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Variations on Kaplansky Density

Let $A$ be a $C^*$-algebra and $\pi:A\rightarrow B(H)$ a faithful $*$-representation, so $M=\pi(A)''$ is a von Neumann algebra and $A\rightarrow M$ is an inclusion. von Neumann's Bicommutant Theorem ...
Matthew Daws's user avatar
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Is there a noncommutative version of von Neumann's ergodic theorem? [closed]

The two most celebrated ergodic theorems are Birkhoff's ergodic theorem and von Neumann's ergodic theorem. E. C. Lance in his remarkable work (Ergodic Theorems for Convex Sets and Operator Algebras) ...
Neil hawking's user avatar
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Invariance of Finite Dimensional Woronowicz $\mathrm{C}^*$-ideals under the Antipode

Let $(A,\Delta)=:F(G)$ be a finite dimensional $\mathrm{C}^*$-Hopf algebra, and so the algebra of functions on a quantum group $G$. Let $J$ be a closed ideal in $F(G)$ and $\pi:F(G)\rightarrow F(G)/J$...
JP McCarthy's user avatar
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Coarse index of Dirac operator on $\mathbb{R}$

Let $D=i\frac{d}{dx}$ be the Dirac operator on $\mathbb{R}$, acting on the spinor bundle $\mathbb{R}\times\mathbb{C}$. The bounded operator $F=\frac{D}{\sqrt{D^2+1}}$ has a coarse index $$\text{Ind}(...
geometricK's user avatar
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When is the weak topology generated by a family of functions Baire?

Suppose we are given a locally compact space $X$ with $C_b(X)$ denoting the continuous bounded complex or real functions on $X$. Now, if $A\subset C_b(X)$ is given, I am trying to figure out when the ...
Merry's user avatar
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Does $\{\left|\varphi\right>\left<\psi\right|+\left|\psi\right>\left<\varphi\right||\varphi\in\{\psi\}^{\perp}\}$ split $\mathfrak{S}_1$?

Let $\mathfrak{S}_1$ be the space of trace-class self-adjoint operators on $L^2(\mathbb{R}^n)$, and $\psi\in L^2(\mathbb{R}^n)$ such that $\int |\psi|^2 = 1$. Is there a projection from $\mathfrak{S}...
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Trace class operators in the unit ball of a finite dimensional subvector space of $B(H)$

Let $F\subset B(H)$ be a finite dimensional subvector space of the space of all bounded operators on a Hilbert space. Question: Is there an upper bound for $$\{|tr(T)| \text{where} \quad T\in ...
Ali Taghavi's user avatar
5 votes
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Non-standard tensor products of inner product spaces

For two inner product spaces $(\mathcal{V}, (\cdot,\cdot)_V)$ and $(\mathcal{W}, (\cdot,\cdot)_W)$, we can put an inner product on their tensor product in the obvious way: $$ (1) ~~~~ \langle v \...
Pierre Dubois's user avatar
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The tower of path algebras associated to a tower of finite dimensional $C^*$-algebras is isomorphic to the original tower

Let $A_0\subseteq A_1\subseteq...$ be an infinite tower of unital inclusions of finite dimensional $C^*$-algebras and $B_0\subseteq B_1\subseteq ...$ be its associated infinite tower of path algebras. ...
user102248's user avatar
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Commuting flows problem for non-Lipschitz vector fields

Let $X$ be a continuous vector field on a (say compact) manifold $M$, if $X$ has ODE uniqueness then we can define its associated flow $\mathcal F_X:\mathbb R\times M\to M$ uniquely given by $\mathcal ...
Liding Yao's user avatar
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On cyclicity of a module

Let $A$ be a $\text{ von Neumann algebra }$, $\mathcal{H}$ is a cyclic $A$ module, $G$ be a finite group acting on $A$, is $\mathcal{H}$ cyclic module over fixed point subalgebra of the action? ...
user136400's user avatar
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Direct sums of operator spaces

