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Ben McKay's user avatar
Ben McKay
  • Member for 13 years, 9 months
  • Last seen this week
98 votes

What is convolution intuitively?

33 votes

Which great mathematicians had great political commitments?

30 votes

How to explain to an engineer what algebraic geometry is?

28 votes

What is the Levi-Civita connection trying to describe?

28 votes

On which regions can Green's theorem not be applied?

27 votes

Structures that turn out to exhibit a symmetry even though their definition doesn't

26 votes

Examples of common false beliefs in mathematics

25 votes

How does Mathematica do symbolic integration?

25 votes

Advice for researchers outside academia

20 votes

What is the defining property of reductive groups and why are they important?

20 votes

Is the double-twisted Moebius strip isotopic to the trivial strip?

20 votes

Why is there no symplectic version of spectral geometry?

18 votes

Why only $\bar\partial$ but not $\partial$ in Dolbeault cohomology

18 votes

Maxwell's equations and differential forms

18 votes

Can the hyperbolic plane be immersed in three dimensional Euclidean space, if we are only looking for a weak solution?

18 votes

Transitive embedding of the projective plane $\Bbb R P^2$ into the $4$-sphere

17 votes

Are two metrics with the same Levi-Civita connection and the same volume form identical?

17 votes

Classification of PDE

16 votes

When is the first chern class of a Kaehler manifold positive/negative?

16 votes

Does for every vector field there always exist a volume form for which the vector field is a homothety?

16 votes

Given Gaussian curvature, can one construct a metric to fulfill the Gauss-Bonnet theorem?

16 votes

Learning from unsuccessful attempts at the Poincaré conjecture

16 votes

Geodesic preserving diffeomorphisms of constant curvature spaces

14 votes

Riemannian manifold as a metric space

14 votes

Books in advanced differential topology

14 votes

Grassmannians on a vector space without metric

14 votes

Generalized Stokes' theorem

14 votes

Isometry group of pseudo Riemannian manifold always a Lie group? (Myers-Steenrod)

13 votes

Submitting a companion paper with detailed proofs ?

13 votes

Automorphisms of the Lie algebras $\mathfrak{sl}(2,R)$ and $\mathfrak{su}(2)$

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