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Questions tagged [duality]

Use for questions regarding duality of mathematical object, i.e. dual spaces, objects with two possible interpretations etc.

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Is the category of abstract $\sigma$-algebras the pro-category of countable discrete spaces?

I am wondering if the category of abstract $\sigma$-algebras is contravariantly equivalent to the pro-category of the category of countable sets. Note: I have tweaked this question a little. Now it ...
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9 votes
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Point-free topology, but with $\sigma$-algebras instead of spaces

I have a question about $\sigma$-algebras in relation to point-free topology. The question was inspired by a comment on a similar question I had: If abstract $\sigma$-algebras (i.e. certain boolean ...
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Nests on Banach spaces and their duals

Let $X$ be a Banach space and $\mathcal{E}$ a nest on $X$. Take $f\in X^{*}$ and suppose: $N \in\mathcal{E}$ is the largest element of the nest so that $f \in N^\bot$ $N=\bigcap_{M>N}M$ Is there ...
Ana Alexandra Reis's user avatar
5 votes
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Dual Steenrod squares

Fix the ground ring $\mathbb{F}_2$ and let $X$ be a space with finite homology. Then we have an isomorphism $\Phi^i_X:H_i(X)\to H^i(X)^*,a\mapsto \langle-,a\rangle$ which allows us to define the dual ...
FKranhold's user avatar
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Cassels Pairing for Fine Selmer groups

Let $S_n$ be the Selmer group of $E/K_n$ where $K_n/K$ is the $n$-th layer of the cyclotomic $\mathbb{Z}_p$-extension of $K$ and $C_n$ be the torsion part of $S_n$. By Cassels pairing, we know that ...
debanjana's user avatar
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Serre functors for non-proper categories

One usually defines a Serre functor to be a functor on a $k$-linear category $\mathcal{C}$ which has finite dimensional $Hom$s over $k$. In that case, the standard definition is that a Serre functor $...
skr's user avatar
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Monge-Kantorovich duality with a $\{0,1\}$ cost function

Consider the usual Monge-Kantorovich transportation problem where $X$ and $Y$ are Polish spaces, $\mu$ and $\nu$ are probability measures on $X$ and $Y$, and $c:X\times Y \to \mathbb{R}^+ \cup \{+\...
Tom Solberg's user avatar
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Poincare duality in families of smooth, projective curves

Let $f:\mathcal{C} \to \Delta^*$ be a family of smooth, projective curves over a punctured disc. Denote by $\mathbb{H}^1:=R^1f_*\mathbb{Z}$ the associated local system, such that for every $t \in \...
Chen's user avatar
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The dual of the space of continuous sections in a vector bundle

If $X$ is a compact Hausdorff space, one may view the space of complex, continuous functions on it as the space of continuous sections in the trivial Hermitian bundle $X \times \mathbb C$. By the ...
Alex M.'s user avatar
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Generalized Gelfand triples

Normally, when we talk about Gelfand triple we have three Hilbert spaces $$\newcommand{\X}{\mathcal{X}} \X_+ \subset \X_0 \subset \X_- $$ such that the subsets are dense, the embedding mappings are ...
Nathanael Skrepek's user avatar
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I want a elaboration of the sketch of proof given in the Serre's Galois Cohomology on the existence of the dualizing module

I've wanted to understand the concept of the Dualizing module in the theory of Galois Cohomology. There are many references on it and of them all Neukirch's Cohomology of Number Fields seems to be ...
gualterio's user avatar
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If the closed unit ball of Banach space has at least one extreme point, must the Banach space the be a dual space?

Let $X$ be a Banach space. By Banach-Alaoglu and Krein-Milman Theorems, one can show that if $X$ is a dual space, then $X$ must have at least one extreme point of the closed unit ball. I am ...
Idonknow's user avatar
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How is the restriction of the dualizing sheaf to an irreducible component related to the dualizing sheaf of the component?

$\DeclareMathOperator{\Spec}{Spec} \DeclareMathOperator{\hom}{\mathcal{Hom}} \DeclareMathOperator{\ox}{\mathcal{O}_X}$Let $f:X \to Y$ be a proper morphism. In section 6.4. of Liu's book he introduces ...
windsheaf's user avatar
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What is the dual of generating Boolean subalgebra by subexpressions of a modal formula?

I am supposed to be answering this question rather than asking it but I really cannot figure out. There is a variation on Stone duality linking algebraic and (descriptive) Kripke semantics for (...
მამუკა ჯიბლაძე's user avatar
9 votes
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Divided power algebra is artinian as a module over the polynomial ring

I already asked this on, but did not receive much responses. I hope this is also appropriate for mathoverflow. In the paper Homological algebra on a complete intersection, with ...
red_trumpet's user avatar
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Legendre transform on signed measure space

Let $X$ be an open set in $\mathbb{R}^n$ and $M(X)$ be the space of finite signed measures defined on $X$. $L(p)$ is a lower-semicontinuous convex functional defined on $M(X)$. My question is: (1) ...
Elliott's user avatar
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Examples of isomorphic W* algebra with non-homeomorphic weak topology

