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Questions tagged [pr.probability]

Theory and applications of probability and stochastic processes: e.g. central limit theorems, large deviations, stochastic differential equations, models from statistical mechanics, queuing theory.

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Minimum conditional expectation of complement of event given conditional expectation of event?

Suppose $X$ is a pdf over $[0,m]$ and $Y$ is a binary experiment on $X$ such that $P(Y=1|X)$ is continuous, and we have that $\mathbb{E}[X|Y=1] = \mu_y$ and $\mathbb{E}[X] < \mu_y$. Is it always ...
armostfalous's user avatar
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Giving a general term of a recursive function, and upper bound for it

Let a constant $B \ge 1$, and let $l_1 = 0$, $b_1 = 0$ be the values of $l$ and $b$ (respectively) at time $t = 1$. Let $l_{t+1} = l_t + 1$ if $b_i < B$, and $l_{t+1} = l_t$ otherwise Let $b_{t+1}...
shna's user avatar
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Expected value with a kronecker product and Gaussian distributional assumption

What is the expected value, $ \mathbb{E}\left[ I \otimes \left( \operatorname{diag}(ZZ^T\mathbf{1}) - ZZ^T\right)\right]$ where $Z \sim N(0, \sigma^2I) $? The kronecker product is where the confusion ...
Pron's user avatar
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Two different definitions of Erdos-Rényi random graph

There are two or more ways to define an Erdos-Rényi random graph. Let consider the following two: 1) $G_n=(V_n,E_n)$ with vertex set $V_n=(1,\dots,n)$ and edge set $E_n=(ij\in\mathcal{P}_2(V_n)\ |\ \...
user22980's user avatar
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Concerning Jump process (Lévy process)

Consider $X= \left( X_t \right)_{t\geq 0}$ is a Lévy process whose characteristic triplet is $\left( \gamma, \sigma ^2, \nu \right)$ and where its Lévy measure is $$ \nu \left( dx\right) = A \sum_{...
Paul's user avatar
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Convergence of Dirichlet Forms

If a sequence of Dirichlet forms convergence to 0, then what about the diffusion processes associated with these Dirichlet forms? Do the finite dimensional distributions of them converges weakly? and ...
Youzhou Zhou's user avatar
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transform a polynomial into another one upto a constant

I have a polynomial $p(x)=a_Nx^N+a_{N-1}x^{N-1}+\dots+a_0$. I want to convert this into another polynomial of same order, say $b_Ny^N+b_{N-1}y^{N-1}+\dots+b_0$. Is it possible to find a transformation ...
jkt's user avatar
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Simple markov chain problem

I know this is an easy problem, but I can't figure it out. A particle takes discrete steps $σ_1,σ_2,σ_3,…,σ_n$ which take on values +1 or −1. However, $P(σ_i=+1)=p$ and $P(σ_i=−1)$ will be $1-p$. ...
liana's user avatar
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Limit of the stochastic process at time 0

This is not a homework question so please be kind not to remove it right away. I am working on some research but have to justify the following argument: Assume $S_t$ is a continuous stochastic process,...
Kamil's user avatar
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Enumeration of quadrangulations with a boundary and simple faces.

I wish to enumerate all quadrangulations of a $2p$ gon with $n$ internal vertices. Quadrangles are required to have simple faces. Simple face means all four vertices of each quadrangle are distinct. ...
gmath's user avatar
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Conditional Density of Random Variables

Hi all, I read recently that for any three continuous random variables, X,Y and Z, the conditional densities are related by the following formula: $p(x|y) = \int g(x| z) h(z | y ) dz $ where $p(x|...
quantnewbie's user avatar
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Lower Bound on $E[X Y]$

(Cross-post from Q#166689) I would like to lower-bound $E[X Y]$ where $X, Y$ are two random variables such that: $X \in [x_0, 1], Y \in [y_0, 1]$ $E[X] = x, E[Y] = y$ $X \geq ...
David Harris's user avatar
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2 answers

Estimating joint and conditional probabilities with incomplete information

I'm working on an application for which it would be great to have the following functionality: Say that you have a collection $C$ of $n$ events, for now let's set $n = 3$ and call the events $a, b,$ ...
tvladeck's user avatar
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Dither in Leech lattice quantization!

Can you please help me how to generate a dither signal $\mathbf{U}$, where $\mathbf{U}$ is a random vector of length 24 that is uniformly distributed over the Voronoi region of the Leech lattice. Best,...
Farzad's user avatar
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Calculate $\mathbb{E}[\int_o^T N_{t-}dS_t]$ - what went wrong?

First note, I had asked a similar question here, but the thread seems to have died, so I'll revive it here with more details. As a simplification of my real problem, I want to compute $\mathbb{E}[\...
Pierre's user avatar
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Expected number of trials to cover certain probability mass for a probability density function?

