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Questions tagged [cluster-algebras]

Questions related to cluster algebras, a class of commutative rings introduced around 2000 by Fomin and Zelevinsky, and nearby topics.

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Is A276175 integer-only?

The terms of the sequence A276123, defined by $a_0=a_1=a_2=1$ and $$a_n=\dfrac{(a_{n-1}+1)(a_{n-2}+1)}{a_{n-3}}\;,$$ are all integers (it's easy to prove that for all $n\geq2$, $a_n=\frac{9-3(-1)^n}{2}...
uvdose's user avatar
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16 votes
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Catalan objects associated to a univariate polynomial

Given a monic degree $n$ polynomial $f(z)$ with no double roots, and a phase $0\leq \theta < \pi$, there are natural constructions which associate to this data: a noncrossing matching on $2n$ ...
Hugh Thomas's user avatar
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11 votes
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Scattering diagram for the cluster algebra $ \mathbb C [N]$

Five years ago, Gross-Hacking-Keel-Kontsevich made a major advance in the theory of cluster algebras, by constructing bases of cluster algebras in large generality. A key tool in their construction ...
Joel Kamnitzer's user avatar
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Cluster algebra and Fenchel Nielsen coordinates

Certain cluster algebras arise from ideal triangulations of hyperbolic Riemann surfaces. The combinatorics behind their mutations can be understood in terms of "flips" in the triangulation, and the ...
giulio bullsaver's user avatar
8 votes
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"Cross-Ratios" for D_n cluster algebra

Both cluster algebras $A_n$ and $D_n$ admit an interpretation in terms of (tagged) triangulations of Riemann surfaces - respectively a Poincaré disk with n+3 punctures on the boundary and a Poincaré ...
giulio bullsaver's user avatar
8 votes
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When is a $2$-Calabi–Yau triangulated category the cluster category of a QP?

Keller–Reiten's main theorem in Acyclic Calabi–Yau categories implies that if $\mathcal{C}$ is a $2$-Calabi–Yau (algebraic) triangulated category admitting a cluster-tilting object $T$ such that the ...
Matthew Pressland's user avatar
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Testing membership in a cluster algebra

Say I have a cluster algebra with principal coefficients and initial cluster $x_1,\ldots,x_n$. I don't want to invert the coefficient variables $y_1,\ldots,y_n$. The Laurent Phenomenon says that ...
Nathan Reading's user avatar
6 votes
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"Cluster algebra" structure for finite distributive lattices

Let $P$ be an $n$-element poset and $J(P)$ the distributive lattice of its order ideals (i.e., the downwards-closed sets). For each $I\in J(P)$ let $x_I \in \mathbb{R}^{n}$ be the indicator function ...
Sam Hopkins's user avatar
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Non-rigid indecomposable summands of simple-minded collections in bounded derived category of hereditary algebras

Let $\Lambda$ be a hereditary algebra over an algebraically closed field $k$. Let $S$ be one of the indecomposable summands of one simple-minded collection in $D^b(\Lambda)$. Is it true that $S$ is ...
Ying Zhou's user avatar
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cluster variables and L-functions

There is something in common between cluster variables in the theory of cluster algebras, L-functions in number theory, namely the fact that both map direct sums to products, just like determinants ...
F. C.'s user avatar
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Non-crystallographic cluster algebras

Background Fomin and Zelevinsky have introduced cluster algebras in an influential article. To define a cluster algebra, Fomin and Zelevinsky have defined a mutation of seeds. Here, a seed $(\mathbf{...
Philipp Lampe's user avatar
5 votes
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"Natural" Poisson structure on $(\mathbb{P}^1)^N$

Recently there is some interest in the Poisson geometry of "cluster manifolds", which are varieties associated to cluster algebras. See for example the works of Gekhtman, Shapiro and Vainshtein. In ...
Xin Nie's user avatar
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Theta functions in acyclic cluster algebras

Setup: Let $B$ be a skew-symmetrisable integer matrix and $\mathcal{A}$ be the cluster algebra with principal coefficients at a seed with mutation matrix $\tilde{B}$ whose principal part is equal to $...
Antoine de Saint Germain's user avatar
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Road map for learning cluster algebras

I'm a PhD student and I would like learn about cluster algebras. I'm wondering what is a good reference (i.e., has detailed explanations, examples, etc) to learn from the basic and what are some of ...
It'sMe's user avatar
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A technical question about a paper by Gross-Hacking-Keel