Due to the uniqueness of the predual, a W* algebra, when realized as a von Neumann algebra in any way, always has a unique, well-defined ultraweak (or $\sigma$-weak) topology. The same can be said ...
Rick Sternbach's user avatar
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Reflection-invariant monomial ideals and Alexander duality

First we give some definitions from Section 3 of the paper Monomials, Binomials, and Riemann-Roch by Manjunath and Sturmfels and then we restate a claim from that paper offered without proof. Finally ...
Aaron Dall's user avatar
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Dual representation of problems involving $f$-divergences

Studying some problems arising in decision-making under model uncertainty, I'm led to consider the following problems. Let $\mathbb E_P$ and $\mathbb V_P$ denote the expectation and variance ...
dohmatob's user avatar
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Dualizable presheaves with respect to Day convolution

This question was posted on MSE and got very little attention, so I'm also posting it here. Let $\mathcal{C}$ be a closed symmetric monoidal category and let $PSh(\mathcal{C}):=Fun(\mathcal{C}^{op}, \...
Exit path's user avatar
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Langlands dual and integrable representations

Assume I successfully classified the integrable representations of a certain semi-simple Lie group $G$. Given this information, what do I know about the integrable representations of $G^\vee$, the ...
AccidentalFourierTransform's user avatar
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Support of cohomology of a dualizing complex

Let $A$ be a commutative noetherian local ring, and let $D$ be a dualizing complex over $A$. Let $i$ be the minimal integer such that $H^i(D) \ne 0$ (I am assuming cohomological grading, so the ...
Dualizing's user avatar
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Weak$^*$ topology on Bochner $L^p$-spaces

Assume that $X$ is a Banach space such that the dual $X'$ has the Radon-Nikodym property. Moreover let $(\Omega,\Sigma,\mu)$ a say finite measure space. Then we know that for $1\leq p<\infty$ holds ...
Miguel Chapman's user avatar
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Duality of Bochner $L^{\infty}$ space

Let's have a look to the unit interval $[0,1]$ and a Banach space $X$ and then to the space $$ E:=L^{\infty}([0,1],X), $$ i.e. all essentially bounded Banach-valued functions $f:[0,1]\rightarrow X$. ...
Miguel Chapman's user avatar
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For univariate polynomial is non-negativity on an interval equivalent to having a nonnegative scalar product with non-negative polynomials

Let $\mathbb R_d[t]$ be the set of univariate polynomials in the variable $t$ of degree $d$, and $S$ be the set of elements of $\mathbb R_d[t]$ that are nonnegative on $[0, 1]$. Does the following ...
maroxe's user avatar
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Access to a classic reference of Dold-Puppe

There is an old reference that I am unable tofind. It is Dold-Puppe´s communication at a conference. More concretely, it is cited as: A. Dold, D. Puppe: Duality, trace and transfer. Proceedings of the ...
Tintin's user avatar
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Discrete primal-duality in optimization

I would like to inquire about the existence of something perhaps similar to the duality theorem in the convex analysis or convex programming in the discrete setting. Here is a concrete example. Let $...
Hans's user avatar
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11 votes
2 answers

Why the circle for Pontryagin duality? [duplicate]

For a locally compact group $G$, we define the Pontryagin dual as $\hat G = Hom(G,\mathbb T)$ where $\mathbb T$ is the circle group and the homomorphisms are continuous group maps. This duality has a ...
Asvin's user avatar
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What do you call $C$ if $[D,C] = D^\vee \otimes C$ for all $D$?

This is different from $C$ being dualizable ($[C,D] = C^\vee \otimes D$). (EDIT: It turns out to be the same -- see Mike Shulman's answer!) But for example, if $C$ is a locally free sheaf of finite ...
Tim Campion's user avatar
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Gabriel-Ulmer duality for $\infty$-categories

Gabriel-Ulmer duality states that 2-categories $\mathrm{Lex}$ (of small finitely complete categories and functors preserving finite limits) and $\mathrm{LFP}$ (of locally finitely presentable ...
Valery Isaev's user avatar
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Weak to weak$^*$ continuity of the duality mapping

Let $X$ be a uniformly convex and uniformly smooth Banach space. We consider the duality mapping $J_p^X$ defined as the sub-gradient $\partial (\frac1p\|\cdot\|^p)$. Is there a characterisation of the ...
Christian's user avatar
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Is the Mackey topology $\tau(l^{\infty},l^{1})$ strongly Lindelöf?

