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A question on trig series

Assume $\{a_k\}_{k\ge1}$ is a real sequence such that $u(x) = \sum_{k\ge 1}a_k\sin(kx)$ is a smooth function, and for every $x \in [-\pi, \pi]$ $$\left(\sum_{k\ge 1}\frac{a_k}{k}\sin(kx)\right)\left(\...
Jacob Lu's user avatar
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Reference request: Riesz potential $I_\alpha : L^{d/\alpha} \to \rm{BMO}$?

Let us denote the Riesz potential in $\mathbb R^d$ by $$ I_\alpha (f)(x) := c_{d, \alpha} \int_{\mathbb R^d} \frac{f(y)}{|x-y|^{d-\alpha}} \, dy.$$ By the classical Hardy-Littlewood-Sobolev theorem ...
Juhana Siljander's user avatar
9 votes
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Density of restrictions of harmonic functions inside a ball

Let $B$ be the closed unit ball in $\mathbb R^3$ centered at the origin and let $U= \{x\in \mathbb R^3\,:\, \frac{1}{2}\leq |x| \leq 1\}.$ Let $$ S_U= \{u \in C^{\infty}(U)\,:\, \Delta u =0 \quad\text{...
Ali's user avatar
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Points where harmonic functions fail to give a coordinates system

Let $\Omega$ be a bounded domain in $\mathbb R^n$ with a smooth boundary and let $g$ be a smooth Riemannian metric on $\Omega$. Let $f_1,f_2,\ldots,f_n$ be non-constant smooth functions on $\partial \...
Ali's user avatar
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On critical points of harmonic functions

Let $u \in C^{\infty}(\mathbb R^3)$ be harmonic. Suppose that $u$ has no critical points outside the unit ball but that it has at least one critical point inside the unit ball. Does it follow that $u$ ...
Ali's user avatar
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Vanishing rate of a harmonic function near a boundary point

Let $u(x, y)$ be a harmonic function on the upper half-plane $\mathbb{R}\times \mathbb{R}^+$, that is, $$\partial_x^2 u(x, y) + \partial_y^2 u(x, y) = 0$$ for $x \in \mathbb{R}, y>0$. Assume $u(x, ...
Jacob Lu's user avatar
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Interpolation between L^1 and Sobolev Space

Suppose $D^\alpha$ is fractional differentiation of order $\alpha$ on the real line. Is it true that $||D^\alpha f||_{L^\frac{2 \beta}{2 \beta - \alpha}({\mathbb R})} \leq C_{\alpha,\beta} ||f||_{L^...
TBS's user avatar
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7 votes
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Why is $\frac{1}{|x|^{n-2}}u(\frac{x}{|x|^2})$ harmonic if $u$ is harmonic?

I found myself trying to prove the following, but I had to compute everything explicitly. It is well known that if $u:\mathbb{R}^n\to\mathbb{R}$ is an harmonic function on $\mathbb{R}^n$, then the so-...
Gauge_name's user avatar
7 votes
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Poincaré inequality for curl-integrable functions

Let $B=B(r)$ denote a ball of radius $r$ in $\Omega \subset \mathbb R^d$ and $$ u_B := \frac1{|B|}\int_B u \, dx. $$ The standard Sobolev-Poincaré inequality states that if $u \in W^{1,p}(\Omega)$, ...
Juhana Siljander's user avatar
7 votes
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When the value of a function in a point is equal to its integral average over the point's neighborhood?

It is well-known that the harmonic functions have this remarkable Averaging Property: if $f$ is harmonic in a domain $U \subset R^n$, then, for any point $x \in U$, $f(x)$ is equal to the integral ...
Grove's user avatar
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Mean value principle reversed

Suppose that $\Omega \subset \mathbb R^3$ is a domain with smooth boundary $\partial \Omega$ and suppose that $0\in \Omega$. Given any $f \in C^{\infty}(\partial \Omega)$ let $u^f$ denote the unique ...
Ali's user avatar
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Invariant subspace in infinite dimensions

Let $A(t)$ be a family of skew self-adjoint operator defined on some Hilbert space $H$ with common domain $D(A).$ The dependence on $t$ is in the strongly continuous sense, i.e. for all $x \in D(A)$ ...
Zorgo's user avatar
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global estimate for biharmonic function

My question is inspired by the work of Lamm and Rivière : Conservation Laws for Fourth Order Systems in Four Dimensions Here is the setting of the problem. Let $u\in W^{2,2}(B(0,1),S^n)$, where $B(0,...
Paul's user avatar
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Local version of the Hardy-Littlewood-Sobolev theorem for Riesz potentials: $\|I_\alpha(f)\|_{L^q} \le C \|f\|_{L^p}$?

