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Georges Elencwajg's user avatar
Georges Elencwajg's user avatar
Georges Elencwajg
  • Member for 15 years, 2 months
  • Last seen this week
11 votes

universal property of stein factorization

11 votes

Is the composition of two bundle projections necessarily a bundle projection?

10 votes

Notable math from those without math PhDs

10 votes

What is the "strongest" non-local property of a ring/module that is true of all localizations at maximal ideals?

10 votes

Coherent Sheaves on Noetherian schemes

10 votes

Basic question about branch points on Riemann surfaces

10 votes

Reference for the converse of Cartan's Theorem B

10 votes

When does the sheaf cohomology of a topological space vanish?

10 votes

Who uses radicial morphisms?

10 votes

Connected complement manifold

10 votes

Any reference on multilinear algebra

9 votes

Non-integral scheme having integral local rings

9 votes

Characterisation for separable extension of a field

9 votes

Cyclic extensions

9 votes

References on Moishezon spaces in English/French

9 votes

Motivating the de Rham theorem

9 votes

In what sense is the étale topology equivalent to the Euclidean topology?

9 votes

Are infinite dimensional constructions needed to prove finite dimensional results?

9 votes

Grothendieck group for projective space over the dual numbers

8 votes

Which areas of arithmetic algebraic geometry can be learned as "black boxes" and are there any references where they are treated as such?

8 votes

Picard Group of Projective Bundle over an Integral scheme

8 votes

algebraic de Rham cohomology of singular varieties

8 votes

What is the right definition of the Picard group of a commutative ring?

8 votes

What are the rational functions on a noetherian affine scheme?

8 votes

Is being finitely generated a local property?

8 votes

Comprehensive and self-contained treatment of Algebraic Geometry using Functor of Points approach

8 votes

Cohomology of Structure Sheaves: Algebraic, Constructible and more

8 votes

Topology on the set of linear subspaces

8 votes

Seeking Noetherian normal domain with vanishing Picard group but not a UFD

8 votes

In Diff, are the surjective submersions precisely the local-section-admitting maps?

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