I have a technical question on the commutativity of diagrams (2.11) and (2.12) in the paper "Birational geometry of cluster algebras" by Gross-Hacking-Keel: For the leftmost square in (2.11),...
mikeS's user avatar
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Cluster algebras of type A and X

I will base my question on Fock and Goncharov's paper Dual Teichmüller and lamination spaces. Let $S$ be a surface with boundaries, marked points on such boundaries, punctures and boundaries without ...
giulio bullsaver's user avatar
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Positivity conjecture for Somos sequences

Let $\{s_n\}$ be the Somos-$4$ sequence, which is defined by $$s_{n+4}s_n=\alpha s_{n+3}s_{n+1}+\beta s_n^2.$$ It is known that $s_n$ is a Laurent polynomial: $s_n\in\mathbb{Z}[s_1^{\pm1}, \ldots, s_4^...
Alexey Ustinov's user avatar
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Why does this cluster tilting object form a local slice?

I am reading the paper "Cluster automrphisms", here is the link: In the proof of lemma 3.1 I am stuck: For ...
Xiaosong Peng's user avatar
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polynomials satisfying the Plücker relation

Let $S_{12}$, $S_{13}$, $S_{14}$, $S_{23}$, $S_{24}$, $S_{34}$ be complex homogeneous polynomials in 4 variables satisfying the Plücker relation : $$S_{12}S_{34}-S_{13}S_{24}+S_{14}S_{23}=0 .$$ ...
Hephaistos's user avatar
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``Occasional'' Laurent phenomenon

This question is motivated by Richard Stanley's A question on the Laurent phenomenon (motivated by his answer to the question what is the probability that a scissor became the champion?). He asked ...
Alexey Ustinov's user avatar
3 votes
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The Grassmann twist-map, an associated semi-group action, and RSK

Let me begin by setting some notation: Let $\mathrm{Mat}_{k,n}(\Bbb{R})$ denote the vector space of all $k \times n$ real-valued matrices. Given $g \in \mathrm{Mat}_{k,n}(\Bbb{R})$ and two (ordered) ...
Jeanne Scott's user avatar
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Fundamental representation bases and generalized minors

Let $G$ be a simple simpy connected complex algebraic group. I was wondering if there is a clear relationship between the generalized minors (defined by Berenstein, Fomin and Zelevinsky) and bases of ...
F.H.A's user avatar
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Geometric description of a type $A$ cluster algebra with universal coefficients

In Thm. 12.4 in Fomin and Zelevinsky - Cluster algebras IV: Coefficients we are given a recipe for constructing a cluster algebra with universal coefficients. The recipe is given in terms of (almost ...
amator2357's user avatar
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Does singularity confinement imply a fixed pattern of irreducible factors?

Consider a rational map $f \colon (x_1,\ldots,x_n) \mapsto (P_1(x_1,\ldots,x_n),\ldots,P_n(x_1,\ldots,x_n))$, where the $P_i$ are rational functions. Via iteration this map defines a discrete ...
Sam Hopkins's user avatar
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Definition of loop amplituhedrons

In the paper The Amplituhedron , Nima Arkani-Hamed and Jaroslav Trnka introduced the geometric object amplituhedron. It is defined as follows (see also the lecture notes). Let $Z$ be a $(k+m)\times ...
Jianrong Li's user avatar
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Motivic DT-Invariants for the Algebro-Geophobic

I am looking for as gentle of possible of an introduction to Kontsevich-Soibelman's theory of motivic DT-invariants. Specifically I am interested in the algebraic aspects of the theory and the ...
Steve's user avatar
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Finding relations of cluster-tilted algebras

Let $Q$ be a quiver. Then we can use mutation (in the cluster algebra setting) to obtain a new quiver $Q'$ and to each such a quiver $Q'$ there corresponds a unique cluster-tilted algebra, which is a ...
Mare's user avatar
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What algebraic varieties arise as intersections of finitely many cluster charts?