I am interested in the $\ell^1$ analogue of direct sums for Operator spaces, e.g. Operator Space Dictionary. Briefly, and operator space is either a concrete subspace of $B(H)$, the operators on a ...
Matthew Daws's user avatar
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On existence of fixed point operator

Let $M$ be an infinite dimensional non-type $I$ factor, given $\xi$ in $\mathcal{H}$, does there exist a not identify operator $x$ in $M$ such that $x\xi=\xi$, I have tried with taking projection $P_{\...
user136400's user avatar
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Invariance of spectrum under conjugation

Let $T$ be a self-adjoint invertible operator on $\mathcal{H}$ with a continuous spectrum, means the spectral measure is nonatomic. For which class of invertible operators $V$( with continuous ...
user136400's user avatar
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A Banach or $C^*$ algebraic analogy of a classical fact in real analysis

Let $A$ be a commutative unital Banach algebra.The maximal ideal space of $A$ is denoted by $\hat A$. Assume that $D:A \to A$ is a derivation. Fix an element $a\in A$. Assume that for every $\phi\in \...
Ali Taghavi's user avatar
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Closable operators on Hilbert modules

For $T:{\frak{Dom}}(T) \to H$ a densely defined operator, with $H$ a (separable) Hilbert space, we know that $T$ is closable if its adjoint $T^*$ has dense domain in $H$. Does this extend to the (...
Max Schattman's user avatar
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Unbounded Component of the Fredholm Domain

Let $X$ be a Banach space and $T \in \mathcal L(X)$. The authors Engel and Nagel introduce in their book "One-Parameter Semigroups for Linear Evolution Equations" on p. 248 the concept of the ...
Adriano's user avatar
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Inverse limit in the category of $C^{\ast}$-algebras or operator spaces

Does the inverse limits (projective limits) exist in the category of $C^{\ast}$-algebras or operator spaces? I tried to search but could not find a proper reference. Any reference or comments about ...
Math Lover's user avatar
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Tensor product of compact operators on Banach modules

Let $A$ and $B$ be Banach algebras. Consider a right Banach $A$-module, $E$, and a right Banach $B$-module, $F$, as well as a Banach algebra morphism $\pi\colon A\to\mathcal L_B(F)$ into the bounded $...
Benedikt Hunger's user avatar
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Ultraproduct of non-commuative $L^p$-spaces

Let $1<p<\infty.$ Let $I$ be a non-empty set and $\mathcal{U}$ be an ultrafilter over $I.$ Let $M_i$ be von Neumann algebras equipped with normal faithful semifinite traces $\tau_i,$ $i\in I.$ ...
A beginner mathmatician's user avatar
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Ultraweak topology in abelian von Neumann algebras

Let $A$ be an abelian von Neumann algebra acting on the (not necessarily separable) Hilbert space $\mathcal{H}$ (with identity $I$). From the Gelfand-Neumark theorem, there is a compact Hausdorff ...
condexp's user avatar
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Adjoint for a non-densely defined unbounded operator on a Hilbert space

Let $\mathbf{H}$ be a Hilbert space, and $D$ an unbounded densely-defined operator on $\mathbf{H}$. As is well-known, every such operator admits an adjoint, with domain possibly different from that ...
Max Schattman's user avatar
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Noncommutative Fredholm operators

Let $A$ be a unital $C^*$-algebra and $F:H_A\rightarrow H_A$ a Fredholm operator on the standard Hilbert $A$-module $H_A:=l^2(A)$. Is it true that $\mbox{ker}(F)$ and $\mbox{coker}(F)$ are finitely ...
ernest's user avatar
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Blocksum induces a unital H-space structure on the space of Fredholm operators

Fix a complex separable infinite-dimensional Hilbert space $H$. It is well known that the space of (bounded) Fredholm operators $Fred(H)$ with the norm topology is a classifying space for the ...
Eric Schlarmann's user avatar
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The compact open topology and the operator norm

Let $T:[-1,1]\rightarrow B(H)$ be a continuous family of bounded operators where $B(H)$ is endowed with the compact open topology for an infinite dimesional Hilbert space $H$. Is it true that if $T_0=...
ernest's user avatar
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Bicommutant theorem for commutative operator algebras

