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Formula for $P(d) = \sum_{\sum_{i=1}^m k_i = d, k_i \in \mathbb{N}_+} \left( \prod_{i=1}^m k_i^{a_i} \right) $

Let $\mathbb{N}_+ = \{ 1, 2, \dots\} $. For a given sequence of elements $\{a_i \}_{1 \leq i \leq m} $in $ \mathbb{N}_+ $, we define \begin{equation} P(d) = \sum_{\sum_{i=1}^m k_i = d, k_i \in \...
zhjzwlys's user avatar
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Generalized identity with Stirling numbers of the second kind and falling factorials

It is known that Striling numbers of the second kind satisfy the relation $$ \sum\limits_{k=0}^{n}{n \brace k}(x)_k = x^n. $$ where $(x)_n$ is the falling factorials such that $$ (x)_n = x(x-1)(x-2)\...
Notamathematician's user avatar
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Partial sums of binomial coefficients and related family of polynomials

Let $a(n)$ be A302117. Here $$ a(n) = 4(n-1)a(n-1) - \frac{1}{3}\prod\limits_{k=0}^{n-1}(2k-3), \\ a(0) = 0. $$ Let $$ T(n,k) = \sum\limits_{i=0}^{k} \binom{n}{i}. $$ Let $P_n(z)$ be the family of ...
Notamathematician's user avatar
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Density of Pisot polynomials

Recall that a Pisot polynomial $P=x^n+ a_{n-1}x^{n-1}\ldots a_1$ has integer coefficients, a real root $x_1>1$ and all other roots $|x_i|<1$ for $1\leq i \leq n$. One key result is that $\{(...
ericf's user avatar
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Only special permutations result in a constant expression when permuting coefficients in a sum involving binomials?

Fix $n\geq 1$ and let $p_k(x) := x^k(x-1)^{n-k}$. Suppose $\pi$ is a permutation on $\{0,1,\dotsc,n\}$, such that $$ \sum_{k=0}^n (-1)^k \binom{n}{k} p_{\pi(k)}(x) \text{ is a constant}. $$ Must it be ...
Per Alexandersson's user avatar
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Numbers of positive terms in polynomials equal A069999

Let $a(n)$ be A069999 (i.e., number of possible dimensions for commutators of $n \times n$ matrices; it is independent of the field). OEIS states that no generating function is known. Let $P(n,k)$ be ...
Notamathematician's user avatar
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Algorithm for $q$-Bell numbers

Let $T(n,k)$ be A126347 (i.e., triangle, read by rows, with row polynomials $B(n, q)$). Here $$ B(n, q) = \sum\limits_{k=0}^{n-1}\binom{n-1}{k}B(k, q)q^k, \\ B(0, q) = 1. $$ Start with vector $\nu$ of ...
Notamathematician's user avatar
7 votes
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How biased is $(x_i x_j)_{i,j}$, $x_i\in \mathbb{F}_2$?

Let $N = \frac{n (n-1)}{2}$. Let $V$ be the $N$-dimensional vector space over $\mathbb{F}_2$ consisting of tuples $(x_{(i,j)})_{1\leq i <j \leq n}$, $x_{(i,j)}\in \mathbb{F}_2$. Let $S$ be the set ...
H A Helfgott's user avatar
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A family of polynomials related to integer partitions

For a positive integer $n$, let $p(n)$ be the number of partitions of $n$. For $1\le k\le n$, let $p(n,k)$ denote the number of partitions of $n$ having exactly $k$ terms; in other words, $p(n,k)$ is ...
Zhi-Wei Sun's user avatar
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On the polynomials $\sum_{k=0}^n\binom{n+k}k^m q^k$

A sequence of polynomials $$P_0(q),\ P_1(q),\ P_2(q),\ \ldots$$ with real coefficients is called $q$-log-convex if for each $n=1,2,3,\ldots$ every coefficient of the polynomial $P_{n+1}(q)P_{n-1}(q)-...
Zhi-Wei Sun's user avatar
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Closed form of coefficients of a finite field polynomial

I want to find a valid polynomial for a finite field $\mathbb{Z}_p[x]_{f(x)}$ with $d=deg(f(x))$. For this definition to hold, it can be deduced that $p$ must be prime and the polynomial $f(x)$ ...
Cardstdani's user avatar
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Proving that two sequences of polynomials defined over partitions are inverse to each other

