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1 answer

Can a Shelah semigroup be commutative?

A semigroup $S$ is called $\bullet$ $n$-Shelah for a positive integer $n$ if $S=A^n$ for any subset $A\subset S$ of cardinality $|A|=|S|$; $\bullet$ Shelah if $S$ is $n$-Shelah for some $n\in\mathbb N$...
Taras Banakh's user avatar
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3 votes
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Size of a minimum generating set for full transformation monoids

Given any finite set $X$ the set $\mathcal{T}(X)=X^X$ of all functions from $X$ to $X$ clearly forms a monoid under composition. Now if we call any family of functions $\mathcal{F}\subseteq \mathcal{T}...
Ethan Splaver's user avatar
6 votes
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Homotopy type of a specific discrete monoid

Consider the discrete monoid $M$ of nondecreasing continuous maps from $[0,1]$ to itself preserving the extremities. Note that the monoid is right-cancellative ($x.z=y.z$ implies $x=y$, since $z$ is ...
Philippe Gaucher's user avatar
9 votes
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Reference for Kakutani result on power sum bases of symmetric functions

Numerical semigroups are additive submonoids $A$ of the natural numbers such that the greatest common divisor of all elements of $A$ is 1. The complement of a numerical semigroup in $\mathbb{N}$ is ...
tghyde's user avatar
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5 votes
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Questions on weakly symmetric algebras

A finite dimensional algebra $A$ over a field $K$ is called weakly symmetric in case $soc(P)=top(P)$ for every indecomposable projective module $P$ and it is called symmetric in case $D(A) \cong A$ as ...
Mare's user avatar
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Partition theorems for located words

In this paper Bergelson, Blass, and Hindman prove the following Theorem 1.2 Let $W(\Sigma; v)$ be colored with finitely may colors and let $\bar s$ be an infinite sequence from $W(\Sigma; v)$. ...
Domenico Zambella's user avatar
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How to show two semigroups are isomorphic?

I have two finite semigroups namely $$S_1=\langle a,b: R\rangle,~~~S_2=\langle a,b: T\rangle$$ How can one show they are the same isomorphically? Should I show that the relations in one, implies the ...
Mikasa's user avatar
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13 votes
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Semigroup of differentiable functions on real line

Let $D(\mathbb R) $ be the set of all differentiable functions $f: \mathbb R \to \mathbb R$. Then obviously $D(\mathbb R)$ forms a semigroup under usual function composition. Can we characterize (up ...
user102248's user avatar
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A generalized Cauchy type functional equation

Let $(S,+)$ be an abelian semigroup . Let $f:S \to \mathbb C$ be a function such that for some positive integer $n>1$, $f(x+y)^n=(f(x)+f(y))^n,\forall x,y \in S$. Then is it true that $f(x+y)=f(x)...
user521337's user avatar
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make me idempotent

$T_n$ be the full transformation semigroup on $X_n= \{1, 2, \cdots , n\}$. $D_r =\{\alpha \in T_n: |im(\alpha)|=r\}$. $E(D_r)$ is the set of all idempotents of semigroup $T_n$. $support(\alpha)=\{...
1ENİGMA1's user avatar
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Faces of polyhedral cones and open immersions of affine toric schemes

Let $V$ be an $\mathbb{R}$-vector space of finite dimension, let $N$ be a $\mathbb{Z}$-structure on $V$, and let $M$ be its dual $\mathbb{Z}$-structure on the dual space $V^*$. Let $\sigma\subseteq V$...
Fred Rohrer's user avatar
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Would you like a subject class for semigroup theory on the arXiv?

