Consider $X= \left( X_t \right)_{t\geq 0}$ is a Lévy process whose characteristic triplet is $\left( \gamma, \sigma ^2, \nu \right)$ and where its Lévy measure is
$$ \nu \left( dx\right) = A \sum_{n=1} ^{\infty} p^n \delta_{-n} \left( dx \right) + Bx^{\beta-1}\left( 1+x \right)^{-\alpha -\beta}e^{-\lambda x } \mathbf{1}_{\left ]0,+\infty \right[}\left( x\right)dx.$$
I'd like to know how to show that $Z_t = Z_0 \exp\left( \mu t + X_t \right)$ is well defined and admits first and second order moments.
I'm kind of lost here. I don't see what is the problem with this definition. Could someone please enlighten me ?
Must I show that $Z_t < \infty \ a.s.$ ?
Or maybe aplly Itô-Lévy lemma for derive the SDE $Z_t$ satisfies and so conclude that it's well defined as the unique strong solution of this SDE?
Or maybe another thing I've not even think about?