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Construction of RM abelian variety from eigenform

Let $f$ be a normalized eigenform of weight $2$ level $N$. If the Fourier coefficients of $f$ generate a totally real field $F$, then we associate to $f$ a system of $\ell$-adic Galois representations ...
David Corwin's user avatar
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State of the art on attempts to solve the elliptic curve discrete logarithm problem through transfering the problem to a weaker curve

Let an elliptic curve $E$, and 2 points on such curve $P$ and $O$ the methods I’m talking about consist in creating a weaker elliptic curve $F$ and mapping $P$ and $O$ to $F$ while successfully ...
user2284570's user avatar
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Identities for Prime Coefficients of Certain Cusp Forms

While working with Fourier expansions of cusp forms of congruence subgroups of the modular group, I observed the following patterns in their prime coefficients. Let $a(n)$ be the Fourier coefficients ...
Madhusudhan Raman's user avatar
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looking for reference for two elliptic curves with equal formal group

I am looking for a reference. In this post, @Chris Wurthrich made the following comment: If the formal group laws (probably upon particular choice of coordinates) of two elliptic curves over any ring ...
Learner's user avatar
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Computing elliptic periods from modular form

How are the periods of a modular elliptic curve computed as path integrals of its associated normalized weight 2 cusp form on the modular curve? Please provide specific paths for both periods and cite ...
kindasorta's user avatar
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Existence of smooth integers in every residue class with large modulus

Let us say that a positive integer $x$ is $y$-power smooth, if the largest prime power divisor of $x$ is at most $y$. In what follows, let $C$ be any real number larger than $1$ and, for an integer $x$...
Woett's user avatar
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Decrease of $(1/\zeta)^{(r)}(\sigma + i T)$ as $\sigma\to -\infty$?

What is a standard reference for the simple fact that, for $T$ fixed and $\sigma\to -\infty$, every derivative $|(1/\zeta)^{(r)}(\sigma+i T)|$ of the Riemann zeta function decreases faster than any ...
H A Helfgott's user avatar
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Kato's explicit reciprocity law paper

Does anyone have a copy of Kato's article Generalized explicit reciprocity laws in Advanced Studies in Contemp. Math which is used heavily in his paper constructing his eponymous Euler system? I used ...
xir's user avatar
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Conjecture that there are finitely many integer powers $a^x$ and $b^y$ such that $b^y - a^x = n$: who first came up with it?

I came up with an interesting mathematical conjecture: for every natural number $n$ there is only a finite number of integer powers $a^x$ and $b^y$ such that $b^y - a^x = n$. I would like to find out ...
Ivan Borisyuk's user avatar
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Quadratic residue problem involving prime divisors of a polynomial

Let $n$ be a square-free natural number, and let $f\in\mathbb{Z}[x]$ be monic and irreducible of degree $\geq2$. I am trying to determine whether there always exists a prime $p$, $p\nmid n$, ...
Jack's user avatar
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Sum of squares squared in an arithmetic progression

Let $r(n)$ be the number of ways to write $n$ as a sum of two squares and $(a,q)=1$. What is known about $$ \sum_{n \le x,n \equiv a (\text{mod} \, q)} r(n)^2 \quad? $$ I am looking for uniform ...
toshi's user avatar
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On the mean value of Dirichlet L-function

Could you please provide a link to the source? $$\sum_{\chi\neq \chi_0}\int_{0}^{T}|L(1/2+it,\chi)|^4dt\ll (qT)^{1+\varepsilon},$$ where $\chi_0$ is the principal character modulo $q$, and $L(s,\chi)$ ...
user155294's user avatar
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Total sum of characters over partitions with distinct parts

In my earlier quest, we looked at $\chi_{\mu}^{\lambda}=$value of an irreducible character of the symmetric group $\frak{S}_n$, where $\mu$ and $\lambda$ are (unrestricted) partitions of $n$. Then, ...
T. Amdeberhan's user avatar
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A diophantine equation involving partial sums of exponentials similar than the equation in Fermat's Last Theorem

I'm curious about the following diophantine equation from my invention: I don't know if this is in the literature, I wrote it using creativity in an attempt to write a variant of the equation in ...
user142929's user avatar
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A way to bound $\sum_{1 \leq n \leq X} \min ( \| \alpha n \|^{-1} , X/n)$?

Let $\alpha$ be a real number and $|| \cdot ||$ be the distance to the nearest integer. I want to find a non-trivial upper bound for $$ \sum_{1 \leq n \leq X} \min ( || \alpha n ||^{-1} , X/n), $$ ...
Johnny T.'s user avatar
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Reference request for additive persistence of a number

It is well known fact that each natural number can be represented uniquely in any base. So we can define digit sum function whose value is sum of digits of the natural number in given base. Let $f(n,b)...
Infinity_hunter's user avatar
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Image of Frobenius element under irreducible representation is diagonalizable

Let $K/ \mathbb Q$ be a Galois extension, and $\rho$ be an irreducible representation of the Galois group $Gal(K/ \mathbb Q)$. Consider an integer prime $p$ which doesn't ramify in $K$, and let $\...
asrxiiviii's user avatar
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Status of the $n$ conjecture and, as secondary question or reference request, what about a transfer method for this conjecture $n>3$

The n conjecture is a generalization of the abc conjecture. What is the current status of the $n$ conjecture? See also [1] Question 1. Can you tell us what about the current status of the $n$ ...
user142929's user avatar
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On Prime Numbers which can be Norms of an Integral Ideal of a Number Field

We know that since the ring $\mathbb Z [i]$ of Gaussian integers is a Principal Ideal Domain, the only integer primes which can norms of some ideal of $\mathbb Z [i]$ are those which can be expressed ...
asrxiiviii's user avatar
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On the equation that involves the Dedekind psi function $\psi(x)=n$ with unique solution $x$, for a fixed integer $n\geq 1$

The Dedekind psi function is defined for a positive integer $m>1$ as $$\psi(m)=m\prod_{\substack{p\mid m\\p\text{ prime}}}\left(1+\frac{1}{p}\right)\tag{1}$$ with the definition $\psi(1)=1$. See ...
user142929's user avatar
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What about an alternative formulation for different prime constellations in the spirit of Suzuki's theorem for twin primes?