After contacting the arxiv recently about possibly adding semigroup theory as a subject class, they suggested I canvas the research community to establish whether such a subject class would be used ...
Nicholas Ham's user avatar
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Closedness of the partial order in complete Hausdorff semitopological semilattices

First some definitions. A semilattice is a commutative semigroup consisting of idempotents (i.e., elements such that $xx=x$). A typical example of a semilattice is the unit interval endowed with the ...
Taras Banakh's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

On a generating set of numerical semigroups of multiplicity three

Let $S$ be a numerical semigroup. Let $\mathbb N$ denote the monoid of non-negative integers under addition. Let $F(S)=\max (\mathbb N \setminus S)$ be the Frobenius number of $S$; let $g(S)=|\mathbb ...
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Which positive integers can occur as the genus of a numerical semigroup minimally generated by 3 (or 2) elements?

Let $S$ be a numerical semigroup. Let $g(S)=|\mathbb N \setminus S |$, where $\mathbb N$ here denotes the set of non-negative integers. Let $e(S)$ be the embedding dimension of $S$, i.e. the ...
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10 votes
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On functors preserving monoid objects

If $C$ is a monoidal category, we can define the category $Mon(C)$ of monoids in $C$; call $U_C : Mon(C) \to C$ the forgetful functor. I'm interested in functors between categories of monoids: ...
LorenzoPerticone's user avatar
10 votes
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Group completion of topological monoids

Let $M$ be an abelian monoid. For sake of simplicity we shall assume that in $M$ the cancellation law holds true. With this last assumption we define the group completion $G$ of $M$ as $$G:=M\times M/\...
Vincenzo Zaccaro's user avatar
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Indecomposable monoids

Let $M$ be a commutative reduced and cancellative monoid and $K(M)$ its group of quotients. We say that $M$ is indecomposable if for every divisor-closed submonoids $M_1$ and $M_2$, $M=M_1\oplus M_2$...
Rajkarov's user avatar
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name for monoids inducing bimonoids in Rel?

Let Rel be the category of sets and relations, which is a (compact closed) symmetric monoidal category under the cartesian product of sets. We write $A \nrightarrow B$ to indicate a relation from $A$ ...
Noam Zeilberger's user avatar
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On the compactification of partial semigroups

We begin by introducing some relevant definitions. Definition: A $\textit{partial semigroup}$ is a pair $(S,.)$ where $.$ maps a subset of $S \times S$ to $S$ and for all $a,b,c \in S, (a.b).c=a.(b.c)...
Surojit Ghosh's user avatar
-4 votes
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Do monoid homomorphisms from $X^X$ to a group factor through $\text{Sym}(X)$? [closed]

Let $X$ be a set and let $(X^X,\circ)$ denote the monoid of all maps $f: X\to X$, together with composition. Let $(\text{Sym}(X),\circ)$ be the group of all bijections from $X$ to itself. Does there ...
Dominic van der Zypen's user avatar
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What is known about the cohomology of the matrix monoid?

When I say the cohomology of a monoid, I mean that of its classifying space (considering the monoid as a category with a single object). Let $M_n(R)$ be the monoid of matrices with matrix ...
Cihan's user avatar
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A flatness result of Fiedorwicz for amalgamated free products of monoids in connection with classifying spaces of monoids

In Lemma 5.2(a) of Z. Fiedorowicz, Classifying Spaces of Topological Monoids and Categories American Journal of Mathematics Vol. 106, No. 2 (Apr., 1984), pp. 301-350 the author proves the following. ...
Benjamin Steinberg's user avatar
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Amalgamated free-product of semigroups (definition)

I am self-studying some concepts including the title one. I reached the definition of an amalgamated free-product ${S_1}{*_U}S_2$ where $[S_1, S_2; U, w_1,w_2]$ is an amalgam of semigroups. Let $S_1=\...
Mikasa's user avatar
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an inverse semigroup (and perhaps a $C^*\!$-algebra) associated with a directed graph

The following inverse semigroup associated to a directed graph came up in my research. I've read that from an inverse semigroup one may derive a $C^*\!$-algebra whose generators are partial isometries ...
David Hillman's user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

a category associated with an inverse semigroup

Let $S$ be an inverse semigroup. Define a category $C(S)$ as follows: the objects of $C(S)$ are the elements of $S$ for any $a,b,e\in S$ let $e\colon a\to b$ be a morphism of $C(S)$ iff $aa^{-1}eb^{-...
David Hillman's user avatar
1 vote
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Semigroups admitting commutative group actions