Recently, I have been studying the properties of the Riesz potential $$ I_\alpha(f)(x) = c_{d,\alpha} \int_{\mathbb R^d} \frac{f(y)}{|x-y|^{d-\alpha}} \, dy. $$ The classical Hardy-Littlewood-Sobolev ...
Juhana Siljander's user avatar
4 votes
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Is a specific product function orthogonal to all harmonic functions

Suppose $\Omega=[-1,1]^3$. Let $f:[-1,1]\to \mathbb R$ and $g:[-1,1]^2\to \mathbb R$ be smooth functions and suppose that given any harmonic function on $\Omega$ (i.e. $\Delta u =0$ on $\Omega$), with ...
Ali's user avatar
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Schroedinger operator in 2 dimensions with singular potential

Consider the Schroedinger operator $$H = -\Delta + \frac{c}{\vert x \vert^2}$$ in two dimensions with $c >0$ This operator has a self-adjoint realization, since it is a positive symmetric operator ...
António Borges Santos's user avatar
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Reference: Hardy space regularity of the Jacobian determinant

I'm looking for a reference, expository in nature, for the proof of the following theorem of Coifman, Lions, Meyer and Semmes. Theorem: For all $u\in W^{1,n}(\mathbb{R}^n;\mathbb{R}^n)$, $\...
user53221's user avatar
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Zygmund class, Schwartz class and Littlewood-Paley projection operators

I'm studying Littlewood-Paley theory in harmonic analysis, where I encountered the following problem related to the Zygmund class of functions: Consider the Zygmund class of functions defined as ...
pureorapplied's user avatar
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Well-definedness on $C_{0}^{\infty}(\mathbb{R}^{n})$

Let $T$ be a Calderon-Zygmund operator associated to a Calderon-Zygmund kernel $K\in CZK_{\alpha}$ of order $\alpha>0$ and $b\in BMO(\mathbb{R}^{n})$. Then for $f\in C_{0}^{\infty}(\mathbb{R}^{n})$ ...
Timothy's user avatar
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To understand integral :$\lambda (x) = \int_{0}^{\infty} \frac{\sin^{2} \alpha x}{\alpha^{2}} d\mu(\alpha), (\mu(0)=0)$

I wants to understand the integrals of the form $$\lambda (x) = \int_{0}^{\infty} \frac{\sin^{2} \alpha x}{\alpha^{2}} d\mu(\alpha), (\mu(0)=0)$$ where $\mu(\alpha)$ is a non decreasing function such ...
Inquisitive's user avatar
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Subharmonic envelope

I came across a more complicated version of the following problem. It is so elementary, I think that there had to be some research done on this in the past. If someone has any ideas please let me know....
Hammerhead's user avatar
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Showing a singular integral operator takes Hölder continuous functions to Hölder continuous functions of the same order

I would like to show the following function is $\gamma$-Hölder continuous. Said function $F:\mathbb{R}^n \rightarrow \mathbb{R}$ is defined by a singular integral operator of convolution type as ...
marcpal's user avatar
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Singular integral operator

I am working on a problem involving the Biot-Savart law in fluid dynamics. I found a theorem of singular integral which is intimately related to my research. Assume that $K(x)$ is a classical Calderon-...
Kira Yamato's user avatar
2 votes
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Uniqueness of solution depending on constant?