It is known that the twin prime conjecture is a special case of the $k$-tuple conjecture. See if you want the article with title k-Tuple Conjecture from the encyclopedia Wolfram MathWorld. On the ...
user142929's user avatar
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Is it possible to get a conjecture similar to Mandl's conjecture for a different arithmetic function of number theory, mainly related to primes?

I'm curious to know if are in the literature analogous conjectures to the conjecture due to Mandl, I ask about these analogous conjectures for different sequences playing an important role in number ...
user142929's user avatar
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Polynomials of integer coefficients that evaluated at Mersenne or Fermat numbers produce square-free integers

Mersenne numbers $M_n=2^n-1$ and Fermat numbers $F_n=2^{2^n}+1$ draw the attention of professional mathematicians to get prime constellations or statements related to primality tests for these ...
user142929's user avatar
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References for the extension of Euler's phi function to number rings

Can anyone post a self-contained reference concerning the extension of the Euler phi function to number rings and its basic properties (reminiscent of those that the classic Euler phi function has)? ...
BDS's user avatar
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Final step in Coppersmith?

In the final step in Coppersmith technique we have $n$ polynomials (possibly non-homogeneous) in $\mathbb Z[x_1,\dots,x_m]$ where $m\leq n$ and using elimination theory we extract the common integer ...
Turbo's user avatar
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On sets of coprime integers in intervals

Briefly, Question: Is it "good enough" to use least prime factor in choosing a maximal set of coprime integers in an interval? The post title comes from a 1993 paper of Erdos and Sarkozy. They ...
Gerhard Paseman's user avatar
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Reference request for bounds of $n$-th composite

Motivation I will briefly elaborate here my motivations for asking the question. If you are not interested in it then please go to the questions. Recently during trying to understand and prove the ...
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What is known about the lower bound for the integers $n$ for which $n$ minus the first $k$ odd primes are $k$ composite numbers?

Question edited in view of the comments below By Yamada's paper we can conclude that if $n>e^{e^{36}}$ be an even number then it can always be written as the sum of a prime and a semi-prime. My ...
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Mobius function on values of an irreducible quadratic polynomial

Are there infinitely many integers $n$ for which $n^2 + 1$ is square-free, and has an even number of (necessarily distinct) prime factors ?
Pablo's user avatar
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Hercules and the Hydra with time constraints

The game of Hercules vs. the Hydra can be put in terms of a single number in hereditarily-factorized form. For example, if the Hydra is $2^{19^3} \cdot 5^{11^7}$, Hercules must choose between two ...
Dan Brumleve's user avatar
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Eigenvalues of a sequence of matrices involving the divisor function

Let $A_{n,k},k=1,\ldots,n$ be a sequence of $n\times n$ upper triangular matrices where $A_{n,1}=I_n$ and $A_{n,k},\quad 2\leq k\leq n$ be a regularly shifted and scaled matrix, with $P_{n,k}$ an $n\...
kodlu's user avatar
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whether the quotient of continued fraction of algebraic irrational number is bounded or not is similar or equivalent to Collatz conjecture?

I vaguely recall that whether the quotient of continued fraction of algebraic irrational number is bounded or not is similar or equivalent to Collatz conjecture, could any one give the reference? or ...
XL _At_Here_There's user avatar
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Completing a dyadic sum

Suppose I knew the behaviour of a given sum in every other interval, for example: $$ \sum_{\substack{0\leq a \leq x\\ a\equiv 1 (k)}} \sum_{x/(a+k/2)< b \leq x/a} f(b) \sim g(x), $$ for any $x>1$...
Tian An's user avatar
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'Adelic torus' not arising from a rational torus

Let $G$ be a reductive group over a global field $F$, and $\gamma$ a strongly regular semi-simple element of $G(F)$. Then the centralizer $G_\gamma$ is defines an $F$-torus $T$, and hence by base ...
Tian An's user avatar
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Bound of Chebyshev function and zeros of zeta function

It is an elementary argument (such as in Multiplicative Number Theory, section 18) that, if the Chebyshev's function $f(x) = \sum_{n \le x} \Lambda(x) = x + O(x^\alpha)$ for some $\alpha < 1$, then ...
Linh Nguyen's user avatar
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On the irrationality measure of generalized Stoneham numbers

Pick non-zero integers $a,b,c$ with $a,b \ge 2$ and let $\xi_{a,b,c}$ be the sum of the series $\sum_{n=1}^\infty a^{-b^n} c^{-n}$ (no restriction is made on the sign of $c$); when $b = c$ and $\gcd(a,...
Salvo Tringali's user avatar
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"Descending cohomology, geometrically" by Mazur:

(Exist texts of that talk or related texts: ?) Article:
Thomas Riepe's user avatar
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Invariance of the (Liouville-Roth) irrationality measure under rational Möbius transformations

For a real number $x$, we define the (Liouville-Roth) irrationality measure of $x$, here denoted by $\mu(x)$, as the infimum, with respect to the poset $(\mathbb{R}_0^+ \cup \{\infty\}, \le)$, of the (...
Salvo Tringali's user avatar

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