Let $(S,*)$ be a semigroup admitting a distinguished element $0$ such that $z*s = s*z = z$, for all $s \in S$. Moreover, let $(\mathbb{G},\cdot)$ be a commutative group. Consider an action $$ \mathbb{...
Bas Winkelman's user avatar
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partially commutative like monoids [duplicate]

Let $G$ be a simple graph with vertex $I$ and edge set $E$. I am defining $M(G)$ to be the quotient of the free monoid $I^*$ on $I$ by the relations $ab=ba$ and $c^2 = 1$ (empty word) whenever $\{a,b\}...
GA316's user avatar
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partially commutative monoid [closed]

Let $G$ be a simple graph with vertex $I$ and edge set $E$. I am defining $M(G)$ to be the quotient of the free monoid $I^*$ on $I$ by the relations $ab=ba$ and $c^2 = 1$ whenever $\{a,b\} \notin E(G)$...
GA316's user avatar
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Representing meet-semilattices with vector spaces of specified dimensions

Take $K$ to be a field and take $L$ to be a finite meet-semilattice. I'm interested in the set of functions $n: L \rightarrow \mathbb{Z}^{\ge 0}$ such that there is some function $V$ from $L$ to ...
Alexander Smith's user avatar
1 vote
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amalgamated sum of monoids

Consider the amalgamated sum $Q_1 \rightarrow^{v_1} Q_1 \oplus_P Q_2 \leftarrow^{v_2} Q_2$ of $Q_1 \leftarrow^{u_1} P \rightarrow^{u_2} Q_2$ with $Q_1,Q_2,P$ being monoids. Why does $v:= v_i \circ u_i$...
gmp's user avatar
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When are all the convolution roots of an infinitely divisible probability measure infinitely divisible?

Let $G$ be a topological group. Let us say that a probability measure $\mu$ on $G$ is strongly infinitely divisible (SID) if $\mu$ is infinitely divisible and any probability measure $\nu$ on $G$ ...
Iosif Pinelis's user avatar
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Are the roots of an infinitely divisible probability infinitely divisible themselves?

Let $\mu$ be an infinitely divisible probability on a topological group $G$. If $\nu ^{* n} = \mu$ for some $n$, is $\nu$ an infinitely divisible probability too? A sufficient criterion would be to ...
Alex M.'s user avatar
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Presentation of amalgamated sum as a quotient of the direct sum

I am currently reading Arthur Ogus' "Lectures on Logarithmic Algebraic Geometry" ( I'm trying to understand why the amalgamated sum of ...
gmp's user avatar
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a generalization of group (monoid with order-by-order invertible elements)

Fix a filtered monoid, $H=H_0\supsetneq H_1\supsetneq H_2\supsetneq\cdots$. Suppose for any $h\in H$ and any $n\in \Bbb{N}$ exists $h_n\in H$ such that $h\cdot h_n\in H_n$ and $h_n\cdot h\in H_n$. If ...
Dmitry Kerner's user avatar
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A formula for Frobenius number of certain numerical semigroups

The old formula for the Frobenius number of a numerical semigroup generated by two elements can be stated as follows: assume $\gcd\{a+1,b+1\}=1$, then the Frobenius number of $S= \left<a+1,b+1\...
Hailong Dao's user avatar
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Is there any characterization and/or classification of subsemigroups of finite monogenic semigroups?

A semigroup $S$ is called monogenic if $S$ is generated by some element $a$ (which is unique if $S$ is not a group) in the sense that $S=\{a^n:n\in\mathbb N\}$. Observe that each mongenic group is ...
Taras Banakh's user avatar
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Some questions about homogroups

Every semigroup containing an ideal subgroup is called a homogroup. Let $(S,\cdot)$ be homomgroup, hence it contains an ideal $I$ that is also a subgroup. It is easy to see that $I$ is the least ideal,...
M.H.Hooshmand's user avatar
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A exemple of a strongly-continuous contraction semigroup : how to prove the contraction?