Let $l^{\infty}$ (respectively, $l^{1}$) be the space of bounded (respectively, absolutely summable) real sequences. I need to find out if $l^{\infty}$ equipped with the Mackey topology $\tau(l^{\...
OzE's user avatar
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Uniqueness of dualizing objects

One definition of (symmetric) star-autonomous category is as a closed symmetric monoidal category $(C,\otimes,I,\multimap)$ equipped with an object $\bot$ such that all double-dualization maps $A \to (...
Mike Shulman's user avatar
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Calculate $k:=\sup\left\{\left\|\theta\right\|_{*} \: |\: \ell^{*}(\theta)<\infty\right\}$ for a special $\ell$ function

We consider the function $\ell:\mathbb{R}^{m}\rightarrow \mathbb{R}$ given by $$\ell(\xi):=-\max\left\{-\left\langle x,\xi\right\rangle+10 \tau, -51\left\langle x,\xi\right\rangle -40\tau \right\}$$ ...
matematicaActiva's user avatar
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Topologies of pairs and closed bounded convex sets

[I have posted this question on MSE some time ago, but received no answer.] It is known, that if two locally convex topologies on a vector space determine the same collection of continuous linear ...
erz's user avatar
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Criterion for weak compactness

Let $F$ be a metrizable locally convex space (you may assume it is a Banach space), and let $E$ be a complete locally convex space (you may assume it is a Frechet space). Let $T$ be a continuous ...
erz's user avatar
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Characters on monotone functions

Characters on the semigroup $(C_{+}^{b}(\mathbb{R}^{d}),+)$, i.e. on bounded positive continuous functions with the ususal pointwise addition, are known to be of the form $C_{+}^{b}(\mathbb{R}^{d})\ni ...
Tobsn's user avatar
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If a $\otimes$-idempotent object has a dual, must it be self-dual?

Let $C$ be a symmetric monoidal category. Recall that a dual for $X \in C$ is an object $X^\vee$ and maps $\eta: I \to X \otimes X^\vee$ and $\varepsilon: X^\vee \otimes X \to I$ (where $I$ is the ...
Tim Campion's user avatar
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Strong duality for a particular moment problem

Reading the paper in this Link (see pag 13) with the objective of understanding a topic related to stochastic optimization I came across a problem in demonstrating one of the theorems. The situation ...
matematicaActiva's user avatar
35 votes
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Are there topological versions of the idea of divisor?

I am trying to extract a particular, more lightweight and more focussed at the same time, case of my recent question Which of the physics dualities are closest in essence to the Spanier-Whitehead ...
მამუკა ჯიბლაძე's user avatar
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Is the category of profunctors $Prof(A,B)$ equivalent to $Prof(B,A)^{op}$?

$\def\Prof{\mathsf{Prof}}\def\Set{\mathsf{Set}}\def\tobar{\mathrel{\mkern3mu \vcenter{\hbox{$\scriptscriptstyle+$}}\mkern-12mu{\to}}}$Let $A$ and $B$ be categories. Define a profunctor $A\tobar B$ to ...
SCappella's user avatar
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Are there other dualities on finite vector spaces besides the canonical one?

Let $\text{FinVec}$ denote the category of finite dimensional vector spaces over some field $k$, and let $F:\text{FinVec}\to \text{FinVec}$ be a contravariant functor such that $F^2$ is naturally ...
Michael Bächtold's user avatar
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Is there any dual relationship between quasi-completeness and barrelledness?

In the theory of stereotype spaces, it is known that for a locally convex space $X$, If $X$ is pseudocomplete, then $X^{\star}$ is pseudosaturated, and If $X$ is pseudosaturated, then $X^{\star}$ ...
Junekey Jeon's user avatar
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Grothendieck duality for resolution of singularities

I would like to know a reference for Grothendieck duality in a resolution of singularities. More precisely, let $Y$ be a normal, Gorenstein variety with finite quotient singularities, and suppose that ...
Daniele A's user avatar
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Quantum subgroups of Locally Compact Groups and Parabolic Induction

In the classical theory , parabolic induction is used to construct the (reduced) dual of a (semi-simple) Lie Group. However, for this we need subgruops. Given that the theory of "quantum subgroups" of ...
Henrique Tyrrell's user avatar
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Dualizing sheaf on a Cohen-Macaulay scheme

I would like to fill a detail in the answer given by Francesco Polizzi to the question "Is the dualizing sheaf on a Cohen-Macaulay scheme reflexive?". Let $X$ be a normal, Cohen-Macaulay scheme of ...
helloWorld's user avatar
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Arithmetic projective duality

Projective duality is a duality that associates to a (smooth) subvariety X of $\mathbb{P}^n$ the dual variety $X^*\subset\mathbb{P}^{n*}$ of tangent hyperplanes. What makes the duality interesting ...
Bear's user avatar
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On Radon-Nikodym property of a dual of a Bochner space

Let ${\rm S}^{n-1}$ be the unit sphere of ${\bf R}^n$ and let us consider the dual of the space $L^p\left({\bf R}^n; C^1({\rm S}^{n-1})\right)$, for some $p\in\langle1,\infty\rangle$: it is the space ...
Semmel's user avatar
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GOE/GSE duality and Bott periodicity

Many papers in random matrix theory make passing references to duality between eigenvalue statistics of the GOE and GSE, for which the most concrete reference I can find is
Roger Van Peski's user avatar
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Characterization of the weak completion of $L^2(\mathbb{R}^d)$

The completion $\overline{L^2_w(\mathbb{R}^d)}$ of $L^2_w(\mathbb{R}^d)$ (i.e. the completion of $L^2(\mathbb{R}^d)$ endowed with the $\sigma(L^2(\mathbb{R}^d),L^2(\mathbb{R}^d))$ topology) is ...
yuggib's user avatar
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