For any fixed $c>0$ consider the polynomials \begin{align*} & p_n(X_1,X_2,\ldots) := \frac{n!}{c} \sum\limits_{b=1}^n \frac{c^b}{b!(n+1-b)!} \sum\limits_{\substack{l_1,\ldots,l_b \geq 1 \\ ...
Ben Deitmar's user avatar
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Generating function for A300483 (related to Chebyshev polynomial of first kind)

Let $a(n)$ be A300483. Here $$ a(n) = 2\int\limits_{t \geqslant 0}T_n\left(\frac{t+1}{2}\right)\exp(-t)\,dt. $$ where $T_n(x)$ is $n$-th Chebyshev polynomial of first kind. Let $b(n)$ be an integer ...
Notamathematician's user avatar
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Skew Jack polynomial when the Jack parameter is zero

According to Macdonald's book, when the Jack parameter $\alpha$ is $0$,then the Jack $P$-polynomial $P_\lambda(\alpha)$ is the elementary symmetric polynomial $e_{\lambda'}$ where $\lambda'$ is the ...
Stéphane Laurent's user avatar
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"Degenerate" Schur polynomials

Let's say that a Schur polynomial is degenerate if its number of variables is less than the weight of the partition it is associated to. For example, according to Sage, the Schur polynomial of the ...
Stéphane Laurent's user avatar
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Property of a family of simple polynomials related to the A329369

Let $a(n)$ be A329369 (i.e., number of permutations of $\{1,2,\dotsc,m\}$ with excedance set constructed by taking $m-i$ ($0 < i < m$) if $b(i-1) = 1$ where $b(k)b(k-1)\cdots b(1)b(0)$ ($0 \...
Notamathematician's user avatar
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Combinatorial question related to Hankel-type matrices

Let $\mathbb{N}$ be the set of non-negative integers. Let $n\geq 2, d$ be positive integers. I would like a lower bound on the largest integer $r$ for which the following property holds: For any ...
Ben's user avatar
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Sufficient conditions for a polynomial function to have the same critical points as its symmetrized version

Are there any sufficient conditions known for a polynomial function (of many variables) to have the same critical points as its symmetrized version (with respect to all variables)? This question has ...
Ryan Hendricks's user avatar
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Eigenvalues of the Jack polynomials for the Calogero-Sutherland operator

The Calogero-Sutherland operator on the space of homogeneous symmetric polynomials in $n$ variables is defined by $$ \frac{\alpha}{2}\sum_{i=1}^n x_i^2\frac{\partial^2}{\partial x_i^2} + \frac{1}{2}\...
Stéphane Laurent's user avatar
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Guess the next polynoms in the sequence (MO vs. AI :), count anticommuting $F_p$-matrices, P. Hrubeš conjecture

Here is a sequence of polynoms - (presumably) counting N-tuples of ANTI-commuting 2x2 matrices over $F_p, p>2$. (That is just the case of 2x2 matrices, and (surprisingly) it is not so easy to see a ...
Alexander Chervov's user avatar
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Largest root of the Adjacency matrix of two graphs (comparison)

Let $G$ and $H$ be two graphs whose spectral radius (largest eigenvalue) of the adjacency matrix is the largest root of the following polynomial: $$P_G(x) = x^6-x^5-(2a-n+5)x^4+(2a-n+1)x^3+2(5a-3n+5)x^...
User8976's user avatar
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On properties of sums involving the floor function

During my research on properties of fractional part and integer part functions, I was led to consider the function of two variables $f(n,k)=\frac{2^{k}+1}{2^{ n}+1}\left\lfloor \frac{2^{n}+1}{2^{k}+1}\...
 Babar's user avatar
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Counting $m\times n$ $\bigl({1\atop1}{1\atop0}\bigr)$-free $(0,1)$-matrices

Let $G_{m,n}$ denote the number of $m\times n$ $(0,1)$-matrices that avoid the submatrix $\bigl({1\atop1}{1\atop0}\bigr)$. (Submatrices need not be contiguous.) Here are some small values (not yet on ...
ho boon suan's user avatar
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Alon Tarsi reaches its lower bound for complete multipartite graphs

Consider a complete multipartite graph $G$ with $k$ $(k\ge2)$ parts with equal number of vertices $n$, where $n$ is even. If $k=2$, it is a well known result that the Alon-Tarsi number (ATN)(The ...
vidyarthi's user avatar
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Combinatorial interpretation of a pfaffian identity?