Suppose we have a univariate random variable $X\sim\mathcal{P}$ with probability density function $f(x):\mathbb{R}\to\mathbb{R}$, $\int_{-\infty}^{\infty}f(x) dx = 1$, we then draw $n$ samples $x_1,...
nil's user avatar
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A Cauchy–Schwarz Type Inequality Involving Scaled Distributions

I have stumbled upon a rather intriguing inequality involving the product of the scaled distribution and the scaled density of a random variable. The inequality has a very attractive form, and it ...
Santiago's user avatar
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Expectation of little o in probablity [closed]

If I have $Z=o_p(1)$ where $o_p$ is the little-o in probability. I'm interested in find some properties about $E(Z)$. My first idea was $E(Z)=E(Z (1_{Z>\varepsilon} + 1_{Z\leq\varepsilon}) ) \...
Maikol Solís's user avatar
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Integrated colored Gaussian noise

Assume we have a colored Gaussian process $z_t$, with an autocorrelation function $cov(z_t,z_s)$ given by an analytical function $\alpha(t,s)$ (if it helps, one can assume that $\alpha(t,s) = \kappa e^...
Katastrofa's user avatar
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Is there a monotone coupling of Dirichlet random variables?

Let $X=(X_1,X_2,X_3)\sim \text{Dirichlet}(a_1,a_2,a_3)$ and $Y=(Y_1,Y_2,Y_3)\sim \text{Dirichlet}(a_1+b_1,a_2+b_2,a_3)$, where all $a_i$ and $b_i$ are positive. Is there a natural coupling between $X$ ...
sbacallado's user avatar
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Copulas and time series

Please, can anybody give a reference(s) to some good recent review papers about copulas and time series?
kjetil b halvorsen's user avatar
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Conditional expectation of a product

I have an expression: $E[(b+X)^2|Y]$ where $X$ and $Y$ are normally distributed random variables, being two components of a final unknown outcome $Z$ ($Y$ is known, $X$ is the noise component): $Y$ =...
Apeirohedron's user avatar
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Radius of random walk on Z

I'm trying to find a set of uniform measure 1/2 over $ \{ -1,1 \} ^n \times \{-1,1\}^n$ such that the inner product of $(x,y)\in\{ -1,1 \} ^n \times \{-1,1\}^n$ will hold $|\langle x,y\rangle|< \...
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Recovering a function from a set of approximations

We assume that we have a finite set of agents with approximate knowledge about a certain function, and from this collection of approximations we want to recover the actual value of the function. More ...
Marcos Cramer's user avatar
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Heavy Tailed Network

In his paper Kronecker Graphs: An approach to modeling Networks Jure et Al, mention that an important property of networks are that they are heavy tailed. I'm trying to get an insight on what this ...
Leon palafox's user avatar
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Mean of an experiment

Suppose we have a bag of n different balls, and each time m (m<n) balls are taken out for checking from the bag and put back. ...
Sapience's user avatar
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Conditional distribution of the modulus of the output of AWGN channel given the modulus of the input

Hi everyone, I will be too happy if anybody help me find a solution for the following problem. In fact, I have a big problem that I could not solve it for weeks. Assume that we have we have two ...
Farzad's user avatar
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A question on independence

For each natural number $n \geq 2$, define the set $A_n$ to be the set of points $p/n$ with $0 < p < n, \gcd(p,n) = 1$. Now define a sequence of independent random variables $X_1, X_2, \cdots$, ...
Stanley Yao Xiao's user avatar
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Analytical expression for variance of nested binomials?

Hi all, I want to compute the variance of a variable that is defined at each step as a recursion of binomials in the following way: A=1 B=Bin(1,A)*Bin(1,p) C=Bin(1,B)*Bin(1,p) D=Bin(1,C)*Bin(1,p),...
studentX's user avatar
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Good probability measues on $S^1$ reprented by a kernel

I was looking for some good references for properties/theorems/characterizations of 'good/important' probability measures on the unit circle $S^1$ ( and/or on spheres $S^n$ ).In particular, I want ...
Analysis Now's user avatar
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Probability of preserving connectivity between pair of vertices in weighted graph

Let $G=(V,E)$ be an undirected graph and $p \colon E \mapsto (0,1]$ defines weights of its edges. Let's fix two connected vertices $v_1, v_2 \in V$. Random graph $G'=(V,E')$ is obtained from $G$ by ...
alyst's user avatar
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Convergence of sets

Let $E$ be a compact subset of $\mathbb{R}^n$. Let the density function $\phi(x,y)$ be Lipschitz continuous and such that $$ \int\limits_E \phi(x,y)dy=1 $$ for all $x\in E$. Let us consider the non-...
SBF's user avatar
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Information criteria for ridge regression

Hi -- is there any analogue or adjustment of, say, Schwartz Bayesian (or other) information criterion that would be applicable to model selection in ridge regression with a given ridge parameter $\eta$...
laxxy's user avatar
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Efficient Method for Calculating the Probability of a Set of Outcomes?