A cluster variety $V$ admits, by definition, many charts of the form $(\mathbb{C}^*)^n \hookrightarrow V$. These charts do not always cover the variety of interest, but when they do, one could e.g. ...
Vivek Shende's user avatar
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Berenstein-Fomin-Zelevinsky's Ininital seeds and initial seeds from Postnikov diagrams

In Cluster algebra III by Berenstein-Fomin-Zelevinsky, Theorem 2.10, for any pair of reduced words $(u,v)$, they constructed an initial seed for the cluster algebra $\mathbb{C}[B^{u,v}]$, where $B^{u,...
Jianrong Li's user avatar
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Multiplication formula in Grassmannian cluster categories

Grassmannian cluster categories are studied in A categorification of Grassmannian cluster algebras and Cluster categories from Grassmannians and root combinatorics. The category $CM(B_{k,n})$ of Cohen-...
Jianrong Li's user avatar
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Piecewise linear $\sigma_i$ - notation question

In cluster algebra framework, in order to get root clusters, a modified version of a simple reflection is used. Define $\sigma_i:\Phi_{\geq -1} \to \Phi_{\geq -1}$ by setting: $ \sigma_i(\alpha) = \...
amator2357's user avatar
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Differential (in)dependancies between cluster variables

Let $ \mathcal A$ be the complex cluster algebra obtained from the initial seed $(a,x, B)$ where : $x$ stands for a $n$-tuple $(x_1,\ldots,x_n)$ of complex indeterminates, idem for $a=(a_1,\ldots,...
Elbabak's user avatar
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Question about the mutation of a cluster seed associated to any word of the braid semigroup

Let $G$ be a semisimple Lie group with the set of positive simple roots $\prod$. Let $\prod^{-}$ be the set of negative simple roots and let $\mathfrak{M}$ be the semigroup freely generated by $\prod$ ...
Daisy's user avatar
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Questions about cluster $\mathcal{X}$-varieties and amalgamation

I am trying to learn the amalgamation of two cluster seeds and I am reading the paper written by V.V. Fock and A. B. Goncharov. I am at a loss for the Lemma 2....
Daisy's user avatar
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Shear coordinates, lambda lengths, cluster variables

I am trying to understand the relations among Shear coordinates, lambda lengths, cluster variables, in the paper. Is the following correct? Lambda lengths = cluster A-variables Shear coordinates = ...
Jianrong Li's user avatar
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Characteristics of $c$-vectors of acyclic cluster algebras

In Speyer and Thomas's work, Acyclic Cluster Algebras Revisited the characteristics of $c$-vectors of cluster algebras with the $B$-matrix of the initial seed acyclic are given in Theorem 1.4. Do we ...
Ying Zhou's user avatar
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Number of cluster variables associated to A type quivers

In a seminar/reading course about cluster algebras, we came across the fact that the number of cluster variables for the cluster algebra associated to mutating the quiver $A_n$ is $n(n+3)/2$ (rather, ...
Andrea B.'s user avatar
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When the dg cluster category of a quiver is saturated?

Let $Q$ be a finite quiver without oriented cycles. In , Keller defines the dg cluster category $C_Q$ of $Q$. When is $C_Q$ smooth proper dg-category? If $Q$ is a ...
OOOOOO's user avatar
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Non-vanishing of generalized minors on T-stable unipotent subgroups

Let $G$ be a complex simply connected algebraic group, $T$ a maximal torus of $G$ and $B$, $B^-$ Borel subgroups which are opposite with respect to $T$ and let $U$ (resp. $U^-$) be the unipotent ...
Luca Francone's user avatar
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Defining cluster algebras of finite type $\mathrm{A}$ by generators and relations

Consider a cluster algebra of finite type $\mathrm{A}$. The set of all (distinct) cluster variables is of finite cardinality, denote it by $k$, for such algebra. Is it true that, for an arbitrary ...
amator2357's user avatar
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(b,c) rank 2 cluster algebras

Let $x$ and $y$ be variables. Consider the following recurrence: \begin{equation} u_{n}:= \begin{cases} \displaystyle{\frac{1+u_{n-1}^b}{u_{n-2}}} & if\ n\ \text{is even},\\ &\\ \displaystyle{\...
Hector Blandin's user avatar
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Generalized Gaussian Decomposition

Let $G$ be a connected complex semisimple Lie group. Let $H$ be a maximal torus of $G$, let $W$ be the Weyl group of $G$, and let $N_\pm$ be a pair of opposite maximal unipotent subgroups. For each ...
Daps's user avatar
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Automorphisms of weighted quiver

I am reading this paper strongly primitiv species with potentials I : mutations. In page 6, they give the definition of weighted quiver: a weighted quiver is a pair $(Q,d)$, where $Q$ is a loop-...
Xiaosong Peng's user avatar