Let $\mathcal{B}(H)$ denote the space of bounded linear operators on a complex Hilbert space $H$. The von Neumann bicommutant theorem says: Theorem. Suppose that $\mathcal{A}$ is a $C^*$-subalgebra ...
Jochen Glueck's user avatar
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Need a reference of a fact given in B. Blackadar's Operator Algebras

I am reading Blackadar's book on Operator algebras. In $\Pi 9.6.5$ Blackader says that Maximal Tensor products commute with arbitrary limits. In the same book the proof of this fact is not given....
Math Lover's user avatar
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Why is the definition of von Neumann trace independent of the choice of the Hilbert space?

A Hilbert module defined in "L^2-invariants: theory and applications to geometry and K-theory", Springer-Verlag, 2002, by W. Lück: A Hilbert $\mathcal N(G)$-module $V$ is a Hilbert space $V$ ...
MSMalekan's user avatar
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Is the set of points in the irreducible decompositions of this C$^{*}$ -algebra's representations closed?

Suppose $X$ and $Y$ are compact Hausdorff spaces. Let $\varphi\colon C(X)\to M_{n}(C(Y))$ be any $*$-homomorphism. If $\pi$ is an irreducible representation of $M_{n}(C(Y))$, then $\pi$ is unitarily ...
ervx's user avatar
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What is the story behind this Hilbert space in the definition of Hilbert Modules

Here is Deflnition 1.5 of Hilbert module in "L^2-invariants: theory and applications to geometry and K-theory", Springer-Verlag, 2002, by W. Lück: A Hilbert $\mathcal N(G)$-module $V$ is a Hilbert ...
MSMalekan's user avatar
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Projections in the tensor product of von Neumann algebras

This question seems elementary, but I have already asked an expert who does not know the answer, so I would like to post here. Let $M$ and $N$ be von Neumann algebras, and let $M\bar{\otimes}N$ be ...
Masayoshi Kaneda's user avatar
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Stone–von Neumann theorem?

The Stone–von Neumann theorem says that given two unitary groups on a Hilbert space $H$ satisfying the canonical commutation relations (CCR) $$ U(t)V(s) = e^{-i st} V(s) U(t) \qquad \forall s, t $$ ...
SerkanSüner's user avatar
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center of a $C^*$-algebra

Does there exist a $C^*$-algebra $A$ such that the center of $A$ is $0$ and $A$ also has a tracial state? I know the fact that the center of $\mathcal{K}(H)$ is $0$, but $\mathcal{K}(H)$ has no ...
math112358's user avatar
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tensor stability of block-positive matrices

Let $X_{AB}$ be an operator acting on the tensor-product Hilbert space $\mathcal{H}_A \otimes \mathcal{H}_B$. Suppose that $X_{AB}$ is block positive, meaning that (in Dirac notation) $\langle \psi |...
Mark M. Wilde's user avatar
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Examples of non-isomorphic $C^\ast$ algebras with isomorphic quasi-state spaces

Let $A$ (resp. $B$) be a unital $C^\ast$-algebra, $\mathcal{Q}(A)$ (resp. $\mathcal{Q}(B)$) the compact convex subset of $A^\ast$ equipped with the $\sigma(A^\ast, A)$ (resp. $\sigma(B^\ast, B)$) ...
Rick Sternbach's user avatar
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k-rank numerical range of an operator

Let $T\in\mathscr{B(\mathcal{H})}$ where $\mathcal{H}$ is an infinite dimensional seperable Hilbert Space and $k\in\mathbb{N}\cup\{\infty\}$. Now we define k-rank numerical range of $T$ denoted by $\...
Piku's user avatar
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Taylor spectrum of commuting operators

Taylor spectrum of commuting operators Fom the following paper (M. Ch—o, H. Motoyoshi, B. Na¡cevska Nastovska: On the joint spectra of commuting tuples of operators and a conjugation) we have Let ...
Student's user avatar
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Does a closed right ideal of a C$^*$-algebra have a C$^*$-algebra?

