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Questions tagged [divisors]

For questions related to divisors in the sense of algebraic geometry (Cartier divisors, Weil divisors and so on). For question on divisors in the number theoretic sense please use the tag divisors-multiples.

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branch divisor of this map

We consider the blow up $Bl(\mathbb{P}^2)_p$ of $\mathbb{P}^2$ in $p:=|1:0:0|$ and the following surface: $Y:=\{(|y_1: y_2:y_3:y_4|, |x_0:x_1:x_2|) \in \mathbb{P}^3\times \mathbb{P}^2: rk(\begin{...
Federico Fallucca's user avatar
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Linear system on singular plane curve

Let $C \subset \mathbb{P}^2_k$ an irreducible plane curve of degree $d >1$ over algebraically closed field $k$. That is $C=V(f(x,y,z))$ where $f \in k[x,y,z]$ homogeneous of degree $d$. Let $\{...
user267839's user avatar
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Isomorphisms of weighted complete intersections

Let $X\subset\mathbb{P}(a_0,\dots,a_n)$ and $Y\subset\mathbb{P}(b_0,\dots,b_n)$ be two weighted complete intersections with mild (say terminal) singularities. Assume that there is an isomorphism $f:...
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Extra Algebraic $(1,1)$ cycles on a complex surface

Suppose $x,y,w,z$ are homogeneous coordinates of $\mathbb{CP}^3$, and \begin{eqnarray} X_t := \left(F_t = x f_2 +y g_2 +t F_3 = 0 \right) \end{eqnarray} be a family of degree 3 hypersurfaces in $\...
MKR's user avatar
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Existence of regular hypersurface sections

Let $X$ be a irreducible regular projective variety over $Spec(O_K)$ for some number field $K$. Is it known that there exists at least one hypersurface over $Spec(O_K)$ such that cuts $X$ in a regular ...
user127776's user avatar
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Semicontinuity of cohomology of torsion-free sheaves restricted to divisors

Let $X$ be a smooth projective variety, $\mathcal{E}$ a torsion-free coherent sheaf on $X$ and $\mathfrak{d}$ a linear system of divisors in $X$. I would like to show (at least when $X$ is a surface) ...
Andrea's user avatar
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Reference request: Vanishing of first cohomology term in Riemann-Roch theorem for singular projective curves over a field

$\newcommand{\F}{\mathcal{F}}$ $\newcommand{\ox}{\mathcal{O}_X}$ Let $f:X \to \operatorname{Spec}(k)$ be a projective scheme of dimension one over a field $k$. The Riemann-Roch equation for such ...
windsheaf's user avatar
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Relative amplitude of the exceptional divisor

Let $f:X'\to X$ be a projective birational morphism between complete algebraic varieties. Assume that the exceptional locus ${\rm Exc}(f)$ is the support of an effective Cartier divisor, can we choose ...
stjc's user avatar
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A question on the Kodaira dimension of 3-folds

Let $X$ a smooth projective $3$-fold. Assume that $X$ admits a finite rational map $f:X\dashrightarrow Y$ where $Y$ is a smooth Calabi-Yau 3-fold, and a fibration $g:X\rightarrow \mathbb{P}^2$ with a ...
Sabina's user avatar
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Hypersurfaces with Gorenstein singular loci

Recall that a hypersurface $D$ in a complex manifold $X$ is called a free divisor if the Lie algebroid $\mathcal{T}_X(-\log D)$ of vector fields tangent to $D$ is locally free. This condition is ...
Brent Pym's user avatar
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Proof of Saito criterion

Does it exist another proof of saito's criterion for free divisors, other than the one in "K. Saito, Theory of logarithmic differential forms and logarithmic vector fields, J. Fac. Sci. Univ. Tokyo ...
Michele Torielli's user avatar
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Movable Divisors

Let $X$ be a projective variety. Does anyone know an example of a movable reducible divisor $D\in Mov(X)$ such that any element in the linear system $|D|$ of $D$ is reducible?
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Moving a Weil divisor on a normal surface away from a finite set of closed points

Let $Y$ be a normal surface and let $X$ be a closed subscheme of codimension 2, i.e., $X$ is a finite set of closed points. Let $D$ be a Weil divisor on $Y$. Question. Does there exist a Weil ...
Ariyan Javanpeykar's user avatar
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Is the reduced scheme associated to a Cartier divisor always Cartier?