I am a physicist and I am aware that this forum is for professional mathematical questions, but please be not too hard on my notation. I encountered the following integral equation for functions $f:[...
Andrea Tauber's user avatar
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Approximation of subharmonic functions

Let $u$ be an (upper semi-continuous) locally bounded subharmonic function in a domain in $\mathbb{R}^n$. Let $\chi_\epsilon$ be a standard smoothing kernel, namely $$\chi_\epsilon(x)=\frac{c_n}{\...
asv's user avatar
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Differentiation on $[0,1]$

EDIT: Perhaps a more reasonable question after thinking about the answer I got would have been. Is there a set $N$ of measure $1-\varepsilon$ and a disjoint partition of that set $N$ with finitely ...
Sascha's user avatar
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Reverse estimate on the Riesz potential $I_\alpha : L^{n/\alpha}\to \mathrm{BMO}$

$\newcommand\BMO{\mathrm{BMO}}$Consider the Riesz potential on $\mathbb{R}^n$ given by $$ I_\alpha f(x) = c_{n,\alpha} \int_{\mathbb{R}^n} \frac{f(y)}{\lvert x-y\rvert^{n-\alpha}} dy. $$ It is known ...
Dorian's user avatar
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Pointwise convergence implies uniform convergence?

Let $K$ be an integral kernel of a bounded operator $S:L^2(\mathbb{R}^n) \rightarrow L^2(\mathbb{R}^n) $ defined like $$(Sf)(x)= \int_{\mathbb{R}^n}K(x,y)f(y)dy.$$ Assume that $K\in C^{\text{bounded}...
BaoLing's user avatar
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$BMO$-property via a John-Nirenberg type estimate?

Let $\Omega \subset \mathbb R^d, d\ge 2$, be bounded and denote a ball in $\mathbb R^d$ by $B$. Denote also $$ f_B:= \frac1{|B|}\int_B f \, dx. $$ Suppose $f \in L_{\rm loc}^p(\Omega)$ for all $1<p&...
Juhana Siljander's user avatar
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Approximating $L^p$ functions by eigenfunctions of Laplacian

I'm reading a paper In this paper, the authors assume that $\mathcal{O}$ is a bounded domain of $\mathbb{R}^N$ with $C^m$ boundary ...
ze min jiang's user avatar
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On Dirichlet eigenfunctions of a domain

Given any bounded domain $\Omega\subset \mathbb R^n$, $n\geq 2$, with a Lipschitz boundary, let $\{(\lambda_k,\phi_k)\}_{k\in \mathbb N}$ be the Dirichlet eigenvalues and eigenfunctions of $-\Delta$ ...
Ali's user avatar
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Uniqueness for a certain semilinear equation

Suppose that $(M,g)$ is a smooth compact Riemannian manifold with smooth boundary $\partial M$. Let $a \in C^{\infty}(M)$, let $k \in \mathbb Z$ and consider the equation $$ \begin{aligned} \begin{...
Ali's user avatar
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unique continuation in a disk

Let $D$ be the unit disc in $\mathbb R^2$ centered at the origin. Let $w \in C^{\infty}_c(D)$ satisfy $$ (1-r^2)^2\Delta w +w =0.$$ Prove that $w \equiv 0$.
Ali's user avatar
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Dense property of intersection of Sobolev space

I'm using Muscalu and Schlag's textbook (online notes) to study Littlewood-Paley theory in harmonic analysis, where I encounter the following claim: Pick an arbitrary real number $s$, we have that the ...
geooranalysis's user avatar
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If $f_j\to f$ in $L^1(\Bbb R^n)$ then $Tf_j\to Tf$ in $L^{1,\infty}(\Bbb R^n)$

Let's define $A:=\{f\in L^1(\Bbb R^n)\cap L^2(\Bbb R^n)\;:\;f\;\mbox{has compact support}\}$. So $A$ is dense in $L^1(\Bbb R^n)$. Given then $f\in L^1(\Bbb R^n)$; by density there exists $\{f_j\}_j\...
user avatar
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An integrable estimate of the Hölder constant of the map $x \mapsto \int_{\mathbb R^d} f(y) \partial_1 \partial_1 g_t (x-y) \, \mathrm d y$

Let $(g_t)_{t>0}$ be the Gaussian heat kernel on $\mathbb R^d$, i.e., $$ g_t (x) := (4\pi t)^{-\frac{d}{2}} e^{-\frac{|x|^2}{4t}}, \quad t>0, x \in \mathbb R^d. $$ Let $f : \mathbb R^d \to \...
Akira's user avatar
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Is fractional Laplacian invariant under rotation?