I am trying to prove that $P_t := e^{\lambda t (P-I)}$ (where $Pf:= \int f(y) P(\cdot , dy)\in \mathcal{C}_0(\mathbb{R}^d)$, for $f\in \mathcal{C}_0(\mathbb{R}^d)$, $P$ being a probability kernel), is ...
Netchaiev's user avatar
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Question about actions of full transformation monoids

[Reposted from math.stackexchange] Consider a monoid $M$ acting on a set $X$, where $M$ is the full transformation monoid on some set $A$ (i.e., the set of all functions from $A$ to itself, with ...
Jeremy's user avatar
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Nielsen-Schreier theorem for monoids

Let $S$ be a finitely generated free abelian semigroup (or monoid), and let $T \subset S$ be a sub-semigroup (sub-monoid). Does the Nielsen-Schreier theorem hold in this case, that is, will $S$ still ...
Alesandro Levi's user avatar
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A semigroup property related to von Neumann regularity

A very common and useful notion in rings is that of von Neumann regular elements: those elements $a\in R$ such that there exists $b\in R$ satisfying $aba=a$. As this is a property defined solely ...
Pace Nielsen's user avatar
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Semi group of polynomials which all roots lie on the unit circle

Let $X=\{f\in \mathbb{C}[z]\mid |z| \neq 1 \implies f(z) \neq 0\} $. The motivation for consideration of such an $X$ is the the concept of Lee-Yang polynomials. With the standard multiplication, $X$...
Ali Taghavi's user avatar
11 votes
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Is it decidable if a tree-presented semigroup contains an idempotent?

A semigroup presentation $\langle A | R\rangle$ is called tree-like if every relation has the form $ab=c$, $a,b,c$ are in $A$ and if two relations $ab=c, a'b'=c'$ belong to $R$, then $c=c'$ if and ...
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Name for this algebraic structure?

I've found myself looking at a structure $\mathbb{M}$ whose important properties are: $\mathbb{M}$ is a discretely ordered additive monoid. $\mathbb{M}$ has a least element, and this least element is ...
Alec Rhea's user avatar
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Is the elasticity of a submonoid of the free abelian monoid over a finite set either rational or infinite?

Let $P$ be a finite set, $\mathscr F(P)$ the free abelian monoid with basis $P$, and $H$ a submonoid of $\mathscr F(P)$. Given $x \in H \setminus \{1_H\}$, we let $\mathsf L_H(x)$ be the set of all $...
Salvo Tringali's user avatar
29 votes
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Is the Golomb countable connected space topologically rigid?

The Golomb space $\mathbb G$ is the set of positive integers endowed with the topology generated by the base consisting of the arithmetic progressions $a+b\mathbb N_0$ with relatively prime $a,b$ and $...
Taras Banakh's user avatar
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Nonautonomous wave equation of memory type

I want to apply the semigroup approach of nonautonomous evolution equation for the following wave equation $$u'' - \Delta u + \int\limits_0^t {g(s)} \Delta u(s)ds = 0$$ This problem can be written ...
Gustave's user avatar
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What is the difference between a monosemiring and a semigroup?

What is the difference between a monosemiring and a semigroup? The following definitions are for clarity of my question. A semigroup $S$ is a non empty set that satisfies closure and associativity ...
gete's user avatar
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Generating larger atoms from smaller ones in a simple $\text{C}_0$-monoid

Let $P$ be a finite set, $\mathscr F(P)$ the free abelian monoid with basis $P$ (which I'll write multiplicatively), $H$ a submonoid of $\mathscr F(P)$, and $\mathcal A(H)$ the set of atoms of $H$ (...
Salvo Tringali's user avatar

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