Let $X$ be a normal integral variety over $\mathbb{C}$ and $D \subset X$ be a Cartier divisor in $X$. Is the associated reduced scheme $D_{\mathrm{red}}$ also necessarily a Cartier divisor in $X$?
user45397's user avatar
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Pushforward of a very ample line bundle on a curve to $\mathbb{P}^1$

Let $p:C\to\mathbb{P}^1$ be a degree $k$ morphism from a smooth projective curve $C$ to the projective line and $L$ a very ample line bundle on $C$. We know that $p_*\mathcal{O}_C(L)$ is a rank $k$ ...
Li Li's user avatar
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Rigid effective divisors

Let $D\subset X$ be an effective smooth divisor in a smooth projective variety $X$. Assume that $h^0(X,D)=1$. In particular $D$ spans an extremal ray of the effective cone of $X$. Now, let $f:X\...
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Mori cones and projective morphisms

Let $f:X\rightarrow Y$ be a morphism of smooth projective varieties, and $NE(X),NE(Y)$ the Mori cones of curves of $X$ and $Y$. Assume that $NE(X)$ is finitely generated. Then is $NE(Y)$ finitely ...
Puzzled's user avatar
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Two conditions on divisors on surfaces

Let $X$ be a smooth projective surface and $D$ be an effective Cartier divisor (not necessarily ample) on $X$. Is there a connection between these two conditions? $(i)$ for a large enough $n$, the ...
HARRY's user avatar
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Standard plane Cremona transformation

Let us consider nine general points $p_1,...,p_9\in\mathbb{P}^2$ and the line $L = \left\langle p_1,p_2\right\rangle$. Take the standard Cremona $f_1$ centred in $p_3,p_4,p_5$, then $C_1 = f_1(L)$ is ...
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The pseudoeffective cone does not contain lines

It seems to be well-known that the pseudoeffective cone $\overline{\text{Eff}}(X)$ of a normal variety $X$ does not contain lines through the origin. How can it be proved? Is there a reference?
fds's user avatar
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Existence of terminal $3$-fold flips

Does there exist a terminal $3$-fold $X$ with a curve $C\subset X$ such that $K_X\cdot C < 0$ admitting a Mori flip $X\dashrightarrow Y$, flipping $C$ to a curve $C'\subset Y$, where the singular ...
Puzzled's user avatar
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Intuition behind Kawamata's definition of a relative movable Cartier divisor

I am trying to develop a good geometric intuition and to understand the motivation behind Kawamata's definition of a relative movable Cartier divisor in Section 2 of reference [1]: [1] Y. Kawamata, ...
JME's user avatar
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Conical divisor over a $\mathbb Q$-Cartier divisor.

I would like to know if the following statement is correct. Statement. Let $X$ be a normal projective variety with $Pic(X)=\mathbb Z+torsion$. Let $L$ be an ample line bundle on $X$ and let $D$ be an ...
aglearner's user avatar
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Picard/cohomology lattice of surfaces of low degree in $\mathbb P^3$

Let $S_{d>3}\subset\mathbb{P}^3_{\mathbb{C}}$ be a smooth surface of degree $d$. What is known (where to read?) about the Picard/cohomology lattice for small d? e.g. for $d=4$ the cohomology ...
Dmitry Kerner's user avatar
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resolution of singularities and a projection formula

Let $Y$ be a normal surface and let $p:X\longrightarrow Y$ be a resolution of singularities. Let $f$ be a rational function on $Y$. Do we have that $p_\ast$div $(d(f\circ p)) = $ div $df$ as cycles?...
Inhop's user avatar
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Global sections of a linear system

Recently, following Beauville's book (exercises iv.(1),(2)) I have been working on Hirzebruch surfaces (from the algebraic geometry point of view) and I had to compute the space of global sections of ...
Jesus Martinez Garcia's user avatar
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Varieties with disjoint prime divisors

I've been following the works of Totaro, Pereira, and Bogomolov/Pirutka/Silberstein about algebraic varieties over complex numbers with families of disjoint divisors. The last one generalizes results ...
locallito's user avatar
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Nef and pseudo-effective divisors over non algebraically closed fields

Let $X$ be a projective variety over a field $K$. As a consequence of Kleiman's criterion, when $K$ is algebraically closed, we have that if $D$ is a nef divisor on $X$ then $D$ is pseudo-effective. ...
Puzzled's user avatar
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Picard group of $\mathrm{GL}(n)$-orbits

$\DeclareMathOperator\GL{GL}\DeclareMathOperator\Mat{Mat}$Consider the general linear group $$ \GL(n) = \left\lbrace \left(\begin{array}{cc} A & C \\ M & B \end{array}\right) \text{ with } A\...
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Flipping and flipped loci

Let $f:X\dashrightarrow Y$ be the flip of a small contraction $\phi:X\rightarrow Z$, and let $\psi:Y\rightarrow Z$ be the small contraction such that $\psi\circ f = \phi$. Let $Exc(\phi), Exc(\psi)$ ...
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Inverse image of a divisor

Let $f:X\rightarrow Y$ be a morphism with connected fibers between projective varieties (not necessarily flat). Let $D\subset Y$ be an irreducible divisor. Let us look at the cycle $f^{-1}(D)\subset X$...
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Do divisors of degree g with this property exist in general

I have the following question. It's a long shot, but worth the try. Let X be a compact connected Riemann surface of genus $g\geq 2$. Does there exist an effective divisor $D$ on $X$ of degree $g$ ...
Ariyan Javanpeykar's user avatar
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Exact sequence for relative cohomology + normal crossing divisors

Let $X$ be smooth algebraic variety over $\mathbb C$ and $D_1, D_2$ are snc divisors such that $D_1\cup D_2$ is also snc. Is it true that there is an exact sequence $$H^*(X, D_1\cup D_2)\to H^*(X, D_1)...
Galois group's user avatar
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A question on effective divisors