Let $n$ be a positive even integer. We introduce three types of skew-symmetric matrices, $A_{n+2}$, $B_n$ and $C_n$ (the subscript denotes the dimension of the matrices) in terms of the variables $z_1,...
eddy ardonne's user avatar
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On thickness of binary polynomials

OEIS A169945 introduces the concept of thickness of a polynomial as the magnitude of the largest coefficient in the expansion of the square of the polynomial. Considering the $2^{n+1}$ polynomials $p(...
Sayan Dutta's user avatar
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Eulerian polynomial from Bruhat interval - h* of something?

Let $\sigma \in S_n$ be a fixed permutation. Consider the polynomial $$ P_{\sigma}(t) = \sum_{\substack{\pi \in S_n \\ \pi \leq \sigma}} t^{\textrm{des}(\pi)} $$ where $\leq$ denotes Bruhat order, and ...
Per Alexandersson's user avatar
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Set partitions with big blocks - real-rooted polynomials?

The polynomials $$ T_n(t) := \sum_{\pi \in \text{Set Partitions}(n)} t^{\text{blocks}(\pi)} = \sum_{k=1}^n S(n,k)t^k $$ with $S(n,k)$ being the Stirling numbers of the second kind, are well-known to ...
Per Alexandersson's user avatar
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Factorization of the symmetric function identity $E(t)=1/H(t)$ with the refined Euler characteristic polynomials of associahedra / Lagrange inversion

I've come across two matrix identities, flagged with daggers below, relating the two sets of elementary and complete homogeneous symmetric polynomials/functions via the two sets of refined Lah and ...
Tom Copeland's user avatar
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Number of real roots of 0,1 polynomial

$0,1$ polynomial has coefficients from $\{0,1\}$. I investigate the number of roots in such polynomials. We are talking about real roots, and multiples are counted only once. It was found numerically ...
Denis Ivanov's user avatar
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Multiply an integer polynomial with another integer polynomial to get a "big" coefficient

I have copied this question from StackExchange, in the hope that some experts here can provide some relevant insight. Thanks to Greg Martin for improving the question. Given $f(x) = a_0 + a_1 x + a_2 ...
ghc1997's user avatar
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Asymptotics of a "non-constant order" quadratic recurrence relation in two variables

Consider the following recurrence relation defined for two integer variables $H,n \geq 0$: \begin{equation} \gamma(H,n) = \sum_{K=0}^{\lfloor H/2 \rfloor} \gamma(K,n-1) \gamma(H-K,n-1) \end{equation} ...
dmitry's user avatar
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Sequence of real-rooted polynomials

I've been interested in proving a log-concavity result via proving that certain family of polynomials is real-rooted. By performing a sequence of transformations, I can reduce that problem to proving ...
Luis Ferroni's user avatar
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An identity for the ratio of two partial Bell polynomials

Let $B_{\ell,m}(x_1,x_2,\dotsc,x_{\ell-m+1})$ denote the Bell polynomials of the second kind (or say, partial Bell polynomials, (exponential) partial Bell partition polynomials). I knew that the ...
qifeng618's user avatar
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Any conjectures about Jack Littlewood-Richardson coefficients when Schur LR > 1?

Stanley famously conjectured ("Some combinatorial properties of Jack symmetric functions" Adv. in Math. (77) 1989, doi:10.1016/0001-8708(89)90015-7, MR1014073, Zbl 0743.05072) that the Jack ...
Ryan Mickler's user avatar
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Cosine Modulo $p$?

Consider the integers modulo a prime $p$. I'm looking for a nice polynomial function that acts as a sort of "cosine" on the integers modulo $p$. Specifically, I'm looking for solutions to ...
mtheorylord's user avatar
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Multivariate polynomial representations of the infinite dihedral group

The presentation given in Wikipedia for the infinite dihedral group is $$\langle r,s\mid s^2 =1, srs = r^{-1}\rangle.$$ Let $[R]$ denote the infinite set of reciprocal partition polynomials $R_n(u_1,...
Tom Copeland's user avatar
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Constant term of a power modulo a polynomial

