the Berkovich spectrum of a C*-Algebra the same as the Gelfand spectrum?

Let $A = \mathcal{C}(X)$ be a commutative (unital) C*-Algebra. Let $Spec(A)$ denote its Gelfand spectrum $$ Spec(A) = \{A \rightarrow \mathbb{C} : \text{non-zero *-homomorphism} \} \simeq X. $$ Now ...
Niki's user avatar
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Is the switch automorphism inner for continuous-trace $C^*$-algebras?

If $R$ is a commutative ring, and $A$ is an Azumaya algebra over $R$, then the switch (or flip, or exchange, etc.) automorphism of $A\otimes_R A$, given by $a\otimes b\mapsto b\otimes a$, is inner: it ...
Captain Lama's user avatar
9 votes
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Verifying Woronowicz’s proof that all $ {\text{SU}_{q}}(2) $’s are isomorphic as $ C^{*} $-algebras, where $ -1 < q < 1 $

This question is related to one that I asked some time ago. Definition 1. Let $ q \in (-1,1) $. Let $ A $ be a unital $ C^{*} $-algebra and $ (x,y) $ a pair of elements of $ A $. Then define the $ ...
Transcendental's user avatar
8 votes
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The double dual of the unitization of a $C^*$-algebra

I am studying the proof that if $A$ is a $C^*$-algebra such that $A^{**}$ is a semidiscrete vN algebra, then $A$ has the completely positive approximation property (CPAP). I was able to handle the ...
Just dropped in's user avatar
8 votes
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Commutator ideal in nonunital C*-algebra

Let $A$ be a C*-algebra that has no one-dimensional irreducible representations, that is, there is no (closed) two-sided ideal $I\subseteq A$ such that $A/I\cong\mathbb{C}$. Let $J$ denote the (not ...
Hannes Thiel's user avatar
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8 votes
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Definition of a von Neumann algebra

Is there a way to equip every C*-algebra A with a functorial topology such that the canonical map A→A** is an isomorphism if and only if A is a von Neumann algebra? Here A** denotes the dual of A* in ...
Dmitri Pavlov's user avatar
8 votes
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Maps which are both completely positive and positive

Definition:A linear map $f:\mathbb C^n\to \mathbb C^n$ is called positive if $\langle fa,a\rangle\ge0$ for all $a\in \mathbb C^n$. Equivalently, $f\in M_{n}(\mathbb C)$ is positive if it can be ...
André Henriques's user avatar
8 votes
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Distance between subalgebras and positive elements in matrices

I repost here from stackexchange, as I was not given an answer there. ( This is a ...
Alessandro Vignati's user avatar
8 votes
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Counterexample to Riesz representation for Hilbert modules

For a Hilbert space $H$, the Riesz representation theorem states that $H$ is isomorphic to its dual $H^*$ via $x \mapsto \langle x, -\rangle$. It is often stated in the literature that this does not ...
InfiniteLooper's user avatar
8 votes
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Proving a certain $ C^{*} $-algebraic inequality

Let $ A $ be a non-unital $ C^{*} $-algebra. Is there an ‘elementary’ way to prove, for all $ (a,\lambda) \in A \times \mathbb{C} $, the inequality $$ |\lambda| \leq \sup_{b \in A, ~ \| b \| \leq 1} \|...
Transcendental's user avatar
8 votes
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Order bounded version of monotone complete $C^*$-algebras

Let $A$ be a $C^*$-algebra with self-adjoint part $A_{\operatorname{sa}}$. Then $A$ is called monotone complete if every increasing norm bounded net in $A_{\operatorname{sa}}$ has a supremum (with ...
Jochen Glueck's user avatar
8 votes
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About generator and isomorphism problems for free groups operator algebras

Let $H$ be an infinite dimensional separable Hilbert space. The $C^{*}$-algebras and von Neumann here unital and subalgebras of $B(H)$. Definition : Let $\mathcal{A}$ be $C^{*}$-algebra (resp. a von ...
Sebastien Palcoux's user avatar

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