$A$ is an infinite dimensional C$^*$-algebra and $J\subset A$ is a closed right ideal. $A$ and $J$ are infinite dimensional(as a vector space). I want to find an infinite dimensional C$^*$-algebra ...
Darman's user avatar
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Maps which are both completely positive and positive

Definition:A linear map $f:\mathbb C^n\to \mathbb C^n$ is called positive if $\langle fa,a\rangle\ge0$ for all $a\in \mathbb C^n$. Equivalently, $f\in M_{n}(\mathbb C)$ is positive if it can be ...
André Henriques's user avatar
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Fundamental group and group measure space construction

Let $N$ be a type ${\rm II}$ factor, with trace $\tau$. Consider its fundamental group$$ \mathcal{F}(N)= \{ \tau(p)/\tau(q) \ | \ p,q \text{ non-zero finite projections in } N \text{ and } pNp \simeq ...
Sebastien Palcoux's user avatar
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Convergence of self-adjoint elements in $\sigma$-weak topology

In a von Neumann algebra, if $A_{\alpha}$ converges to $0$ in the $\sigma$-weak topology, do the positive parts $(A_{\alpha})_{+}$ necessarily converge to $0$ in the $\sigma$-weak topology?
condexp's user avatar
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Anzai flow in noncommutative geometry

Consider Anzai flows (cf. Anzai: Ergodic Skew Product Transformations on the Torus, Osaka Math. J. 3 (1951), 83-99) on the two dimensional torus $T^2$. I would like to know if there exists some ...
francesco Fidaleo's user avatar
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Cartan subalgebra and group measure space construction

Let $N$ be a ${\rm II}_1$ factor. A maximal abelian self-adjoint subalgebra (MASA) is a $*$-subalgebra $A \subset N$ such that $A' \cap N = A$. It is called a Cartan subalgebra if moreover $\mathcal{N}...
Sebastien Palcoux's user avatar
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A characterisation of certain $C^*$-algebras

I was wondering if there is a characterisation for $C^*$-algebras (unital) for which the bidual does not have any central atoms. It is not sufficient for example to demand that the $C^*$-algebra does ...
Mark Roelands's user avatar
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Strongly Continuous Group Actions on the $ C^{\ast} $-Algebra of Compact Operators on a Hilbert Space

Let $ \mathcal{H} $ be a not-necessarily-separable Hilbert space. Let $ G $ be a locally compact Hausdorff group. It is easy to see that if $ U: G \to \mathbb{U}(\mathcal{H}) $ is a norm-continuous ...
Transcendental's user avatar
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Examples of isomorphic W* algebra with non-homeomorphic weak topology

Due to the uniqueness of the predual, a W* algebra, when realized as a von Neumann algebra in any way, always has a unique, well-defined ultraweak (or $\sigma$-weak) topology. The same can be said ...
Rick Sternbach's user avatar
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Commutative direct summands of C*-algebras

I have a question about commutative direct summands of $C$*-algebras. Let $A$ be a $C$*-algebra (with unit) and suppose that its bidual $A^{**}$ has a commutative direct summand, that is, $A^{**}=B\...
Mark Roelands's user avatar
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When is $\inf_{n\geq0}x^n\neq0$?

Let $M$ be a von Neumann algebra acting on a Hilbert space $H$. Let $x$ be a positive element of $M$ with $\|x\|=1$. So, $(x^n)_{n\in\mathbb N}$ is a decreasing sequence of positive elements and $y:=\...
MSMalekan's user avatar
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informative examples for understanding spectral triples

I am at the beginning of my thesis work and I am trying to understand spectral triples. I can recall the definition but I have no informative examples with which to make sense of it. What are some ...
TerryL's user avatar
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Behaviour of Direct limit with quotient and double dual

I am trying to understand direct limit in category of $C^*$ algebras. Is it well known that direct limit behaves well with double dual and quotient of $C^*$ algebras? Any references or ideas? P....
Math Lover's user avatar
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