I'm interested in the constant term of $$(x+k)^m \in F_p[x]$$ modulo a polynomial $q(x)$ over the field $F_p$. The polynomial $q(x)$ is relatively simple in practice, take $q(x) = x^6 -2x^3+3$, for an ...
mtheorylord's user avatar
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Primitive recursive bounds for multidimensional polynomial vdW / HJ

In Shelah's paper 679, he proves primitive recursive bounds for the polynomial Hales-Jewett theorem and thus for the polynomial van der Waerden theorem. How about for the multidimensional polynomial ...
Ryan Alweiss's user avatar
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Simplification of computing $f(n,z)$

Let $$ s(n,z)=\sum\limits_{j=0}^{n}L(n,j,z) $$ where $$ L(n,j,z)=\sum\limits_{p=0}^{n-j-1}f(p,z)L(n-j-1,p,z), \\ L(n,n,z)=1 $$ Now let $s(n,z)$ be an arbitrary function such that $s(0, z)=1$. It means ...
Notamathematician's user avatar
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An iterative formula for the Kreweras-Voiculescu polynomials (reference request)

Let $$N(x) = 1 + \sum_{k \ge 1} N_k(h_1,h_2,...,h_k) \;x^k$$ $$ = 1 + h_1 x + (h_1^2 + h_2) x^2 + (h_1^3 + 3h_1h_2 + h_3)x^3 + (h_1^4 + 6 h_2 h_1^2 + 4 h_3 h_1 + 2 h_2^2 + h_4) x^4 + \cdots$$ be the ...
Tom Copeland's user avatar
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Enumerating monomials in Schur polynomials

Let $s_{\lambda}(x_1,\dots,x_k)$ be the Schur polynomial associated to the partition $\lambda=(\lambda_1\geq\lambda_2\geq\cdots\geq\lambda_k>0)$. Among the many things involved with these ...
T. Amdeberhan's user avatar
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The combinatorics of the Nullstellensatz for the variety of nilpotent matrices

Let $H_n$ denote the set of $n \times n$ nilpotent matrices with complex entries. The set $H_n$ may be regarded as an algebraic variety. Indeed, consider the polynomial ring $\mathbb{C}[A_{i,j} : 1 \...
Samuel Johnston's user avatar
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Classical and free cumulants, symmetric functions, and inverses (references), related to associahedra, parking functions, noncrossing partitions

Looking for references for one or more of the following four sets of partition polynomials 1a) through 4a), particularly those which present geometric / topological combinatorial interpretations. ...
Tom Copeland's user avatar
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Applications of hyperbolic polynomials?

The recently posted MO-Q "Positivity of the coefficients of Taylor series associated to the Riemann hypothesis" (see also this MO-Q) has re-kindled my interest in hyperbolic polynomials--...
Tom Copeland's user avatar
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Convolutions of (m)-associahedra and (m)-noncrossing partition polynomials--combinatorial proofs?

I'm looking for combinatorial proofs of the convolutional identity COP below and its specializations I) and II). (Edit 6/2/2023: A combinatorial proof is sketched in a blog post by Mike Spivey of a ...
Tom Copeland's user avatar
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Sampling theorems for partition polynomials (associahedra, noncrossing partitions / parking functions)

Define the associahedra partition polynomial $$ \begin{split} A(x) &= 1 + A_1(u_1) z + A_2(u_1,u_2) z^2 + A_3(u_1,u_2,u_3) z^3 + \cdots\\ & \qquad\qquad = 1 + \sum_{n \geq 1} A_n(u_1,...,u_n) ...
Tom Copeland's user avatar
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Can the equation $1+z+z^q=z^n$ have multiple complex roots $z$?

It is proved here that the equation $1+z+z^2=z^n$ have no multiple complex roots. Q. Let us consider the equation $1+z+z^q=z^n$ where $q$ and $n$ are natural numbers with $1<q<n$. Any ...
ABB's user avatar
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A numerical matrix of power sum polynomials

Let $p_i=x_1^i+x_2^i+\cdots+x_m^i=\sum_{k=1}^mx_k^i$ be the power sum polynomials. Then, the determinant of the $m\times m$ Hankel matrix $M_m=(p_{i+j-2})$, for $1\leq i,j\leq m$, has a neat ...
T. Amdeberhan's user avatar
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Applications of Jack polynomials

I developed four libraries (Julia, R, Python, Haskell) for the computation of Jack polynomials. I developed them for fun because I found this was programmatically interesting. But now I'd like them to ...
Stéphane Laurent's user avatar

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