Let's say I'm playing N different independent "games". For each game, I know the probability of winning, the probability of tying, and the probability of losing. From these values, I've also ...
Kenny's user avatar
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What the the probability distribution of a mean?

There is an unknown set of values of unknown size, from which a known subset of N values is drawn at random. Based on the known random subset, what is the probability distribution of the mean of the ...
sanity's user avatar
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Constraints for different probability measures to have the same expectation.

Take different $D_i \in \mathbb{R} \rightarrow \mathbb{R}$ functions $f_1, f_2$ (i.e. $\exists x : f_1(x) \neq f_2(x)$). We have $E[f_1(x)] = E[f_2(x)]$ Are there conditions that $f_1, f_2$ must ...
user8948's user avatar
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Kernel width in Kernel density estimation

Hi, I am doing some Kernel density estimation, with a weighted points set (ie., each sample has a weight which is not necessary one), in N dimensions. Also, these samples are just in a metric space (...
WhitAngl's user avatar
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The density of x_1^n+x_2^n where x_i are Gaussian

We define a process $\chi_k^n=\sum _{i=1}^k x_i^n$ where x_i are iid gaussian processes. I try to find the distribution of $\chi_k^n$. If k=1 then we get $f(x^n=y)=\frac1n y^{\frac{1-n}{n}}\exp(-y^{2/...
RHG's user avatar
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Expectation maximum i.i.d rv´s

If I have a fixed positive integer $N$ and $N$ i.i.d rv´s. $X_1,X_2,...,X_N$, and parameters $a_i$ such that $\displaystyle\sum_{i=1}^N{a_i}=1$, it is well known that there is a global maximum of $...
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2 answers

E[log(Z_t^2)], proof of convergence with Law of Large Numbers

Hi all, question: Let $Z_t$ be an iid sequence with $$\mathbb{E}\log(Z_t^2)<0 $$ Show that $$\sum_{j=0}^\infty Z_t^2 Z_{t-1}^2 ... Z_{t-j}^2 < \infty$$ almost surely I am supposed to use LLN ...
Vytautas's user avatar
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Conditional Covariance

It is well known that for two increasing functions $f$,$g$ and for any random variable $X$ then $cov(f(X),g(X))\geq{}0$. Now assume $f,g$ have the same domain $D$ and let $A\subset{}D$. What can I say ...
quema's user avatar
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univariate prior corresponding to weighted sum of L1 and L2 penalties?

Is there a univariate probability distribution $p_{\lambda,\alpha}(\beta)$ over the reals, parameterized by $\lambda > 0$ and $1 >= \alpha >= 0$, such that $p_{\lambda,\alpha} \propto \exp(-\...
daviddlewis's user avatar
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Correlation of Statistical Tests

Suppose I have a sequence $\{x_i\}_{i=1}^\infty$ of zeros and ones. I want to test if they are randomly generated according to a conjectured scheme (the example to keep in mind is that they are ...
Ben Weiss's user avatar
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Random values and their probability of reoccuring [closed]

I have a web application that prompts users to answer a question when the computer they are using is not recognized. A user complained today saying she is always prompted for the same question. I ...
Ta01's user avatar
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Difference Equations & Possible Limits

The answer to this may well be in some elementary textbook - a reference might be more useful than a short answer here. If we look at the behaviour of a point in R n under matrix multiplication, we ...
First Timer's user avatar
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Characterisation of a family of continuous martingales

I look for a full characterisation of the continuous martingales $X=(X_t)_{0\leq t\leq T}$ (defined on some filtered probability space as nice as possible) such that $$X_0=0\quad \mbox{ and } \quad\...
Fawen90's user avatar
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Bounding the error of a truncated moment problem

Let $\{x_{i}\}_{i=1}^{\infty}$ be a non-increasing sequence of non-negative real numbers, and let $\{y_{j}\}_{j=1}^{B}$ be a non-increasing sequence of non-negative real numbers, where $B$ is a finite ...
CWC's user avatar
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Looking for a citation for this simple generalization of the Markov bound to non-negative super-martingales

Does anybody know a reference for the following theorem? Theorem 1. Let $(X_t)_{t=0}^\infty$ be a non-negative supermartingale. Then, for any constant $c > 0$, the event $(\exists > t)\, X_t \...
Neal Young's user avatar
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Contribution of Fisher information near jump points in convolved probability distributions

I am trying to compute the contribution to the Fisher information from jump points $b_i(\theta)$ in the convolved function $f(x; \theta)$ with respect to the parameter $\theta$. I am unsure whether it ...
Luna Belle's user avatar
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Upper bounds on quotients of binomial coefficients

Let $\gamma>1$ be a real number and let $n\in \mathbb{N}$. Define $f\colon\mathbb{N}\to[0,1]$ $$ f(n_0) = \frac{\binom{n-n_0}{m}}{\binom{n}{m}}, $$ where $$ m = \Big\lfloor{\frac{n}{\lceil\gamma ...
xabialgebra's user avatar

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