Let $X$ be a projective variety with two morphisms $f:X\rightarrow Y$ and $g:X\rightarrow Z$ with irreducible fibers of positive dimension. Assume that $Pic(X) = f^{*}Pic(Y)\oplus g^{*}Pic(Z)$. Then ...
Puzzled's user avatar
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A Decomposition for Iitaka fibration

Let $\pi: X\to Y$ be an Iitaka fibration of projective varieties $X,Y$, then is there always the following decomposition $$K_Y+\frac{1}{m!}\pi_*\mathcal O_X(m!K_{X/Y})=P+N$$ where $P$ is ...
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divisors and powers of line bundles

Can anyone help me with the following question? Let $X$ be a smooth, projective algebraic variety over a field $k$ of characteristic zero. Let $D$ be an effective divisor on $X$ and $m \geq 2$ an ...
div's user avatar
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Numerically rigid nef divisor

Is it possible to find an example of an $\mathbb{R}$-Cartier divisor $D$ on an irreducible variety $X$ that is non-trivial, nef, effective and numerically rigid? By "numerically rigid" I mean that ...
Oren's user avatar
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Reference for torsion-freeness of the group of correspondences on a smooth projective variety

In Beauville's "Variétés de Prym et jacobiennes intermédiaires", Proposition 3.5, it is claimed that $\textrm{Corr}(T)$ is torsion-free for a smooth projective variety $T$. Here $$\textrm{...
TCiur's user avatar
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Divisors on projective bundles

Let $\pi:X = \mathbb{P}(\mathcal{E})\rightarrow\mathbb{P}^n$ be a projective bundle, where $\mathcal{E}$ is a rank two vector bundle over $\mathbb{P}^n$. If $n = 0$ then $X = \mathbb{P}^1$, and for $n ...
Puzzled's user avatar
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Divisors on the symmetric product of an elliptic curve

Assume that $C$ is an elliptic curve and $C_p$ is the $p$-fold symmetric product. Let $\beta:C_p\to C$ be defined by the addition on the elliptic curve. Let $u\in C$ be the zero in the additive group ...
Li Li's user avatar
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Effective semi-group of a singular abelian surface

Let $A$ be a singular abelian surface over $\mathbb{C}$; that is, an abelian surface of maximal Picard rank $\rho(A)=4$. By Shioda-Mitani we know $A \cong E \times E'$ where $E,E'$ are isogenous ...
Benighted's user avatar
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Sections of Cartier divisors on toric varieties

Let $X_{\Sigma}$ be a projective toric variety. Consider the total coordinate ring $$S = \mathbb{C}[x_{\rho}\: | \: \rho\in\Sigma(1)]$$ Define $\deg(x_{\rho}) = D_{\rho}$. Now, take a divisor $D = \...
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Curves contracted by a rational map

Let $D$ be a big but not nef divisor on a normal $\mathbb{Q}$-factorial projective variety. Assume that the section ring $$R(D) = \bigoplus_{n\in\mathbb{N}}H^0(X,nD)$$ is finitely generated and ...
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Anti-canonical divisorial contractions of weak Fano $3$-folds

Let $X$ be a smooth weak Fano but not Fano $3$-fold ($-K_X$ is nef and big but not ample). Then the anti-canonical morphism $\phi:X\rightarrow W$ (the morphsim induced by the linear system $|-mK_X|$ ...
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Negative degree line bundles over a singular projective curve have no sections?

Let $C$ be a local complete intersection projective curve in $\mathbb{P}^3$. Assume that $C$ is integral. Let $\mathcal{L}$ be a line bundle on $C$ of negative degree. We know that if $C$ is smooth ...
Kali's user avatar
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Singularities of secant varieties of rational normal curves

Let $C\subset\mathbb{P}^n$ be a rational normal curve of degree $n$, and let $Sec_k(C)\subset\mathbb{P}^n$ be its $k$-th secant variety. By Theorem 1.1 in this paper:
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Divisors with positive Iitaka dimension

Let $X$ be a non-singular projective variety, and $D$ a divisor on $X$. Saying that $D$ has positive (meaning non-zero) Iitaka dimension is equivalent to the function $n \mapsto h^0(\cal{O}(D))$ ...
Marcos Jardim's user avatar
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a question on the space of divisors on a curve

Let $X$ a complex curve and $x\in X$ a point. We consider the space of effective divisors $D$ with fixed degree $d$, whic we know is isomorphic to $X^{d}/S_{d}$ where $S_{d}$ is the symmetric group. ...
prochet's user avatar
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On divisorial correspondences between curves

Assume we are given two smooth curves $C_1$ and $C_2$ over an algebraically closed field $k$. It is known that divisorial correspondences between them correspond to homomorphisms between their ...
Andreas Mihatsch's user avatar
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On morphisms to projective space arising from a linear system

Context: This question arose as I was reading the proof of Application 6.1 in Mumford's Abelian Varieties. However, I have extracted all of the relevant information below so this question should ...
anonymous's user avatar

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