If $\Delta u=0$, then $\Delta u(Ox)=0$, where $O$ is an orthogonal matrix. From here, do we know whether fractional Laplacian is invariant under rotation? We use the usual definition of fractional ...
PG_One's user avatar
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$L^2$ function in Schwartz space?

Let $f:\mathbb R^n \rightarrow \mathbb R$ be a smooth function whose derivatives are all polynomially bounded and $f \in L^{\infty}.$ Such a function has the property that when multiplied with any ...
Zorgo's user avatar
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On a limit at the boundary of $\mathbb{D}$ related to complex and harmonic analysis

Let $p(z,t)=\frac{1}{2\pi}.\frac{1-|z|^2}{|z-t|^2}$ be the Poisson kernel on the open unit disk $\mathbb{D}$, fix $0<\alpha<1$ . Let $a\in \partial\mathbb{D}=S^1$ be fixed. Then my question is : ...
Analysis Now's user avatar
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Alternate definitions of $C^{1,\alpha}$ and $C^{1,\alpha}(\bar{D})$ maps

My question is about the precise definition regarding the following: Let $f$ be an orientation-preserving $C^1$ diffeomorphism of the unit circle $S^1$. So $f'(b)$ exists and can be thought as a ...
Analysis Now's user avatar
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Orthonormal basis and decay

Edit: I added smoothness, hoping to simplify the problem with this additional assumption. Let me motivate this question first: In signal analysis it is often of interest to understand when a certain ...
Zinkin's user avatar
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If a weighted Laplacian's eigenfunction is zero in an open set, when is it identically zero?

Let $m, s \in ([0, 1]^d \rightarrow \mathbb{R}_{\geq 0}$). Define a weighted Laplacian $\Delta_{m, s}f$ evaluated at $x \in [0, 1]^d$ to be: $m(x) \cdot \text{div} ( s(x) \nabla f(x))$. What ...
Timothy Chu's user avatar
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Choosing the weight in a particular definition of Besov spaces

Following Giovanni Leoni's excellent book (or the Wikipedia article) one possible way to define the Besov spaces $B^{s,p,\theta}(\mathbb R ^d)$, with $s\in(0,1)$ the fractional "order of derivative" ...
leo monsaingeon's user avatar
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The decay rate of the spectrum of the Gaussian kernel on compact manifolds

It seems that the $k^{th}$ largest eigenvalue of the intergral operator induced on $S^n$ by the Gaussian kernel, $e^{-\frac{\vert \vec{x} - \vec{y} \vert _2^2}{2\sigma^2}}$ decays as $k^{-k}$. This is ...
Student's user avatar
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variation norm of a Fourier transform

Motivated by certain uniform estimate in oscillatory integrals, I am now trying to calculate the Fourier transform of the function ${\large e^{i|t|^{\epsilon}}/t}$ on $\mathbb{R}$, where $\epsilon\in (...
Shaoming Guo's user avatar
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Possible research directions in analysis? [closed]

I am an undergraduate student who loves basic mathematics in the analysis branch, but I have learned that some directions, for example, harmonic analysis, are already well developed and difficult to ...
TaD's user avatar
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Singular integral bounded by Dirichlet form?

We define for some fixed $L$ $$\Omega:=\{(x_1,x_2) \in ([-L,L]^2 \times [-L,L]^2) \setminus \{x_1=x_2\}\},$$ in particular $x_1,x_2 \in \mathbb R^2.$ Let $f \in C_c^{\infty}(\Omega)$, then I am ...
António Borges Santos's user avatar
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Estimating pointwise multiplication conjugated by a Fourier multiplier

I asked this question first on MSE but there was no activity. Let $m(D)$ be a Fourier multiplier and $f$ a known function. I'm trying to estimate the operator $$Tu=m^{-1}(D)(f(x)m(D)u)$$ in say $H^s$....
Funktorality's user avatar
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Sufficient condition for interpolation

If we have a couple of two compatible banach spaces (in this sense) $(X,Y)$ and a sequence of Banach spaces $\{Z\}_{\theta\in[0,1]}$ which are intermediate between $X$ and $Y$ satisfying: $Z_0=X$, $...
mejopa's user avatar
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